30 research outputs found

    A Lagrangean-based heuristic for multi-plant, multi-item, multi-period capacitated lot-sizing problems with inter-plant transfers

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    This paper addresses scheduling of lot sizes in a multi-plant, multi-item, multi-period, capacitated environment with inter-plant transfers. A real-world problem in a company manufacturing steel rolled products provided motivation to this research. A Lagrangean-based approach, embedded with a lot shifting–splitting–merging routine, has been used for solving the multi-plant, capacitated lot-sizing problem. A “good” solution procedure developed by Sambasivan (Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, 1994) has been used for solving the relaxed problem. About 120 randomly generated instances of the problem have been solved and it has been found that Lagrangean-based approach works quite “efficiently” for this problem

    A hybrid heuristic for the multi-plant capacitated lot sizing problem with setup carry-over

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    This paper addresses the capacitated lot sizing problem (CLSP) with a single stage composed of multiple plants, items and periods with setup carry-over among the periods. The CLSP is well studied and many heuristics have been proposed to solve it. Nevertheless, few researches explored the multi-plant capacitated lot sizing problem (MPCLSP), which means that few solution methods were proposed to solve it. Furthermore, to our knowledge, no study of the MPCLSP with setup carry-over was found in the literature. This paper presents a mathematical model and a GRASP (Greedy Randomized Adaptive Search Procedure) with path relinking to the MPCLSP with setup carry-over. This solution method is an extension and adaptation of a previously adopted methodology without the setup carry-over. Computational tests showed that the improvement of the setup carry-over is significant in terms of the solution value with a low increase in computational time.FAPES

    Modeling Industrial Lot Sizing Problems: A Review

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    In this paper we give an overview of recent developments in the field of modeling single-level dynamic lot sizing problems. The focus of this paper is on the modeling various industrial extensions and not on the solution approaches. The timeliness of such a review stems from the growing industry need to solve more realistic and comprehensive production planning problems. First, several different basic lot sizing problems are defined. Many extensions of these problems have been proposed and the research basically expands in two opposite directions. The first line of research focuses on modeling the operational aspects in more detail. The discussion is organized around five aspects: the set ups, the characteristics of the production process, the inventory, demand side and rolling horizon. The second direction is towards more tactical and strategic models in which the lot sizing problem is a core substructure, such as integrated production-distribution planning or supplier selection. Recent advances in both directions are discussed. Finally, we give some concluding remarks and point out interesting areas for future research

    Mixed integer programming formulations and heuristics for joint production and transportation problems.

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    In this thesis we consider different joint production and transportation problems. We first study the simplest two-level problem, the uncapacitated two-level production-in-series lot-sizing problem (2L-S/LS-U). We give a new polynomial dynamic programming algorithm and a new compact extended formulation for the problem and for an extension with sales. Some computational tests are performed comparing several reformulations on a NP-Hard problem containing the 2L-S/LS-U as a relaxation. We also investigate the one-warehouse multi-retailer problem (OWMR), another NP-Hard extension of the 2L-S/LS-U. We study possible ways to tackle the problem effectively using mixed integer programming (MIP) techniques. We analyze the projection of a multi-commodity reformulation onto the space of the original variables for two special cases and characterize valid inequalities for the 2L-S/LS-U. Limited computational experiments are performed to compare several approaches. We then analyze a more general two-level production and transportation problem with multiple production sites. Relaxations for the problem for which reformulations are known are identified in order to improve the linear relaxation bounds. We show that some uncapacitated instances of the basic problem of reasonable size can often be solved to optimality. We also show that a hybrid MIP heuristic based on two different MIP formulations permits us to find solutions guaranteed to be within 10% of optimality for harder instances with limited transportation capacity and/or with additional sales. For instances with big bucket production or aggregate storage capacity constraints the gaps can be larger. In addition, we study a different type of production and transportation problem in which cllients place orders with different sizes and delivery dates and the transportation is performed by a third company. We develop a MIP formulation and an algorithm with a local search procedure that allows us to solve large instances effectively.

