636 research outputs found

    Sistema para análise automatizada de movimento durante a marcha usando uma câmara RGB-D

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    Nowadays it is still common in clinical practice to assess the gait (or way of walking) of a given subject through the visual observation and use of a rating scale, which is a subjective approach. However, sensors including RGB-D cameras, such as the Microsoft Kinect, can be used to obtain quantitative information that allows performing gait analysis in a more objective way. The quantitative gait analysis results can be very useful for example to support the clinical assessment of patients with diseases that can affect their gait, such as Parkinson’s disease. The main motivation of this thesis was thus to provide support to gait assessment, by allowing to carry out quantitative gait analysis in an automated way. This objective was achieved by using 3-D data, provided by a single RGB-D camera, to automatically select the data corresponding to walking and then detect the gait cycles performed by the subject while walking. For each detected gait cycle, we obtain several gait parameters, which are used together with anthropometric measures to automatically identify the subject being assessed. The automated gait data selection relies on machine learning techniques to recognize three different activities (walking, standing, and marching), as well as two different positions of the subject in relation to the camera (facing the camera and facing away from it). For gait cycle detection, we developed an algorithm that estimates the instants corresponding to given gait events. The subject identification based on gait is enabled by a solution that was also developed by relying on machine learning. The developed solutions were integrated into a system for automated gait analysis, which we found to be a viable alternative to gold standard systems for obtaining several spatiotemporal and some kinematic gait parameters. Furthermore, the system is suitable for use in clinical environments, as well as ambulatory scenarios, since it relies on a single markerless RGB-D camera that is less expensive, more portable, less intrusive and easier to set up, when compared with the gold standard systems (multiple cameras and several markers attached to the subject’s body).Atualmente ainda é comum na prática clínica avaliar a marcha (ou o modo de andar) de uma certa pessoa através da observação visual e utilização de uma escala de classificação, o que é uma abordagem subjetiva. No entanto, existem sensores incluindo câmaras RGB-D, como a Microsoft Kinect, que podem ser usados para obter informação quantitativa que permite realizar a análise da marcha de um modo mais objetivo. Os resultados quantitativos da análise da marcha podem ser muito úteis, por exemplo, para apoiar a avaliação clínica de pessoas com doenças que podem afetar a sua marcha, como a doença de Parkinson. Assim, a principal motivação desta tese foi fornecer apoio à avaliação da marcha, permitindo realizar a análise quantitativa da marcha de forma automatizada. Este objetivo foi atingido usando dados em 3-D, fornecidos por uma única câmara RGB-D, para automaticamente selecionar os dados correspondentes a andar e, em seguida, detetar os ciclos de marcha executados pelo sujeito durante a marcha. Para cada ciclo de marcha identificado, obtemos vários parâmetros de marcha, que são usados em conjunto com medidas antropométricas para identificar automaticamente o sujeito que está a ser avaliado. A seleção automatizada de dados de marcha usa técnicas de aprendizagem máquina para reconhecer três atividades diferentes (andar, estar parado em pé e marchar), bem como duas posições diferentes do sujeito em relação à câmara (de frente para a câmara e de costas para ela). Para a deteção dos ciclos da marcha, desenvolvemos um algoritmo que estima os instantes correspondentes a determinados eventos da marcha. A identificação do sujeito com base na sua marcha é realizada usando uma solução que também foi desenvolvida com base em aprendizagem máquina. As soluções desenvolvidas foram integradas num sistema de análise automatizada de marcha, que demonstrámos ser uma alternativa viável a sistemas padrão de referência para obter vários parâmetros de marcha espácio-temporais e alguns parâmetros angulares. Além disso, o sistema é adequado para uso em ambientes clínicos, bem como em cenários ambulatórios, pois depende de apenas de uma câmara RGB-D que não usa marcadores e é menos dispendiosa, mais portátil, menos intrusiva e mais fácil de configurar, quando comparada com os sistemas padrão de referência (múltiplas câmaras e vários marcadores colocados no corpo do sujeito).Programa Doutoral em Informátic

