2,177 research outputs found

    Conception et validation expérimentale d’un robot manipulateur 6 DDL actionné par des embrayages magnétorhéologiques semi-délocalisés

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    L’utilisation de robots manipulateurs est un standard en industrie pour automatiser deschaînes de production. Ces robots sont précis, robustes et rapides. Pour atteindre leurperformance, ils sont conçus avec des actionneurs puissants et ils sont faits de pièces mas-sives. Lorsqu’ils sont en utilisation, ces robots doivent être placés dans une zone clôturéepuisqu’ils représentent un danger pour les travailleurs. Pour pallier ce problème, l’industriese tourne vers les robots collaboratifs. Ces robots normalisés sont conçus pour être sansdanger pour les utilisateurs ce qui permet une intégration facile et abordable. Plusieursstratégies comme l’utilisation d’algorithmes de contrôle et des designs mécaniques sontutilisés pour réduire le danger d’un robot manipulateur pour un utilisateur.Ce mémoire présente un manipulateur de 6 degrés de liberté (DDL) actionné par des em-brayages magnétorhéologiques (MR) semi-délocalisés. Le manipulateur a été conçu pouratteindre ou dépasser les performances des bras robots collaboratifs commerciaux dans lebut de valider la capacité des actionneurs MR pour des applications en robotique colla-borative. Le manipulateur a été dimensionné pour avoir des spécifications similaires auxrobots collaboratifs UR5 et WAM. Les spécifications ont été validées par les mesures ex-périmentales. Le manipulateur a une masse en mouvement de seulement 5.3 kg et il peutdéplacer une masse de 4.5 kg à 1 m/s avec une portée de 0.885 m. De plus, la bandepassante en force est au-dessus de 50 Hz et la friction des joints est de maximum 10 % ducouple maximum du joint. Aussi, le manipulateur est intrinsèquement sécuritaire et tolé-rant aux impacts. En somme, il est possible de dire qu’un actionnement MR semi-délocaliséest une solution prometteuse pour la robotique collaborative, mais d’autres mesures ex-périmentales avec le manipulateur sont nécessaires pour que la technologie MR atteigneson plein potentiel en robotique. En autre, il serait nécessaire de mesurer la capacité dumanipulateur à produire des murs virtuels, de mesurer la précision du positionnement dumanipulateur et de mesurer l’énergie transmise par le bras au moment d’un impac

    Goal Set Inverse Optimal Control and Iterative Re-planning for Predicting Human Reaching Motions in Shared Workspaces

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    To enable safe and efficient human-robot collaboration in shared workspaces it is important for the robot to predict how a human will move when performing a task. While predicting human motion for tasks not known a priori is very challenging, we argue that single-arm reaching motions for known tasks in collaborative settings (which are especially relevant for manufacturing) are indeed predictable. Two hypotheses underlie our approach for predicting such motions: First, that the trajectory the human performs is optimal with respect to an unknown cost function, and second, that human adaptation to their partner's motion can be captured well through iterative re-planning with the above cost function. The key to our approach is thus to learn a cost function which "explains" the motion of the human. To do this, we gather example trajectories from pairs of participants performing a collaborative assembly task using motion capture. We then use Inverse Optimal Control to learn a cost function from these trajectories. Finally, we predict reaching motions from the human's current configuration to a task-space goal region by iteratively re-planning a trajectory using the learned cost function. Our planning algorithm is based on the trajectory optimizer STOMP, it plans for a 23 DoF human kinematic model and accounts for the presence of a moving collaborator and obstacles in the environment. Our results suggest that in most cases, our method outperforms baseline methods when predicting motions. We also show that our method outperforms baselines for predicting human motion when a human and a robot share the workspace.Comment: 12 pages, Accepted for publication IEEE Transaction on Robotics 201

    Towards Assistive Feeding with a General-Purpose Mobile Manipulator

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    General-purpose mobile manipulators have the potential to serve as a versatile form of assistive technology. However, their complexity creates challenges, including the risk of being too difficult to use. We present a proof-of-concept robotic system for assistive feeding that consists of a Willow Garage PR2, a high-level web-based interface, and specialized autonomous behaviors for scooping and feeding yogurt. As a step towards use by people with disabilities, we evaluated our system with 5 able-bodied participants. All 5 successfully ate yogurt using the system and reported high rates of success for the system's autonomous behaviors. Also, Henry Evans, a person with severe quadriplegia, operated the system remotely to feed an able-bodied person. In general, people who operated the system reported that it was easy to use, including Henry. The feeding system also incorporates corrective actions designed to be triggered either autonomously or by the user. In an offline evaluation using data collected with the feeding system, a new version of our multimodal anomaly detection system outperformed prior versions.Comment: This short 4-page paper was accepted and presented as a poster on May. 16, 2016 in ICRA 2016 workshop on 'Human-Robot Interfaces for Enhanced Physical Interactions' organized by Arash Ajoudani, Barkan Ugurlu, Panagiotis Artemiadis, Jun Morimoto. It was peer reviewed by one reviewe

    Enhancing fluency and productivity in human-robot collaboration through online scaling of dynamic safety zones

