14 research outputs found

    Interseismic coupling and seismic potential along the Central Andes subduction zone

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    We use about two decades of geodetic measurements to characterize interseismic strain build up along the Central Andes subduction zone from Lima, Peru, to Antofagasta, Chile. These measurements are modeled assuming a 3-plate model (Nazca, Andean sliver and South America Craton) and spatially varying interseismic coupling (ISC) on the Nazca megathrust interface. We also determine slip models of the 1996 M_w = 7.7 Nazca, the 2001 M_w = 8.4 Arequipa, the 2007 M_w = 8.0 Pisco and the M_w = 7.7 Tocopilla earthquakes. We find that the data require a highly heterogeneous ISC pattern and that, overall, areas with large seismic slip coincide with areas which remain locked in the interseismic period (with high ISC). Offshore Lima where the ISC is high, a M_w∼8.6–8.8 earthquake occurred in 1746. This area ruptured again in a sequence of four M_w∼8.0 earthquakes in 1940, 1966, 1974 and 2007 but these events released only a small fraction of the elastic strain which has built up since 1746 so that enough elastic strain might be available there to generate a M_w > 8.5 earthquake. The region where the Nazca ridge subducts appears to be mostly creeping aseismically in the interseismic period (low ISC) and seems to act as a permanent barrier as no large earthquake ruptured through it in the last 500 years. In southern Peru, ISC is relatively high and the deficit of moment accumulated since the M_w∼8.8 earthquake of 1868 is equivalent to a magnitude M_w∼8.4 earthquake. Two asperities separated by a subtle aseismic creeping patch are revealed there. This aseismic patch may arrest some rupture as happened during the 2001 Arequipa earthquake, but the larger earthquakes of 1604 and 1868 were able to rupture through it. In northern Chile, ISC is very high and the rupture of the 2007 Tocopilla earthquake has released only 4% of the elastic strain that has accumulated since 1877. The deficit of moment which has accumulated there is equivalent to a magnitude M_w∼8.7 earthquake. This study thus provides elements to assess the location, size and magnitude of future large megathurst earthquakes in the Central Andes subduction zone. Caveats of this study are that interseismic strain of the forearc is assumed time invariant and entirely elastic. Also a major source of uncertainty is due to fact that the available data place very little constraints on interseismic coupling at shallow depth near the trench, except offshore Lima where sea bottom geodetic measurements have been collected suggesting strong coupling

    An?lisis, diagn?stico y propuestas de optimizaci?n en la gesti?n de inventarios de repuestos de veh?culos pesados, en las sucursales de Trujillo y Arequipa de la empresa Scania del Per? S.A.

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    El objetivo de la presente tesis es realizar el an?lisis, la evaluaci?n y la presentaci?n de propuestas de mejora de la cadena de suministro de la categor?a de repuestos originales de veh?culos pesados en la empresa Scania del Per? S.A. en las sucursales de Trujillo y Arequipa, que permitan optimizar los procesos log?sticos y reducir los costos en la cadena. El estudio incluye tambi?n un an?lisis y evaluaci?n de la cadena de suministro del almac?n central en Huachipa (Lima), hacia donde llega la importaci?n de repuestos y desde el cual se realiza la distribuci?n y reposici?n de stock de piezas hacia las sucursales. Scania es una empresa con origen en Suecia, l?der mundial en la fabricaci?n de camiones y ?mnibus para transporte pesado, as? como de motores industriales y marinos. En el Per?, Scania est? presente desde el a?o 1951 en la venta de veh?culos, repuestos y servicios de taller

    Who is getting screened for diabetes according to body mass index and waist circumference categories in Peru? a pooled analysis of national surveys between 2015 and 2019

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    BACKGROUND: At the population level we would expect that people with obesity undergo diabetes screening tests more often than people with overweight and much more often than people with normal weight. We described the trends of diabetes screening according to body mass index (BMI) and waist circumference (WC) in Peru. METHODS: Pooled analysis of health national surveys (2015-2019); men and women aged 35-70 years. We used relative frequencies to study: among those who have had a glucose test in the last year, how many there were in each BMI and WC category. We fitted a Poisson model to study whether people with high BMI or WC were more likely to have had a glucose test. RESULTS: People with overweight (PR = 1.34; 95% CI: 1.29-1.38), obesity (PR = 1.57; 95% CI: 1.51-1.63) and central obesity (PR = 1.63; 95% CI: 1.35-1.96) were more likely to have had a glucose test. At the sub-national level, there was one (of twenty-five) region in which men with obesity were more often screened for diabetes than men with overweight and much more than men with normal weight. There were seven regions in which women with obesity were the most often screened for diabetes. CONCLUSIONS: Consistent with a risk-based prevention approach, people with obesity would be screened for diabetes more often than those with overweight and those with normal weight. This ideal profile was only observed in few regions. Diabetes screening strategies should be strengthened and homogenised, so that they reach those at high risk of diabetes

