56 research outputs found

    FPGA Implementation of an FFT-Based Carrier Frequency Estimation Algorithm

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    Carrier synchronization is an essential part of digital communication systems. In essence, carrier synchronization is the process of estimating and correcting any carrier phase and frequency differences between the transmitted and received signals. Typically, carrier synchronization is achieved using a phase lock loop (PLL) system; however, this method is unreliable when experiencing frequency offsets larger than 30 kHz. This thesis evaluates the FPGA implementation of a combined FFT and PLL-based carrier phase synchronization system. The algorithm includes non-data-aided, FFT-based, frequency estimator used to initialize a data-aided, PLL-based phase estimator. The frequency estimator algorithm employs a resource-efficient strategy of averaging several small FFTs instead of using one large FFT, which results in a rough estimate of the frequency offset. Since it is initialized with a rough frequency estimate, this hybrid design allows the PLL to start in a state close to frequency lock and focus mainly on phase synchronization. The results show that the algorithm demonstrates comparable performance, based on performance metrics such as bit-error rate (BER) and estimator error variance, to alternative frequency estimation strategies and simulation models. Moreover, the FFT-initialized PLL approach improves the frequency acquisition range of the PLL while achieving similar BER performance as the PLL-only system

    Implementing carrier recovery for LTE 20 MHz on transport triggered architecture

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    Synchronization is a critical function in digital communications. Its failure may cause catastrophic effects on the transmission system performance. It is very important that the receiver is synchronised with the transmitter because it is not possible to correct frequencies/phases without any control mechanisms. Synchronization is different in Third Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) Long Term Evolution (LTE) for uplink and downlink because of the choice of multiple access scheme. Multiple access scheme for LTE downlink is Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access (OFDMA) and Single Carrier-Frequency Division Multiple Access (SC-FDMA) for the uplink. OFDMA is susceptible to Carrier Frequency Offset (CFO). In case of a typical LTE system with a carrier frequency of 2.1 GHz, a frequency drift of 10ppm (10×10-6) of the local oscillator can cause an offset of 21 kHz. LTE system employs a fixed subcarrier spacing of 15 kHz. This offset caused by the local oscillator corresponds to 1.40 subcarrier spac-ings. The receiver extracts the information from the received signal to synchronise and compensate for any carrier frequency/phase offset. Increasing demand for data driven applications has put stress on communication systems to provide high data rates and increased bandwidth. This demand has ever been increasing and requires new standards to evolve and efficient hardware. It has been difficult to develop hardware at the pace new communication standards are developing. It also increases the cost of deployment of a technology for a brief period of time without covering the huge capital invested in the network. In order to meet the pace of evolving standards and covering the huge net-work costs, industry needs Software-Defined Radio (SDR). SDR is a radio communica-tion technology that is based on software defined wireless communication protocols instead of hardwired implementations. System components that are usually implemented in hardware are implemented by means of software on a computer or embedded system. LTE carrier recovery algorithm for LTE downlink with 20 MHz system bandwidth has been implemented in this thesis. The architecture chosen for implementation is Transport Triggered Architecture (TTA) with the goal to achieve real time constraints along with a certain flexibility and power consumption needed for an SDR platform. The target programming language is C with TTA specific extensions instead of hand optimized assembly with the aim to reduce the whole design time and still achieve the required optimizations and throughput. This design cycle time is also one of the im-portant aspects for product development in the industry

    FPGA based Embedded System to control an electric vehicle and the driver assistance systems

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    This Master Thesis involves the development of an embedded system based on FPGA for controlling an electric vehicle based on a Kart platform and its electronic driving aids. It consists of two distinct stages in the process of hardware-software co-design, hardware development, which includes all the elements of the periphery of the processor and communication elements, all developed in VHDL. An important part of the hardware development also include the development of electronic driving aids, which include traction control and torque vectoring differential gear, in hardware coprocessors, also writen in VHDL. The other part of the co-design is the development of the control software, which is going to be executed by the embedded system’s processor. This Master Thesis will be used in a range of new electric vehicles that will be built in a near future and also gives the base for future thesis in the fields of automotive, electronics and computing

