73 research outputs found

    Efficient adaptivity for simulating cardiac electrophysiology with spectral deferred correction methods

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    The locality of solution features in cardiac electrophysiology simulations calls for adaptive methods. Due to the overhead incurred by established mesh refinement and coarsening, however, such approaches failed in accelerating the computations. Here we investigate a different route to spatial adaptivity that is based on nested subset selection for algebraic degrees of freedom in spectral deferred correction methods. This combination of algebraic adaptivity and iterative solvers for higher order collocation time stepping realizes a multirate integration with minimal overhead. This leads to moderate but significant speedups in both monodomain and cell-by-cell models of cardiac excitation, as demonstrated at four numerical examples.Comment: 12 pages, 12 figure

    BPX preconditioners for the Bidomain model of electrocardiology

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    The aim of this work is to develop a BPX preconditioner for the Bidomain model of electrocardiology. This model describes the bioelectrical activity of the cardiac tissue and consists of a system of a non-linear parabolic reaction\u2013diffusion partial differential equation (PDE) and an elliptic linear PDE, modeling at macroscopic level the evolution of the transmembrane and extracellular electric potentials of the anisotropic cardiac tissue. The evolution equation is coupled through the non-linear reaction term with a stiff system of ordinary differential equations, the so-called membrane model, describing the ionic currents through the cellular membrane. The discretization of the coupled system by finite elements in space and semi-implicit finite differences in time yields at each time step the solution of an ill-conditioned linear system. The goal of the present study is to construct, analyze and numerically test a BPX preconditioner for the linear system arising from the discretization of the Bidomain model. Optimal convergence rate estimates are established and verified by two- and three-dimensional numerical tests on both structured and unstructured meshes. Moreover, in a full heartbeat simulation on a three-dimensional wedge of ventricular tissue, the BPX preconditioner is about 35% faster in terms of CPU times than ILU(0) and an Algebraic Multigrid preconditioner

    Isogeometric approximation of cardiac electrophysiology models on surfaces: An accuracy study with application to the human left atrium

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    We consider Isogeometric Analysis in the framework of the Galerkin method for the spatial approximation of cardiac electrophysiology models defined on NURBS surfaces; specifically, we perform a numerical comparison between basis functions of degree p ≥ 1 and globally C k -continuous, with k = 0 or p − 1, to find the most accurate approximation of a propagating front with the minimal number of degrees of freedom. We show that B-spline basis functions of degree p ≥ 1, which are C p−1 -continuous capture accurately the front velocity of the transmembrane potential even with moderately refined meshes; similarly, we show that, for accurate tracking of curved fronts, high-order continuous B-spline basis functions should be used. Finally, we apply Isogeometric Analysis to an idealized human left atrial geometry described by NURBS with physiologically sound fiber directions and anisotropic conductivity tensor to demonstrate that the numerical scheme retains its favorable approximation properties also in a more realistic setting

    A dual adaptive explicit time integration algorithm for efficiently solving the cardiac monodomain equation

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    The monodomain model is widely used in in-silico cardiology to describe excitation propagation in the myocardium. Frequently, operator splitting is used to decouple the stiff reaction term and the diffusion term in the monodomain model so that they can be solved separately. Commonly, the diffusion term is solved implicitly with a large time step while the reaction term is solved by using an explicit method with adaptive time stepping. In this work, we propose a fully explicit method for the solution of the decoupled monodomain model. In contrast to semi-implicit methods, fully explicit methods present lower memory footprint and higher scalability. However, such methods are only conditionally stable. We overcome the conditional stability limitation by proposing a dual adaptive explicit method in which adaptive time integration is applied for the solution of both the reaction and diffusion terms. We perform a set of numerical examples where cardiac propagation is simulated under physiological and pathophysiological conditions. Results show that the proposed method presents preserved accuracy and improved computational efficiency as compared to standard operator splitting-based methods. © 2021 John Wiley & Sons Ltd

    High-order spectral/hp element discretisation for reaction-diffusion problems on surfaces: application to cardiac electrophysiology

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    We present a numerical discretisation of an embedded two-dimensional manifold using high-order continuous Galerkin spectral/hp elements, which provide exponential convergence of the solution with increasing polynomial order, while retaining geometric flexibility in the representation of the domain. Our work is motivated by applications in cardiac electrophysiology where sharp gradients in the solution benefit from the high-order discretisation, while the compu- tational cost of anatomically-realistic models can be reduced through the surface representation. We describe and validate our discretisation and provide a demonstration of its application to modeling electrochemical propagation across a human left atrium

    Simulating Cardiac Electrophysiology Using Unstructured All-Hexahedra Spectral Elements

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    An introduction to mathematical and numerical modeling in heart electrophysiology

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    The electrical activation of the heart is the biological process that regulates the contraction of the cardiac muscle, allowing it to pump blood to the whole body. In physiological conditions, the pacemaker cells of the sinoatrial node generate an action potential (a sudden variation of the cell transmembrane potential) which, following preferential conduction pathways, propagates throughout the heart walls and triggers the contraction of the heart chambers. The action potential propagation can be mathematically described by coupling a model for the ionic currents, flowing through the membrane of a single cell, with a macroscopical model that describes the propagation of the electrical signal in the cardiac tissue. The most accurate model available in the literature for the description of the macroscopic propagation in the muscle is the Bidomain model, a degenerate parabolic system composed of two non-linear partial differential equations for the intracellular and extracellular potential. In this paper, we present an introduction to the fundamental aspects of mathematical modeling and numerical simulation in cardiac electrophysiology
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