641 research outputs found

    Using surveys of Affymetrix GeneChips to study antisense expression.

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    We have used large surveys of Affymetrix GeneChip data in the public domain to conduct a study of antisense expression across diverse conditions. We derive correlations between groups of probes which map uniquely to the same exon in the antisense direction. When there are no probes assigned to an exon in the sense direction we find that many of the antisense groups fail to detect a coherent block of transcription. We find that only a minority of these groups contain coherent blocks of antisense expression suggesting transcription. We also derive correlations between groups of probes which map uniquely to the same exon in both sense and antisense direction. In some of these cases the locations of sense probes overlap with the antisense probes, and the sense and antisense probe intensities are correlated with each other. This configuration suggests the existence of a Natural Antisense Transcript (NAT) pair. We find the majority of such NAT pairs detected by GeneChips are formed by a transcript of an established gene and either an EST or an mRNA. In order to determine the exact antisense regulatory mechanism indicated by the correlation of sense probes with antisense probes, a further investigation is necessary for every particular case of interest. However, the analysis of microarray data has proved to be a good method to reconfirm known NATs, discover new ones, as well as to notice possible problems in the annotation of antisense transcripts

    Motif effects in Affymetrix GeneChips seriously affect probe intensities

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    An Affymetrix GeneChip consists of an array of hundreds of thousands of probes (each a sequence of 25 bases) with the probe values being used to infer the extent to which genes are expressed in the biological material under investigation. In this article, we demonstrate that these probe values are also strongly influenced by their precise base sequence. We use data from >28 000 CEL files relating to 10 different Affymetrix GeneChip platforms and involving nearly 1000 experiments. Our results confirm known effects (those due to the T7-primer and the formation of G-quadruplexes) but reveal other effects. We show that there can be huge variations from one experiment to another, and that there may also be sizeable disparities between batches within an experiment and between CEL files within a batch. © 2012 The Author(s)

    amda 2 13 a major update for automated cross platform microarray data analysis

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    Microarray platforms require analytical pipelines with modules for data pre-processing including data normalization, statistical analysis for identification of differentially expressed genes, cluster analysis, and functional annotation. We previously developed the Automated Microarray Data Analysis (AMDA, version 2.3.5) pipeline to process Affymetrix 3′ IVT GeneChips. The availability of newer technologies that demand open-source tools for microarray data analysis has impelled us to develop an updated multi-platform version, AMDA 2.13. It includes additional quality control metrics, annotation-driven (annotation grade of Affymetrix NetAffx) and signal-driven (Inter-Quartile Range) gene filtering, and approaches to experimental design. To enhance understanding of biological data, differentially expressed genes have been mapped into KEGG pathways. Finally, a more stable and user-friendly interface was designed to integrate the requirements for different platforms. AMDA 2.13 allows the analysis of Affymetrix..

    Physico-chemical foundations underpinning microarray and next-generation sequencing experiments

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    Hybridization of nucleic acids on solid surfaces is a key process involved in high-throughput technologies such as microarrays and, in some cases, next-generation sequencing (NGS). A physical understanding of the hybridization process helps to determine the accuracy of these technologies. The goal of a widespread research program is to develop reliable transformations between the raw signals reported by the technologies and individual molecular concentrations from an ensemble of nucleic acids. This research has inputs from many areas, from bioinformatics and biostatistics, to theoretical and experimental biochemistry and biophysics, to computer simulations. A group of leading researchers met in Ploen Germany in 2011 to discuss present knowledge and limitations of our physico-chemical understanding of high-throughput nucleic acid technologies. This meeting inspired us to write this summary, which provides an overview of the state-of-the-art approaches based on physico-chemical foundation to modeling of the nucleic acids hybridization process on solid surfaces. In addition, practical application of current knowledge is emphasized

