38 research outputs found

    Developing Globally-Asynchronous Locally- Synchronous Systems through the IOPT-Flow Framework

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    Throughout the years, synchronous circuits have increased in size and com-plexity, consequently, distributing a global clock signal has become a laborious task. Globally-Asynchronous Locally-Synchronous (GALS) systems emerge as a possible solution; however, these new systems require new tools. The DS-Pnet language formalism and the IOPT-Flow framework aim to support and accelerate the development of cyber-physical systems. To do so it offers a tool chain that comprises a graphical editor, a simulator and code gener-ation tools capable of generating C, JavaScript and VHDL code. However, DS-Pnets and IOPT-Flow are not yet tuned to handle GALS systems, allowing for partial specification, but not a complete one. This dissertation proposes extensions to the DS-Pnet language and the IOPT-Flow framework in order to allow development of GALS systems. Addi-tionally, some asynchronous components were created, these form interfaces that allow synchronous blocks within a GALS system to communicate with each other

    Asynchronous Testing of Synchronous Components in GALS Systems

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    International audienceGALS (Globally Asynchronous Locally Synchronous) systems, such as the Internet of Things or autonomous cars, integrate reactive synchronous components that interact asynchronously. The complexity induced by combining synchronous and asynchronous aspects makes GALS systems difficult to develop and debug. Ensuring their functional correctness and reliability requires rigorous design methodologies, based on formal methods and assisted by validation tools. In this paper we propose a testing methodology for GALS systems integrating: (1) synchronous and asynchronous concurrent models; (2) functional unit testing and behavioral conformance testing; and (3) various formal methods and their tool equipments. We leverage the conformance test generation for asynchronous systems to automatically derive realistic scenarios (input constraints and oracle), which are necessary ingredients for the unit testing of individual synchronous components, and are difficult and error-prone to design manually. We illustrate our approach on a simple, but relevant example inspired by autonomous cars

    Modeling, verification, and analysis of timed actor-based models

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    In the recent years, formal modeling and verification of realtime systems have become very important. Difficult-to-use modeling languages and inefficient analysis tools are the main obstacles to use formal methods in this domain. Timed actor model is one of the modeling paradigms which is proposed for modeling of realtime systems. It benefits from high-level object-oriented modeling facilities; however, developed analysis techniques for timed actors needs to be improved to make the actor model acceptable for the analysis of real-world applications. In this thesis, we first tackle the model checking problem of timed actors by proposing the standard semantics of timed actors in terms of fine-grained timed transition system (FGTS) and transforming it to Durational Transition Graph (DTG). This way, while the time complexity of model checking algorithms for TCTL properties, in general, is non-polynomial, we are able to check TCTL properties (a subset of TCTL) using model checking in polynomial time. We also improve the model checking algorithm of TCTL properties, obtaining time complexity of O((V lg V+E) |Φ|) instead of O(V(V+E)|Φ|) and use it for efficient model checking of timed actors. In addition, we propose a reduction technique which safely eliminates instantaneous transitions of FGTS. Using the proposed reduction technique, we provide an efficient algorithm for model checking of complete TCTL properties over the reduced transition systems. In actor-based models, the absence of shared variables and the presence of single-threaded actors along with non-preemptive execution of each message server, ensure that the execution of message servers do not interfere with each other. Based on this observation, we propose Floating Time Transition System (FTTS) as the big-step semantics of timed actors. The big-step semantics exploits actor features for relaxing the synchronization of progressof time among actors, and thereby reducing the number of states in transition systems. Considering an actor-based language, we prove there is an action-based weak bisimulation relation between FTTS and FGTS. As a result, the big-step semantics preserves event-based branching-time properties. Finally, we show how Timed Rebeca and FTTS are used as the back-end analysis technique of three different independent works to illustrate the applicability of FTTS in practice.The work on this dissertation was supported by the project “Self-Adaptive Actors:SEADA” (nr. 163205-051) of the Icelandic Research Fund

    From AADL to Timed Abstract State Machines: A Verified Model Transformation

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    International audienceArchitecture Analysis and Design Language (AADL) is an architecture description language standard for embedded real-time systems widely used in the avionics and aerospace industry to model safety-critical applications. To verify and analyze the AADL models, model transformation technologies are often used to automatically extract a formal specification suitable for analysis and verification. In this process, it remains a challenge to prove that the model transformation preserves the semantics of the initial AADL model or, at least, some of the specific properties or requirements it needs to satisfy. This paper presents a machine checked semantics-preserving transformation of a subset of AADL (including periodic threads, data port communications, mode changes, and the AADL behavior annex) into Timed Abstract State Machines (TASM). The AADL standard itself lacks at present a formal semantics to make this translation validation possible. Our contribution is to bridge this gap by providing two formal semantics for the subset of AADL. The execution semantics provided by the AADL standard is formalized as Timed Transition Systems (TTS). This formalization gives a reference expression of AADL semantics which can be compared with the TASM-based translation (for verification purpose). Finally, the verified transformation is mechanized in the theorem prover Coq

