23 research outputs found

    Web Workload Generation According to the UniLoG Approach

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    Generating synthetic loads which are suffciently close to reality represents an important and challenging task in performance and quality-of-service (QoS) evaluations of computer networks and distributed systems. Here, the load to be generated represents sequences of requests at a well-defined service interface within a network node. The paper presents a tool (UniLoG.HTTP) which can be used in a flexible manner to generate realistic and representative server and network loads, in terms of access requests to Web servers as well as creation of typical Web traffic within a communication network. The paper describes the architecture of this load generator, the critical design decisions and solution approaches which allowed us to obtain the desired flexibility

    Present and future of surface-enhanced Raman scattering

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    The discovery of the enhancement of Raman scattering by molecules adsorbed on nanostructured metal surfaces is a landmark in the history of spectroscopic and analytical techniques. Significant experimental and theoretical effort has been directed toward understanding the surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) effect and demonstrating its potential in various types of ultrasensitive sensing applications in a wide variety of fields. In the 45 years since its discovery, SERS has blossomed into a rich area of research and technology, but additional efforts are still needed before it can be routinely used analytically and in commercial products. In this Review, prominent authors from around the world joined together to summarize the state of the art in understanding and using SERS and to predict what can be expected in the near future in terms of research, applications, and technological development. This Review is dedicated to SERS pioneer and our coauthor, the late Prof. Richard Van Duyne, whom we lost during the preparation of this article

    Present and Future of Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering.

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    The discovery of the enhancement of Raman scattering by molecules adsorbed on nanostructured metal surfaces is a landmark in the history of spectroscopic and analytical techniques. Significant experimental and theoretical effort has been directed toward understanding the surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) effect and demonstrating its potential in various types of ultrasensitive sensing applications in a wide variety of fields. In the 45 years since its discovery, SERS has blossomed into a rich area of research and technology, but additional efforts are still needed before it can be routinely used analytically and in commercial products. In this Review, prominent authors from around the world joined together to summarize the state of the art in understanding and using SERS and to predict what can be expected in the near future in terms of research, applications, and technological development. This Review is dedicated to SERS pioneer and our coauthor, the late Prof. Richard Van Duyne, whom we lost during the preparation of this article

    Multimodal, intermodal and terminals

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    The chapter looks at rail freight terminals, rail--sea interfaces, in particular, as part of a multimodal, or integrated transportation network. Terminals are key infrastructure for linking individual transport modes and governing and managing their interchange in a manner that creates a seamless and sustainable transportation system. Therefore, their performance is critical for maximising transport efficiency and modes integration. This chapter focused on how to measure the operational performance of rail freight terminals in a framework of integrated transportation network. In an increasingly competitive and commercialised world, there is an increasing demand to be able to rank transport options and routes in some way. Drawing on new material, this talk attempts to outline possible methods for how to measure the performance of rail terminals. It focuses on the identification of suitable methods to assess performance by key indicators. Intermodality demands for going beyond safeguarding the individual modes to ensuring the security of the intermodal inter-faces (terminals), the nodes that link and integrate passenger and freight flows. That demands for an integrated holistic approach built on the collaboration between international, national organisations and operators. The study put emphasis on the security challenges and threats to freight transport generally and in rail-sea interfaces more specifically. It moves onto the regulations already governing security in rail-sea interfaces. Finally, it focus on the role that infrastructure planning can play in improving security and offer some conclusions and recommendations for the futur

    März 2017

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    A Modelling Framework for Common Radio Resource Management in Mobile Communication Systems