    A multi-modal perception based assistive robotic system for the elderly

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    Edited by Giovanni Maria Farinella, Takeo Kanade, Marco Leo, Gerard G. Medioni, Mohan TrivediInternational audienceIn this paper, we present a multi-modal perception based framework to realize a non-intrusive domestic assistive robotic system. It is non-intrusive in that it only starts interaction with a user when it detects the user's intention to do so. All the robot's actions are based on multi-modal perceptions which include user detection based on RGB-D data, user's intention-for-interaction detection with RGB-D and audio data, and communication via user distance mediated speech recognition. The utilization of multi-modal cues in different parts of the robotic activity paves the way to successful robotic runs (94% success rate). Each presented perceptual component is systematically evaluated using appropriate dataset and evaluation metrics. Finally the complete system is fully integrated on the PR2 robotic platform and validated through system sanity check runs and user studies with the help of 17 volunteer elderly participants

    Instrumentation, Data, And Algorithms For Visually Understanding Haptic Surface Properties

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    Autonomous robots need to efficiently walk over varied surfaces and grasp diverse objects. We hypothesize that the association between how such surfaces look and how they physically feel during contact can be learned from a database of matched haptic and visual data recorded from various end-effectors\u27 interactions with hundreds of real-world surfaces. Testing this hypothesis required the creation of a new multimodal sensing apparatus, the collection of a large multimodal dataset, and development of a machine-learning pipeline. This thesis begins by describing the design and construction of the Portable Robotic Optical/Tactile ObservatioN PACKage (PROTONPACK, or Proton for short), an untethered handheld sensing device that emulates the capabilities of the human senses of vision and touch. Its sensory modalities include RGBD vision, egomotion, contact force, and contact vibration. Three interchangeable end-effectors (a steel tooling ball, an OptoForce three-axis force sensor, and a SynTouch BioTac artificial fingertip) allow for different material properties at the contact point and provide additional tactile data. We then detail the calibration process for the motion and force sensing systems, as well as several proof-of-concept surface discrimination experiments that demonstrate the reliability of the device and the utility of the data it collects. This thesis then presents a large-scale dataset of multimodal surface interaction recordings, including 357 unique surfaces such as furniture, fabrics, outdoor fixtures, and items from several private and public material sample collections. Each surface was touched with one, two, or three end-effectors, comprising approximately one minute per end-effector of tapping and dragging at various forces and speeds. We hope that the larger community of robotics researchers will find broad applications for the published dataset. Lastly, we demonstrate an algorithm that learns to estimate haptic surface properties given visual input. Surfaces were rated on hardness, roughness, stickiness, and temperature by the human experimenter and by a pool of purely visual observers. Then we trained an algorithm to perform the same task as well as infer quantitative properties calculated from the haptic data. Overall, the task of predicting haptic properties from vision alone proved difficult for both humans and computers, but a hybrid algorithm using a deep neural network and a support vector machine achieved a correlation between expected and actual regression output between approximately ρ = 0.3 and ρ = 0.5 on previously unseen surfaces