    Fast Fourier transforms on energy-efficient application-specific processors

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    Many of the current applications used in battery powered devices are from digital signal processing, telecommunication, and multimedia domains. Traditionally application-specific fixed-function circuits have been used in these designs in form of application-specific integrated circuits (ASIC) to reach the required performance and energy-efficiency. The complexity of these applications has increased over the years, thus the design complexity has increased even faster, which implies increased design time. At the same time, there are more and more standards to be supported, thus using optimised fixed-function implementations for all the functions in all the standards is impractical. The non-recurring engineering costs for integrated circuits have also increased significantly, so manufacturers can only afford fewer chip iterations. Although tailoring the circuit for a specific application provides the best performance and/or energy-efficiency, such approach lacks flexibility. E.g., if an error is found after the manufacturing, an expensive chip iteration is required. In addition, new functionalities cannot be added afterwards to support evolution of standards. Flexibility can be obtained with software based implementation technologies. Unfortunately, general-purpose processors do not provide the energy-efficiency of the fixed-function circuit designs. A useful trade-off between flexibility and performance is implementation based on application-specific processors (ASP) where programmability provides the flexibility and computational resources customised for the given application provide the performance. In this Thesis, application-specific processors are considered by using fast Fourier transform as the representative algorithm. The architectural template used here is transport triggered architecture (TTA) which resembles very long instruction word machines but the operand execution resembles data flow machines rather than traditional operand triggering. The developed TTA processors exploit inherent parallelism of the application. In addition, several characteristics of the application have been identified and those are exploited by developing customised functional units for speeding up the execution. Several customisations are proposed for the data path of the processor but it is also important to match the memory bandwidth to the computation speed. This calls for a memory organisation supporting parallel memory accesses. The proposed optimisations have been used to improve the energy-efficiency of the processor and experiments show that a programmable solution can have energy-efficiency comparable to fixed-function ASIC designs

    Electronic systems for the restoration of the sense of touch in upper limb prosthetics

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    In the last few years, research on active prosthetics for upper limbs focused on improving the human functionalities and the control. New methods have been proposed for measuring the user muscle activity and translating it into the prosthesis control commands. Developing the feed-forward interface so that the prosthesis better follows the intention of the user is an important step towards improving the quality of life of people with limb amputation. However, prosthesis users can neither feel if something or someone is touching them over the prosthesis and nor perceive the temperature or roughness of objects. Prosthesis users are helped by looking at an object, but they cannot detect anything otherwise. Their sight gives them most information. Therefore, to foster the prosthesis embodiment and utility, it is necessary to have a prosthetic system that not only responds to the control signals provided by the user, but also transmits back to the user the information about the current state of the prosthesis. This thesis presents an electronic skin system to close the loop in prostheses towards the restoration of the sense of touch in prosthesis users. The proposed electronic skin system inlcudes an advanced distributed sensing (electronic skin), a system for (i) signal conditioning, (ii) data acquisition, and (iii) data processing, and a stimulation system. The idea is to integrate all these components into a myoelectric prosthesis. Embedding the electronic system and the sensing materials is a critical issue on the way of development of new prostheses. In particular, processing the data, originated from the electronic skin, into low- or high-level information is the key issue to be addressed by the embedded electronic system. Recently, it has been proved that the Machine Learning is a promising approach in processing tactile sensors information. Many studies have been shown the Machine Learning eectiveness in the classication of input touch modalities.More specically, this thesis is focused on the stimulation system, allowing the communication of a mechanical interaction from the electronic skin to prosthesis users, and the dedicated implementation of algorithms for processing tactile data originating from the electronic skin. On system level, the thesis provides design of the experimental setup, experimental protocol, and of algorithms to process tactile data. On architectural level, the thesis proposes a design ow for the implementation of digital circuits for both FPGA and integrated circuits, and techniques for the power management of embedded systems for Machine Learning algorithms