    Production Lot Sizing Problem with the Lead Time

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    The issue in lot sizing problem is to plan production processes, so that mean the production quantities must be equal to customer demand quantities such that the inventory cost and setup production cost is minimized. In this work, we use the model Multi Level Capacitated Lot Sizing problem with consideration the Lead times, which means that the problem of finding a feasible solution is complex. For this, we propose a new formula in comparison with the classic model. The efficiency of the new formula is demonstrated and infeasible solutions are solved by a heuristic method that's based on Lagrangian relaxation. Computational tests conducted in 1000 instances with up to 40 components and 16 periods have shown that optimal solutions were obtained on average 96.43% of the large instances. For the improvement of the best solution, the heuristic is able to find the efficiency with 97.62% on average. The solution quality is evaluated through initial iterations, the average solution time provided by Lagrangian relaxation is less than 0.43s


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    Colloque avec actes et comité de lecture. internationale.International audienceLe problème de livraisons jointes de produits (JDP) consiste à planifier les livraisons de différents produits à différents sites de consommation ou de distribution en traitant les problèmes de groupement, de livraison et de stockage. Il s’agit de construire des tournées de livraison sur un horizon de planification, en satisfaisant les demandes et en minimisant le coût total de commande, de livraison et de stockage. Les coûts fixes de commande portent d’une part sur le lancement d’une tournée, d’autre part sur chaque couple (produit, site) présent ou non dans la tournée. Les taux de demandes étant supposées fixes et connus, le problème en horizon infini admet une solution périodique, le plan de livraison optimal sur une période-type pouvant se répéter indéfiniment. Dans notre approche, le problème est formulé en temps discret et nous choisissons comme période-type commune de cyclicité un multiple de la période élémentaire, et cette période-type sert d’horizon de planification. Ainsi, les livraisons restent périodiques à travers la répétition de l’horizon de planification, mais les livraisons pendant l’horizon de planification ne sont pas contraintes à être périodiques. Les résultats numériques montrent en particulier la supériorité de cette approche sur une solution cyclique pour chaque couple (produit, site)

    MRP IV: Planificación de requerimientos de materiales cuarta generación. Integración de la planificación de la producción y del transporte de aprovisionamiento

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    Tesis por compendioEl sistema de planificación de requerimientos de materiales o MRP (Material Requirement Planning), desarrollado por Orlicky en 1975, sigue siendo en nuestros días y, a pesar de sus deficiencias identificadas, el sistema de planificación de la producción más utilizado por las empresas industriales. Las evoluciones del MRP se vieron reflejadas en el sistema MRPII (Manufacturing Resource Planning), que considera restricciones de capacidad productiva, MRPIII (Money Resource Planning), que introduce la función de finanzas; y la evolución comercial del mismo en el ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning), que incorpora modularmente todas las funciones de la empresa en un único sistema de decisión, cuyo núcleo central es el MRP. Los desarrollos posteriores de los sistemas ERP han incorporado las nuevas tecnologías de la información y comunicaciones. Asimismo, éstos se han adaptado al contexto económico actual caracterizado por la globalización de los negocios y la deslocalización de los proveedores desarrollando otras funciones como la gestión de la cadena de suministro o del transporte, entre otros. Por otro lado, existen muchos trabajos en la literatura académica que han intentado resolver algunas de las debilidades del MRP tales como la optimización de los resultados, la consideración de la incertidumbre en determinados parámetros, el inflado de los tiempos de entrega, etc. Sin embargo, tanto en el ámbito comercial como en el científico, el MRP y sus variantes se centran en el requerimiento de los materiales y en la planificación de las capacidades de producción, lo que es su desventaja principal en aquellas cadenas de suministro donde existe una gran deslocalización de los proveedores de materias primas y componentes. En estos entornos, la planificación del transporte adquiere un protagonismo fundamental, puesto que los elevados costes y las restricciones logísticas suelen hacer subóptimos e incluso infactibles los planes de producción propuestos, siendo la re-planificación manual una práctica habitual en las empresas. Esta tesis doctoral propone un modelo denominado MRPIV, que considera de forma integrada las decisiones de la planificación de materiales, capacidades de recursos de producción y el transporte, con las restricciones propias de este último, tales como diferentes modos de recogida (milk-run, camión completo, rutas) en la cadena de suministro con el objetivo de evitar la suboptimización de estos planes que en la actualidad se generan usualmente de forma secuencial e independiente. El modelo propuesto se ha validado en una cadena de suministro del sector del automóvil confirmando la reducción de costes totales y una planificación más eficiente del transporte de los camiones necesarios para efectuar el aprovisionamiento.Díaz-Madroñero Boluda, FM. (2015). MRP IV: Planificación de requerimientos de materiales cuarta generación. Integración de la planificación de la producción y del transporte de aprovisionamiento [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/48524TESISCompendi

    Evaluation et gestion de la flexibilité dans les chaînes logistiques : nouveau cadre général et applications

