1,741 research outputs found

    Tracking an elastic object with an RGB-D sensor for a pizza chef robot

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    This paper presents a method to track in real-time a 3D object which undergoes large deformations such as elastic ones, and fast rigid motions, using the point cloud data provided by a RGB-D sensor. This solution would contribute to robotic humanoid manipulation purposes. Our framework relies on a prior visual segmentation of the object in the image. The segmented point cloud is then registered first in a rigid manner and then by non-rigidly fitting the mesh, based on the Finite Element Method to model elasticity and on geometrical point-to-point correspondences to compute external forces exerted on the mesh. The real-time performance of the system is demonstrated on real data involving challenging deformations and motions, for a pizza dough to be ideally manipulated by a chef robot

    Real-time tracking of 3D elastic objects with an RGB-D sensor

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    This paper presents a method to track in real-time a 3D textureless object which undergoes large deformations such as elastic ones, and rigid motions, using the point cloud data provided by an RGB-D sensor. This solution is expected to be useful for enhanced manipulation of humanoid robotic systems. Our framework relies on a prior visual segmentation of the object in the image. The segmented point cloud is registered first in a rigid manner and then by non-rigidly fitting the mesh, based on the Finite Element Method to model elasticity, and on geometrical point-to-point correspondences to compute external forces exerted on the mesh. The real-time performance of the system is demonstrated on synthetic and real data involving challenging deformations and motions

    Planning Framework for Robotic Pizza Dough Stretching with a Rolling Pin

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    Stretching a pizza dough with a rolling pin is a nonprehensile manipulation. Since the object is deformable, force closure cannot be established, and the manipulation is carried out in a nonprehensile way. The framework of this pizza dough stretching application that is explained in this chapter consists of four sub-procedures: (i) recognition of the pizza dough on a plate, (ii) planning the necessary steps to shape the pizza dough to the desired form, (iii) path generation for a rolling pin to execute the output of the pizza dough planner, and (iv) inverse kinematics for the bi-manual robot to grasp and control the rolling pin properly. Using the deformable object model described in Chap. 3, each sub-procedure of the proposed framework is explained sequentially

    Tracking Fractures of Deformable Objects in Real-Time with an RGB-D Sensor

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    This paper introduces a method able to track in real-time a 3D elastic deformable objects which undergo fractures, using the point cloud data provided by an RGB-D sensor. Our framework relies on a prior visual segmentation of the object in the image. The segmented point cloud is registered by non-rigidly fitting the mesh, based on the Finite Element Method to physically model elasticity, and on geometrical point-to-point correspondences to compute external forces exerted on the mesh. Fractures are handled by processing the stress tensors computed on the mesh of the FEM model, in order to detect fracturable nodes. Local remeshing around fracturable nodes is then performed to propagate the fracture. The real-time performance of the system is demonstrated on real data involving various deformations and fractures

    MR Safe Robotic Manipulator for MRI-Guided Intracardiac Catheterization

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    This paper introduces a robotic manipulator to realize robot-assisted intracardiac catheterization in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) environment. MRI can offer high-resolution images to visualize soft tissue features such as scars or edema. We hypothesize that robotic catheterization, combined with the enhanced monitoring of lesions creation using MRI intraoperatively, will significantly improve the procedural safety, accuracy, and effectiveness. This is designed particularly for cardiac electrophysiological (EP) intervention, which is an effective treatment of arrhythmia. We present the first MR Safe robot for intracardiac EP intervention. The robot actuation features small hysteresis, effective force transmission, and quick response, which has been experimentally verified for its capability to precisely telemanipulate a standard clinically used EP catheter. We also present timely techniques for real-time positional tracking in MRI and intraoperative image registration, which can be integrated with the presented manipulator to im prove the performance of teleoperated robotic catheterization

    Adaptive Robot Framework: Providing Versatility and Autonomy to Manufacturing Robots Through FSM, Skills and Agents

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    207 p.The main conclusions that can be extracted from an analysis of the current situation and future trends of the industry,in particular manufacturing plants, are the following: there is a growing need to provide customization of products, ahigh variation of production volumes and a downward trend in the availability of skilled operators due to the ageingof the population. Adapting to this new scenario is a challenge for companies, especially small and medium-sizedenterprises (SMEs) that are suffering first-hand how their specialization is turning against them.The objective of this work is to provide a tool that can serve as a basis to face these challenges in an effective way.Therefore the presented framework, thanks to its modular architecture, allows focusing on the different needs of eachparticular company and offers the possibility of scaling the system for future requirements. The presented platform isdivided into three layers, namely: interface with robot systems, the execution engine and the application developmentlayer.Taking advantage of the provided ecosystem by this framework, different modules have been developed in order toface the mentioned challenges of the industry. On the one hand, to address the need of product customization, theintegration of tools that increase the versatility of the cell are proposed. An example of such tools is skill basedprogramming. By applying this technique a process can be intuitively adapted to the variations or customizations thateach product requires. The use of skills favours the reuse and generalization of developed robot programs.Regarding the variation of the production volumes, a system which permits a greater mobility and a faster reconfigurationis necessary. If in a certain situation a line has a production peak, mechanisms for balancing the loadwith a reasonable cost are required. In this respect, the architecture allows an easy integration of different roboticsystems, actuators, sensors, etc. In addition, thanks to the developed calibration and set-up techniques, the system canbe adapted to new workspaces at an effective time/cost.With respect to the third mentioned topic, an agent-based monitoring system is proposed. This module opens up amultitude of possibilities for the integration of auxiliary modules of protection and security for collaboration andinteraction between people and robots, something that will be necessary in the not so distant future.For demonstrating the advantages and adaptability improvement of the developed framework, a series of real usecases have been presented. In each of them different problematic has been resolved using developed skills,demonstrating how are adapted easily to the different casuistic

    Tangible user interfaces : past, present and future directions

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    In the last two decades, Tangible User Interfaces (TUIs) have emerged as a new interface type that interlinks the digital and physical worlds. Drawing upon users' knowledge and skills of interaction with the real non-digital world, TUIs show a potential to enhance the way in which people interact with and leverage digital information. However, TUI research is still in its infancy and extensive research is required in or- der to fully understand the implications of tangible user interfaces, to develop technologies that further bridge the digital and the physical, and to guide TUI design with empirical knowledge. This paper examines the existing body of work on Tangible User In- terfaces. We start by sketching the history of tangible user interfaces, examining the intellectual origins of this ïŹeld. We then present TUIs in a broader context, survey application domains, and review frame- works and taxonomies. We also discuss conceptual foundations of TUIs including perspectives from cognitive sciences, phycology, and philoso- phy. Methods and technologies for designing, building, and evaluating TUIs are also addressed. Finally, we discuss the strengths and limita- tions of TUIs and chart directions for future research

    Symbiotic human-robot collaborative assembly

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