    Source model of the 2007 M_w 8.0 Pisco, Peru earthquake: Implications for seismogenic behavior of subduction megathrusts

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    We use Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar, teleseismic body waves, tsunami waveforms recorded by tsunameters, field observations of coastal uplift, subsidence, and runup to develop and test a refined model of the spatiotemporal history of slip during the M_w 8.0 Pisco earthquake of 15 August 2007. Our preferred solution shows two distinct patches of high slip. One patch is located near the epicenter while another larger patch ruptured 60 km further south, at the latitude of the Paracas peninsula. Slip on the second patch started 60 s after slip initiated on the first patch. We observed a remarkable anticorrelation between the coseismic slip distribution and the aftershock distribution determined from the Peruvian seismic network. The proposed source model is compatible with regional runup measurements and open ocean tsunami records. From the latter data set, we identified the 12 min timing error of the tsunami forecast system as being due to a mislocation of the source, caused by the use of only one tsunameter located in a nonoptimal azimuth. The comparison of our source model with the tsunami observations validate that the rupture did not extend to the trench and confirms that the Pisco event is not a tsunami earthquake despite its low apparent rupture velocity (<1.5 km/s). We favor the interpretation that the earthquake consists of two subevents, each with a conventional rupture velocity (2–4 km/s). The delay between the two subevents might reflect the time for the second shock to nucleate or, alternatively, the time it took for afterslip to increase the stress level on the second asperity to a level necessary for static triggering. The source model predicts uplift offshore and subsidence on land with the pivot line following closely the coastline. This pattern is consistent with our observation of very small vertical displacement along the shoreline when we visited the epicentral area in the days following the event. This earthquake represents, to our knowledge, one of the best examples of a link between the geomorphology of the coastline and the pattern of surface deformation induced by large interplate ruptures

    Controls on earthquake rupture and triggering mechanisms in subduction zones

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    Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution June 2010Large earthquake rupture and triggering mechanisms that drive seismicity in subduction zones are investigated in this thesis using a combination of earthquake observations, statistical and physical modeling. A comparison of the rupture characteristics of M ≥ 7.5 earthquakes with fore-arc geological structure suggests that long-lived frictional heterogeneities (asperities) are primary controls on the rupture extent of large earthquakes. To determine when and where stress is accumulating on the megathrust that could cause one of these asperities to rupture, this thesis develops a new method to invert earthquake catalogs to detect space-time variations in stressing rate. This algorithm is based on observations that strain transients due to aseismic processes such as fluid flow, slow slip, and afterslip trigger seismicity, often in the form of earthquake swarms. These swarms are modeled with two common approaches for investigating time-dependent driving mechanisms in earthquake catalogs: the stochastic Epidemic Type Aftershock Sequence model [Ogata, 1988] and the physically-based rate-state friction model [Dieterich, 1994]. These approaches are combined into a single model that accounts for both aftershock activity and variations in background seismicity rate due to aseismic processes, which is then implemented in a data assimilation algorithm to invert catalogs for space-time variations in stressing rate. The technique is evaluated with a synthetic test and applied to catalogs from the Salton Trough in southern California and the Hokkaido corner in northeastern Japan. The results demonstrate that the algorithm can successfully identify aseismic transients in a multi-decade earthquake catalog, and may also ultimately be useful for mapping spatial variations in frictional conditions on the plate interface.Funding for this research was provided by a WHOI Hollister Research Fellowship, a National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship, National Science Foundation Division of Earth Sciences (EAR) grant #0738641, United States Geological Survey National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program Award #G10AP00004, and the WHOI Academic Programs Office

    Public Health Rep

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    Búsqueda de genes relacionados a la síntesis de la fibra y marcadores SSR en los ESTs de piel de alpaca Vicugna pacos

