168 research outputs found

    Hard-Real-Time Computing Performance in a Cloud Environment

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    The United States Department of Defense (DoD) is rapidly working with DoD Services to move from multi-year (e.g., 7-10) traditional acquisition programs to a commercial industrybased approach for software development. While commercial technologies and approaches provide an opportunity for rapid fielding of mission capabilities to pace threats, the suitability of commercial technologies to meet hard-real-time requirements within a surface combat system is unclear. This research establishes technical data to validate the effectiveness and suitability of current commercial technologies to meet the hard-real-time demands of a DoD combat management system. (Moreland Jr., 2013) conducted similar research; however, microservices, containers, and container orchestration technologies were not on the DoD radar at the time. Updated knowledge in this area will inform future DoD roadmaps and investments. A mission-based approach using Mission Engineering will be used to set the context for applied research. A hypothetical yet operationally relevant Strait Transit scenario has been established to provide context for definition of experimental parameters to be set while assessing the hypothesis. System models federated to form a system-of-systems architecture and data from a cloud computing environment are used to collect data for quantitative analysis

    Scheduling Heterogeneous HPC Applications in Next-Generation Exascale Systems

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    Next generation HPC applications will increasingly time-share system resources with emerging workloads such as in-situ analytics, resilience tasks, runtime adaptation services and power management activities. HPC systems must carefully schedule these co-located codes in order to reduce their impact on application performance. Among the techniques traditionally used to mitigate the performance effects of time- share systems is gang scheduling. This approach, however, leverages global synchronization and time agreement mechanisms that will become hard to support as systems increase in size. Alternative performance interference mitigation approaches must be explored for future HPC systems. This dissertation evaluates the impacts of workload concurrency in future HPC systems. It uses simulation and modeling techniques to study the performance impacts of existing and emerging interference sources on a selection of HPC benchmarks, mini-applications, and applications. It also quantifies the cost and benefits of different approaches to scheduling co-located workloads, studies performance interference mitigation solutions based on gang scheduling, and examines their synchronization requirements. To do so, this dissertation presents and leverages a new Extreme Value Theory- based model to characterize interference sources, and investigate their impact on Bulk Synchronous Parallel (BSP) applications. It demonstrates how this model can be used to analyze the interference attenuation effects of alternative fine-grained OS scheduling approaches based on periodic real time schedulers. This analysis can, in turn, guide the design of those mitigation techniques by providing tools to understand the tradeoffs of selecting scheduling parameters

    Parallel computing 2011, ParCo 2011: book of abstracts

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    This book contains the abstracts of the presentations at the conference Parallel Computing 2011, 30 August - 2 September 2011, Ghent, Belgiu

    Transparent metropolitan vehicular network - design and fast prototyping methodology

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    Tese de mestrado integrado. Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 201

    Parallel and Distributed Computing

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    The 14 chapters presented in this book cover a wide variety of representative works ranging from hardware design to application development. Particularly, the topics that are addressed are programmable and reconfigurable devices and systems, dependability of GPUs (General Purpose Units), network topologies, cache coherence protocols, resource allocation, scheduling algorithms, peertopeer networks, largescale network simulation, and parallel routines and algorithms. In this way, the articles included in this book constitute an excellent reference for engineers and researchers who have particular interests in each of these topics in parallel and distributed computing

    Elastic phone : towards detecting and mitigating computation and energy inefficiencies in mobile apps