    Compositional timing analysis: power plant protection system case study

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    We introduce a method for studying temporal behaviour of the so-called Globally Asynchronous, Locally Synchronous (GALS) systems, that is systems consisting of synchronous computing elements communicating over asynchronous channels. Our method is based on the combined use of transitional logics and timed automata. The former is used to compute, by abstract interpretation, an over-approximation of the shape of the output signal, whereas the latter provide the time-stamps for the edges. Both are applied iteratively to a hierarchical model of the system in order to avoid state space explosion. We use the IF/TCA tool-chain developed at Verimag to apply this method to a case study based on the software protection system of a P4 nuclear reactor. Copyright 2011 ACM


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    This work addresses the problem of the production of hypermedia documentation for applications that require high reliability, particularly technical documentation in safety critical industries. One requirement of this application area is for the availability of a task-based organisation, which can guide and monitor such activities as maintenance and repair. In safety critical applications there must be some guarantee that such sequences are correctly presented. Conventional structuring and design methods for hypermedia systems do not allow such guarantees to be made. A formal design method that is based on a process algebra is proposed as a solution to this problem. Design methods of this kind need to be accessible to information designers. This is achieved by use of a technique already familiar to them: the storyboard. By development of a storyboard notation that is syntactically equivalent to a process algebra a bridge is made between information design and computer science, allowing formal analysis and refinement of the specification drafted by information designers. Process algebras produce imperative structures that do not map easily into the declarative formats used for some hypermedia systems, but can be translated into concurrent programs. This translation process, into a language developed by the author, called ClassiC, is illustrated and the properties that make ClassiC a suitable implementation target discussed. Other possible implementation targets are evaluated, and a comparative illustration given of translation into another likely target, Java

    Model-based integration and testing of high-tech multi-disciplinary systems

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    Rigorous code generation for distributed real-time embedded systems

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    This thesis addresses the problem of generating executable code for distributed embedded systems in which computing nodes communicate using the Controller Area Network (CAN). CAN is the dominant network in automotive and factory control systems and is becoming increasingly popular in robotic, medical and avionics applications. The requirements for functional and temporal reliability in these domains are often stringent, and testing alone may not offer the required level of con dence that systems satisfy their specications. Consequently, there has been considerable research interest in additional techniques for reasoning about the behaviour of CAN-based systems. This thesis proposes a novel approach in which system behaviour is specifed in a high-level language that is syntactically similar to Esterel but which is given a formal semantics by translation to bCANDLE, an asynchronous process calculus. The work developed here shows that bCANDLE systems can be translated automatically, via a common intermediate net representation, not only into executable C code but also into timed automaton models that can be used in the formal verification of a wide range of functional and temporal properties. A rigorous argument is presented that, for any system expressed in the high-level language, its timed automaton model is a conservative approximation of the executable C code, given certain well-defined assumptions about system components. It is shownthat an off-the-shelf model-checker (UPPAAL) can be used to verify system properties with a high-level of confidence that those properties will be exhibited by the executable code. The approach is evaluated by applying it to four representative case studies. Our results show that, for small to medium-sized systems, the generated code is sufficiently efficient for execution on typical hardware and the generated timed automaton model is sufficiently small for analysis within reasonable time and memory constraints

    Design of asynchronous microprocessor for power proportionality

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    PhD ThesisMicroprocessors continue to get exponentially cheaper for end users following Moore’s law, while the costs involved in their design keep growing, also at an exponential rate. The reason is the ever increasing complexity of processors, which modern EDA tools struggle to keep up with. This makes further scaling for performance subject to a high risk in the reliability of the system. To keep this risk low, yet improve the performance, CPU designers try to optimise various parts of the processor. Instruction Set Architecture (ISA) is a significant part of the whole processor design flow, whose optimal design for a particular combination of available hardware resources and software requirements is crucial for building processors with high performance and efficient energy utilisation. This is a challenging task involving a lot of heuristics and high-level design decisions. Another issue impacting CPU reliability is continuous scaling for power consumption. For the last decades CPU designers have been mainly focused on improving performance, but “keeping energy and power consumption in mind”. The consequence of this was a development of energy-efficient systems, where energy was considered as a resource whose consumption should be optimised. As CMOS technology was progressing, with feature size decreasing and power delivered to circuit components becoming less stable, the energy resource turned from an optimisation criterion into a constraint, sometimes a critical one. At this point power proportionality becomes one of the most important aspects in system design. Developing methods and techniques which will address the problem of designing a power-proportional microprocessor, capable to adapt to varying operating conditions (such as low or even unstable voltage levels) and application requirements in the runtime, is one of today’s grand challenges. In this thesis this challenge is addressed by proposing a new design flow for the development of an ISA for microprocessors, which can be altered to suit a particular hardware platform or a specific operating mode. This flow uses an expressive and powerful formalism for the specification of processor instruction sets called the Conditional Partial Order Graph (CPOG). The CPOG model captures large sets of behavioural scenarios for a microarchitectural level in a computationally efficient form amenable to formal transformations for synthesis, verification and automated derivation of asynchronous hardware for the CPU microcontrol. The feasibility of the methodology, novel design flow and a number of optimisation techniques was proven in a full size asynchronous Intel 8051 microprocessor and its demonstrator silicon. The chip showed the ability to work in a wide range of operating voltage and environmental conditions. Depending on application requirements and power budget our ASIC supports several operating modes: one optimised for energy consumption and the other one for performance. This was achieved by extending a traditional datapath structure with an auxiliary control layer for adaptable and fault tolerant operation. These and other optimisations resulted in a reconfigurable and adaptable implementation, which was proven by measurements, analysis and evaluation of the chip.EPSR