    Gene Expression : From Microarrays to Functional Genomics

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    The time of the large sequencing projects has enabled unprecedented possibilities of investigating more complex aspects of living organisms. Among the high-throughput technologies based on the genomic sequences, the DNA microarrays are widely used for many purposes, including the measurement of the relative quantity of the messenger RNAs. However, the reliability of microarrays has been strongly doubted as robust analysis of the complex microarray output data has been developed only after the technology had already been spread in the community. An objective of this study consisted of increasing the performance of microarrays, and was measured by the successful validation of the results by independent techniques. To this end, emphasis has been given to the possibility of selecting candidate genes with remarkable biological significance within specific experimental design. Along with literature evidence, the re-annotation of the probes and model-based normalization algorithms were found to be beneficial when analyzing Affymetrix GeneChip data. Typically, the analysis of microarrays aims at selecting genes whose expression is significantly different in different conditions followed by grouping them in functional categories, enabling a biological interpretation of the results. Another approach investigates the global differences in the expression of functionally related groups of genes. Here, this technique has been effective in discovering patterns related to temporal changes during infection of human cells. Another aspect explored in this thesis is related to the possibility of combining independent gene expression data for creating a catalog of genes that are selectively expressed in healthy human tissues. Not all the genes present in human cells are active; some involved in basic activities (named housekeeping genes) are expressed ubiquitously. Other genes (named tissue-selective genes) provide more specific functions and they are expressed preferably in certain cell types or tissues. Defining the tissue-selective genes is also important as these genes can cause disease with phenotype in the tissues where they are expressed. The hypothesis that gene expression could be used as a measure of the relatedness of the tissues has been also proved. Microarray experiments provide long lists of candidate genes that are often difficult to interpret and prioritize. Extending the power of microarray results is possible by inferring the relationships of genes under certain conditions. Gene transcription is constantly regulated by the coordinated binding of proteins, named transcription factors, to specific portions of the its promoter sequence. In this study, the analysis of promoters from groups of candidate genes has been utilized for predicting gene networks and highlighting modules of transcription factors playing a central role in the regulation of their transcription. Specific modules have been found regulating the expression of genes selectively expressed in the hippocampus, an area of the brain having a central role in the Major Depression Disorder. Similarly, gene networks derived from microarray results have elucidated aspects of the development of the mesencephalon, another region of the brain involved in Parkinson Disease.The time of the large sequencing projects has enabled unprecedented possibilities of investigating more complex aspects of living organisms. Among the high-throughput technologies based on the genomic sequences, the DNA microarrays are widely used for many purposes, including the measurement of the relative quantity of the messenger RNAs. However, the reliability of microarrays has been strongly doubted as robust analysis of the complex microarray output data has been developed only after the technology had already been spread in the community. An objective of this study consisted of increasing the performance of microarrays, and was measured by the successful validation of the results by independent techniques. To this end, emphasis has been given to the possibility of selecting candidate genes with remarkable biological significance within specific experimental design. Along with literature evidence, the re-annotation of the probes and model-based normalization algorithms were found to be beneficial when analyzing Affymetrix GeneChip data. Typically, the analysis of microarrays aims at selecting genes whose expression is significantly different in different conditions followed by grouping them in functional categories, enabling a biological interpretation of the results. Another approach investigates the global differences in the expression of functionally related groups of genes. Here, this technique has been effective in discovering patterns related to temporal changes during infection of human cells. Another aspect explored in this thesis is related to the possibility of combining independent gene expression data for creating a catalog of genes that are selectively expressed in healthy human tissues. Not all the genes present in human cells are active; some involved in basic activities (named housekeeping genes) are expressed ubiquitously. Other genes (named tissue-selective genes) provide more specific functions and they are expressed preferably in certain cell types or tissues. Defining the tissue-selective genes is also important as these genes can cause disease with phenotype in the tissues where they are expressed. The hypothesis that gene expression could be used as a measure of the relatedness of the tissues has been also proved. Microarray experiments provide long lists of candidate genes that are often difficult to interpret and prioritize. Extending the power of microarray results is possible by inferring the relationships of genes under certain conditions. Gene transcription is constantly regulated by the coordinated binding of proteins, named transcription factors, to specific portions of the its promoter sequence. In this study, the analysis of promoters from groups of candidate genes has been utilized for predicting gene networks and highlighting modules of transcription factors playing a central role in the regulation of their transcription. Specific modules have been found regulating the expression of genes selectively expressed in the hippocampus, an area of the brain having a central role in the Major Depression Disorder. Similarly, gene networks derived from microarray results have elucidated aspects of the development of the mesencephalon, another region of the brain involved in Parkinson Disease

    CARMAweb: comprehensive R- and bioconductor-based web service for microarray data analysis

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    CARMAweb (Comprehensive R-based Microarray Analysis web service) is a web application designed for the analysis of microarray data. CARMAweb performs data preprocessing (background correction, quality control and normalization), detection of differentially expressed genes, cluster analysis, dimension reduction and visualization, classification, and Gene Ontology-term analysis. This web application accepts raw data from a variety of imaging software tools for the most widely used microarray platforms: Affymetrix GeneChips, spotted two-color microarrays and Applied Biosystems (ABI) microarrays. R and packages from the Bioconductor project are used as an analytical engine in combination with the R function Sweave, which allows automatic generation of analysis reports. These report files contain all R commands used to perform the analysis and guarantee therefore a maximum transparency and reproducibility for each analysis. The web application is implemented in Java based on the latest J2EE (Java 2 Enterprise Edition) software technology. CARMAweb is freely available at

    Region based gene expression via reanalysis of publicly available microarray data sets.