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    Industrial collaborative robotics is promising for manufacturing activities where the presence of a robot alongside a human operator can improve operator’s working conditions, flexibility, and productivity. A collaborative robotic application has to guarantee not only safety of the human operator, but also fluency in the collaboration, as well as performance in terms of productivity and task time. In this paper, we present an approach to enhance fluency and productivity in human-robot collaboration through online scaling of dynamic safety zones. A supervisory controller runs online safety checks between bounding volumes enclosing robot and human to identify possible collision dangers. To optimize the sizes of safety zones enclosing the manipulator, the method minimizes the time of potential stop trajectories considering the robot dynamics and its torque constraints, and leverages the directed speed of the robot parts with respect to the human. Simulations and experimental tests on a seven-degree-of-freedom robotic arm verify the effectiveness of the proposed approach, and collaborative fluency metrics show the benefits of the method with respect to existing approaches

    A model-based residual approach for human-robot collaboration during manual polishing operations

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    A fully robotized polishing of metallic surfaces may be insufficient in case of parts with complex geometric shapes, where a manual intervention is still preferable. Within the EU SYMPLEXITY project, we are considering tasks where manual polishing operations are performed in strict physical Human-Robot Collaboration (HRC) between a robot holding the part and a human operator equipped with an abrasive tool. During the polishing task, the robot should firmly keep the workpiece in a prescribed sequence of poses, by monitoring and resisting to the external forces applied by the operator. However, the user may also wish to change the orientation of the part mounted on the robot, simply by pushing or pulling the robot body and changing thus its configuration. We propose a control algorithm that is able to distinguish the external torques acting at the robot joints in two components, one due to the polishing forces being applied at the end-effector level, the other due to the intentional physical interaction engaged by the human. The latter component is used to reconfigure the manipulator arm and, accordingly, its end-effector orientation. The workpiece position is kept instead fixed, by exploiting the intrinsic redundancy of this subtask. The controller uses a F/T sensor mounted at the robot wrist, together with our recently developed model-based technique (the residual method) that is able to estimate online the joint torques due to contact forces/torques applied at any place along the robot structure. In order to obtain a reliable residual, which is necessary to implement the control algorithm, an accurate robot dynamic model (including also friction effects at the joints and drive gains) needs to be identified first. The complete dynamic identification and the proposed control method for the human-robot collaborative polishing task are illustrated on a 6R UR10 lightweight manipulator mounting an ATI 6D sensor

    Human-robot interaction using a behavioural control strategy

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    PhD ThesisA topical and important aspect of robotics research is in the area of human-robot interaction (HRI), which addresses the issue of cooperation between a human and a robot to allow tasks to be shared in a safe and reliable manner. This thesis focuses on the design and development of an appropriate set of behaviour strategies for human-robot interactive control by first understanding how an equivalent human-human interaction (HHI) can be used to establish a framework for a robotic behaviour-based approach. To achieve the above goal, two preliminary HHI experimental investigations were initiated in this study. The first of which was designed to evaluate the human dynamic response using a one degree-of-freedom (DOF) HHI rectilinear test where the handler passes a compliant object to the receiver along a constrained horizontal path. The human dynamic response while executing the HHI rectilinear task has been investigated using a Box-Behnken design of experiments [Box and Hunter, 1957] and was based on the McRuer crossover model [McRuer et al. 1995]. To mimic a real-world human-human object handover task where the handler is able to pass an object to the receiver in a 3D workspace, a second more substantive one DOF HHI baton handover task has been developed. The HHI object handover tests were designed to understand the dynamic behavioural characteristics of the human participants, in which the handler was required to dexterously pass an object to the receiver in a timely and natural manner. The profiles of interactive forces between the handler and receiver were measured as a function of time, and how they are modulated whilst performing the tasks, was evaluated. Three key parameters were used to identify the physical characteristics of the human participants, including: peak interactive force (fmax), transfer time (Ttrf), and work done (W). These variables were subsequently used to design and develop an appropriate set of force and velocity control strategies for a six DOF Stäubli robot manipulator arm (TX60) working in a human-robot interactive environment. The optimal design of the software and hardware controller implementation for the robot system has been successfully established in keeping with a behaviour-based approach. External force control based on proportional plus integral (PI) and fuzzy logic control (FLC) algorithms were adopted to control the robot end effector velocity and interactive force in real-time. ii The results of interactive experiments with human-to-robot and robot-to-human handover tasks allowed a comparison of the PI and FLC control strategies. It can be concluded that the quantitative measurement of the performance of robot velocity and force control can be considered acceptable for human-robot interaction. These can provide effective performance during the robot-human object handover tasks, where the robot was able to successfully pass the object from/to the human in a safe, reliable and timely manner. However, after careful analysis with regard to human-robot handover test results, the FLC scheme was shown to be superior to PI control by actively compensating for the dynamics in the non-linear system and demonstrated better overall performance and stability. The FLC also shows superior performance in terms of improved sensitivity to small error changes compared to PI control, which is an advantage in establishing effective robot force control. The results of survey responses from the participants were in agreement with the parallel test outcomes, demonstrating significant satisfaction with the overall performance of the human-robot interactive system, as measured by an average rating of 4.06 on a five point scale. In brief, this research has contributed the foundations for long-term research, particularly in the development of an interactive real-time robot-force control system, which enables the robot manipulator arm to cooperate with a human to facilitate the dextrous transfer of objects in a safe and speedy manner.Thai government and Prince of Songkla University (PSU
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