84 research outputs found

    An efficient discrete artificial bee colony algorithm for the blocking flow shop problem with total flowtime minimization

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    This paper presents a high performing Discrete Artificial Bee Colony algorithm for the blocking flow shop problem with flow time criterion. To develop the proposed algorithm, we considered four strategies for the food source phase and two strategies for each of the three remaining phases (employed bees, onlookers and scouts). One of the strategies tested in the food source phase and one implemented in the employed bees phase are new. Both have been proved to be very effective for the problem at hand. The initialization scheme named HPF2(¿, µ) in particular, which is used to construct the initial food sources, is shown in the computational evaluation to be one of the main procedures that allow the DABC_RCT to obtain good solutions for this problem. To find the best configuration of the algorithm, we used design of experiments (DOE). This technique has been used extensively in the literature to calibrate the parameters of the algorithms but not to select its configuration. Comparing it with other algorithms proposed for this problem in the literature demonstrates the effectiveness and superiority of the DABC_RCTPeer ReviewedPostprint (author’s final draft

    A computational evaluation of constructive and improvement heuristics for the blocking flow shop to minimize total flowtime

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    This paper focuses on the blocking flow shop scheduling problem with the objective of total flowtime minimisation. This problem assumes that there are no buffers between machines and, due to its application to many manufacturing sectors, it is receiving a growing attention by researchers during the last years. Since the problem is NP-hard, a large number of heuristics have been proposed to provide good solutions with reasonable computational times. In this paper, we conduct a comprehensive evaluation of the available heuristics for the problem and for related problems, resulting in the implementation and testing of a total of 35 heuristics. Furthermore, we propose an efficient constructive heuristic which successfully combines a pool of partial sequences in parallel, using a beam-search-based approach. The computational experiments show the excellent performance of the proposed heuristic as compared to the best-so-far algorithms for the problem, both in terms of quality of the solutions and of computational requirements. In fact, despite being a relative fast constructive heuristic, new best upper bounds have been found for more than 27% of Taillard’s instances.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación DPI2013-44461-P/DP

    A Multi-Restart Iterated Local Search Algorithm for the Permutation Flow Shop Problem Minimizing Total Flow Time

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    A variety of metaheuristics have been developed to solve the permutation flow shop problem minimizing total flow time. Iterated local search (ILS) is a simple but powerful metaheuristic used to solve this problem. Fundamentally, ILS is a procedure that needs to be restarted from another solution when it is trapped in a local optimum. A new solution is often generated by only slightly perturbing the best known solution, narrowing the search space and leading to a stagnant state. In this paper, a strategy is proposed to allow the restart solution to be generated from a group of solutions drawn from local optima. This allows an extension of the search space, while maintaining the quality of the restart solution. A multi-restart ILS (MRSILS) is proposed, with the performance evaluated on a set of benchmark instances and compared with six state of the art metaheuristics. The results show that the easily implementable MRSILS is significantly better than five of the other metaheuristics and comparable to or slightly better than the remaining one. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Permütasyon Akış Tipi Çizelgeleme Probleminin El Bombası Patlatma Metodu ile Çözümü

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    Üretimde kaynakların verimli kullanımı için işlerin en iyi şekilde çizelgelenmesi gerekmektedir. Gerçek hayatta çok sayıda uygulaması bulunan permütasyon akış tipi çizelgeleme problemi (PATÇP) yarım asırdan uzun süredir araştırmacıların ilgisini çekmektedir. El Bombası Patlatma Metodu (EBPM) Ahrari ve arkadaşları tarafından el bombalarının patlamalarından esinlenerek geliştirilmiş evrimsel bir algoritmadır. Bu çalışmada EBPM, permütasyon akış tipi çizelgeleme problemlerinin çözümü için uyarlanmıştır. Daha sonra metodu diğer metasezgisellerden ayıran özellik olan ajan bölgesi yarıçapının metot performansına etkisi araştırılmış ve metodun maksimum tamamlanma zamanı performans ölçütüne göre Taillard tarafından geliştirilmiş olan test problemleri üzerindeki performansları incelenmiştir. Sonuç olarak EBPM’nin makul sürelerde kabul edilebilir sonuçlara ulaşabildiği ve PATÇP’lerin çözümünde kullanılabileceği görülmüştür

    New efficient constructive heuristics for the hybrid flowshop to minimise makespan: A computational evaluation of heuristics

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    This paper addresses the hybrid flow shop scheduling problem to minimise makespan, a well-known scheduling problem for which many constructive heuristics have been proposed in the literature. Nevertheless, the state of the art is not clear due to partial or non homogeneous comparisons. In this paper, we review these heuristics and perform a comprehensive computational evaluation to determine which are the most efficient ones. A total of 20 heuristics are implemented and compared in this study. In addition, we propose four new heuristics for the problem. Firstly, two memory-based constructive heuristics are proposed, where a sequence is constructed by inserting jobs one by one in a partial sequence. The most promising insertions tested are kept in a list. However, in contrast to the Tabu search, these insertions are repeated in future iterations instead of forbidding them. Secondly, we propose two constructive heuristics based on Johnson’s algorithm for the permutation flowshop scheduling problem. The computational results carried out on an extensive testbed show that the new proposals outperform the existing heuristics.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación DPI2016-80750-

