95 research outputs found

    Resynthesis of Acoustic Scenes Combining Sound Source Separation and WaveField Synthesis Techniques

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    [ES] La Separacón de Fuentes ha sido un tema de intensa investigación en muchas aplicaciones de tratamiento de señaal, cubriendo desde el procesado de voz al análisis de im'agenes biomédicas. Aplicando estas técnicas a los sistemas de reproducci'on espacial de audio, se puede solucionar una limitaci ón importante en la resíntesis de escenas sonoras 3D: la necesidad de disponer de las se ñales individuales correspondientes a cada fuente. El sistema Wave-field Synthesis (WFS) puede sintetizar un campo acústico mediante arrays de altavoces, posicionando varias fuentes en el espacio. Sin embargo, conseguir las señales de cada fuente de forma independiente es normalmente un problema. En este trabajo se propone la utilización de distintas técnicas de separaci'on de fuentes sonoras para obtener distintas pistas a partir de grabaciones mono o estéreo. Varios métodos de separación han sido implementados y comprobados, siendo uno de ellos desarrollado por el autor. Aunque los algoritmos existentes están lejos de conseguir una alta calidad, se han realizado tests subjetivos que demuestran cómo no es necesario obtener una separación óptima para conseguir resultados aceptables en la reproducción de escenas 3D[EN] Source Separation has been a subject of intense research in many signal processing applications, ranging from speech processing to medical image analysis. Applied to spatial audio systems, it can be used to overcome one fundamental limitation in 3D scene resynthesis: the need of having the independent signals for each source available. Wave-field Synthesis is a spatial sound reproduction system that can synthesize an acoustic field by means of loudspeaker arrays and it is also capable of positioning several sources in space. However, the individual signals corresponding to these sources must be available and this is often a difficult problem. In this work, we propose to use Sound Source Separation techniques in order to obtain different tracks from stereo and mono mixtures. Some separation methods have been implemented and tested, having been one of them developed by the author. Although existing algorithms are far from getting hi-fi quality, subjective tests show how it is not necessary an optimum separation for getting acceptable results in 3D scene reproductionCobos Serrano, M. (2007). Resynthesis of Acoustic Scenes Combining Sound Source Separation and WaveField Synthesis Techniques. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/12515Archivo delegad

    Audio source separation for music in low-latency and high-latency scenarios

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    Aquesta tesi proposa mètodes per tractar les limitacions de les tècniques existents de separació de fonts musicals en condicions de baixa i alta latència. En primer lloc, ens centrem en els mètodes amb un baix cost computacional i baixa latència. Proposem l'ús de la regularització de Tikhonov com a mètode de descomposició de l'espectre en el context de baixa latència. El comparem amb les tècniques existents en tasques d'estimació i seguiment dels tons, que són passos crucials en molts mètodes de separació. A continuació utilitzem i avaluem el mètode de descomposició de l'espectre en tasques de separació de veu cantada, baix i percussió. En segon lloc, proposem diversos mètodes d'alta latència que milloren la separació de la veu cantada, gràcies al modelatge de components específics, com la respiració i les consonants. Finalment, explorem l'ús de correlacions temporals i anotacions manuals per millorar la separació dels instruments de percussió i dels senyals musicals polifònics complexes.Esta tesis propone métodos para tratar las limitaciones de las técnicas existentes de separación de fuentes musicales en condiciones de baja y alta latencia. En primer lugar, nos centramos en los métodos con un bajo coste computacional y baja latencia. Proponemos el uso de la regularización de Tikhonov como método de descomposición del espectro en el contexto de baja latencia. Lo comparamos con las técnicas existentes en tareas de estimación y seguimiento de los tonos, que son pasos cruciales en muchos métodos de separación. A continuación utilizamos y evaluamos el método de descomposición del espectro en tareas de separación de voz cantada, bajo y percusión. En segundo lugar, proponemos varios métodos de alta latencia que mejoran la separación de la voz cantada, gracias al modelado de componentes que a menudo no se toman en cuenta, como la respiración y las consonantes. Finalmente, exploramos el uso de correlaciones temporales y anotaciones manuales para mejorar la separación de los instrumentos de percusión y señales musicales polifónicas complejas.This thesis proposes specific methods to address the limitations of current music source separation methods in low-latency and high-latency scenarios. First, we focus on methods with low computational cost and low latency. We propose the use of Tikhonov regularization as a method for spectrum decomposition in the low-latency context. We compare it to existing techniques in pitch estimation and tracking tasks, crucial steps in many separation methods. We then use the proposed spectrum decomposition method in low-latency separation tasks targeting singing voice, bass and drums. Second, we propose several high-latency methods that improve the separation of singing voice by modeling components that are often not accounted for, such as breathiness and consonants. Finally, we explore using temporal correlations and human annotations to enhance the separation of drums and complex polyphonic music signals

