1,874 research outputs found

    A Review of Vegetation Phenological Metrics Extraction Using Time-Series, Multispectral Satellite Data

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    Vegetation dynamics and phenology play an important role in inter-annual vegetation changes in terrestrial ecosystems and are key indicators of climate-vegetation interactions, land use/land cover changes, and variation in year-to-year vegetation productivity. Satellite remote sensing data have been widely used for vegetation phenology monitoring over large geographic domains using various types of observations and methods over the past several decades. The goal of this paper is to present a detailed review of existing methods for phenology detection and emerging new techniques based on the analysis of time-series, multispectral remote sensing imagery. This paper summarizes the objective and applications of detecting general vegetation phenology stages (e.g., green onset, time or peak greenness, and growing season length) often termed “land surface phenology,” as well as more advanced methods that estimate species-specific phenological stages (e.g., silking stage of maize). Common data-processing methods, such as data smoothing, applied to prepare the time-series remote sensing observations to be applied to phenological detection methods are presented. Specific land surface phenology detection methods as well as species-specific phenology detection methods based on multispectral satellite data are then discussed. The impact of different error sources in the data on remote-sensing based phenology detection are also discussed in detail, as well as ways to reduce these uncertainties and errors. Joint analysis of multiscale observations ranging from satellite to more recent ground-based sensors is helpful for us to understand satellite-based phenology detection mechanism and extent phenology detection to regional scale in the future. Finally, emerging opportunities to further advance remote sensing of phenology is presented that includes observations from Cubesats, near-surface observations such as PhenoCams, and image data fusion techniques to improve the spatial resolution of time-series image data sets needed for phenological characterization

    Reviews and syntheses:Remotely sensed optical time series for monitoring vegetation productivity

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    International audienceAbstract. Vegetation productivity is a critical indicator of global ecosystem health and is impacted by human activities and climate change. A wide range of optical sensing platforms, from ground-based to airborne and satellite, provide spatially continuous information on terrestrial vegetation status and functioning. As optical Earth observation (EO) data are usually routinely acquired, vegetation can be monitored repeatedly over time; reflecting seasonal vegetation patterns and trends in vegetation productivity metrics. Such metrics include e.g., gross primary productivity, net primary productivity, biomass or yield. To summarize current knowledge, in this paper, we systematically reviewed time series (TS) literature for assessing state-of-the-art vegetation productivity monitoring approaches for different ecosystems based on optical remote sensing (RS) data. As the integration of solar-induced fluorescence (SIF) data in vegetation productivity processing chains has emerged as a promising source, we also include this relatively recent sensor modality. We define three methodological categories to derive productivity metrics from remotely sensed TS of vegetation indices or quantitative traits: (i) trend analysis and anomaly detection, (ii) land surface phenology, and (iii) integration and assimilation of TS-derived metrics into statistical and process-based dynamic vegetation models (DVM). Although the majority of used TS data streams originate from data acquired from satellite platforms, TS data from aircraft and unoccupied aerial vehicles have found their way into productivity monitoring studies. To facilitate processing, we provide a list of common toolboxes for inferring productivity metrics and information from TS data. We further discuss validation strategies of the RS-data derived productivity metrics: (1) using in situ measured data, such as yield, (2) sensor networks of distinct sensors, including spectroradiometers, flux towers, or phenological cameras, and (3) inter-comparison of different productivity products or modelled estimates. Finally, we address current challenges and propose a conceptual framework for productivity metrics derivation, including fully-integrated DVMs and radiative transfer models here labelled as "Digital Twin". This novel framework meets the requirements of multiple ecosystems and enables both an improved understanding of vegetation temporal dynamics in response to climate and environmental drivers and also enhances the accuracy of vegetation productivity monitoring

    Trends in vegetation productivity and seasonality for Namaqualand, South Africa between 1986 and 2011: an approach combining remote sensing and repeat photography

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    This thesis presents an assessment of vegetation change and its drivers across a subset of Namaqualand, South Africa. Namaqualand forms part of the Succulent Karoo biome, which is characterised by exceptionally high species biodiversity but which has undergone severe transformation since the arrival of pastoral colonists. Vegetation productivity in Namaqualand is of great importance since there is a high dependence on natural resources, livestock and agriculture for both subsistence and income. However, there is considerable debate on the relative contribution of land-use change and climate change to vegetation change and land degradation in Namaqualand. Early studies based on bioclimatic envelop models suggest that an increase in temperature and more arid conditions could result in the vegetation cover of the Succulent Karoo being significantly reduced. On the other hand, more recent studies show that less extreme changes in rainfall could result in the vegetation of the biome remaining fairly stable with possible increases in the spatial extent by 2050. Furthermore, field observations and repeat photography, suggest that the change in vegetation in the region over the course of the 20th century generally portrays an increase in cover largely as a result of changes in land-use. By combining repeat photography and satellite data from NOAA-AVHRR and TERRA-MODIS sensors as well as baseline climatology data from the CRU TS 3.2 data set this study aimed to: (1) Determine the critical pathways of inter-annual and intra-seasonal vegetation change in the Namaqualand; (2) Investigate the role of land-use and climate variability as key drivers of vegetation change in Namaqualand

