129 research outputs found

    Photoinhibition of photosynthesis in Antarctic lichen Usnea antarctica. II. Analysis of non-photochemical quenching mechanisms activated by low to medium light doses

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    The paper focus sensitivity of an Antarctic lichen Usnea antarctica to photoinhibition studied under controlled laboratory conditions. Main emphasis was given to the analysis of quenching mechanisms, i.e. deexcitation pathways of absorbed light energy exploited in non-photochemical processes. Thalli of U. antarctica were collected at the James Ross Island, Antarctica (57°52´57´´ W, 63°48´02´´ S) and transferred in dry state to the Czech Republic. After rewetting in a laboratory, they were exposed to medium light intensities (300, 600 and 1000 mmol m-2 s-1 of photosynthetically active radiation) for 6 h. Before and during photoinhibitory treatments, chlorophyll fluorescence parameters, photoinhibitory (qI), state 1-2 transition (qT), and energy-dependent quenching (qE) in particular were measured to evaluate dose- and time-dependent changes in these parameters. The results showed that among the components forming non-photochemical quenching (qN), qI contributes to the largest extent to qN, while qE and qT contribute less. This finding differs from our earlier studies made in a short term-, and high light-treated U. antarctica that found qE together with qI is the most important part of non-photochemical quenching. Possible explanation is that photoinhibition in PS II in U. ant-arctica, when induced by low to medium light, activates qE to only limited extend and for a relatively short time (tens of minutes). With prolonged high light treatment lasting several hours, qE tends to be reduced to the values close to zero and qI then forms a major part of qN

    A comparison between yellow-green and green cultivars of four vegetable species in pigments, ascorbate, photosynthesis, energy dissipation, and photoinhibition

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    Yellow-green foliage cultivars of four vegetables grown outdoors, i.e., Chinese mustard (Brassica rapa), Chinese kale (Brassica oleracea var. alboglabra), sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) and Chinese amaranth (Amaranthus tricolor), had lower chlorophyll (Chl) (a+b) (29-36% of green cultivars of the same species), total carotenoids (46-62%) and ascorbate (72-90%) contents per leaf area. Furthermore, yellow-green cultivars had smaller photosystem II (PSII) antenna size (65-70%) and lower photosynthetic capacity (52-63%), but higher Chl a/b (107-156%) and from low (60%) to high (129%) ratios of de-epoxidized xanthophyll cycle pigments per Chl a content. Potential quantum efficiency of PSII (F(v)/F(m)) of all overnight dark-adapted leaves was ca. 0.8, with no significant difference between yellow-green and green cultivars of the same species. However, yellow-green cultivars displayed a higher degree of photoinhibition (lower F(v)/F(m) after illumination) when they were exposed to high irradiance. Although vegetables used in this study are of either temperate or tropical origin and include both C(3) and C(4) plants, data from all cultivars combined revealed that F(v)/F(m) after illumination still showed a significant positive linear regression with xanthophyll cycle-dependent energy quenching (q(E)) and a negative linear regression with photoinhibitory quenching (q(I)). F(v)/F(m) was, however, not correlated with nonphotochemical quenching (NPQ). Yet, a higher degree of photoinhibition in yellow-green cultivars could recover during the night darkness period, suggesting that the repair of PSII in yellow-green cultivars would allow them to grow normally in the field

    Gc9 is involved in the efficient ring assembly of the chloroplast F0F1 ATP synthase in Arabidopsis

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    Red and blue light differentially impact retrograde signalling and photoprotection in rice

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    Chloroplast-to-nucleus retrograde signalling (RS) is known to impact plant growth and development. In Arabidopsis, we and others have shown that RS affects seedling establishment by inhibiting deetiolation. In the presence of lincomycin, a chloroplast protein synthesis inhibitor that triggers RS, Arabidopsis light-grown seedlings display partial skotomorphogenesis with undeveloped plastids and closed cotyledons. By contrast, RS in monocotyledonous has been much less studied. Here, we show that emerging rice seedlings exposed to lincomycin do not accumulate chlorophyll but otherwise remain remarkably unaffected. However, by using high red (R) and blue (B) monochromatic lights in combination with lincomycin, we have uncovered a RS inhibition of length and a reduction in the B light-induced declination of the second leaf. Furthermore, we present data showing that seedlings grown in high B and R light display different non-photochemical quenching capacity. Our findings support the view that excess B and R light impact seedling photomorphogenesis differently to photoprotect and optimize the response to high-light stres