    Arvo Pärt\u27s Berliner Messe : An Approach to Understanding and Instructing Serial Techniques in a Minimalist Framework

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    The music of Estonian composer Arvo Pärt is something of a phenomenon. Pärt’s music has made a profound connection with audiences, granting Pärt immense popularity and making him the most performed living composer in the world.1 Equally a phenomenon is his own unique tintinnabuli technique that lies at the heart of Pärt’s music and draws as much upon serialism as it does Gregorian chant. While much has been written on Pärt and his original tintinnabuli technique, this qualitative case study focuses on a major work ostensibly overlooked in scholarship, Arvo Pärt’s “Berliner Messe.” The study focuses on the serial aspects of tintinnabuli and “Berliner Messe” that operate within a minimalist framework. In addition to traditional forms of musical analysis, non-traditional musical analyses pioneered by Pärt experts, such has Paul Hiller, are also employed. Additionally, attention is given to the relationship between text and music, metrical features of Pärt’s music, and a brief literature review is conducted in order to establish the context of “Berliner Messe.” The content of the analysis provides a better understanding of the construction of “Berliner Messe” while the methods of analysis determine whether previous analytical models are appropriate for “Berliner Messe.” Lastly, a determination of the educational value of “Berliner Messe” is made in teaching serialist and post-tonal concepts to students followed by recommendations for classroom applications

    Iterative Separation of Note Events from Single-Channel Polyphonic Recordings

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    This thesis is concerned with the separation of audio sources from single-channel polyphonic musical recordings using the iterative estimation and separation of note events. Each event is defined as a section of audio containing largely harmonic energy identified as coming from a single sound source. Multiple events can be clustered to form separated sources. This solution is a model-based algorithm that can be applied to a large variety of audio recordings without requiring previous training stages. The proposed system embraces two principal stages. The first one considers the iterative detection and separation of note events from within the input mixture. In every iteration, the pitch trajectory of the predominant note event is automatically selected from an array of fundamental frequency estimates and used to guide the separation of the event's spectral content using two different methods: time-frequency masking and time-domain subtraction. A residual signal is then generated and used as the input mixture for the next iteration. After convergence, the second stage considers the clustering of all detected note events into individual audio sources. Performance evaluation is carried out at three different levels. Firstly, the accuracy of the note-event-based multipitch estimator is compared with that of the baseline algorithm used in every iteration to generate the initial set of pitch estimates. Secondly, the performance of the semi-supervised source separation process is compared with that of another semi-automatic algorithm. Finally, a listening test is conducted to assess the audio quality and naturalness of the separated sources when they are used to create stereo mixes from monaural recordings. Future directions for this research focus on the application of the proposed system to other music-related tasks. Also, a preliminary optimisation-based approach is presented as an alternative method for the separation of overlapping partials, and as a high resolution time-frequency representation for digital signals

    Pitch- and spectral-based dynamic time warping methods for comparing field recordings of harmonic avian vocalizations

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    Quantitative measures of acoustic similarity can reveal patterns of shared vocal behavior in social species. Many methods for computing similarity have been developed, but their performance has not been extensively characterized in noisy environments and with vocalizations characterized by complex frequency modulations. This paper describes methods of bioacoustic comparison based on dynamic time warping (DTW) of the fundamental frequency or spectrogram. Fundamental frequency is estimated using a Bayesian particle filter adaptation of harmonic template matching. The methods were tested on field recordings of flight calls from superb starlings, Lamprotornis superbus, for how well they could separate distinct categories of call elements (motifs). The fundamental-frequency-based method performed best, but the spectrogram-based method was less sensitive to noise. Both DTW methods provided better separation of categories than spectrographic cross correlation, likely due to substantial variability in the duration of superb starling flight call motifs

    Proceedings of the 7th Sound and Music Computing Conference

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    Proceedings of the SMC2010 - 7th Sound and Music Computing Conference, July 21st - July 24th 2010

    ESCOM 2017 Proceedings

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    On the applicability of models for outdoor sound (A)

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    Automatic Transcription of Bass Guitar Tracks applied for Music Genre Classification and Sound Synthesis

