838 research outputs found

    When internal representation leads to faultlines : a study of board performance in social enterprises

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    Following the growing interest in sustainability and ethics, organizations are increasingly attentive to accountability toward stakeholders. Stakeholder representation, obtained by appointing board members representing different stakeholder groups, is suggested to be a good ethical practice. However, such representation may also have nefarious implications for board functioning. Particularly, it may result in strong faultline emergence, subsequently mitigating board performance. Our study aims at understanding the process through which faultlines affect board performance, and particularly the board service role through which the board is involved in providing counsel and strategic decision-making. We study the relationship between faultlines and board service performance in the particularly relevant context of social enterprises. We find that faultline strength is negatively related to board service performance and that this relationship is mediated by board task conflict. Furthermore, our study reveals the importance of clear and shared organizational goals in attenuating the negative effects of faultlines

    When stakeholder representation leads to faultlines: a study of board service performance in social enterprises

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    Following the growing interest in sustainability and ethics, organizations are increasingly attentive to accountability toward stakeholders. Stakeholder representation, obtained by appointing board members representing different stakeholder groups, is suggested to be a good ethical practice. However, such representation may also have nefarious implications for board functioning. Particularly, it may result in strong faultline emergence, subsequently mitigating board performance. Our study aims at understanding the process through which faultlines affect board performance, and particularly the board service role through which the board is involved in providing counsel and strategic decision-making. We study the relationship between faultlines and board service performance in the particularly relevant context of social enterprises. We find that faultline strength is negatively related to board service performance and that this relationship is mediated by board task conflict. Furthermore, our study reveals the importance of clear and shared organizational goals in attenuating the negative effects of faultlines

    ILR Research in Progress 2006-07

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    The production of scholarly research continues to be one of the primary missions of the ILR School. During a typical academic year, ILR faculty members published or had accepted for publication over 25 books, edited volumes, and monographs, 170 articles and chapters in edited volumes, numerous book reviews. In addition, a large number of manuscripts were submitted for publication, presented at professional association meetings, or circulated in working paper form. Our faculty's research continues to find its way into the very best industrial relations, social science and statistics journals.Research_in_Progress_2006_07.pdf: 18 downloads, before Oct. 1, 2020

    Interacting Dimensions of Diversity: Cross-Categorization and the Functioning of Diverse Work Groups

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    We conducted an experiment to show how the interplay between informational diversity and other dimensions of diversity can account for some of the inconsistent effects of informational diversity in previous research. 70 four-person groups involved in a decision-making task received homogeneous or heterogeneous information. By manipulating gender composition and bogus personality feedback we created groups that either had a potential faultline (a basis for subgroup categorization) or were homogeneous on these dimensions. In potential faultline groups, heterogeneity of information either converged with or cross-cut the other dimensions of diversity. Results showed that informational diversity enhanced group functioning when it was crossed rather than converged with the potential faultline.Diversity;Information Elaboration;Cross-Categorization;Group Processes

    Study of Team Innovation Performance predictors: The intervening effect of College Students' Entrepreneurial Team Faultlines

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    Treballs Finals del Màster de Recerca en Empresa, Facultat d'Economia i Empresa, Universitat de Barcelona. Curs: 2022-2023, Tutor: Dra. Mercè MachObjective- This paper aims to examine the mechanisms of team innovation climate on team innovation performance, through the mediating role of transactive memory system. And see the moderation effect of identity-based team faultlines & knowledge-based team faultlines on the relationship of transactive memory system and innovation performance. (...) Practical implications- College entrepreneurial leaders should not only look for people with the same profession, technology, background and experience to form a team, but also build a properly differentiated team, selecting some members with different professional backgrounds and experiences to form a team, and avoiding members with too big an age gap to form a team, which will be more helpful to the team's innovation

    A tale of two factions:Exploring the relationship between factional faultlines and conflict management in pension fund boards

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    We examine the effect of factional demographic faultlines between two naturally occurring factions within Dutch pension fund boards on conflict management within these boards. Data on 313 Dutch pension fund boards confirm that factional demographic faultlines are positively related to competitive conflict management and moderately negatively related to cooperative conflict management. As predicted by faultline theory, these relationships are mediated by perceived subgroup formation. A noteworthy finding with clear managerial implications is that the disruptive effects from factional demographic faultlines are attenuated by board reflexivity. Moderated mediation analyses corroborate these findings

    On the Use of Allen’s Interval Algebra in the Coordination of Resource Consumption by Transactional Business Processes