    Human-robot interaction and computer-vision-based services for autonomous robots

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    L'Aprenentatge per Imitació (IL), o Programació de robots per Demostració (PbD), abasta mètodes pels quals un robot aprèn noves habilitats a través de l'orientació humana i la imitació. La PbD s'inspira en la forma en què els éssers humans aprenen noves habilitats per imitació amb la finalitat de desenvolupar mètodes pels quals les noves tasques es poden transferir als robots. Aquesta tesi està motivada per la pregunta genèrica de "què imitar?", Que es refereix al problema de com extreure les característiques essencials d'una tasca. Amb aquesta finalitat, aquí adoptem la perspectiva del Reconeixement d'Accions (AR) per tal de permetre que el robot decideixi el què cal imitar o inferir en interactuar amb un ésser humà. L'enfoc proposat es basa en un mètode ben conegut que prové del processament del llenguatge natural: és a dir, la bossa de paraules (BoW). Aquest mètode s'aplica a grans bases de dades per tal d'obtenir un model entrenat. Encara que BoW és una tècnica d'aprenentatge de màquines que s'utilitza en diversos camps de la investigació, en la classificació d'accions per a l'aprenentatge en robots està lluny de ser acurada. D'altra banda, se centra en la classificació d'objectes i gestos en lloc d'accions. Per tant, en aquesta tesi es demostra que el mètode és adequat, en escenaris de classificació d'accions, per a la fusió d'informació de diferents fonts o de diferents assajos. Aquesta tesi fa tres contribucions: (1) es proposa un mètode general per fer front al reconeixement d'accions i per tant contribuir a l'aprenentatge per imitació; (2) la metodologia pot aplicar-se a grans bases de dades, que inclouen diferents modes de captura de les accions; i (3) el mètode s'aplica específicament en un projecte internacional d'innovació real anomenat Vinbot.El Aprendizaje por Imitación (IL), o Programación de robots por Demostración (PbD), abarca métodos por los cuales un robot aprende nuevas habilidades a través de la orientación humana y la imitación. La PbD se inspira en la forma en que los seres humanos aprenden nuevas habilidades por imitación con el fin de desarrollar métodos por los cuales las nuevas tareas se pueden transferir a los robots. Esta tesis está motivada por la pregunta genérica de "qué imitar?", que se refiere al problema de cómo extraer las características esenciales de una tarea. Con este fin, aquí adoptamos la perspectiva del Reconocimiento de Acciones (AR) con el fin de permitir que el robot decida lo que hay que imitar o inferir al interactuar con un ser humano. El enfoque propuesto se basa en un método bien conocido que proviene del procesamiento del lenguaje natural: es decir, la bolsa de palabras (BoW). Este método se aplica a grandes bases de datos con el fin de obtener un modelo entrenado. Aunque BoW es una técnica de aprendizaje de máquinas que se utiliza en diversos campos de la investigación, en la clasificación de acciones para el aprendizaje en robots está lejos de ser acurada. Además, se centra en la clasificación de objetos y gestos en lugar de acciones. Por lo tanto, en esta tesis se demuestra que el método es adecuado, en escenarios de clasificación de acciones, para la fusión de información de diferentes fuentes o de diferentes ensayos. Esta tesis hace tres contribuciones: (1) se propone un método general para hacer frente al reconocimiento de acciones y por lo tanto contribuir al aprendizaje por imitación; (2) la metodología puede aplicarse a grandes bases de datos, que incluyen diferentes modos de captura de las acciones; y (3) el método se aplica específicamente en un proyecto internacional de innovación real llamado Vinbot.Imitation Learning (IL), or robot Programming by Demonstration (PbD), covers methods by which a robot learns new skills through human guidance and imitation. PbD takes its inspiration from the way humans learn new skills by imitation in order to develop methods by which new tasks can be transmitted to robots. This thesis is motivated by the generic question of “what to imitate?” which concerns the problem of how to extract the essential features of a task. To this end, here we adopt Action Recognition (AR) perspective in order to allow the robot to decide what has to be imitated or inferred when interacting with a human kind. The proposed approach is based on a well-known method from natural language processing: namely, Bag of Words (BoW). This method is applied to large databases in order to obtain a trained model. Although BoW is a machine learning technique that is used in various fields of research, in action classification for robot learning it is far from accurate. Moreover, it focuses on the classification of objects and gestures rather than actions. Thus, in this thesis we show that the method is suitable in action classification scenarios for merging information from different sources or different trials. This thesis makes three contributions: (1) it proposes a general method for dealing with action recognition and thus to contribute to imitation learning; (2) the methodology can be applied to large databases which include different modes of action captures; and (3) the method is applied specifically in a real international innovation project called Vinbot