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    Musiksignale bestehen in der Regel aus einer Überlagerung mehrerer Einzelinstrumente. Die meisten existierenden Algorithmen zur automatischen Transkription und Analyse von Musikaufnahmen im Forschungsfeld des Music Information Retrieval (MIR) versuchen, semantische Information direkt aus diesen gemischten Signalen zu extrahieren. In den letzten Jahren wurde häufig beobachtet, dass die Leistungsfähigkeit dieser Algorithmen durch die Signalüberlagerungen und den daraus resultierenden Informationsverlust generell limitiert ist. Ein möglicher Lösungsansatz besteht darin, mittels Verfahren der Quellentrennung die beteiligten Instrumente vor der Analyse klanglich zu isolieren. Die Leistungsfähigkeit dieser Algorithmen ist zum aktuellen Stand der Technik jedoch nicht immer ausreichend, um eine sehr gute Trennung der Einzelquellen zu ermöglichen. In dieser Arbeit werden daher ausschließlich isolierte Instrumentalaufnahmen untersucht, die klanglich nicht von anderen Instrumenten überlagert sind. Exemplarisch werden anhand der elektrischen Bassgitarre auf die Klangerzeugung dieses Instrumentes hin spezialisierte Analyse- und Klangsynthesealgorithmen entwickelt und evaluiert.Im ersten Teil der vorliegenden Arbeit wird ein Algorithmus vorgestellt, der eine automatische Transkription von Bassgitarrenaufnahmen durchführt. Dabei wird das Audiosignal durch verschiedene Klangereignisse beschrieben, welche den gespielten Noten auf dem Instrument entsprechen. Neben den üblichen Notenparametern Anfang, Dauer, Lautstärke und Tonhöhe werden dabei auch instrumentenspezifische Parameter wie die verwendeten Spieltechniken sowie die Saiten- und Bundlage auf dem Instrument automatisch extrahiert. Evaluationsexperimente anhand zweier neu erstellter Audiodatensätze belegen, dass der vorgestellte Transkriptionsalgorithmus auf einem Datensatz von realistischen Bassgitarrenaufnahmen eine höhere Erkennungsgenauigkeit erreichen kann als drei existierende Algorithmen aus dem Stand der Technik. Die Schätzung der instrumentenspezifischen Parameter kann insbesondere für isolierte Einzelnoten mit einer hohen Güte durchgeführt werden.Im zweiten Teil der Arbeit wird untersucht, wie aus einer Notendarstellung typischer sich wieder- holender Basslinien auf das Musikgenre geschlossen werden kann. Dabei werden Audiomerkmale extrahiert, welche verschiedene tonale, rhythmische, und strukturelle Eigenschaften von Basslinien quantitativ beschreiben. Mit Hilfe eines neu erstellten Datensatzes von 520 typischen Basslinien aus 13 verschiedenen Musikgenres wurden drei verschiedene Ansätze für die automatische Genreklassifikation verglichen. Dabei zeigte sich, dass mit Hilfe eines regelbasierten Klassifikationsverfahrens nur Anhand der Analyse der Basslinie eines Musikstückes bereits eine mittlere Erkennungsrate von 64,8 % erreicht werden konnte.Die Re-synthese der originalen Bassspuren basierend auf den extrahierten Notenparametern wird im dritten Teil der Arbeit untersucht. Dabei wird ein neuer Audiosynthesealgorithmus vorgestellt, der basierend auf dem Prinzip des Physical Modeling verschiedene Aspekte der für die Bassgitarre charakteristische Klangerzeugung wie Saitenanregung, Dämpfung, Kollision zwischen Saite und Bund sowie dem Tonabnehmerverhalten nachbildet. Weiterhin wird ein parametrischerAudiokodierungsansatz diskutiert, der es erlaubt, Bassgitarrenspuren nur anhand der ermittel- ten notenweisen Parameter zu übertragen um sie auf Dekoderseite wieder zu resynthetisieren. Die Ergebnisse mehrerer Hötest belegen, dass der vorgeschlagene Synthesealgorithmus eine Re- Synthese von Bassgitarrenaufnahmen mit einer besseren Klangqualität ermöglicht als die Übertragung der Audiodaten mit existierenden Audiokodierungsverfahren, die auf sehr geringe Bitraten ein gestellt sind.Music recordings most often consist of multiple instrument signals, which overlap in time and frequency. In the field of Music Information Retrieval (MIR), existing algorithms for the automatic transcription and analysis of music recordings aim to extract semantic information from mixed audio signals. In the last years, it was frequently observed that the algorithm performance is limited due to the signal interference and the resulting loss of information. One common approach to solve this problem is to first apply source separation algorithms to isolate the present musical instrument signals before analyzing them individually. The performance of source separation algorithms strongly depends on the number of instruments as well as on the amount of spectral overlap.In this thesis, isolated instrumental tracks are analyzed in order to circumvent the challenges of source separation. Instead, the focus is on the development of instrument-centered signal processing algorithms for music transcription, musical analysis, as well as sound synthesis. The electric bass guitar is chosen as an example instrument. Its sound production principles are closely investigated and considered in the algorithmic design.In the first part of this thesis, an automatic music transcription algorithm for electric bass guitar recordings will be presented. The audio signal is interpreted as a sequence of sound events, which are described by various parameters. In addition to the conventionally used score-level parameters note onset, duration, loudness, and pitch, instrument-specific parameters such as the applied instrument playing techniques and the geometric position on the instrument fretboard will be extracted. Different evaluation experiments confirmed that the proposed transcription algorithm outperformed three state-of-the-art bass transcription algorithms for the transcription of realistic bass guitar recordings. The estimation of the instrument-level parameters works with high accuracy, in particular for isolated note samples.In the second part of the thesis, it will be investigated, whether the sole analysis of the bassline of a music piece allows to automatically classify its music genre. Different score-based audio features will be proposed that allow to quantify tonal, rhythmic, and structural properties of basslines. Based on a novel data set of 520 bassline transcriptions from 13 different music genres, three approaches for music genre classification were compared. A rule-based classification system could achieve a mean class accuracy of 64.8 % by only taking features into account that were extracted from the bassline of a music piece.The re-synthesis of a bass guitar recordings using the previously extracted note parameters will be studied in the third part of this thesis. Based on the physical modeling of string instruments, a novel sound synthesis algorithm tailored to the electric bass guitar will be presented. The algorithm mimics different aspects of the instrument’s sound production mechanism such as string excitement, string damping, string-fret collision, and the influence of the electro-magnetic pickup. Furthermore, a parametric audio coding approach will be discussed that allows to encode and transmit bass guitar tracks with a significantly smaller bit rate than conventional audio coding algorithms do. The results of different listening tests confirmed that a higher perceptual quality can be achieved if the original bass guitar recordings are encoded and re-synthesized using the proposed parametric audio codec instead of being encoded using conventional audio codecs at very low bit rate settings

