499 research outputs found

    Methods for Automated Creation and Efficient Visualisation of Large-Scale Terrains based on Real Height-Map Data

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    Real-time rendering of large-scale terrains is a difficult problem and remains an active field of research. The massive scale of these landscapes, where the ratio between the size of the terrain and its resolution is spanning multiple orders of magnitude, requires an efficient level of detail strategy. It is crucial that the geometry, as well as the terrain data, are represented seamlessly at varying distances while maintaining a constant visual quality. This thesis investigates common techniques and previous solutions to problems associated with the rendering of height field terrains and discusses their benefits and drawbacks. Subsequently, two solutions to the stated problems are presented, which build and expand upon the state-of-the-art rendering methods. A seamless and efficient mesh representation is achieved by the novel Uniform Distance-Dependent Level of Detail (UDLOD) triangulation method. This fully GPU-based algorithm subdivides a quadtree covering the terrain into small tiles, which can be culled in parallel, and are morphed seamlessly in the vertex shader, resulting in a densely and temporally consistent triangulated mesh. The proposed Chunked Clipmap combines the strengths of both quadtrees and clipmaps to enable efficient out-of-core paging of terrain data. This data structure allows for constant time view-dependent access, graceful degradation if data is unavailable, and supports trilinear and anisotropic filtering. Together these, otherwise independent, techniques enable the rendering of large-scale real-world terrains, which is demonstrated on a dataset encompassing the entire Free State of Saxony at a resolution of one meter, in real-time

    Survey of semi-regular multiresolution models for interactive terrain rendering

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    Rendering high quality digital terrains at interactive rates requires carefully crafted algorithms and data structures able to balance the competing requirements of realism and frame rates, while taking into account the memory and speed limitations of the underlying graphics platform. In this survey, we analyze multiresolution approaches that exploit a certain semi-regularity of the data. These approaches have produced some of the most efficient systems to date. After providing a short background and motivation for the methods, we focus on illustrating models based on tiled blocks and nested regular grids, quadtrees and triangle bin-trees triangulations, as well as cluster-based approaches. We then discuss LOD error metrics and system-level data management aspects of interactive terrain visualization, including dynamic scene management, out-of-core data organization and compression, as well as numerical accurac

    Perceptually optimized real-time computer graphics

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    Perceptual optimization, the application of human visual perception models to remove imperceptible components in a graphics system, has been proven effective in achieving significant computational speedup. Previous implementations of this technique have focused on spatial level of detail reduction, which typically results in noticeable degradation of image quality. This thesis introduces refresh rate modulation (RRM), a novel perceptual optimization technique that produces better performance enhancement while more effectively preserving image quality and resolving static scene elements in full detail. In order to demonstrate the effectiveness of this technique, a graphics framework has been developed that interfaces with eye tracking hardware to take advantage of user fixation data in real-time. Central to the framework is a high-performance GPGPU ray-tracing engine written in OpenCL. RRM reduces the frequency with which pixels outside of the foveal region are updated by the ray-tracer. A persistent pixel buffer is maintained such that peripheral data from previous frames provides context for the foveal image in the current frame. Traditional optimization techniques have also been incorporated into the ray-tracer for improved performance. Applying the RRM technique to the ray-tracing engine results in a speedup of 2.27 (252 fps vs. 111 fps at 1080p) for the classic Whitted scene with reflection and transmission enabled. A speedup of 3.41 (140 fps vs. 41 fps at 1080p) is observed for a high-polygon scene that depicts the Stanford Bunny. A small pilot study indicates that RRM achieves these results with minimal impact to perceived image quality. A secondary investigation is conducted regarding the performance benefits of increasing physics engine error tolerance for bounding volume hierarchy based collision detection when the scene elements involved are in the user\u27s periphery. The open-source Bullet Physics Library was used to add accurate collision detection to the full resolution ray-tracing engine. For a scene with a static high-polygon model and 50 moving spheres, a speedup of 1.8 was observed for physics calculations. The development and integration of this subsystem demonstrates the extensibility of the graphics framework

    A Framework for Dynamic Terrain with Application in Off-road Ground Vehicle Simulations

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    The dissertation develops a framework for the visualization of dynamic terrains for use in interactive real-time 3D systems. Terrain visualization techniques may be classified as either static or dynamic. Static terrain solutions simulate rigid surface types exclusively; whereas dynamic solutions can also represent non-rigid surfaces. Systems that employ a static terrain approach lack realism due to their rigid nature. Disregarding the accurate representation of terrain surface interaction is rationalized because of the inherent difficulties associated with providing runtime dynamism. Nonetheless, dynamic terrain systems are a more correct solution because they allow the terrain database to be modified at run-time for the purpose of deforming the surface. Many established techniques in terrain visualization rely on invalid assumptions and weak computational models that hinder the use of dynamic terrain. Moreover, many existing techniques do not exploit the capabilities offered by current computer hardware. In this research, we present a component framework for terrain visualization that is useful in research, entertainment, and simulation systems. In addition, we present a novel method for deforming the terrain that can be used in real-time, interactive systems. The development of a component framework unifies disparate works under a single architecture. The high-level nature of the framework makes it flexible and adaptable for developing a variety of systems, independent of the static or dynamic nature of the solution. Currently, there are only a handful of documented deformation techniques and, in particular, none make explicit use of graphics hardware. The approach developed by this research offloads extra work to the graphics processing unit; in an effort to alleviate the overhead associated with deforming the terrain. Off-road ground vehicle simulation is used as an application domain to demonstrate the practical nature of the framework and the deformation technique. In order to realistically simulate terrain surface interactivity with the vehicle, the solution balances visual fidelity and speed. Accurately depicting terrain surface interactivity in off-road ground vehicle simulations improves visual realism; thereby, increasing the significance and worth of the application. Systems in academia, government, and commercial institutes can make use of the research findings to achieve the real-time display of interactive terrain surfaces