    Photoinhibition of Photosystem II. Kinetics, Photoprotection and Mechanism

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    Photosystem II (PSII) is susceptible to light-induced damage defined as photoinhibition. In natural conditions, plants are capable of repairing the photoinhibited PSII by on-going degradation and re-synthesis of the D1 reaction centre protein of PSII. Photoinhibition is induced by both visible and ultraviolet light and photoinhibition occurs under all light intensities with the same efficiency per photon. In my thesis work, I studied the reaction kinetics and mechanism of photoinhibition of PSII, as well as photoprotection in leaves of higher plants. Action spectroscopy was used to identify photoreceptors of photoinhibition. I found that the action spectrum of photoinhibition in vivo shows resemblance to the absorption spectra of manganese model compounds of the oxygen evolving complex (OEC) suggesting a role for manganese as a photoreceptor of photoinhibition under UV and visible light. In order to study the protective effect of non-photochemical quenching, the action spectrum was measured from leaves of wild type Arabidopsis thaliana and two mutants impaired in nonphotochemical quenching of chlorophyll a excitations. The findings of action spectroscopy and simulations of chlorophyll-based photoinhibition mechanisms suggested that quenching of antenna excitations protects less efficiently than would be expected if antenna chlorophylls were the only photoreceptors of photoinhibition. The reaction kinetics of prolonged photoinhibition was studied in leaves of Cucurbita maxima and Capsicum annuum. The results indicated that photoinhibitory decrease in both the oxygen evolution activity and ratio of variable to maximum fluorescence follows firstorder kinetics in vivo. The persistence of first-order kinetics suggests that already photoinhibited reaction centres do not protect against photoinhibition and that the mechanism of photoinhibition does not have a reversible intermediate. When Cucurbita maxima leaves were photoinhibited with saturating single-turnover flashes and continuous light, the light response curve of photoinhibition was found to be essentially a straight line with both types of illumination, suggesting that similar photoinhibition mechanisms might function during illumination with continuous light and during illumination with short flashes.Siirretty Doriast

    Nitric oxide modifies photosynthetic electron transport in pea leaves

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    Previous electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) and chlorophyll a fluorescence studies on isolated thylakoid membranes showed that nitric oxide (NO), a transmembrane messenger gaseous free radical, slows down the rate of photosynthetic electron transport in vitro. NO could reversibly bind to several sites of photosystem II (PS II) (e.g. non-heme iron complex between QA and QB, QB binding site, water-oxidizing complex) by replacing bicarbonate and causes an inhibitory effect on photophosphorylation. Our results show that in vivo application of NO by several specific NO donor molecules slowed down the rate of QA-reoxidation in pea leaves. NO reduced the optimal quantum efficiency by increasing the dark fluorescence yield (Fo) and decreasing the variable fluorescence (Fv). It also decreased the photochemical quenching (qP) and modified the non-photochemical (NPQ), mainly energy-dependent quenching (qE) in a concentration related manner. Dark relaxation of NPQ also showed, that NO enlarged the photoinhibitory quenching. Since NO acts as a signalling molecule in plant cells during various stresses, our results predict that NO, in a nanomolar concentration range, can assist to avoid the potential stress induced photodamage by inducing heat dissipation of excess light in the PS II antenna. In contrast, higher, cytotoxic concentrations, NO serves as a photosynthetic inhibitor

    IsiA Is Required for the Formation of Photosystem I Supercomplexes and for Efficient State Transition in Synechocystis PCC 6803

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    Iron deficiency and other stress conditions strongly impact photosynthetic apparatus in photosynthetic organisms. Two novel chlorophyll (Chl)-containing supercomplexes (F4 and F5) in addition to the photosystem (PS) I trimers (F3) were observed by sucrose gradient ultracentrifugation in Synechocystis PCC 6803 under extensive iron starvation. 77K fluorescence and Western blot analyses of these supercomplexes revealed that they all contained IsiA. The F4 was identified as an IsiA-PSI-PSII supercomplex, while the F5 was assigned as an IsiA-PSI supercomplex. Deletion of isiA resulted in diminishing the PSI trimers (including the PSI trimers in iron-replete cells) and the two novel PSI supercomplexes (F4 and F5), and a significant reduction in the saturated whole-chain electron transport rate. However, the maximum PSII activities remained at levels similar to those of the wild type under various light conditions. The isiA- mutant was defective in state transition and sensitive to high light. The sensitivity of the isiA- mutant to high light was correlated with a higher level of membrane peroxidation. These results demonstrated that IsiA is required for the formation of PSI trimers and other higher complexes, and that IsiA is critical for efficient state transition

    The Arabidopsis Protein CONSERVED ONLY IN THE GREEN LINEAGE160 Promotes the Assembly of the Membranous Part of the Chloroplast ATP Synthase

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    The chloroplast F(1)F(o)-ATP synthase/ATPase (cpATPase) couples ATP synthesis to the light-driven electrochemical proton gradient. The cpATPase is a multiprotein complex and consists of a membrane-spanning protein channel (comprising subunit types a, b, b′, and c) and a peripheral domain (subunits α, β, γ, δ, and ε). We report the characterization of the Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) CONSERVED ONLY IN THE GREEN LINEAGE160 (AtCGL160) protein (AtCGL160), conserved in green algae and plants. AtCGL160 is an integral thylakoid protein, and its carboxyl-terminal portion is distantly related to prokaryotic ATP SYNTHASE PROTEIN1 (Atp1/UncI) proteins that are thought to function in ATP synthase assembly. Plants without AtCGL160 display an increase in xanthophyll cycle activity and energy-dependent nonphotochemical quenching. These photosynthetic perturbations can be attributed to a severe reduction in cpATPase levels that result in increased acidification of the thylakoid lumen. AtCGL160 is not an integral cpATPase component but is specifically required for the efficient incorporation of the c-subunit into the cpATPase. AtCGL160, as well as a chimeric protein containing the amino-terminal part of AtCGL160 and Synechocystis sp. PCC6803 Atp1, physically interact with the c-subunit. We conclude that AtCGL160 and Atp1 facilitate the assembly of the membranous part of the cpATPase in their hosts, but loss of their functions provokes a unique compensatory response in each organism