    Markerless Human Motion Analysis

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    Measuring and understanding human motion is crucial in several domains, ranging from neuroscience, to rehabilitation and sports biomechanics. Quantitative information about human motion is fundamental to study how our Central Nervous System controls and organizes movements to functionally evaluate motor performance and deficits. In the last decades, the research in this field has made considerable progress. State-of-the-art technologies that provide useful and accurate quantitative measures rely on marker-based systems. Unfortunately, markers are intrusive and their number and location must be determined a priori. Also, marker-based systems require expensive laboratory settings with several infrared cameras. This could modify the naturalness of a subject\u2019s movements and induce discomfort. Last, but not less important, they are computationally expensive in time and space. Recent advances on markerless pose estimation based on computer vision and deep neural networks are opening the possibility of adopting efficient video-based methods for extracting movement information from RGB video data. In this contest, this thesis presents original contributions to the following objectives: (i) the implementation of a video-based markerless pipeline to quantitatively characterize human motion; (ii) the assessment of its accuracy if compared with a gold standard marker-based system; (iii) the application of the pipeline to different domains in order to verify its versatility, with a special focus on the characterization of the motion of preterm infants and on gait analysis. With the proposed approach we highlight that, starting only from RGB videos and leveraging computer vision and machine learning techniques, it is possible to extract reliable information characterizing human motion comparable to that obtained with gold standard marker-based systems

    Advances in Postharvest Process Systems

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    This Special Issue presents a range of recent technologies and innovations to help the agricultural and food industry to manage and minimize postharvest losses, enhance reliability and sustainability, and generate high-quality products that are both healthy and appealing to consumers. It focuses on three main topics of food storage and preservation technologies, food processing technologies, and the applications of advanced mathematical modelling and computer simulations. This presentation of the latest research and information is particularly useful for people who are working in or associated with the fields of agriculture, the agri-food chain and technology development and promotion

    Unobtrusive Health Monitoring in Private Spaces: The Smart Home

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    With the advances in sensor technology, big data, and artificial intelligence, unobtrusive in-home health monitoring has been a research focus for decades. Following up our research on smart vehicles, within the framework of unobtrusive health monitoring in private spaces, this work attempts to provide a guide to current sensor technology for unobtrusive in-home monitoring by a literature review of the state of the art and to answer, in particular, the questions: (1) What types of sensors can be used for unobtrusive in-home health data acquisition? (2) Where should the sensors be placed? (3) What data can be monitored in a smart home? (4) How can the obtained data support the monitoring functions? We conducted a retrospective literature review and summarized the state-of-the-art research on leveraging sensor technology for unobtrusive in-home health monitoring. For structured analysis, we developed a four-category terminology (location, unobtrusive sensor, data, and monitoring functions). We acquired 912 unique articles from four relevant databases (ACM Digital Lib, IEEE Xplore, PubMed, and Scopus) and screened them for relevance, resulting in n=55 papers analyzed in a structured manner using the terminology. The results delivered 25 types of sensors (motion sensor, contact sensor, pressure sensor, electrical current sensor, etc.) that can be deployed within rooms, static facilities, or electric appliances in an ambient way. While behavioral data (e.g., presence (n=38), time spent on activities (n=18)) can be acquired effortlessly, physiological parameters (e.g., heart rate, respiratory rate) are measurable on a limited scale (n=5). Behavioral data contribute to functional monitoring. Emergency monitoring can be built up on behavioral and environmental data. Acquired physiological parameters allow reasonable monitoring of physiological functions to a limited extent. Environmental data and behavioral data also detect safety and security abnormalities. Social interaction monitoring relies mainly on direct monitoring of tools of communication (smartphone; computer). In summary, convincing proof of a clear effect of these monitoring functions on clinical outcome with a large sample size and long-term monitoring is still lacking