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    Mobile devices have become ubiquitous and their ever evolving capabilities are bringing them closer to personal computers. Nonetheless, due to their mobility and small size factor constraints, they still present many hardware and software challenges. Their limited battery life time has led to the design of mobile networks that are inherently different from previous networks (e.g., wifi) and more restrictive task scheduling. Additionally, mobile device ecosystems are more susceptible to the heterogeneity of hardware and from conflicting interests of distributors, internet service providers, manufacturers, developers, etc. The high number of stakeholders ultimately responsible for the performance of a device, results in an inconsistent behavior and makes it very challenging to build a solution that improves resource usage in most cases. The focus of this thesis is on the study and development of techniques to detect and mitigate computation and energy inefficiencies in mobile apps. It follows a bottom-up approach, starting from the challenges behind detecting inefficient execution scheduling by looking only at apps’ implementations. It shows that scheduling APIs are largely misused and have a great impact on devices wake up frequency and on the efficiency of existing energy saving techniques (e.g., batching scheduled executions). Then it addresses many challenges of app testing in the dynamic analysis field. More specifically, how to scale mobile app testing with realistic user input and how to analyze closed source apps’ code at runtime, showing that introducing humans in the app testing loop improves the coverage of app’s code and generated network volume. Finally, using the combined knowledge of static and dynamic analysis, it focuses on the challenges of identifying the resource hungry sections of apps and how to improve their execution via offloading. There is a special focus on performing non-intrusive offloading transparent to existing apps and on in-network computation offloading and distribution. It shows that, even without a custom OS or app modifications, in-network offloading is still possible, greatly improving execution times, energy consumption and reducing both end-user experienced latency and request drop rates. It concludes with a real app measurement study, showing that a good portion of the most popular apps’ code can indeed be offloaded and proposes future directions for the app testing and computation offloading fields.Los dispositivos móviles se han tornado omnipresentes y sus capacidades están en constante evolución acercándolos a los computadoras personales. Sin embargo, debido a su movilidad y tamaño reducido, todavía presentan muchos desafíos de hardware y software. Su duración limitada de batería ha llevado al diseño de redes móviles que son inherentemente diferentes de las redes anteriores y una programación de tareas más restrictiva. Además, los ecosistemas de dispositivos móviles son más susceptibles a la heterogeneidad de hardware y los intereses conflictivos de las entidades responsables por el rendimiento final de un dispositivo. El objetivo de esta tesis es el estudio y desarrollo de técnicas para detectar y mitigar las ineficiencias de computación y energéticas en las aplicaciones móviles. Empieza con los desafíos detrás de la detección de planificación de ejecución ineficientes, mirando sólo la implementación de las aplicaciones. Se muestra que las API de planificación son en gran medida mal utilizadas y tienen un gran impacto en la frecuencia con que los dispositivos despiertan y en la eficiencia de las técnicas de ahorro de energía existentes. A continuación, aborda muchos desafíos de las pruebas de aplicaciones en el campo de análisis dinámica. Más específicamente, cómo escalar las pruebas de aplicaciones móviles con una interacción realista y cómo analizar código de aplicaciones de código cerrado durante la ejecución, mostrando que la introducción de humanos en el bucle de prueba de aplicaciones mejora la cobertura del código y el volumen de comunicación de red generado. Por último, combinando la análisis estática y dinámica, se centra en los desafíos de identificar las secciones de aplicaciones con uso intensivo de recursos y cómo mejorar su ejecución a través de la ejecución remota (i.e.,"offload"). Hay un enfoque especial en el "offload" no intrusivo y transparente a las aplicaciones existentes y en el "offload"y distribución de computación dentro de la red. Demuestra que, incluso sin un sistema operativo personalizado o modificaciones en la aplicación, el "offload" en red sigue siendo posible, mejorando los tiempos de ejecución, el consumo de energía y reduciendo la latencia del usuario final y las tasas de caída de solicitudes de "offload". Concluye con un estudio real de las aplicaciones más populares, mostrando que una buena parte de su código puede de hecho ser ejecutado remotamente y propone direcciones futuras para los campos de "offload" de aplicaciones.Postprint (published version

    Virtual Organization Clusters: Self-Provisioned Clouds on the Grid

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    Virtual Organization Clusters (VOCs) provide a novel architecture for overlaying dedicated cluster systems on existing grid infrastructures. VOCs provide customized, homogeneous execution environments on a per-Virtual Organization basis, without the cost of physical cluster construction or the overhead of per-job containers. Administrative access and overlay network capabilities are granted to Virtual Organizations (VOs) that choose to implement VOC technology, while the system remains completely transparent to end users and non-participating VOs. Unlike alternative systems that require explicit leases, VOCs are autonomically self-provisioned according to configurable usage policies. As a grid computing architecture, VOCs are designed to be technology agnostic and are implementable by any combination of software and services that follows the Virtual Organization Cluster Model. As demonstrated through simulation testing and evaluation of an implemented prototype, VOCs are a viable mechanism for increasing end-user job compatibility on grid sites. On existing production grids, where jobs are frequently submitted to a small subset of sites and thus experience high queuing delays relative to average job length, the grid-wide addition of VOCs does not adversely affect mean job sojourn time. By load-balancing jobs among grid sites, VOCs can reduce the total amount of queuing on a grid to a level sufficient to counteract the performance overhead introduced by virtualization

    Elastic phone : towards detecting and mitigating computation and energy inefficiencies in mobile apps