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    This thesis focuses on flexibility issues in supply chain. These issues are becoming more and more important for firms because of the increasingly changing business environment and customer behaviors. Although some of these issues have been tackled in academic research in recent years, but studies have mainly concentrated in conceptual levels and there is little consensus even on the definition of flexibility. This thesis aims at defining a new framework for the supply chain flexibility, proposing quantitative measures of the flexibility and optimizing the use of flexibility, especially in an integrated production and transportation planning context. The new framework of supply chain flexibility is based on classification of different flexibility aspects in a supply chain into three main categories - manufacturing flexibility,logistic chain flexibility and system flexibility. These flexibility types are further distinguished into major flexibility dimension and other flexibility dimension.In order to measure supply chain flexibility from a quantitative point of view, Mechanical Analogy method is particularly discussed. A procedure is established to enlarge and carry out this method in supply chain, provided with a case study to evaluate the flexibility of Louis Vuitton stores.One of the most important issues is to optimally make use of the available flexibility. We investigate an Integrated Production and Transportation Planning problem with given flexibility tolerances, where the production and transportation activities are intimately linked to each other and must be scheduled in a synchronized way. Particularly, heterogeneous vehicles are taken into account. Two mixed integer linear programming models are constructed.Three algorithms are developed and compared with linear relaxation bounds for large sized real life instances and with optimal solutions for small sized instances. These comparisons show the effectiveness of our heuristics in solving real life problemsCette thèse étudie la problématique de la flexibilité dans les chaînes logistiques. La recherche académique a commencé à s’intéresser à cette problématique depuis quelques années, mais les études existantes restent pour la plupart au niveau conceptuel et il y a peu de consensus sur la définition même de la flexibilité. Cette thèse a pour ambition de définir un nouveau cadre pour la flexibilité dans les chaînes logistiques, proposer des mesures quantitatives pour la flexibilité et enfin optimiser l’utilisation de la flexibilité, en particulier dans un contexte de planification intégrée de la production et du transport.Ce travail de thèse vise tout d’abord à établir un nouveau cadre pour la flexibilité de la chaîne logistique, où les différents aspects de la flexibilité sont classifiés en trois catégories principales: flexibilité de la production, flexibilité de la chaîne logistique et flexibilité du système. Dans chacune de ces catégories, on peut trouver des dimensions primordiales et des dimensions moins importantes.Afin d’évaluer la flexibilité de manière quantitative, nous faisons appel à la méthode Analogie Mécanique. Cette méthode propose une analogie entre un système mécanique vibratoire et une chaîne logistique. Dans ce contexte, nous avons développé une étude de cas pour Louis Vuitton afin d’évaluer la flexibilité de leurs magasins, et nous avons établi une procédure pour implémenter cette méthode.Une autre problématique importante est l’utilisation optimale de la flexibilité existante.Nous nous sommes particulièrement intéressés à la planification intégrée de la production et du transport avec des flexibilités sur la capacité de transport, où la production et le transport sont intimement liés du fait du manque de capacité de stockage et doivent être planifiées conjointement. Particulièrement, les véhicules hétérogènes sont pris en compte.Nous avons construit deux modèles de programmation linéaire en nombres mixtes et développé trois algorithmes qui ont été comparées par rapport à la relaxation linéaire pour les instances de grande taille et aux solutions optimales pour des instances de petite taille. Ces comparaisons montrent que les heuristiques proposées sont efficaces pour résoudre des problèmes réels, aussi bien en termes de qualité de solution qu’en termes de temps de calcul

    Algoritmo heurístico basado en listas tabú para la planificación de la producción en sistemas multinivel con listas de materiales alternativas y entornos de coproducción

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    Maestría en IngenieríaEn esta investigación se presenta el desarrollo un algoritmo heurístico basado en los principios de búsqueda tabú para la solución del problema de lotificación multinivel con restricciones de capacidad, listas de materiales alternativas y entornos de coproducción, basado en la estructura del modelo de Planificación de Materiales y Operaciones Genéricas GMOP propuesto en el año 2013. El algoritmo propuesto utiliza el mecanismo de memoria a corto plazo (Lista Tabú) para la selección de Strokes alternativos para la fabricación de cada producto. La validación del algoritmo se realizó analizando la calidad y los tiempos de obtención de las soluciones. El algoritmo demostró potencial al alcanzar porcentajes de diferencia entre el 10% y 17% con respecto a las soluciones óptimas en los problemas de mayor tamaño y un equilibrio entre calidad y tiempos de solución problemas relativamente pequeños.This research shows the development process of a heuristic algorithm based on the principles of taboo search for the solution of the capacitated multilevel lot sizing problem with alternate bill of materials and co-production environments, based on the structure of the Generic Materials and Operations Planning model (GMOP). The proposed algorithm uses the short-term memory mechanism (Taboo List) for the selection of alternate strokes to produce each product. The validation of the algorithm was carried out analyzing the quality and the solution times. The algorithm demonstrated potential by reaching difference percentages around 10% and 17% compared with optimal solutions in large problems and a balance between quality and solution times when is used in relatively small problems