    Efficient algorithms for the realistic simulation of fluids

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    Nowadays there is great demand for realistic simulations in the computer graphics field. Physically-based animations are commonly used, and one of the more complex problems in this field is fluid simulation, more so if real-time applications are the goal. Videogames, in particular, resort to different techniques that, in order to represent fluids, just simulate the consequence and not the cause, using procedural or parametric methods and often discriminating the physical solution. This need motivates the present thesis, the interactive simulation of free-surface flows, usually liquids, which are the feature of interest in most common applications. Due to the complexity of fluid simulation, in order to achieve real-time framerates, we have resorted to use the high parallelism provided by actual consumer-level GPUs. The simulation algorithm, the Lattice Boltzmann Method, has been chosen accordingly due to its efficiency and the direct mapping to the hardware architecture because of its local operations. We have created two free-surface simulations in the GPU: one fully in 3D and another restricted only to the upper surface of a big bulk of fluid, limiting the simulation domain to 2D. We have extended the latter to track dry regions and is also coupled with obstacles in a geometry-independent fashion. As it is restricted to 2D, the simulation loses some features due to the impossibility of simulating vertical separation of the fluid. To account for this we have coupled the surface simulation to a generic particle system with breaking wave conditions; the simulations are totally independent and only the coupling binds the LBM with the chosen particle system. Furthermore, the visualization of both systems is also done in a realistic way within the interactive framerates; raycasting techniques are used to provide the expected light-related effects as refractions, reflections and caustics. Other techniques that improve the overall detail are also applied as low-level detail ripples and surface foam

    A System for Real-Time Deformable Terrain

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    Terrain constitutes an important part of many virtual environments. In computer games or simulations it is often useful to allow the user to modify the terrain since this can help to foster immersion. Unfortunately, real-time deformation schemes can be expensive and most game engines simply substitute proxy geometry or use texturing to create the illusion of deformation. We present a new terrain deformation framework which is able to produce persistent, real-time deformation by utilising the capabilities of current generation GPUs. Our method utilises texture storage, a terrain level-of-detail scheme and a tile-based terrain representation to achieve high frame rates. To accommodate a range of hardware, we provide deformation schemes for hardware with and without geometry tessellation units. Deformation using the fragment shader (no tessellation) is significantly faster than the geometry shader (tessellation) approach, although this does come at the cost of some high resolution detail. Our tests show that both deformation schemes consume a comparatively small proportion of the GPU per frame budget and can thus be integrated into more complex virtual environments


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    Kosmos : a virtual 3-D universe

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    Kosmos is an application enabling interactive visualization of a fictional 3D universe. It offers users the opportunity to explore and experience an aesthetically pleasing virtual environment complete with billions of high-resolution planets and stars. Kosmos integrates several novel 3D rendering techniques in terrain rendering, large-scale particle systems, etc. to make this level of graphical realism and scale possible. The efficiency of the algorithms developed for this project enables average hardware (such as almost any modern laptop) to run Kosmos smoothly. Moreover, through the use of the recent WebGL standard, Kosmos may be viewed online in any modern web browser on any major operating system, with no large downloads or additional software installation necessary. Moreover, the author has released the full source code for Kosmos online for free under the BSD Open Source License

    Real-time Realistic Rendering Of Nature Scenes With Dynamic Lighting

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    Rendering of natural scenes has interested the scientific community for a long time due to its numerous applications. The targeted goal is to create images that are similar to what a viewer can see in real life with his/her eyes. The main obstacle is complexity: nature scenes from real life contain a huge number of small details that are hard to model, take a lot of time to render and require a huge amount of memory unavailable in current computers. This complexity mainly comes from geometry and lighting. The goal of our research is to overcome this complexity and to achieve real-time rendering of nature scenes while providing visually convincing dynamic global illumination. Our work focuses on grass and trees as they are commonly visible in everyday life. We handle geometry and lighting complexities for grass to render millions of grass blades interactively with dynamic lighting. As for lighting complexity, we address real-time rendering of trees by proposing a lighting model that handles indirect lighting. Our work makes extensive use of the current generation of Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) to meet the real-time requirement and to leave the CPU free to carry out other tasks
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