    Embedded electronic systems driven by run-time reconfigurable hardware

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    Abstract This doctoral thesis addresses the design of embedded electronic systems based on run-time reconfigurable hardware technology –available through SRAM-based FPGA/SoC devices– aimed at contributing to enhance the life quality of the human beings. This work does research on the conception of the system architecture and the reconfiguration engine that provides to the FPGA the capability of dynamic partial reconfiguration in order to synthesize, by means of hardware/software co-design, a given application partitioned in processing tasks which are multiplexed in time and space, optimizing thus its physical implementation –silicon area, processing time, complexity, flexibility, functional density, cost and power consumption– in comparison with other alternatives based on static hardware (MCU, DSP, GPU, ASSP, ASIC, etc.). The design flow of such technology is evaluated through the prototyping of several engineering applications (control systems, mathematical coprocessors, complex image processors, etc.), showing a high enough level of maturity for its exploitation in the industry.Resumen Esta tesis doctoral abarca el diseño de sistemas electrónicos embebidos basados en tecnología hardware dinámicamente reconfigurable –disponible a través de dispositivos lógicos programables SRAM FPGA/SoC– que contribuyan a la mejora de la calidad de vida de la sociedad. Se investiga la arquitectura del sistema y del motor de reconfiguración que proporcione a la FPGA la capacidad de reconfiguración dinámica parcial de sus recursos programables, con objeto de sintetizar, mediante codiseño hardware/software, una determinada aplicación particionada en tareas multiplexadas en tiempo y en espacio, optimizando así su implementación física –área de silicio, tiempo de procesado, complejidad, flexibilidad, densidad funcional, coste y potencia disipada– comparada con otras alternativas basadas en hardware estático (MCU, DSP, GPU, ASSP, ASIC, etc.). Se evalúa el flujo de diseño de dicha tecnología a través del prototipado de varias aplicaciones de ingeniería (sistemas de control, coprocesadores aritméticos, procesadores de imagen, etc.), evidenciando un nivel de madurez viable ya para su explotación en la industria.Resum Aquesta tesi doctoral està orientada al disseny de sistemes electrònics empotrats basats en tecnologia hardware dinàmicament reconfigurable –disponible mitjançant dispositius lògics programables SRAM FPGA/SoC– que contribueixin a la millora de la qualitat de vida de la societat. S’investiga l’arquitectura del sistema i del motor de reconfiguració que proporcioni a la FPGA la capacitat de reconfiguració dinàmica parcial dels seus recursos programables, amb l’objectiu de sintetitzar, mitjançant codisseny hardware/software, una determinada aplicació particionada en tasques multiplexades en temps i en espai, optimizant així la seva implementació física –àrea de silici, temps de processat, complexitat, flexibilitat, densitat funcional, cost i potència dissipada– comparada amb altres alternatives basades en hardware estàtic (MCU, DSP, GPU, ASSP, ASIC, etc.). S’evalúa el fluxe de disseny d’aquesta tecnologia a través del prototipat de varies aplicacions d’enginyeria (sistemes de control, coprocessadors aritmètics, processadors d’imatge, etc.), demostrant un nivell de maduresa viable ja per a la seva explotació a la indústria

    Development and commissioning of a digital rf control system for the S-DALINAC and migration of the accelerator control system to an EPICS-based system