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    La comercialización de la fibra de alpaca es una de las principales fuentes de sustento para más de un millón de personas en el Perú, siendo de mucha importancia para su economía por ser el principal productor de fibra. Teniendo en cuenta que dos de los factores importantes en la calidad de la fibra son su diámetro y su longitud, se analizaron los ESTs de la alpaca depositados en la base de datos del NCBI para identificar los genes relacionados a la síntesis de fibra y microsatélites que tendrían una función importante relacionada a su calidad. Se analizaron 7286 ESTs de piel de una alpaca del tipo huacaya, resultando en 2428 secuencias ensambladas o unigenes, posteriormente se realizó la búsqueda de homologías y la anotación de secuencias. Se identificaron 22 genes relacionados a la síntesis de la fibra (KRT10, KRT25, KRT31, KRT14, KRT15, KRT5, KRT78, KRT81, KRT85, KRTAP3-2, KRTAP10, KRTAP11-1, TNFSF12, sFRP4, RACK1, COL1A1, COL1A2, DAB2IP, GLI1, BMP1, BMP4 y CTNNB1) donde se observó 4 de estos con una alta expresión (TNFSF12, sFRP4, COL1A1 y COL1A2) y 10 genes poseen microsatélites (COL1A1, TNFSF12, DAB2IP, GLI1, BMP4, KRT81, KRT5, KRT15, KRT85 y KRTAP3-2). El presente estudio aporta la identificación de genes relacionados a la síntesis de fibra y marcadores EST-SSR con los cuales se pueden probar en la alpaca para establecer de forma experimental si estos genes tienen una relación con el diámetro.Tesi

    Estudo arqueo-ecolinguístico das terras tropicais Sul-Americanas

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    Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Letras, Departamento de Linguística, Português e Línguas Clássicas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Linguística, 2016.Esta pesquisa objetiva apresentar um modelo diacrônico da diversificação linguística na região tropical da América do Sul, como também mapear as esferas de interação ali existentes durante a pré‐história. Para este fim foi adotada uma plataforma arqueo‐ecolinguística de investigação, que se caracteriza pela compilação e integração de dados linguísticos, arqueológicos, antropológicos, (etno‐)históricos e genéticos representativos da área de estudo numa perspectiva ecossistêmica – de modo que as evidências utilizadas para respaldar as explicações deste modelo sejam multidimensionais e, consequentemente, menos suscetíveis a ambiguidades interpretativas. Além disto, este estudo busca contribuir para o aprofundamento da área de estudos conhecida como Ecolinguística e, ao focar em sua dimensão diacrônica, propõe a incorporação de uma interface arqueológica nesta plataforma investigativa. Esta nova disciplina foi denominada arqueo-ecolinguística. A tese apresenta‐se dividida em três partes e contém cinco capítulos. A parte I, com 2 capítulos, é um detalhamento da fundamentação teórico‐epistemológica. Em §1 são apresentados os conceitos não linguísticos que fundamentam os estudos ecolinguísticos e em §2 são apresentados e aprofundados os fundamentos propriamente linguísticos desta área de estudos ainda emergente. A parte II, com 3 capítulos, encerra a investigação propriamente dita, que objetiva a apresentação do modelo acima referido. §3 é uma caracterização arqueo‐ecolinguística do espaço-tempo em análise, onde estão contextualizadas as geografias física e humana. Para retratar a geografia humana na dimensão diacrônica, uma reconstrução da diversidade etnolinguística no momento da invasão europeia é associada a um panorama arqueológico detalhado. Em §4 são apresentados os dados e análises linguísticos e evidenciados os conjuntos etnolinguísticos que estiveram em contato durante algum momento da pré-história e §5 encerra a formalização do modelo arqueo‐ecolinguístico acima referido, com um mapeamento das esferas de interação que teriam emergido no período em análise. Enfim, a parte III apresenta as considerações finais a partir dos resultados alcançados. Tais resultados mostram uma ampla gama de situações de contato e explicitam que se desenvolveram duas tendências diametralmente opostas, associadas respectivamente aos Andes e às terras baixas tropicais a leste dos Andes: enquanto na primeira região houve uma tendência à homogeneização linguística, a tendência observada na última foi no sentido de uma aceleração da diversificação. Com o entrecruzamento dos dados multidisciplinares, pôde‐se concluir (i) que os comportamentos evolutivos opositivos detectados nestas duas regiões foram diretamente motivados por características distintivas observadas nos três âmbitos (físico, social e mental) dos ecossistemas linguísticos reconstruídos para cada uma das mesmas e (ii) que tal tendência opositiva foi reforçada justamente em decorrência da influência sinergética provocada pelo contínuo feedback de tais peculiaridades. Estas observações, em suma, comprovam a veracidade do caráter multidimensional do EFL e que a evolução linguística é intrinsecamente dependente e efetivamente motivada pela conjuntura de todas as dimensões de uma realidade ecolinguística qualquer.This research aims to present a diachronic model of linguistic diversity in the tropical region of South America, as well as to map the interaction spheres that arose therein during prehistory. For this purpose the Archaeo-Ecolinguistics approach was chosen, which is characterized by compiling and integrating linguistic, archaeological, anthropological, (ethno)-historical and genetic data representative of the study area, so that the evidences used to support this explanatory model are multidimensional and hence less susceptible to interpretative ambiguity. In addition, this study attempts to deepen the theoretical foundations of the field of research known as Ecolinguistics and by focusing on its diachronic dimension, proposes the incorporation of an archaeological interface this investigative platform. This new discipline was, then, called Archaeo-Ecolinguistics. The dissertation contains three parts and five chapters. Part I, consisting of two chapters, is a breakdown of the theoretical and epistemological foundations. In §1 non-linguistic concepts underlying Ecolinguistics studies are presented and in §2 a comprehensive description of the linguistic concepts underlying this emergent field of research is presented. Part II, consisting of three chapters, focuses on the presentation of the aforementioned diachronic model. §3 is an archaeo-ecolinguistic characterization of the study area by its physical and human geographies. To portray the human geography in its diachronic dimension, a reconstruction of the ethno-linguistic diversity at the time of European invasion is offered in association with a detailed archaeological panorama. In §4 the data and the linguistic analyses are presented, highlighting the ethnolinguistic groups that have been in contact for some time in prehistory and §5 encloses the formalization of the aforementioned archaeo-ecolinguistic model along with the mapping of the interaction spheres that have emerged during that period. Finally, Part III presents some additional conclusions based on the aforementioned results. These results show a wide range of contact situations and point that two opposite tendencies developed respectively in the Andes and in the tropical Lowlands east of the Andes: while in the Andes there was a trend towards linguistic homogenization, in the Lowlands east of the Andes the observed trend was towards an acceleration of linguistic diversification. By combining the multidisciplinary data it was concluded (i) that the opposite evolutionary behaviors detected in these two areas were directly motivated by distinctive features observed in the three ranges (physical, social and mental) of the reconstructed linguistic ecosystems circumscribed in each of these regions and (ii) that this opposite tendency was strengthened by the synergetic effect caused by the continuous feedback of such peculiarities. These observations, in short, prove the veracity of the multidimensional nature of the EFL and that linguistic evolution is intrinsically dependent and effectively motivated by the conjuncture of all the dimensions of reality