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    A DNA microarray is a high-throughput technology used to identify relative gene expression. One of the most widely used platforms is the Affymetrix® GeneChip® technology which detects gene expression levels based on probe sets composed of a set of twenty-five nucleotide probes designed to hybridize with specific gene targets. Given a particular Affymetrix® GeneChip® platform, the design of the probes is fixed. However, the method of analysis is dynamic in nature due to the ability to annotate and group probes into uniquely defined groupings. This is particularly important since publicly available repositories of microarray datasets, such as ArrayExpress and NCBI’s Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) have made millions of samples readily available to be reanalyzed computationally without the need for new biological experiments. One way in which the analysis can dynamically change is by correcting the mapping between probe sets and targets by creating custom Chip Description Files (CDFs) to arrange which probes belong to which probe set based on the latest genomic information or specific annotations of interest. Since default probe sets in Affymetrix® GeneChip® platforms are specific for a gene, transcript or exon, the analyses are then limited to profile differential expression at the gene, transcript or individual exon level. However, it has been revealed that untranslated regions (UTRs) of mRNA have important impacts on the regulation of proteins. We therefore developed a new probe mapping protocol that addresses three issues of Affymetrix® GeneChip® data analyses: removing nonspecific probes, updating probe target mapping based on the latest genome information and grouping the probes into region (UTR, individual exon), gene and transcript level targets of interest to support a better understanding of the effect of UTRs and individual exons on gene expression levels. Furthermore, we developed an R package, affyCustomCdf, for users to dynamically create custom CDFs. The affyCustomCdf tool takes annotations in a General/Gene Transfer Format File (GTF), aligns probes to gene annotations via Nested Containment List (NCList) indexing and generates a custom Chip Description File (CDF) to regroup probes into probe sets based on a region (UTR and individual exon), transcript or gene level. Our results indicate that removing probes that no longer align to the genome without mismatches or align to multiple locations can help to reduce false-positive differential expression, as can removal of probes in regions overlapping multiple genes. Moreover, our method based on regions can detect changes that would have been missed by analysis based on gene and transcript. It also allows for a better understanding of 3’ UTR dynamics through the reanalysis of publicly available data

    Cross-platform gene expression signature of human spermatogenic failure reveals inflammatory-like response

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    BACKGROUND The molecular basis of human testicular dysfunction is largely unknown. Global gene expression profiling of testicular biopsies might reveal an expression signature of spermatogenic failure in azoospermic men. METHODS Sixty-nine individual testicular biopsy samples were analysed on two microarray platforms; selected genes were validated by quantitative real-time PCR and immunohistochemistry. RESULTS A minimum of 188 transcripts were significantly increased on both platforms. Their levels increased with the severity of spermatogenic damage and reached maximum levels in samples with Sertoli-cell-only appearance, pointing to genes expressed in somatic testicular cells. Over-represented functional annotation terms were steroid metabolism, innate defence and immune response, focal adhesion, antigen processing and presentation and mitogen-activated protein kinase K signalling pathway. For a considerable proportion of genes included in the expression signature, individual transcript levels were in keeping with the individual mast cell numbers of the biopsies. When tested on three disparate microarray data sets, the gene expression signature was able to clearly distinguish normal from defective spermatogenesis. More than 90% of biopsy samples clustered correctly into the corresponding category, emphasizing the robustness of our data. CONCLUSIONS A gene expression signature of human spermatogenic failure was revealed which comprised well-studied examples of inflammation-related genes also increased in other pathologies, including autoimmune disease

    The Cerebral Microvasculature in Schizophrenia: A Laser Capture Microdissection Study

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    BACKGROUND: Previous studies of brain and peripheral tissues in schizophrenia patients have indicated impaired energy supply to the brain. A number of studies have also demonstrated dysfunction of the microvasculature in schizophrenia patients. Together these findings are consistent with a hypothesis of blood-brain barrier dysfunction in schizophrenia. In this study, we have investigated the cerebral vascular endothelium of schizophrenia patients at the level of transcriptomics. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We used laser capture microdissection to isolate both microvascular endothelial cells and neurons from post mortem brain tissue from schizophrenia patients and healthy controls. RNA was isolated from these cell populations, amplified, and analysed using two independent microarray platforms, Affymetrix HG133plus2.0 GeneChips and CodeLink Whole Human Genome arrays. In the first instance, we used the dataset to compare the neuronal and endothelial data, in order to demonstrate that the predicted differences between cell types could be detected using this methodology. We then compared neuronal and endothelial data separately between schizophrenic subjects and controls. Analysis of the endothelial samples showed differences in gene expression between schizophrenics and controls which were reproducible in a second microarray platform. Functional profiling revealed that these changes were primarily found in genes relating to inflammatory processes. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: This study provides preliminary evidence of molecular alterations of the cerebral microvasculature in schizophrenia patients, suggestive of a hypo-inflammatory state in this tissue type. Further investigation of the blood-brain barrier in schizophrenia is warranted