702 research outputs found

    Automatic segmentation of multiple cardiovascular structures from cardiac computed tomography angiography images using deep learning.

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    OBJECTIVES:To develop, demonstrate and evaluate an automated deep learning method for multiple cardiovascular structure segmentation. BACKGROUND:Segmentation of cardiovascular images is resource-intensive. We design an automated deep learning method for the segmentation of multiple structures from Coronary Computed Tomography Angiography (CCTA) images. METHODS:Images from a multicenter registry of patients that underwent clinically-indicated CCTA were used. The proximal ascending and descending aorta (PAA, DA), superior and inferior vena cavae (SVC, IVC), pulmonary artery (PA), coronary sinus (CS), right ventricular wall (RVW) and left atrial wall (LAW) were annotated as ground truth. The U-net-derived deep learning model was trained, validated and tested in a 70:20:10 split. RESULTS:The dataset comprised 206 patients, with 5.130 billion pixels. Mean age was 59.9 ± 9.4 yrs., and was 42.7% female. An overall median Dice score of 0.820 (0.782, 0.843) was achieved. Median Dice scores for PAA, DA, SVC, IVC, PA, CS, RVW and LAW were 0.969 (0.979, 0.988), 0.953 (0.955, 0.983), 0.937 (0.934, 0.965), 0.903 (0.897, 0.948), 0.775 (0.724, 0.925), 0.720 (0.642, 0.809), 0.685 (0.631, 0.761) and 0.625 (0.596, 0.749) respectively. Apart from the CS, there were no significant differences in performance between sexes or age groups. CONCLUSIONS:An automated deep learning model demonstrated segmentation of multiple cardiovascular structures from CCTA images with reasonable overall accuracy when evaluated on a pixel level

    An Automated Liver Vasculature Segmentation from CT Scans for Hepatic Surgical Planning

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    Liver vasculature segmentation is a crucial step for liver surgical planning. Segmentation of liver vasculature is an important part of the 3D visualisation of the liver anatomy. The spatial relationship between vessels and other liver structures, like tumors and liver anatomic segments, helps in reducing the surgical treatment risks. However, liver vessels segmentation is a challenging task, that is due to low contrast with neighboring parenchyma, the complex anatomy, the very thin branches and very small vessels. This paper introduces a fully automated framework consist of four steps to segment the vessels inside the liver organ. Firstly, in the preprocessing step, a combination of two filtering techniques are used to extract and enhance vessels inside the liver region, first the vesselness filter is used to extract the vessels structure, and then the anisotropic coherence enhancing diffusion (CED) filter is used to enhance the intensity within the tubular vessels structure. This step is followed by a smart multiple thresholding to extract the initial vasculature segmentation. The liver vasculature structures, including hepatic veins connected to the inferior vena cava and the portal veins, are extracted. Finally, the inferior vena cava is segmented and excluded from the vessels segmentation, as it is not considered as part of the liver vasculature structure. The liver vessel segmentation method is validated on the publically available 3DIRCAD datasets. Dice coefficient (DSC) is used to evaluate the method, the average DSC score achieved a score 68.5%. The proposed approach succeeded to segment liver vasculature from the liver envelope accurately, which makes it as potential tool for clinical preoperative planning

    Contrast Enhanced Micro-Computed Tomography Resolves the 3-Dimensional Morphology of the Cardiac Conduction System in Mammalian Hearts

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    The general anatomy of the cardiac conduction system (CCS) has been known for 100 years, but its complex and irregular three-dimensional (3D) geometry is not so well understood. This is largely because the conducting tissue is not distinct from the surrounding tissue by dissection. The best descriptions of its anatomy come from studies based on serial sectioning of samples taken from the appropriate areas of the heart. Low X-ray attenuation has formerly ruled out micro-computed tomography (micro-CT) as a modality to resolve internal structures of soft tissue, but incorporation of iodine, which has a high molecular weight, into those tissues enhances the differential attenuation of X-rays and allows visualisation of fine detail in embryos and skeletal muscle. Here, with the use of a iodine based contrast agent (I2KI), we present contrast enhanced micro-CT images of cardiac tissue from rat and rabbit in which the three major subdivisions of the CCS can be differentiated from the surrounding contractile myocardium and visualised in 3D. Structures identified include the sinoatrial node (SAN) and the atrioventricular conduction axis: the penetrating bundle, His bundle, the bundle branches and the Purkinje network. Although the current findings are consistent with existing anatomical representations, the representations shown here offer superior resolution and are the first 3D representations of the CCS within a single intact mammalian heart

