30 research outputs found

    A business model perspective for ICTs in public engagement

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    This is the post-print version of the Article. The official published article can be accessed from the link below - Copyright @ 2012 ElsevierPublic institutions, in their efforts to promote meaningful citizen engagement, are increasingly looking at the democratic potential of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs). Previous studies suggest that such initiatives seem to be impeded by socio-technical integration barriers such as low sustainability, poor citizen acceptance, coordination difficulties, lack of understanding and failure to assess their impact. Motivated by these shortcomings, the paper develops and applies a business model perspective as an interceding framework for analysis and evaluation. The underlying principle behind this approach is that it is not technology per se which determines success, but rather the way in which the businessmodel of the technological artifact is configured and employed to achieve the strategic goals. The business model perspective is empirically demonstrated with the case of an online petitioning system implemented by a UK local authority. The case illustrates the importance of considering ICTs in public engagement from a holistic view to make them more manageable and assessable

    Peran Perbankan Dalam Implementasi Bisnis Hijau Dan Pembangunan Berkelanjutan

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    Nowadays green business was the solution offered by industry agents in saving earth in which they weredemanded to have active role in environment management, even with the increase of industry aware on theimportance of environment management, they were proactive in the effort to manage pollution to produce safeand hospitable environment product. This greening movement also happened in banking with the terminology“green banking.” Green banking could mean as banking that in doing the business was based on sustainabilitydevelopment principle, especially in credit or funding, namely there was ecology balance, human welfare, andalso the development of social cultural in society. Bank Indonesia hoped that green banking would givepositive contribution on the effort of fiscal and monetary policy strength that some of them were reflected fromthe decline of oil import charge and agriculture product because there was increase in supply of domesticenergy from the reformed energy sources, the increase of the energy use efficiency by industry, and the increaseof organic agricultural product supported by national banking

    Ethical Governance of eGovernment Ecosystems

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    Digitisation of governmental services has become a common approach to make governing more effective and efficient. The eGovernment services can be built on top of a variety of information systems and supplied to and between individuals and organisations on both national and international levels. This results in a complex organisational and sociotechnical ecosystem containing a vast amount of variables affecting the privacy and safety of citizens. Thus, achieving these better societies relies strongly on common trust between the citizens and governments. This calls for ‘governance of governance’, which can prove to be difficult to manage. Even in this challenging environment, it is crucial that ethical principles are applied to the highest possible degree. Yet, in current research, the citizens are often neglected. In order to develop a better society for all, we should objectively consider the ends and means of eGovernment. In this paper, we study the relation of the citizens and eGovernment systems from an ethical perspective in order to represent which ethical considerations should be made if one wishes to truly aim for a better society

    An innovation accelerator proposal for smart parishes

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    Vizela, I., Costa, E., & Santos, V. (2019). An innovation accelerator proposal for smart parishes. In Atas da Conferencia da Associacao Portuguesa de Sistemas de Informacao 2019: 19ª Conferencia da Associacao Portuguesa de Sistemas de Informacao, CAPSI 2019 [19th Conference of the Portuguese Association for Information Systems, CAPSI 2019], Lisboa; Portugal; 11 October 2019 through 12 October 2019. Associação Portuguesa de Sistemas de Informação.The key problem for this study was the need to get citizens and parish councils closer by making an innovation accelerator to bring smartness to parishes. During the research process on public administration, smart cities and a bit more on innovation and creativity, it was also understood that smartness inside a parish must include an improvement on the relationship with citizens, citizens who feel that their opinions count, citizens training to promote digital inclusion and also for parish employees to make sure that their processes are more citizen centered, and an improvement of citizens quality of living inside the parish. Those issues were addressed in the final model. The obtained conceptual framework was validated by a focus group and it was concluded that the implementation of the proposed framework in a Portuguese parish is aligned with what parishes want for them in the near future.publishersversionpublishe

    An innovation accelerator proposal for smart parishes

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    The key problem for this study was the need to get citizens and parish councils closer by making an innovation accelerator to bring smartness to parishes. During the research process on public administration, smart cities and a bit more on innovation and creativity, it was also understood that smartness inside a parish must include an improvement on the relationship with citizens, citizens who feel that their opinions count, citizens training to promote digital inclusion and also for parish employees to make sure that their processes are more citizen centered, and an improvement of citizens quality of living inside the parish. Those issues were addressed in the final model. The obtained conceptual framework was validated by a focus group and it was concluded that the implementation of the proposed framework in a Portuguese parish is aligned with what parishes want for them in the near future