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    Mobile devices have become ubiquitous and their ever evolving capabilities are bringing them closer to personal computers. Nonetheless, due to their mobility and small size factor constraints, they still present many hardware and software challenges. Their limited battery life time has led to the design of mobile networks that are inherently different from previous networks (e.g., wifi) and more restrictive task scheduling. Additionally, mobile device ecosystems are more susceptible to the heterogeneity of hardware and from conflicting interests of distributors, internet service providers, manufacturers, developers, etc. The high number of stakeholders ultimately responsible for the performance of a device, results in an inconsistent behavior and makes it very challenging to build a solution that improves resource usage in most cases. The focus of this thesis is on the study and development of techniques to detect and mitigate computation and energy inefficiencies in mobile apps. It follows a bottom-up approach, starting from the challenges behind detecting inefficient execution scheduling by looking only at apps’ implementations. It shows that scheduling APIs are largely misused and have a great impact on devices wake up frequency and on the efficiency of existing energy saving techniques (e.g., batching scheduled executions). Then it addresses many challenges of app testing in the dynamic analysis field. More specifically, how to scale mobile app testing with realistic user input and how to analyze closed source apps’ code at runtime, showing that introducing humans in the app testing loop improves the coverage of app’s code and generated network volume. Finally, using the combined knowledge of static and dynamic analysis, it focuses on the challenges of identifying the resource hungry sections of apps and how to improve their execution via offloading. There is a special focus on performing non-intrusive offloading transparent to existing apps and on in-network computation offloading and distribution. It shows that, even without a custom OS or app modifications, in-network offloading is still possible, greatly improving execution times, energy consumption and reducing both end-user experienced latency and request drop rates. It concludes with a real app measurement study, showing that a good portion of the most popular apps’ code can indeed be offloaded and proposes future directions for the app testing and computation offloading fields.Los dispositivos móviles se han tornado omnipresentes y sus capacidades están en constante evolución acercándolos a los computadoras personales. Sin embargo, debido a su movilidad y tamaño reducido, todavía presentan muchos desafíos de hardware y software. Su duración limitada de batería ha llevado al diseño de redes móviles que son inherentemente diferentes de las redes anteriores y una programación de tareas más restrictiva. Además, los ecosistemas de dispositivos móviles son más susceptibles a la heterogeneidad de hardware y los intereses conflictivos de las entidades responsables por el rendimiento final de un dispositivo. El objetivo de esta tesis es el estudio y desarrollo de técnicas para detectar y mitigar las ineficiencias de computación y energéticas en las aplicaciones móviles. Empieza con los desafíos detrás de la detección de planificación de ejecución ineficientes, mirando sólo la implementación de las aplicaciones. Se muestra que las API de planificación son en gran medida mal utilizadas y tienen un gran impacto en la frecuencia con que los dispositivos despiertan y en la eficiencia de las técnicas de ahorro de energía existentes. A continuación, aborda muchos desafíos de las pruebas de aplicaciones en el campo de análisis dinámica. Más específicamente, cómo escalar las pruebas de aplicaciones móviles con una interacción realista y cómo analizar código de aplicaciones de código cerrado durante la ejecución, mostrando que la introducción de humanos en el bucle de prueba de aplicaciones mejora la cobertura del código y el volumen de comunicación de red generado. Por último, combinando la análisis estática y dinámica, se centra en los desafíos de identificar las secciones de aplicaciones con uso intensivo de recursos y cómo mejorar su ejecución a través de la ejecución remota (i.e.,"offload"). Hay un enfoque especial en el "offload" no intrusivo y transparente a las aplicaciones existentes y en el "offload"y distribución de computación dentro de la red. Demuestra que, incluso sin un sistema operativo personalizado o modificaciones en la aplicación, el "offload" en red sigue siendo posible, mejorando los tiempos de ejecución, el consumo de energía y reduciendo la latencia del usuario final y las tasas de caída de solicitudes de "offload". Concluye con un estudio real de las aplicaciones más populares, mostrando que una buena parte de su código puede de hecho ser ejecutado remotamente y propone direcciones futuras para los campos de "offload" de aplicaciones

    Traffic based energy consumption optimisation to improve the lifetime and performance of ad hoc wireless sensor networks