    Semiautomated 3D liver segmentation using computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging

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    Le foie est un organe vital ayant une capacitĂ© de rĂ©gĂ©nĂ©ration exceptionnelle et un rĂŽle crucial dans le fonctionnement de l’organisme. L’évaluation du volume du foie est un outil important pouvant ĂȘtre utilisĂ© comme marqueur biologique de sĂ©vĂ©ritĂ© de maladies hĂ©patiques. La volumĂ©trie du foie est indiquĂ©e avant les hĂ©patectomies majeures, l’embolisation de la veine porte et la transplantation. La mĂ©thode la plus rĂ©pandue sur la base d'examens de tomodensitomĂ©trie (TDM) et d'imagerie par rĂ©sonance magnĂ©tique (IRM) consiste Ă  dĂ©limiter le contour du foie sur plusieurs coupes consĂ©cutives, un processus appelĂ© la «segmentation». Nous prĂ©sentons la conception et la stratĂ©gie de validation pour une mĂ©thode de segmentation semi-automatisĂ©e dĂ©veloppĂ©e Ă  notre institution. Notre mĂ©thode reprĂ©sente une approche basĂ©e sur un modĂšle utilisant l’interpolation variationnelle de forme ainsi que l’optimisation de maillages de Laplace. La mĂ©thode a Ă©tĂ© conçue afin d’ĂȘtre compatible avec la TDM ainsi que l' IRM. Nous avons Ă©valuĂ© la rĂ©pĂ©tabilitĂ©, la fiabilitĂ© ainsi que l’efficacitĂ© de notre mĂ©thode semi-automatisĂ©e de segmentation avec deux Ă©tudes transversales conçues rĂ©trospectivement. Les rĂ©sultats de nos Ă©tudes de validation suggĂšrent que la mĂ©thode de segmentation confĂšre une fiabilitĂ© et rĂ©pĂ©tabilitĂ© comparables Ă  la segmentation manuelle. De plus, cette mĂ©thode diminue de façon significative le temps d’interaction, la rendant ainsi adaptĂ©e Ă  la pratique clinique courante. D’autres Ă©tudes pourraient incorporer la volumĂ©trie afin de dĂ©terminer des marqueurs biologiques de maladie hĂ©patique basĂ©s sur le volume tels que la prĂ©sence de stĂ©atose, de fer, ou encore la mesure de fibrose par unitĂ© de volume.The liver is a vital abdominal organ known for its remarkable regenerative capacity and fundamental role in organism viability. Assessment of liver volume is an important tool which physicians use as a biomarker of disease severity. Liver volumetry is clinically indicated prior to major hepatectomy, portal vein embolization and transplantation. The most popular method to determine liver volume from computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) examinations involves contouring the liver on consecutive imaging slices, a process called “segmentation”. Segmentation can be performed either manually or in an automated fashion. We present the design concept and validation strategy for an innovative semiautomated liver segmentation method developed at our institution. Our method represents a model-based approach using variational shape interpolation and Laplacian mesh optimization techniques. It is independent of training data, requires limited user interactions and is robust to a variety of pathological cases. Further, it was designed for compatibility with both CT and MRI examinations. We evaluated the repeatability, agreement and efficiency of our semiautomated method in two retrospective cross-sectional studies. The results of our validation studies suggest that semiautomated liver segmentation can provide strong agreement and repeatability when compared to manual segmentation. Further, segmentation automation significantly shortens interaction time, thus making it suitable for daily clinical practice. Future studies may incorporate liver volumetry to determine volume-averaged biomarkers of liver disease, such as such as fat, iron or fibrosis measurements per unit volume. Segmental volumetry could also be assessed based on subsegmentation of vascular anatomy