    Seasonal variation in grass water content estimated from proximal sensing and MODIS time series in a Mediterranean Fluxnet site

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    This study evaluates three different metrics of water content of an herbaceous cover in a Mediterranean wooded grassland (dehesa) ecosystem. Fuel moisture content (FMC), equivalent water thickness (EWT) and canopy water content (CWC) were estimated from proximal sensing and MODIS satellite imagery. Dry matter (Dm) and leaf area index (LAI) connect the three metrics and were also analyzed. Metrics were derived from field sampling of grass cover within a 500 m MODIS pixel. Hand-held hyperspectral measurements and MODIS images were simultaneously acquired and predictive empirical models were parametrized. Two methods of estimating FMC and CWC using different field protocols were tested in order to evaluate the consistency of the metrics and the relationships with the predictive empirical models. In addition, radiative transfer models (RTM) were used to produce estimates of CWC and FMC, which were compared with the empirical ones. <br><br> Results revealed that, for all metrics spatial variability was significantly lower than temporal. Thus we concluded that experimental design should prioritize sampling frequency rather than sample size. Dm variability was high which demonstrates that a constant annual Dm value should not be used to predict EWT from FMC as other previous studies did. Relative root mean square error (RRMSE) evaluated the performance of nine spectral indices to compute each variable. Visible Atmospherically Resistant Index (VARI) provided the lowest explicative power in all cases. For proximal sensing, Global Environment Monitoring Index (GEMI) showed higher statistical relationships both for FMC (RRMSE = 34.5 %) and EWT (RRMSE = 27.43 %) while Normalized Difference Infrared Index (NDII) and Global Vegetation Monitoring Index (GVMI) for CWC (RRMSE = 30.27 % and 31.58 % respectively). When MODIS data were used, results showed an increase in <i>R</i><sup>2</sup> and Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI) as the best predictor for FMC (RRMSE = 33.81 %) and CWC (RRMSE = 27.56 %) and GEMI for EWT (RRMSE = 24.6 %). Differences in the viewing geometry of the platforms can explain these differences as the portion of vegetation observed by MODIS is larger than when using proximal sensing including the spectral response from scattered trees and its shadows. CWC was better predicted than the other two water content metrics, probably because CWC depends on LAI, that shows a notable seasonal variation in this ecosystem. Strong statistical relationship was found between empirical models using indices sensible to chlorophyll activity (NDVI or EVI which are not directly related to water content) due to the close relationship between LAI, water content and chlorophyll activity in grassland cover, which is not true for other types of vegetation such as forest or shrubs. The empirical methods tested outperformed FMC and CWC products based on radiative transfer model inversion

    Reviews and syntheses: Remotely sensed optical time series for monitoring vegetation productivity

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    Vegetation productivity is a critical indicator of global ecosystem health and is impacted by human activities and climate change. A wide range of optical sensing platforms, from ground-based to airborne and satellite, provide spatially continuous information on terrestrial vegetation status and functioning. As optical Earth observation (EO) data are usually routinely acquired, vegetation can be monitored repeatedly over time, reflecting seasonal vegetation patterns and trends in vegetation productivity metrics. Such metrics include gross primary productivity, net primary productivity, biomass, or yield. To summarize current knowledge, in this paper we systematically reviewed time series (TS) literature for assessing state-of-the-art vegetation productivity monitoring approaches for different ecosystems based on optical remote sensing (RS) data. As the integration of solar-induced fluorescence (SIF) data in vegetation productivity processing chains has emerged as a promising source, we also include this relatively recent sensor modality. We define three methodological categories to derive productivity metrics from remotely sensed TS of vegetation indices or quantitative traits: (i) trend analysis and anomaly detection, (ii) land surface phenology, and (iii) integration and assimilation of TS-derived metrics into statistical and process-based dynamic vegetation models (DVMs). Although the majority of used TS data streams originate from data acquired from satellite platforms, TS data from aircraft and unoccupied aerial vehicles have found their way into productivity monitoring studies. To facilitate processing, we provide a list of common toolboxes for inferring productivity metrics and information from TS data. We further discuss validation strategies of the RS data derived productivity metrics: (1) using in situ measured data, such as yield; (2) sensor networks of distinct sensors, including spectroradiometers, flux towers, or phenological cameras; and (3) inter-comparison of different productivity metrics. Finally, we address current challenges and propose a conceptual framework for productivity metrics derivation, including fully integrated DVMs and radiative transfer models here labelled as “Digital Twin”. This novel framework meets the requirements of multiple ecosystems and enables both an improved understanding of vegetation temporal dynamics in response to climate and environmental drivers and enhances the accuracy of vegetation productivity monitoring

