1,018 research outputs found

    An Effective Noise Reduction Algorithm in Signal Edge Detection

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    Noise as an unwanted factor always degrades the edge detection performance. Exploiting real edges under noise contaminated condition has been a challenge in the edge detection issue, especially when the noise power is high. This paper presents a robust edge detection method in a noisy condition based on the 1D wavelet transform domain as a solution for the noise problem. First of all, a new group of wavelet basis functions for the edge detection is introduced. Then, a basic ramp function is modeled by a Gaussian approximation, and edge detection according to introduced bases derived from relevant formulas is discussed. We develop the multiscale production method and present a new algorithm to reinforce real peaks and suppress fake edges. Finally, the simulation results of the edge detecting for the noisy uniform step edge are provided to evaluate proposed algorithm efficiency. The results showed that our scheme is more effective than the production of adjacent coefficients method in the low signal to noise ratio condition

    Biomimetic Design for Efficient Robotic Performance in Dynamic Aquatic Environments - Survey

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    This manuscript is a review over the published articles on edge detection. At first, it provides theoretical background, and then reviews wide range of methods of edge detection in different categorizes. The review also studies the relationship between categories, and presents evaluations regarding to their application, performance, and implementation. It was stated that the edge detection methods structurally are a combination of image smoothing and image differentiation plus a post-processing for edge labelling. The image smoothing involves filters that reduce the noise, regularize the numerical computation, and provide a parametric representation of the image that works as a mathematical microscope to analyze it in different scales and increase the accuracy and reliability of edge detection. The image differentiation provides information of intensity transition in the image that is necessary to represent the position and strength of the edges and their orientation. The edge labelling calls for post-processing to suppress the false edges, link the dispread ones, and produce a uniform contour of objects

    Use of Coherent Point Drift in computer vision applications

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    This thesis presents the novel use of Coherent Point Drift in improving the robustness of a number of computer vision applications. CPD approach includes two methods for registering two images - rigid and non-rigid point set approaches which are based on the transformation model used. The key characteristic of a rigid transformation is that the distance between points is preserved, which means it can be used in the presence of translation, rotation, and scaling. Non-rigid transformations - or affine transforms - provide the opportunity of registering under non-uniform scaling and skew. The idea is to move one point set coherently to align with the second point set. The CPD method finds both the non-rigid transformation and the correspondence distance between two point sets at the same time without having to use a-priori declaration of the transformation model used. The first part of this thesis is focused on speaker identification in video conferencing. A real-time, audio-coupled video based approach is presented, which focuses more on the video analysis side, rather than the audio analysis that is known to be prone to errors. CPD is effectively utilised for lip movement detection and a temporal face detection approach is used to minimise false positives if face detection algorithm fails to perform. The second part of the thesis is focused on multi-exposure and multi-focus image fusion with compensation for camera shake. Scale Invariant Feature Transforms (SIFT) are first used to detect keypoints in images being fused. Subsequently this point set is reduced to remove outliers, using RANSAC (RANdom Sample Consensus) and finally the point sets are registered using CPD with non-rigid transformations. The registered images are then fused with a Contourlet based image fusion algorithm that makes use of a novel alpha blending and filtering technique to minimise artefacts. The thesis evaluates the performance of the algorithm in comparison to a number of state-of-the-art approaches, including the key commercial products available in the market at present, showing significantly improved subjective quality in the fused images. The final part of the thesis presents a novel approach to Vehicle Make & Model Recognition in CCTV video footage. CPD is used to effectively remove skew of vehicles detected as CCTV cameras are not specifically configured for the VMMR task and may capture vehicles at different approaching angles. A LESH (Local Energy Shape Histogram) feature based approach is used for vehicle make and model recognition with the novelty that temporal processing is used to improve reliability. A number of further algorithms are used to maximise the reliability of the final outcome. Experimental results are provided to prove that the proposed system demonstrates an accuracy in excess of 95% when tested on real CCTV footage with no prior camera calibration

    Biometric Systems

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    Biometric authentication has been widely used for access control and security systems over the past few years. The purpose of this book is to provide the readers with life cycle of different biometric authentication systems from their design and development to qualification and final application. The major systems discussed in this book include fingerprint identification, face recognition, iris segmentation and classification, signature verification and other miscellaneous systems which describe management policies of biometrics, reliability measures, pressure based typing and signature verification, bio-chemical systems and behavioral characteristics. In summary, this book provides the students and the researchers with different approaches to develop biometric authentication systems and at the same time includes state-of-the-art approaches in their design and development. The approaches have been thoroughly tested on standard databases and in real world applications

    An efficient color image compression technique

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    We present a new image compression method to improve visual perception of the decompressed images and achieve higher image compression ratio. This method balances between the compression rate and image quality by compressing the essential parts of the image-edges. The key subject/edge is of more significance than background/non-edge image. Taking into consideration the value of image components and the effect of smoothness in image compression, this method classifies the image components as edge or non-edge. Low-quality lossy compression is applied to non-edge components whereas high-quality lossy compression is applied to edge components. Outcomes show that our suggested method is efficient in terms of compression ratio, bits per-pixel and peak signal to noise ratio

    Computational methods for the image segmentation of pigmented skin lesions: a review