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    The high resolution scattering experiments conducted at the superconducting Darmstadt electron linear accelerator S-DALINAC call for a small energy spread of (ΔE/E) ≈ 1×10⁻⁴ of the beam. This requires stabilization of amplitude and phase of the electric field inside the accelerating cavities to (ΔA/A)ᵣₘₛ = 8×10⁻⁵ and (Δφ)ᵣₘₛ = 0.7°. The design and the commissioning of a new digital rf control system is the subject of this thesis. At the S-DALINAC two types of cavities are in use. The normal-conducting chopper and buncher cavities only need corrections for slow temperature drifts and can be controlled by a generator-driven resonator control algorithm. The superconducting accelerating cavities have a very high quality factor and thus are very susceptible to vibrations. Therefore they are operated in a self-excited loop. The rf control system is based on in-house developed hardware that converts the rf signal down to the baseband, digitizes it and feeds it into an FPGA. Inside this FPGA, a soft digital signal processor executes the control algorithm. The resulting correction is modulated onto the rf signal again and sent back to the cavity. All accelerator components are remote-controlled from a central room via an accelerator control system. Since complex and re-programmable devices are not supported well by the existing in-house developed control system, the design and implementation of a new accelerator control system is also subject of this thesis. Further important aspects are expandability, usability and maintainability of the system. Therefore the new accelerator control system uses the EPICS framework as a basis since it already provides much of the basic functionality like graphical user interfaces and flexible control servers that can be customized rapidly. This allowed the implementation of more advanced functionality like extensive read-out and diagnostics for the rf control system. The read out data can be visualized with a software oscilloscope and a spectrum analyzer software. Additionally the system provides on-line rms errors that can be used to optimize the control parameters very precisely and to monitor the performance of the controllers. Measurements show that the performance of the rf control system has been improved by one order of magnitude compared to the analog system, yielding a phase stability of (Δφ)ᵣₘₛ = 0.8° and an amplitude stability of (ΔA/A)ᵣₘₛ = 7×10⁻⁵ and thus meeting the specification. The described rf control system has been commissioned and successfully used for beam operation for two years. During this time the system has proven to be significantly more stable and reliable than the old analog system

    Design of application-specific instruction set processors with asynchronous methodology for embedded digital signal processing applications.

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    Kwok Yan-lun Andy.Thesis submitted in: November 2004.Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2005.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 133-137).Abstracts in English and Chinese.Abstract --- p.i摘要 --- p.iiAcknowledgements --- p.iiiList of Figures --- p.viiList of Tables and Examples --- p.xChapter 1. --- Introduction --- p.1Chapter 1.1. --- Motivation --- p.1Chapter 1.2. --- Objective and Approach --- p.4Chapter 1.3. --- Thesis Organization --- p.5Chapter 2. --- Related Work --- p.7Chapter 2.1. --- Coverage --- p.7Chapter 2.2. --- ASIP Design Methodologies --- p.8Chapter 2.3. --- Asynchronous Technology on Processors --- p.12Chapter 2.4. --- Summary --- p.14Chapter 3. --- Asynchronous Design Methodology --- p.15Chapter 3.1. --- Overview --- p.15Chapter 3.2. --- Asynchronous Design Style --- p.17Chapter 3.2.1. --- Micropipelines --- p.17Chapter 3.2.2. --- Fine-grain Pipelining --- p.20Chapter 3.2.3. --- Globally-Asynchronous Locally-Synchronous (GALS) Design --- p.22Chapter 3.3. --- Advantages of GALS in ASIP Design --- p.27Chapter 3.3.1. --- Reuse of Synchronous and Asynchronous IP --- p.27Chapter 3.3.2. --- Fine Tuning of Performance and Power Consumption --- p.27Chapter 3.3.3. --- Synthesis-based Design Flow --- p.28Chapter 3.4. --- Design of GALS Asynchronous Wrapper --- p.28Chapter 3.4.1. --- Handshake Protocol --- p.28Chapter 3.4.2. --- Pausible Clock Generator --- p.29Chapter 3.4.3. --- Port Controllers --- p.30Chapter 3.4.4. --- Performance of the Asynchronous Wrapper --- p.33Chapter 3.5. --- Summary --- p.35Chapter 4. --- Platform Based ASIP Design Methodology --- p.36Chapter 4.1. --- Platform Based Approach --- p.36Chapter 4.1.1. --- The Definition of Our Platform --- p.37Chapter 4.1.2. --- The Definition of the Platform Based Design --- p.37Chapter 4.2. --- Platform Architecture --- p.38Chapter 4.2.1. --- The Nature of DSP Algorithms --- p.38Chapter 4.2.2. --- Design Space of Datapath Optimization --- p.46Chapter 4.2.3. --- Proposed Architecture --- p.49Chapter 4.2.4. --- The Strategy of Realizing an Optimized Datapath --- p.51Chapter 4.2.5. --- Pipeline Organization --- p.59Chapter 4.2.6. --- GALS Partitioning --- p.61Chapter 4.2.7. --- Operation Mechanism --- p.63Chapter 4.3. --- Overall Design Flow --- p.67Chapter 4.4. --- Summary --- p.70Chapter 5. --- Design of the ASIP Platform --- p.72Chapter 5.1. --- Design Goal --- p.72Chapter 5.2. --- Instruction Fetch --- p.74Chapter 5.2.1. --- Instruction fetch unit --- p.74Chapter 5.2.2. --- Zero-overhead loops and Subroutines --- p.75Chapter 5.3. --- Instruction Decode --- p.77Chapter 5.3.1. --- Instruction decoder --- p.77Chapter 5.3.2. --- The Encoding of Parallel and Complex Instructions --- p.80Chapter 5.4. --- Datapath --- p.81Chapter 5.4.1. --- Base Functional Units --- p.81Chapter 5.4.2. --- Functional Unit Wrapper Interface --- p.83Chapter 5.5. --- Register File Systems --- p.84Chapter 5.5.1. --- Memory Hierarchy --- p.84Chapter 5.5.2. --- Register File Organization --- p.85Chapter 5.5.3. --- Address Generation --- p.93Chapter 5.5.4. --- Load and Store --- p.98Chapter 5.6. --- Design Verification --- p.100Chapter 5.7. --- Summary --- p.104Chapter 6. --- Case Studies --- p.105Chapter 6.1. --- Objective --- p.105Chapter 6.2. --- Approach --- p.105Chapter 6.3. --- Based versus Optimized --- p.106Chapter 6.3.1. --- Matrix Manipulation --- p.106Chapter 6.3.2. --- Autocorrelation --- p.109Chapter 6.3.3. --- CORDIC --- p.110Chapter 6.4. --- Optimized versus Advanced Commercial DSPs --- p.113Chapter 6.4.1. --- Introduction to TMS320C62x and SC140 --- p.113Chapter 6.4.2. --- Results --- p.115Chapter 6.5. --- Summary --- p.116Chapter 7. --- Conclusion --- p.118Chapter 7.1. --- When ASIPs encounter asynchronous --- p.118Chapter 7.2. --- Contributions --- p.120Chapter 7.3. --- Future Directions --- p.121Chapter A --- Synthesis of Extended Burst-Mode Asynchronous Finite State Machine --- p.122Chapter B --- Base Instruction Set --- p.124Chapter C --- Special Registers --- p.127Chapter D --- Synthesizable Model of GALS Wrapper --- p.130Reference --- p.13