    TotalSegmentator: robust segmentation of 104 anatomical structures in CT images

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    We present a deep learning segmentation model that can automatically and robustly segment all major anatomical structures in body CT images. In this retrospective study, 1204 CT examinations (from the years 2012, 2016, and 2020) were used to segment 104 anatomical structures (27 organs, 59 bones, 10 muscles, 8 vessels) relevant for use cases such as organ volumetry, disease characterization, and surgical or radiotherapy planning. The CT images were randomly sampled from routine clinical studies and thus represent a real-world dataset (different ages, pathologies, scanners, body parts, sequences, and sites). The authors trained an nnU-Net segmentation algorithm on this dataset and calculated Dice similarity coefficients (Dice) to evaluate the model's performance. The trained algorithm was applied to a second dataset of 4004 whole-body CT examinations to investigate age dependent volume and attenuation changes. The proposed model showed a high Dice score (0.943) on the test set, which included a wide range of clinical data with major pathologies. The model significantly outperformed another publicly available segmentation model on a separate dataset (Dice score, 0.932 versus 0.871, respectively). The aging study demonstrated significant correlations between age and volume and mean attenuation for a variety of organ groups (e.g., age and aortic volume; age and mean attenuation of the autochthonous dorsal musculature). The developed model enables robust and accurate segmentation of 104 anatomical structures. The annotated dataset (https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6802613) and toolkit (https://www.github.com/wasserth/TotalSegmentator) are publicly available.Comment: Accepted at Radiology: Artificial Intelligenc

    Incorporating Cardiac Substructures Into Radiation Therapy For Improved Cardiac Sparing

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    Growing evidence suggests that radiation therapy (RT) doses to the heart and cardiac substructures (CS) are strongly linked to cardiac toxicities, though only the heart is considered clinically. This work aimed to utilize the superior soft-tissue contrast of magnetic resonance (MR) to segment CS, quantify uncertainties in their position, assess their effect on treatment planning and an MR-guided environment. Automatic substructure segmentation of 12 CS was completed using a novel hybrid MR/computed tomography (CT) atlas method and was improved upon using a 3-dimensional neural network (U-Net) from deep learning. Intra-fraction motion due to respiration was then quantified. The inter-fraction setup uncertainties utilizing a novel MR-linear accelerator were also quantified. Treatment planning comparisons were performed with and without substructure inclusions and methods to reduce radiation dose to sensitive CS were evaluated. Lastly, these described technologies (deep learning U-Net) were translated to an MR-linear accelerator and a segmentation pipeline was created. Automatic segmentations from the hybrid MR/CT atlas was able to generate accurate segmentations for the chambers and great vessels (Dice similarity coefficient (DSC) \u3e 0.75) but coronary artery segmentations were unsuccessful (DSC\u3c0.3). After implementing deep learning, DSC for the chambers and great vessels was ≄0.85 along with an improvement in the coronary arteries (DSC\u3e0.5). Similar accuracy was achieved when implementing deep learning for MR-guided RT. On average, automatic segmentations required ~10 minutes to generate per patient and deep learning only required 14 seconds. The inclusion of CS in the treatment planning process did not yield statistically significant changes in plan complexity, PTV, or OAR dose. Automatic segmentation results from deep learning pose major efficiency and accuracy gains for CS segmentation offering high potential for rapid implementation into radiation therapy planning for improved cardiac sparing. Introducing CS into RT planning for MR-guided RT presented an opportunity for more effective sparing with limited increase in plan complexity

    Incorporating Cardiac Substructures Into Radiation Therapy For Improved Cardiac Sparing

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    Growing evidence suggests that radiation therapy (RT) doses to the heart and cardiac substructures (CS) are strongly linked to cardiac toxicities, though only the heart is considered clinically. This work aimed to utilize the superior soft-tissue contrast of magnetic resonance (MR) to segment CS, quantify uncertainties in their position, assess their effect on treatment planning and an MR-guided environment. Automatic substructure segmentation of 12 CS was completed using a novel hybrid MR/computed tomography (CT) atlas method and was improved upon using a 3-dimensional neural network (U-Net) from deep learning. Intra-fraction motion due to respiration was then quantified. The inter-fraction setup uncertainties utilizing a novel MR-linear accelerator were also quantified. Treatment planning comparisons were performed with and without substructure inclusions and methods to reduce radiation dose to sensitive CS were evaluated. Lastly, these described technologies (deep learning U-Net) were translated to an MR-linear accelerator and a segmentation pipeline was created. Automatic segmentations from the hybrid MR/CT atlas was able to generate accurate segmentations for the chambers and great vessels (Dice similarity coefficient (DSC) \u3e 0.75) but coronary artery segmentations were unsuccessful (DSC\u3c0.3). After implementing deep learning, DSC for the chambers and great vessels was ≄0.85 along with an improvement in the coronary arteries (DSC\u3e0.5). Similar accuracy was achieved when implementing deep learning for MR-guided RT. On average, automatic segmentations required ~10 minutes to generate per patient and deep learning only required 14 seconds. The inclusion of CS in the treatment planning process did not yield statistically significant changes in plan complexity, PTV, or OAR dose. Automatic segmentation results from deep learning pose major efficiency and accuracy gains for CS segmentation offering high potential for rapid implementation into radiation therapy planning for improved cardiac sparing. Introducing CS into RT planning for MR-guided RT presented an opportunity for more effective sparing with limited increase in plan complexity