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    Ad hoc wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are formed from self-organising configurations of distributed, energy constrained, autonomous sensor nodes. The service lifetime of such sensor nodes depends on the power supply and the energy consumption, which is typically dominated by the communication subsystem. One of the key challenges in unlocking the potential of such data gathering sensor networks is conserving energy so as to maximize their post deployment active lifetime. This thesis described the research carried on the continual development of the novel energy efficient Optimised grids algorithm that increases the WSNs lifetime and improves on the QoS parameters yielding higher throughput, lower latency and jitter for next generation of WSNs. Based on the range and traffic relationship the novel Optimised grids algorithm provides a robust traffic dependent energy efficient grid size that minimises the cluster head energy consumption in each grid and balances the energy use throughout the network. Efficient spatial reusability allows the novel Optimised grids algorithm improves on network QoS parameters. The most important advantage of this model is that it can be applied to all one and two dimensional traffic scenarios where the traffic load may fluctuate due to sensor activities. During traffic fluctuations the novel Optimised grids algorithm can be used to re-optimise the wireless sensor network to bring further benefits in energy reduction and improvement in QoS parameters. As the idle energy becomes dominant at lower traffic loads, the new Sleep Optimised grids model incorporates the sleep energy and idle energy duty cycles that can be implemented to achieve further network lifetime gains in all wireless sensor network models. Another key advantage of the novel Optimised grids algorithm is that it can be implemented with existing energy saving protocols like GAF, LEACH, SMAC and TMAC to further enhance the network lifetimes and improve on QoS parameters. The novel Optimised grids algorithm does not interfere with these protocols, but creates an overlay to optimise the grids sizes and hence transmission range of wireless sensor nodes

    Implementation of an API for distributed communication between processes in closed contexts

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    Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia de ComunicaçõesExistem atualmente diversas Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) que ajudam na programação de aplicações distribuídas. Na maior parte dos casos, estas utilizam de forma in exível um único tipo de protocolo aplicacional e interface, cando dependente dos protocolos de transporte já existentes e do sistema operativo. Para o programador, a stack de protocolos e o tipo de interface têm que ser decididos explicitamente antes do estabelecimento da comunicação entre os processos. Algumas APIs facilitam a programação ocultando alguns aspetos espec í cos dos mecanismos e protocolos de comunicação utilizados, disponibilizando uma interface mais homogeneizada. No entanto, a programação continua a não ser totalmente transparente e independente dos protocolos de comunicação utilizados, dos sistemas operativos e da localização relativa dos processos comunicantes. Além disso, estas APIs não tomam decisões sobre o mecanismo de comunicação a utilizar quando existem várias alternativas possíveis, sendo esta decisão da responsabilidade do programador. Num contexto de implementação de simuladores distribuídos e modulares para protocolos de redes de computadores e sistemas de comunicação, seria vantajoso poder-se utilizar uma API para comunicação dos processos de simulação que disponibilizasse apenas um único interface de programação e que decidisse de forma transparente o mecanismo ou protocolo comunicacional mais e ciente, tendo em conta a localização relativa dos processos. Nesta dissertação são abordadas as soluções semelhantes já existentes e é estudada uma API que pretende preencher estas lacunas. A arquitetura desta API será depois apresentada, assim como uma solução com base na investigação realizada. Por m, os resultados dos testes serão analizados e a conclusão apresentada. Esta dissertação foi desenvolvida no contexto do projeto RoutUM, um simulador de redes de computadores atualmente a ser desenvolvido pela Universidade do Minho.There are several Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) available to simplify the development of distributed applications. In most cases, they invariably use one type of application protocol and interface, being dependent of the existing transport protocols and operating system. To the programmer, the protocol stack and the type of interface must be explicitly chosen before initiating communication between processes. Some APIs simplify programming by hiding some speci c aspects about the communication protocols and mechanisms, revealing a more homogenized interface. However, the programming is still not completely transparent and independent from the communication protocols, the operating system and the relative location of the communicating processes. Also, they are unable to decide which communication mechanism to be used when there are several available possibilities, leaving that responsibility to the programmer. On the context of implementation of distributed and modular simulators for network protocols and communication systems, it would be desirable to be able to use an API that would allow communication between the processes while providing only one programming interface. It would then transparently decide the most e cient mechanism or communication protocol from the relative location of the communicating processes. This dissertation will present and discuss the currently available solutions and the problems associated with the development of an API which attempts to ll the missing features indicated above. The API's architecture will then be shown and developed into a solution based on the results from the investigation. In the end, this solution will be tested and the nal results will be presented. This dissertation was developed in the context of the RoutUM project, a network simulator being currently developed in the University of Minho