387 research outputs found

    Optimizing the Analysis of Electroencephalographic Data by Dynamic Graphs

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    The brain’s underlying functional connectivity has been recently studied using tools offered by graph theory and network theory. Although the primary research focus in this area has so far been mostly on static graphs, the complex and dynamic nature of the brain’s underlying mechanism has initiated the usage of dynamic graphs, providing groundwork for time sensi- tive and finer investigations. Studying the topological reconfiguration of these dynamic graphs is done by exploiting a pool of graph metrics, which describe the network’s characteristics at different scales. However, considering the vast amount of data generated by neuroimaging tools, heavy computation load and limited amount of time and resources, it is vital to refine this pool of metrics to avoid using non-informative and redundant ones. In this study, we use electroencephalographic (EEG) brain signals, taken from recordings in 5 different experimental conditions, to generate the dynamic graphs by moving a sliding win- dow over the time series. Dynamic graphs are produced under various conditions that are a combination of different window sizes, different numbers of shared time points and various frequency bands. Based on each set of these dynamic graphs, time series of 25 graph metrics, and then their pairwise correlation values are computed. This is done to investigate the metric correlations under various circumstances, and to detect the ones that are always present. We conclude by suggesting a set of uniquely informative and orthogonal metrics that is conve- nient to use for further analysis of brain’s functional connectivit

    Deep Long Short-term Memory Structures Model Temporal Dependencies Improving Cognitive Workload Estimation

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    Using deeply recurrent neural networks to account for temporal dependence in electroencephalograph (EEG)-based workload estimation is shown to considerably improve day-to-day feature stationarity resulting in significantly higher accuracy (p \u3c .0001) than classifiers which do not consider the temporal dependence encoded within the EEG time-series signal. This improvement is demonstrated by training several deep Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) models including Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) architectures, a feedforward Artificial Neural Network (ANN), and Support Vector Machine (SVM) models on data from six participants who each perform several Multi-Attribute Task Battery (MATB) sessions on five separate days spread out over a month-long period. Each participant-specific classifier is trained on the first four days of data and tested using the fifth’s. Average classification accuracy of 93.0% is achieved using a deep LSTM architecture. These results represent a 59% decrease in error compared to the best previously published results for this dataset. This study additionally evaluates the significance of new features: all combinations of mean, variance, skewness, and kurtosis of EEG frequency-domain power distributions. Mean and variance are statistically significant features, while skewness and kurtosis are not. The overall performance of this approach is high enough to warrant evaluation for inclusion in operational systems

    Hierarchical heterogeneity across human cortex shapes large-scale neural dynamics

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    The large-scale organization of dynamical neural activity across cortex emerges through long-range interactions among local circuits. We hypothesized that large-scale dynamics are also shaped by heterogeneity of intrinsic local properties across cortical areas. One key axis along which microcircuit properties are specialized relates to hierarchical levels of cortical organization. We developed a large-scale dynamical circuit model of human cortex that incorporates heterogeneity of local synaptic strengths, following a hierarchical axis inferred from MRI-derived T1w/T2w mapping, and fit the model using multimodal neuroimaging data. We found that incorporating hierarchical heterogeneity substantially improves the model fit to fMRI-measured resting-state functional connectivity and captures sensory-association organization of multiple fMRI features. The model predicts hierarchically organized high-frequency spectral power, which we tested with resting-state magnetoencephalography. These findings suggest circuit-level mechanisms linking spatiotemporal levels of analysis and highlight the importance of local properties and their hierarchical specialization on the large-scale organization of human cortical dynamics

    BCI controlled robotic arm as assistance to the rehabilitation of neurologically disabled patients