    Efficient heuristic algorithms for the blocking flow shop scheduling problem with total flow time minimization

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    This paper proposes two constructive heuristics, i.e. HPF1 and HPF2, for the blocking flow shop problem in order to minimize the total flow time. They differ mainly in the criterion used to select the first job in the sequence since, as it is shown, its contribution to the total flow time is not negligible. Both procedures were combined with the insertion phase of NEH to improve the sequence. However, as the insertion procedure does not always improve the solution, in the resulting heuristics, named NHPF1 and NHPF2, the sequence was evaluated before and after the insertion to keep the best of both solutions. The structure of these heuristics was used in Greedy Randomized Adaptive Search Procedures (GRASP) with variable neighborhood search in the improvement phase to generate greedy randomized solutions. The performance of the constructive heuristics and of the proposed GRASPs was evaluated against other heuristics from the literature. Our computational analysis showed that the presented heuristics are very competitive and able to improve 68 out of 120 best known solutions of Taillard’s instances for the blocking flow shop scheduling problem with the total flow time criterionPeer ReviewedPostprint (author’s final draft

    An estimation of distribution algorithm for lot-streaming flow shop problems with setup times

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    Lot-streaming flow shops have important applications in different industries including textile, plastic, chemical, semiconductor and many others. This paper considers an n-job m-machine lot-streaming flow shop scheduling problem with sequence-dependent setup times under both the idling and noidling production cases. The objective is to minimize the maximum completion time or makespan. To solve this important practical problem, a novel estimation of distribution algorithm (EDA) is proposed with a job permutation based representation. In the proposed EDA, an efficient initialization scheme based on the NEH heuristic is presented to construct an initial population with a certain level of quality and diversity. An estimation of a probabilistic model is constructed to direct the algorithm search towards good solutions by taking into account both job permutation and similar blocks of jobs. A simple but effective local search is added to enhance the intensification capability. A diversity controlling mechanism is applied to maintain the diversity of the population. In addition, a speed-up method is presented to reduce the computational effort needed for the local search technique and the NEH-based heuristics. A comparative evaluation is carried out with the best performing algorithms from the literature. The results show that the proposed EDA is very effective in comparison after comprehensive computational and statistical analyses.This research is partially supported by the National Science Foundation of China (60874075, 70871065), and Science Foundation of Shandong Province in China under Grant BS2010DX005, and Postdoctoral Science Foundation of China under Grant 20100480897. Ruben Ruiz is partially funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, under the project "SMPA-Advanced Parallel Multiobjective Sequencing: Practical and Theoretical Advances" with reference DPI2008-03511/DPI and by the IMPIVA-Institute for the Small and Medium Valencian Enterprise, for the project OSC with references IMIDIC/2008/137, IMIDIC/2009/198 and IMIDIC/2010/175.Pan, Q.; Ruiz García, R. (2012). An estimation of distribution algorithm for lot-streaming flow shop problems with setup times. Omega. 40(2):166-180. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.omega.2011.05.002S16618040

    A new vision of approximate methods for the permutation flowshop to minimise makespan: State-of-the-art and computational evaluation

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    [EN] The permutation flowshop problem is a classic machine scheduling problem where n jobs must be processed on a set of m machines disposed in series and where each job must visit all machines in the same order. Many production scheduling problems resemble flowshops and hence it has generated much interest and had a big impact in the field, resulting in literally hundreds of heuristic and metaheuristic methods over the last 60 years. However, most methods proposed for makespan minimisation are not properly compared with existing procedures so currently it is not possible to know which are the most efficient methods for the problem regarding the quality of the solutions obtained and the computational effort required. In this paper, we identify and exhaustively compare the best existing heuristics and metaheuristics so the state-of-the-art regarding approximate procedures for this relevant problem is established. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.The authors are sincerely grateful to the anonymous referees, who provide very valuable comments on the earlier version of the paper. This research has been funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, under projects "ADDRESS" (DPI2013-44461-P/DPI) and "SCHEYARD" (DPI2015-65895-R) co-financed by FEDER funds.Fernandez-Viagas, V.; Ruiz García, R.; Framinan, J. (2017). A new vision of approximate methods for the permutation flowshop to minimise makespan: State-of-the-art and computational evaluation. European Journal of Operational Research. 257(3):707-721. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejor.2016.09.055S707721257

    Solving blocking flowshop scheduling problem with makespan criterion using q-learning-based iterated greedy algorithms

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    This study proposes Q-learning-based iterated greedy (IGQ) algorithms to solve the blocking flowshop scheduling problem with the makespan criterion. Q learning is a model-free machine intelligence technique, which is adapted into the traditional iterated greedy (IG) algorithm to determine its parameters, mainly, the destruction size and temperature scale factor, adaptively during the search process. Besides IGQ algorithms, two different mathematical modeling techniques. One of these techniques is the constraint programming (CP) model, which is known to work well with scheduling problems. The other technique is the mixed integer linear programming (MILP) model, which provides the mathematical definition of the problem. The introduction of these mathematical models supports the validation of IGQ algorithms and provides a comparison between different exact solution methodologies. To measure and compare the performance of IGQ algorithms and mathematical models, extensive computational experiments have been performed on both small and large VRF benchmarks available in the literature. Computational results and statistical analyses indicate that IGQ algorithms generate substantially better results when compared to non-learning IG algorithms