    Automatic 2D and 3D segmentation of liver from Computerised Tomography.

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    As part of the diagnosis of liver disease, a Computerised Tomography (CT) scan is taken of the patient, which the clinician then uses for assistance in determining the presence and extent of the disease. This thesis presents the background, methodology, results and future work of a project that employs automated methods to segment liver tissue. The clinical motivation behind this work is the desire to facilitate the diagnosis of liver disease such as cirrhosis or cancer, assist in volume determination for liver transplantation, and possibly assist in measuring the effect of any treatment given to the liver. Previous attempts at automatic segmentation of liver tissue have relied on 2D, low-level segmentation techniques, such as thresholding and mathematical morphology, to obtain the basic liver structure. The derived boundary can then be smoothed or refined using more advanced methods. The 2D results presented in this thesis improve greatly on this previous work by using a topology adaptive active contour model to accurately segment liver tissue from CT images. The use of conventional snakes for liver segmentation is difficult due to the presence of other organs closely surrounding the liver this new technique avoids this problem by adding an inflationary force to the basic snake equation, and initialising the snake inside the liver. The concepts underlying the 2D technique are extended to 3D, and results of full 3D segmentation of the liver are presented. The 3D technique makes use of an inflationary active surface model which is adaptively reparameterised, according to its size and local curvature, in order that it may more accurately segment the organ. Statistical analysis of the accuracy of the segmentation is presented for 18 healthy liver datasets, and results of the segmentation of unhealthy livers are also shown. The novel work developed during the course of this project has possibilities for use in other areas of medical imaging research, for example the segmentation of internal liver structures, and the segmentation and classification of unhealthy tissue. The possibilities of this future work are discussed towards the end of the report

    Computed tomography anatomic predictors of outcomes in patients undergoing tricuspid transcatheter edge-to-edge repair.

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    AIM To identify anatomical computed tomography (CT) predictors of procedural and clinical outcomes in patients undergoing tricuspid transcatheter edge-to-edge repair (T-TEER). METHODS AND RESULTS Consecutive patients undergoing T-TEER between March 2018 to December 2022 who had cardiac CT prior to the procedure were included. CT scans were automatically analyzed using a dedicated software that employs deep learning techniques to provide precise anatomical measurements and volumetric calculations. Technical success was defined as successful placement of at least one implant in the planned anatomic location without single leaflet device attachment. Procedural success was defined as tricuspid regurgitation reduction to moderate or less. Procedural complexity was assessed by measuring the fluoroscopy time. The clinical endpoint was a composite of death, heart failure hospitalization, or tricuspid re-intervention throughout two years. A total of 33 patients (63.6% male) were included. Procedural success was achieved in 22 patients (66.7%). Shorter end-systolic (ES) height between the inferior vena cava (IVC) and tricuspid annulus (TA) (r ​= ​- 0.398, p ​= ​0.044) and longer ES RV length (r ​= ​0.551, p ​= ​0.006) correlated with higher procedural complexity. ES RV length was independently associated with lower technical(adjusted Odds ratio [OR] 0.812 [95% CI 0.665-0.991], p ​= ​0.040) and procedural success (adjusted OR 0.766, CI [0.591-0.992], p ​= ​0.043). Patients with ES right ventricular (RV) length of >77.4 ​mm had a four-fold increased risk of experiencing the composite clinical endpoint compared to patients with ES RV length ≀77.4 ​mm (HR ​= ​3.964 [95% CI, 1.018-15.434]; p ​= ​0,034]). CONCLUSION CT-derived RV length and IVC-to-TA height may be helpful to identify patients at increased risk for procedural complexity and adverse outcomes when undergoing T-TEER. CT provides valuable information for preprocedural decision-making and device selection