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    This paper presents an approach to coordinate the consumption of resources by transactional business processes. Resources are associated with consumption properties known as unlimited, limited, limited-but-extensible, shareable, and non-shareable restricting their availabilities at consumption-time. And, processes are associated with transactional properties known as pivot, retriable, and compensatable restricting their execution outcomes in term of either success or failure. To consider the intrinsic characteristics of both consumption properties and transactional properties when coordinating resource consumption by processes, the approach adopts Allen’s interval algebra through different time-interval relations like before, overlaps, and during to set up the coordination, which should lead to a free-of-conflict consumption. A system demonstrating the technical doability of the approach based on a case study about loan application business-process and a real dataset is presented in the paper, as well

    Multilevel Approaches to Dealing with the Challenges of Diversity

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    In recent years, the role of diversity has become increasingly important and present – both in society and at the workplace. Diversity, that is any attribute that people might use do distinguish between self and others, is a topic that is visible in several areas and that has challenging implications, both for organizations and for society as a whole. It is a multilevel construct that needs a holistic approach - but so far, most of the research on diversity is limited to the team level, without reflecting on implications for other levels and interactions with other levels of diversity. The first objective of this dissertation is to examine whether approaches of organizational diversity research, namely faultlines, are applicable to the societal level and whether they are useful on this level to explain phenomena of societal relevance. Second, we investigate whether diversity trainings on the team-level can help meet these challenges by teaching useful competencies. And third, we explore whether characteristics on the individual level, namely intrapersonal diversity, enable people to overcome the challenges of diversity which will ultimately also contribute to meet the challenges of diversity on the societal level. On the basis of the combination of findings on diversity at three different levels and the introduced multi-level model, new hypotheses at different levels of analyses can be formulated and subsequently tested.:1. Introduction 2. Core Constructs and Conceptual Clarifications 3. Theoretical Framework 4. Status Quo of Diversity Research 5. Overview of the Research Program 6. Does Social Context Predict Voting for Far-Right Parties? A Study on Societal Faultlines and Voting Behavior in East Germany 7. When Diversity is Something New: Enhancing Diversity Beliefs among Apprentices 8. Intrapersonal Diversity: We Like what we are 9. General DiscussionDiversität hat in den letzten Jahren zunehmend an Bedeutung und Präsenz gewonnen – sowohl in der Gesellschaft als auch am Arbeitsplatz. Diversität, also jedes Merkmal, das Menschen dazu nutzen können, sich selbst als unterschiedlich von anderen Personen wahrzunehmen, ist in vielen Bereichen sichtbar und stellt sowohl für Organisationen als auch für die Gesellschaft als Ganzes eine große Herausforderung dar. Es ist ein Mehrebenen-Konstrukt, das einen ganzheitlichen Ansatz erfordert – die bisherige Forschung zu Diversität beschränkt sich jedoch größtenteils auf die Gruppenebene, ohne Auswirkungen auf oder Interaktionen mit andere Ebenen von Vielfalt zu berücksichtigen. Das erste Ziel dieser Dissertation ist es zu prüfen, ob Ansätze der organisationalen Diversitätsforschung, namentlich Faultlines, auf die gesellschaftliche Ebene übertragbar sind und ob sie auf dieser Ebene nützlich sind, um gesellschaftlich relevante Phänomene zu erklären. Zweitens untersuchen wir, ob Diversitätstrainings auf Gruppenebene helfen können, diese Herausforderungen zu meistern, indem sie nützliche Kompetenzen vermitteln. Und drittens untersuchen wir, ob Eigenschaften auf der individuellen Ebene, namentlich intrapersonelle Diversität, Menschen dazu befähigen, die Herausforderungen von Diversität zu bewältigen, was letztlich auch dazu beitragen wird, den Herausforderungen von Diversität auf gesellschaftlicher Ebene gerecht zu werden. Auf Basis der Kombination von Diversitätserkenntnissen auf drei unterschiedlichen Ebenen und dem vorgestellten Mehrebenen-Modell können neue Hypothesen auf unterschiedlichen Analyseebenen formuliert und anschließend überprüft werden.:1. Introduction 2. Core Constructs and Conceptual Clarifications 3. Theoretical Framework 4. Status Quo of Diversity Research 5. Overview of the Research Program 6. Does Social Context Predict Voting for Far-Right Parties? A Study on Societal Faultlines and Voting Behavior in East Germany 7. When Diversity is Something New: Enhancing Diversity Beliefs among Apprentices 8. Intrapersonal Diversity: We Like what we are 9. General Discussio
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