    Automatic vocal recognition of a child's perceived emotional state within the Speechome corpus

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    Thesis (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, School of Architecture and Planning, Program in Media Arts and Sciences, 2010.Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (p. 137-149).With over 230,000 hours of audio/video recordings of a child growing up in the home setting from birth to the age of three, the Human Speechome Project has pioneered a comprehensive, ecologically valid observational dataset that introduces far-reaching new possibilities for the study of child development. By offering In vivo observation of a child's daily life experience at ultra-dense, longitudinal time scales, the Speechome corpus holds great potential for discovering developmental insights that have thus far eluded observation. The work of this thesis aspires to enable the use of the Speechome corpus for empirical study of emotional factors in early child development. To fully harness the benefits of Speechome for this purpose, an automated mechanism must be created to perceive the child's emotional state within this medium. Due to the latent nature of emotion, we sought objective, directly measurable correlates of the child's perceived emotional state within the Speechome corpus, focusing exclusively on acoustic features of the child's vocalizations and surrounding caretaker speech. Using Partial Least Squares regression, we applied these features to build a model that simulates human perceptual heuristics for determining a child's emotional state. We evaluated the perceptual accuracy of models built across child-only, adult-only, and combined feature sets within the overall sampled dataset, as well as controlling for social situations, vocalization behaviors (e.g. crying, laughing, babble), individual caretakers, and developmental age between 9 and 24 months. Child and combined models consistently demonstrated high perceptual accuracy, with overall adjusted R-squared values of 0.54 and 0.58, respectively, and an average of 0.59 and 0.67 per month. Comparative analysis across longitudinal and socio-behavioral contexts yielded several notable developmental and dyadic insights. In the process, we have developed a data mining and analysis methodology for modeling perceived child emotion and quantifying caretaker intersubjectivity that we hope to extend to future datasets across multiple children, as new deployments of the Speechome recording technology are established. Such large-scale comparative studies promise an unprecedented view into the nature of emotional processes in early childhood and potentially enlightening discoveries about autism and other developmental disorders.by Sophia Yuditskaya.S.M