    Business Model Canvas to Create and Capture AI-enabled Public Value

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    The compatibility between the business model and AI-enabled value creation is paramount for the sustainability of organizations. The public sector lags the private sector in the race to AI readiness and adoption. Although the concept of the business model for the public sector has previously been discussed, we found a lack of evidence for the process of adaption of the business model as a value creation and capture tool from commercial motives to public value motives. This paper adapts the conventional business model canvas for the public sector as it pertains to the design and development of AI systems. Employing a design-science research approach, we postulate five design principles that public agencies must follow to design and deploy AI-enabled public services

    Rethinking Public Organizations as Knowledge-Oriented and Technology-Driven Organizations

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    Public organizations should rediscover the role of knowledge as a source for designing and implementing internal processes and adopt a knowledge management approach by using and managing technology as means and enabler for building a citizen-centered public management, sustaining democratic and civic values by promoting openness and fostering participation in order to encourage collaboration with citizens for co-producing public services and co-creating public value. Information and communication technologies are driving public organizations as responsive institutions in front of the citizens to proceed towards sustainability as a principle of governance for promoting the public interest and sustaining active citizenship, enhancing both collaboration and interaction between citizens and public administration. Introducing and actively implementing technology in government helps rethink public organizations as knowledge oriented and information based organizations seeking sustainability by involving citizens, businesses and other stakeholders for public value creation, enabling access to information, sustaining openness, transparency and accountability in order to engage citizens and encourage them to be included and actively participate in democratic public life, involving citizens to assume the responsibility for co-production of public services and fostering citizen participation in public policy choices. Technology opens up new opportunities for public organizations seeking sustainability by rediscovering knowledge as source and strategic asset following a knowledge management approach for designing and implementing democratic and administrative processes, redesigning the relationship with citizens, building public trust, encouraging citizen participation and sustaining co-production of public services

    Metodologias para o Desenvolvimento de Sistemas para Participação Eletrônica: Mapeamento Sistemático

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    Neste relatório, foi realizada uma pesquisa fundamentada em técnicas de mapeamento sistemático, com o objetivo de encontrar na literatura sobre participação eletrônica (e-participação) as metodologias que estão sendo propostas para guiar a construção de sistemas computacionais para iniciativas de e-participação, comumente chamadas de plataformas de participação social. Constituindo, também, o alvo desta investigação, analisar estudos científicos que podem contribuir para a proposição de metodologias para auxiliar a concepção, modelagem e implementação de ferramentas computacionais destinadas a propiciar a participação social

    Reframing climate services to support municipal and regional planning

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    [EN] Climate services were initially established with the aim to make the vast amount of climate data, projections and other climate science output publicly available to support the development of responses to society's vulnerability to climate change. In Europe embraced the concept was not only embraced to provide access to scientific knowledge and reduce vulnerability, but also as an opportunity to promote innovation, business opportunities and employment, highlighting the importance of involving users in developing climate services. However, not only differences in knowledge and skills, but also in framing of climate risks and information needs, pose a serious gap between suppliers and users of climate information, sometimes called the "valley of death". Focusing on urban and rural development at the regional and local level as key areas of application for climate services, the paper characterizes this valley of death and suggests options to bridge the gap. We suggest that reframing of the concept of climate services can help expand their applications and effectiveness, taking local non-climate challenges, opportunities and narratives into account. We provide examples from the European ERA4CS project INNOVA. The current focus of climate service development is very much on digital forms of climate change information. While this may provide a useful "back office" function, active brokerage and mediated transfer of knowledge between public and private actors, face-to-face collaboration between providers and clients ("front office"), and integration of social, economic and non-climate environmental challenges with climate risks can help bridging the "valley of death".We acknowledge the European Research Area for Climate Services (ERA4CS) project INNOVA (Grant Agreement number 690462) for the financial support to this research. We also thank two anonymous reviewers for detailed comments on a previous draft and many excellent suggestionsSwart, R.; Celliers, L.; María Máñez-Costa; Collard, M.; Garcia-Prats, A.; Huang-Lachmann, J.; Llario Sempere, F.... (2021). Reframing climate services to support municipal and regional planning. Climate Services. 22:1-12. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cliser.2021.100227S1122