    FPGA-based High Performance Diagnostics For Fusion

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    High performance diagnostics are an important aspect of fusion research. Increasing shot-lengths paired with the requirement for higher accuracy and speed make it mandatory to employ new technology to cope with the increasing demands on digitization and data handling. Field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) are well known in high performance applications. Their ability to handle multiple fast data streams whilst remaining programmable make them an ideal tool for diagnostic development. Both the improvement of old and the design of new diagnostics can benefit from FPGA-technology and increase the amount of accessible physics significantly. In this work the developments on two FPGA-based diagnostics are presented. In the first part a new open-hardware low-cost FPGA-based digitizer is presented for the MAST-Upgrade (MAST-U) integral electron density interferometer. The system is shown to have an optically limited phase accuracy and a detection bandwidth of over 3.5 MHz. Data is acquired continuously at 20 MS/s and streamed to an acquisition PC via optical fiber. By employing a dual-FPGA approach real-time processing of the density signal can be achieved despite severly limited resources, thus providing a control signal for the MAST-U plasma control system system with less than 8 μs latency. Due to MAST-U being still inoperable, in-situ testing has been conducted on the ASDEX Upgrade, where fast wave physics up to 3.5 MHz could first be observed. The second part presents developments to the Synthetic Aperture Microwave Imaging (SAMI) diagnostic. In addition to improving the utilization of long shot-lengths and enabling dual-polarized acquisition the system has been enhanced to continuously acquire active probing profiles for 2D Doppler back-scattering (DBS), a technique recently developed using SAMI. The aim is to measure pitch angle profiles to derive the edge current density. SAMI has been transferred to the NSTX-Upgrade and integrated into the experiment’s infrastructure, where it has been acquiring data since May 2016. As part of this move an investigation into near-field effects on SAMI’s image reconstruction algorithms was conducted