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    Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde ein Modellierungsframework für die Untersuchung der technologieübergreifenden Verwaltung von Ressourcen heterogener Funkzugangsnetze (Common Radio Resource Management – CRRM) entwickelt. Die fünf Komponenten Umwelt (ENV), Nutzerendgerät (UE), Funkzugangssystem (RAS), CRRM-Informationsmanager (CRRM-IM) und CRRM-Entscheider (CRRM-D) können für die Gestaltung von zentralen bis dezentralen CRRM-Architekturen kombiniert werden. Sie decken damit ein weites Spektrum an möglichen CRRM-Einsatzszenarien ab. Dabei ermöglicht eine klare Struktur des zugrunde liegenden Modells die einfache Übertragung von Lösungsmethoden aus dem Gebiet der Multikriterienoptimierung. Ein integriertes Kostenmodell ermöglicht eine Kosten-/ Nutzen-Analyse für CRRM-Algorithmen und Architekturen. Die Verwendung eines hybriden Simulationsmodells ermöglicht die einfache Integration analytischer Funkzugangstechnologiemodelle und die Simulation komplexer Szenarien mit geringem Zeit- und Speicherbedarf. Hierbei liefern simulative Teilmodelle zeitgetreu neue Eingabeparameter für analytische Teilmodelle, deren Ausgabeparameter wiederum die Eingabeparameter der simulativen Teilmodelle sind. Nach diesem Modell wurde der auf OMNeT++ basierende diskrete ereignisorientierte Simulator HEKATE entwickelt. Der Simulator erwies sich als geeignet die zeiteffiziente Untersuchung von CRRM-Szenarien für UMTS- und GSM/EGPRS-Funkzugangssysteme durchzuführen.This work presents a modeling framework for the efficient evaluation of Common Radio Resource Management (CRRM). Centralized as well as decentralized scenarios can be clearly defined by five standard components, namely the radio access system (RAS), the environment (ENV), the user equipment (UE), the CRRM information manager (CRRM-IM), and the CRRM decider (CRRM-D). The clarity of the model enables an efficient investigation of CRRM algorithms based on multi-criteria optimization theory. The integrated cost model makes possible a cost-benefit investigation of different CRRM algorithms and architectures. A hybrid simulation model, where a simulation model and an analytical model operate in parallel over time, leads to low time and memory demands even for the simulation of complex scenarios. Additionally it allows for a convenient and straightforward integration of different analytical models for wireless network technologies. A discrete event simulator named HEKATE is based on this hybrid simulation model which has been implemented using OMNeT++. The scope of the proposed framework is demonstrated by the evaluation of realistic CRRM scenarios for UMTS and GSM/EGPRS

    On the analysis of stochastic timed systems

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    The formal methods approach to develop reliable and efficient safety- or performance-critical systems is to construct mathematically precise models of such systems on which properties of interest, such as safety guarantees or performance requirements, can be verified automatically. In this thesis, we present techniques that extend the reach of exhaustive and statistical model checking to verify reachability and reward-based properties of compositional behavioural models that support quantitative aspects such as real time and randomised decisions. We present two techniques that allow sound statistical model checking for the nondeterministic-randomised model of Markov decision processes. We investigate the relationship between two different definitions of the model of probabilistic timed automata, as well as potential ways to apply statistical model checking. Stochastic timed automata allow nondeterministic choices as well as nondeterministic and stochastic delays, and we present the first exhaustive model checking algorithm that allows their analysis. All the approaches introduced in this thesis are implemented as part of the Modest Toolset, which supports the construction and verification of models specified in the formal modelling language Modest. We conclude by applying this language and toolset to study novel distributed control strategies for photovoltaic microgenerators

    Hybrid routing in delay tolerant networks

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    This work addresses the integration of today\\u27s infrastructure-based networks with infrastructure-less networks. The resulting Hybrid Routing System allows for communication over both network types and can help to overcome cost, communication, and overload problems. Mobility aspect resulting from infrastructure-less networks are analyzed and analytical models developed. For development and deployment of the Hybrid Routing System an overlay-based framework is presented

    Hybrid Routing in Delay Tolerant Networks

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    This work addresses the integration of today\u27s infrastructure-based networks with infrastructure-less networks. The resulting Hybrid Routing System allows for communication over both network types and can help to overcome cost, communication, and overload problems. Mobility aspect resulting from infrastructure-less networks are analyzed and analytical models developed. For development and deployment of the Hybrid Routing System an overlay-based framework is presented