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    Purpose: Brain–computer interface (BCI)-controlled assistive robotic systems have been developed with increasing success with the aim to rehabilitation of patients after brain injury to increase independence and quality of life. While such systems may use surgically implanted invasive sensors, non-invasive alternatives can be better suited due to the ease of use, reduced cost, improvements in accuracy and reliability with the advancement of the technology and practicality of use. The consumer-grade BCI devices are often capable of integrating multiple types of signals, including Electroencephalogram (EEG) and Electromyogram (EMG) signals. Materials and Methods: This paper summarizes the development of a portable and cost-efficient BCI-controlled assistive technology using a non-invasive BCI headset “OpenBCI” and an open source robotic arm, U-Arm, to accomplish tasks related to rehabilitation, such as access to resources, adaptability or home use. The resulting system used a combination of EEG and EMG sensor readings to control the arm. To avoid risks of injury while the device is being used in clinical settings, appropriate measures were incorporated into the software control of the arm. A short survey was used following the system usability scale (SUS), to measure the usability of the technology to be trialed in clinical settings. Results: From the experimental results, it was found that EMG is a very reliable method for assistive technology control, provided that the user specific EMG calibration is done. With the EEG, even though the results were promising, due to insufficient detection of the signal, the controller was not adequate to be used within a neurorehabilitation environment. The survey indicated that the usability of the system is not a barrier for moving the system into clinical trials. Implication on rehabilitation For the rehabilitation of patients suffering from neurological disabilities (particularly those suffering from varying degrees of paralysis), it is necessary to develop technology that bypasses the limitations of their condition. For example, if a patient is unable to walk due to the unresponsiveness in their motor neurons, technology can be developed that used an alternate input to move an exoskeleton, which enables the patient to walk again with the assistance of the exoskeleton. This research focuses on neuro-rehabilitation within the framework of the NHS at the Kent and Canterbury Hospital in UK. The hospital currently does not have any system in place for self-driven rehabilitation and instead relies on traditional rehabilitation methods through assistance from physicians and exercise regimens to maintain muscle movement. This paper summarises the development of a portable and cost-efficient BCI controlled assistive technology using a non-invasive BCI headset “OpenBCI” and an open source robotic arm, U-Arm, to accomplish tasks related to rehabilitation, such as access to resources, adaptability or home use. The resulting system used a combination of EEG and EMG sensor readings to control the arm, which could perform a number of different tasks such as picking/placing objects or assist users in eating

    Análise de desempenho de métricas de grafos para reconhecimento de tarefas de imaginação motora das mãos a partir de dados de eletroencefalografia

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    Orientadores: Gabriela Castellano, Romis Ribeiro de Faissol AttuxDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Física Gleb WataghinResumo: Interfaces cérebro-computador (BCIs, brain-computer interfaces) são sistemas cuja finalidade é fornecer um canal de comunicação direto entre o cérebro e um dispositivo externo, como um computador, uma prótese ou uma cadeira de rodas. Por não utilizarem as vias fisiológicas convencionais, BCIs podem constituir importantes tecnologias assistivas para pessoas que sofreram algum tipo de lesão e, por isso, tiveram sua interação com o ambiente externo comprometida. Os sinais cerebrais a serem extraídos para utilização nestes sistemas devem ser gerados mediante estratégias específicas. Nesta dissertação, trabalhamos com a estratégia de imaginação motora (MI, motor imagery), e extraímos a resposta cerebral correspondente a partir de dados de eletroencefalografia (EEG). Os objetivos do trabalho foram caracterizar as redes cerebrais funcionais oriundas das tarefas de MI das mãos e explorar a viabilidade de utilizar métricas da teoria de grafos para a classificação dos padrões mentais, gerados por esta estratégia, de usuários de um sistema BCI. Para isto, fez-se a hipótese de que as alterações no espectro de frequências dos sinais de eletroencefalografia devidas à MI das mãos deveria, de alguma forma, se refletir nos grafos construídos para representar as interações cerebrais corticais durante estas tarefas. Em termos de classificação, diferentes conjuntos de pares de eletrodos foram testados, assim como diferentes classificadores (análise de discriminantes lineares ¿ LDA, máquina de vetores de suporte ¿ SVM ¿ linear e polinomial). Os três classificadores testados tiveram desempenho similar na maioria dos casos. A taxa média de classificação para todos os voluntários considerando a melhor combinação de eletrodos e classificador foi de 78%, sendo que alguns voluntários tiveram taxas de acerto individuais de até 92%. Ainda assim, a metodologia empregada até o momento possui várias limitações, sendo a principal como encontrar os pares ótimos de eletrodos, que variam entre voluntários e aquisições; além do problema da realização online da análiseAbstract: Brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) are systems that aim to provide a direct communication channel between the brain and an external device, such as a computer, a prosthesis or a wheelchair. Since BCIs do not use the conventional physiological pathways, they can constitute important assistive technologies for people with lesions that compromised their interaction with the external environment. Brain signals to be extracted for these systems must be generated according to specific strategies. In this dissertation, we worked with the motor imagery (MI) strategy, and we extracted the corresponding cerebral response from electroencephalography (EEG) data. Our goals were to characterize the functional brain networks originating from hands¿ MI and investigate the feasibility of using metrics from graph theory for the classification of mental patterns, generated by this strategy, of BCI users. We hypothesized that frequency alterations in the EEG spectra due to MI should reflect themselves, in some manner, in the graphs representing cortical interactions during these tasks. For data classification, different sets of electrode pairs were tested, as well as different classifiers (linear discriminant analysis ¿ LDA, and both linear and polynomial support vector machines ¿ SVMs). All three classifiers tested performed similarly in most cases. The mean classification rate over subjects, considering the best electrode set and classifier, was 78%, while some subjects achieved individual hit rates of up to 92%. Still, the employed methodology has yet some limitations, being the main one how to find the optimum electrode pairs¿ sets, which vary among subjects and among acquisitions; in addition to the problem of performing an online analysisMestradoFísicaMestre em Física165742/2014-31423625/2014CNPQCAPE