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    Background and objectives: Because skin cancer affects millions of people worldwide, computational methods for the segmentation of pigmented skin lesions in images have been developed in order to assist dermatologists in their diagnosis. This paper aims to present a review of the current methods, and outline a comparative analysis with regards to several of the fundamental steps of image processing, such as image acquisition, pre-processing and segmentation. Methods: Techniques that have been proposed to achieve these tasks were identified and reviewed. As to the image segmentation task, the techniques were classified according to their principle. Results: The techniques employed in each step are explained, and their strengths and weaknesses are identified. In addition, several of the reviewed techniques are applied to macroscopic and dermoscopy images in order to exemplify their results. Conclusions: The image segmentation of skin lesions has been addressed successfully in many studies; however, there is a demand for new methodologies in order to improve the efficiency

    Visibility recovery on images acquired in attenuating media. Application to underwater, fog, and mammographic imaging

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    136 p.When acquired in attenuating media, digital images of ten suffer from a particularly complex degradation that reduces their visual quality, hindering their suitability for further computational applications, or simply decreasing the visual pleasan tness for the user. In these cases, mathematical image processing reveals it self as an ideal tool to recover some of the information lost during the degradation process. In this dissertation,we deal with three of such practical scenarios in which this problematic is specially relevant, namely, underwater image enhancement, fogremoval and mammographic image processing. In the case of digital mammograms,X-ray beams traverse human tissue, and electronic detectorscapture them as they reach the other side. However, the superposition on a bidimensional image of three-dimensional structures produces low contraste dimages in which structures of interest suffer from a diminished visibility, obstructing diagnosis tasks. Regarding fog removal, the loss of contrast is produced by the atmospheric conditions, and white colour takes over the scene uniformly as distance increases, also reducing visibility.For underwater images, there is an added difficulty, since colour is not lost uniformly; instead, red colours decay the fastest, and green and blue colours typically dominate the acquired images. To address all these challenges,in this dissertation we develop new methodologies that rely on: a)physical models of the observed degradation, and b) the calculus of variations.Equipped with this powerful machinery, we design novel theoreticaland computational tools, including image-dependent functional energies that capture the particularities of each degradation model. These energie sare composed of different integral terms that are simultaneous lyminimized by means of efficient numerical schemes, producing a clean,visually-pleasant and use ful output image, with better contrast and increased visibility. In every considered application, we provide comprehensive qualitative (visual) and quantitative experimental results to validateour methods, confirming that the developed techniques out perform other existing approaches in the literature

    Iris Recognition: Robust Processing, Synthesis, Performance Evaluation and Applications

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    The popularity of iris biometric has grown considerably over the past few years. It has resulted in the development of a large number of new iris processing and encoding algorithms. In this dissertation, we will discuss the following aspects of the iris recognition problem: iris image acquisition, iris quality, iris segmentation, iris encoding, performance enhancement and two novel applications.;The specific claimed novelties of this dissertation include: (1) a method to generate a large scale realistic database of iris images; (2) a crosspectral iris matching method for comparison of images in color range against images in Near-Infrared (NIR) range; (3) a method to evaluate iris image and video quality; (4) a robust quality-based iris segmentation method; (5) several approaches to enhance recognition performance and security of traditional iris encoding techniques; (6) a method to increase iris capture volume for acquisition of iris on the move from a distance and (7) a method to improve performance of biometric systems due to available soft data in the form of links and connections in a relevant social network

    Image based real-time ice load prediction tool for ship and offshore platform in managed ice field

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    The increased activities in arctic water warrant modelling of ice properties and ice-structure interaction forces to ensure safe operations of ships and offshore platforms. Several established analytical and numerical ice force estimation models can be found in the literature. Recently, researchers have been working on Machine Learning (ML) based, data-driven force predictors trained on experimental data and field measurement. Application of both traditional and ML-based image processing for extracting information from ice floe images has also been reported in recent literature; because extraction of ice features from real-time videos and images can significantly improve ice force prediction. However, there exists room for improvement in those studies. For example, accurate extraction of ice floe information is still challenging because of their complex and varied shapes, colour similarities and reflection of light on them. Besides, real ice floes are often found in groups with overlapped and/or connected boundaries, making detecting even more challenging due to weaker edges in such situations. The development of an efficient coupled model, which will extract information from the ice floe images and train a force predictor based on the extracted dataset, is still an open problem. This research presents two Hybrid force prediction models. Instead of using analytical or numerical approaches, the Hybrid models directly extract floe characteristics from the images and later train ML-based force predictors using those extracted floe parameters. The first model extracted ice features from images using traditional image processing techniques and then used SVM and FFNN to develop two separate force predictors. The improved ice image processing technique used here can extract useful ice properties from a closely connected, unevenly illuminated floe field with various floe sizes and shapes. The second model extracted ice features from images using RCNN and then trained two separate force predictors using SVM and FFNN, similar to the first model. The dataset for training SVM and FFNN force predictors involved variables extracted from the image (floe number, density, sizes, etc.) and variables taken from the experimental analysis results (ship speed, floe thickness, force etc.). The performance of both Hybrid models in terms of image segmentation and force prediction, are analyzed and compared to establish their validity and applicability. Nevertheless, there exists room for further development of the proposed Hybrid models. For example, extend the current models to include more data and investigate other machine learning and deep learning-based network architectures to predict the ice force directly from the image as an input