    Reunión y ordenamiento de flujos de datos simultáneos y concurrentes basados en C-INCAMI

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    El presente documento corresponde con el trabajo final de la Especialización en Cómputo de Altas Prestaciones y Tecnología Grid de la Facultad de Informática, de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata. El trabajo aborda la problemática de procesamiento paralelo de flujos de datos (data streams), con el ingrediente de basarse los mismos en marcos formales de medición y evaluación para luego regir la organización de sus datos en base a ellos. El trabajo aborda inicialmente el estado del arte en términos de sistemas de gestión de flujos de datos, para luego discutir el marco formal de medición y evaluación C-INCAMI, como referencia para la estructuración del contenido del flujo. Seguido, se discute globalmente el Enfoque Integrado de Procesamiento de Flujos de Datos Centrado (EIPFD) en Metadatos de Mediciones, el que se asocia a mi tesis para Doctor en Ciencias Informáticas de la misma facultad y que a la fecha, se encuentra en revisión y edición final de escritura. Dicho enfoque, permite estudiar el impacto de paralelizar el procesamiento de la recepción de los flujos y la organización en línea dentro de un buffer centralizado, controlando el acceso concurrente y simultáneo en entornos de arquitecturas con memoria compartida. Luego, se define un formato de intercambio de mediciones basado en C-INCAMI, junto con el procesador que permite efectuar la serialización/deserialización en línea a los efectos de favorecer el procesamiento paralelo. Hecho ello, se plantea la estructura de organización de las mediciones y cómo guían los metadatos, al proceso de clasificación de mediciones en un buffer central. Se plantea un caso de aplicación para EIPFD sobre el que se basará la simulación de laboratorio. Esta simulación, persigue validar inicialmente los tiempos de procesamiento y analizar estadísticamente los resultados de la misma, para poder identificar cuellos de botellas y situaciones de mejoras en términos de procesamiento.Facultad de Informátic