    Cross-Participant EEG-Based Assessment of Cognitive Workload Using Multi-Path Convolutional Recurrent Neural Networks

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    Applying deep learning methods to electroencephalograph (EEG) data for cognitive state assessment has yielded improvements over previous modeling methods. However, research focused on cross-participant cognitive workload modeling using these techniques is underrepresented. We study the problem of cross-participant state estimation in a non-stimulus-locked task environment, where a trained model is used to make workload estimates on a new participant who is not represented in the training set. Using experimental data from the Multi-Attribute Task Battery (MATB) environment, a variety of deep neural network models are evaluated in the trade-space of computational efficiency, model accuracy, variance and temporal specificity yielding three important contributions: (1) The performance of ensembles of individually-trained models is statistically indistinguishable from group-trained methods at most sequence lengths. These ensembles can be trained for a fraction of the computational cost compared to group-trained methods and enable simpler model updates. (2) While increasing temporal sequence length improves mean accuracy, it is not sufficient to overcome distributional dissimilarities between individuals’ EEG data, as it results in statistically significant increases in cross-participant variance. (3) Compared to all other networks evaluated, a novel convolutional-recurrent model using multi-path subnetworks and bi-directional, residual recurrent layers resulted in statistically significant increases in predictive accuracy and decreases in cross-participant variance

    A Dynamic Neural Network Architecture with immunology Inspired Optimization for Weather Data Forecasting

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    Recurrent neural networks are dynamical systems that provide for memory capabilities to recall past behaviour, which is necessary in the prediction of time series. In this paper, a novel neural network architecture inspired by the immune algorithm is presented and used in the forecasting of naturally occurring signals, including weather big data signals. Big Data Analysis is a major research frontier, which attracts extensive attention from academia, industry and government, particularly in the context of handling issues related to complex dynamics due to changing weather conditions. Recently, extensive deployment of IoT, sensors, and ambient intelligence systems led to an exponential growth of data in the climate domain. In this study, we concentrate on the analysis of big weather data by using the Dynamic Self Organized Neural Network Inspired by the Immune Algorithm. The learning strategy of the network focuses on the local properties of the signal using a self-organised hidden layer inspired by the immune algorithm, while the recurrent links of the network aim at recalling previously observed signal patterns. The proposed network exhibits improved performance when compared to the feedforward multilayer neural network and state-of-the-art recurrent networks, e.g., the Elman and the Jordan networks. Three non-linear and non-stationary weather signals are used in our experiments. Firstly, the signals are transformed into stationary, followed by 5-steps ahead prediction. Improvements in the prediction results are observed with respect to the mean value of the error (RMS) and the signal to noise ratio (SNR), however to the expense of additional computational complexity, due to presence of recurrent links
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