    Spectral Characteristics and Mapping of Rice Fields using Multi-Temporal Landsat and MODIS Data: A Case of District Narowal

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    Availability of remote sensed data provides powerful access to the spatial and temporal information of the earth surface Real-time earth observation data acquired during a cropping season can assist in assessing crop growth and development performance As remote sensed data is generally available at large scale rather than at field-plot level use of this information would help to improve crop management at broad-scale Utilizing the Landsat TM ETM ISODATA clustering algorithm and MODIS Terra the normalized difference vegetation index NDVI and enhanced vegetation index EVI datasets allowed the capturing of relevant rice cropping differences In this study we tried to analyze the MODIS Terra EVI NDVI February 2000 to February 2013 datasets for rice fractional yield estimation in Narowal Punjab province of Pakistan For large scale applications time integrated series of EVI NDVI 250-m spatial resolution offer a practical approach to measure crop production as they relate to the overall plant vigor and photosynthetic activity during the growing season The required data preparation for the integration of MODIS data into GIS is described with a focus on the projection from the MODIS Sinusoidal to the national coordinate systems However its low spatial resolution has been an impediment to researchers pursuing more accurate classification results and will support environmental planning to develop sustainable land-use practices These results have important implications for parameterization of land surface process models using biophysical variables estimated from remotely sensed data and assist for forthcoming rice fractional yield assessmen

    Variability of African Farming Systems from Phenological Analysis of NDVI Time Series

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    Food security exists when people have access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food at all times to meet their dietary needs. The natural resource base is one of the many factors affecting food security. Its variability and decline creates problems for local food production. In this study we characterize for sub-Saharan Africa vegetation phenology and assess variability and trends of phenological indicators based on NDVI time series from 1982 to 2006. We focus on cumulated NDVI over the season (cumNDVI) which is a proxy for net primary productivity. Results are aggregated at the level of major farming systems, while determining also spatial variability within farming systems. High temporal variability of cumNDVI occurs in semiarid and subhumid regions. The results show a large area of positive cumNDVI trends between Senegal and South Sudan. These correspond to positive CRU rainfall trends found and relate to recovery after the 1980's droughts. We find significant negative cumNDVI trends near the south-coast of West Africa (Guinea coast) and in Tanzania. For each farming system, causes of change and variability are discussed based on available literature (Appendix A). Although food security comprises more than the local natural resource base, our results can perform an input for food security analysis by identifying zones of high variability or downward trends. Farming systems are found to be a useful level of analysis. Diversity and trends found within farming system boundaries underline that farming systems are dynamic

    Enhanced processing of 1-km spatial resolution fAPAR time series for sugarcane yield forecasting and monitoring

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    A processing of remotely-sensed Fraction of Absorbed Photosynthetically Active Radiation (fAPAR) time series at 1-km spatial resolution is established to estimate sugarcane yield over the state of São Paulo, Brazil. It includes selecting adequate time series according to the signal spatial purity, using thermal time instead of calendar time and smoothing temporally the irregularly sampled observations. A systematic construction of various metrics and their capacity to predict yield is explored to identify the best performance, and see how timely the yield forecast can be made. The resulting dataset not only reveals a strong spatio-temporal structure, but is also capable of detecting both absolute changes in biomass accumulation and changes in its inter-annual variability. Sugarcane yield can thus be estimated with a RMSE of 1.5 t/ha (or 2%) without taking into account the strong linear trend in yield increase witnessed in the past decade. Including the trend reduces the error to 0.6 t/ha, correctly predicting whether the yield in a given year is above or below the trend in 90% of cases. The methodological framework presented here could be applied beyond the specific case of sugarcane in São Paulo, namely to other crops in other agro-ecological landscapes, to enhance current systems for monitoring agriculture or forecasting yield using remote sensing.JRC.H.4-Monitoring Agricultural Resource