17,685 research outputs found

    Effect of increase in allotted time on game playing performance: Case study of an online word game

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    Online game players tend to differ in the duration of time they play. However, no matter whether the time on playing an online game is spent positively or negatively, we may assume that when the duration of each online-game round is increased, players tend to engage in more interaction with their opponents. Though there are a significant number of research studies on time usage in computer games, there is no research exploring the direct effect of time on online game playing performance. As a result, this research aims to investigate the effect of time on player performance based on the case of an online word game. Ninety-three online word games (186 players) were randomly observed via the biggest online board game website in Thailand. The results show that an increase in time does not have effect on players’ performance. The managerial implication for further development is that webmasters may consider offering only time restricted games for players to avoid high traffic in websites; which, in effect will certainly solve the problem of lag time in online gaming.Time; computer game; online game; game playing performance; word game; online word game

    Approximate Convex Optimization by Online Game Playing

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    Lagrangian relaxation and approximate optimization algorithms have received much attention in the last two decades. Typically, the running time of these methods to obtain a ϵ\epsilon approximate solution is proportional to 1ϵ2\frac{1}{\epsilon^2}. Recently, Bienstock and Iyengar, following Nesterov, gave an algorithm for fractional packing linear programs which runs in 1ϵ\frac{1}{\epsilon} iterations. The latter algorithm requires to solve a convex quadratic program every iteration - an optimization subroutine which dominates the theoretical running time. We give an algorithm for convex programs with strictly convex constraints which runs in time proportional to 1ϵ\frac{1}{\epsilon}. The algorithm does NOT require to solve any quadratic program, but uses gradient steps and elementary operations only. Problems which have strictly convex constraints include maximum entropy frequency estimation, portfolio optimization with loss risk constraints, and various computational problems in signal processing. As a side product, we also obtain a simpler version of Bienstock and Iyengar's result for general linear programming, with similar running time. We derive these algorithms using a new framework for deriving convex optimization algorithms from online game playing algorithms, which may be of independent interest

    A Qualitative Research of Clash of Clans Online Game and Its Relation with Employee Performance in PT. Honda Remaja Jaya Mobilindo

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    Clash of clans online game recently gain much attention from many people. Many research convinced that online game have negative effects on employee performance. Playing online game at work is not discouraged there is evidence that work hours increases productivity and that online game can be beneficial. This research is designed to clearer image and deeper understanding that online game could reduce stress while break hours. The method used in this research is the qualitative research methodology with case study research approach which will provide a descriptive insight about clash of clans online game and its relation with employee performance. The data for this research were gathered from observation, interviews, and documents, with 10 people participant in PT. Honda Remaja Jaya Mobilindo to get a comprehension about clash of clans online game. In the finding, there are several perspective about clash of clans online game but the main point is playing clash of clans online game in break hours could reduce stress. The employee should use break time to playing online game in order for reduce stress in work place


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui, menganalisis, dan membuktikan pengaruh dimensi Perceived Behavioral Control, Descriptive Norms, Perceived Playfulness terhadap Online Game Addiction, pengaruh dimensi Satisfaction terhadap Loyalty, pengaruh dimensi Online Game Addiction terhadap Loyalty dan moderasi Online Game Addiction terhadap Satisfaction-Loyalty pemain Clash of Clans di Surabaya. Data diperoleh melalui survey 300 pemain yang kecanduan bermain Online Game Clash of Clans di Surabaya, dan data dianalisis menggunakan Path Analysis dengan software AMOS version 20, serta analisis regresi berganda, analisis regresi sederhana,  Moderated Regression Analysis (MRA) dengan software SPSS version 16.0. Teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teknik non probability sampling. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan adanya pengaruh Perceived Behavioral Control, Descriptive Norms, Perceived Playfulness terhadap Online Game Addiction pemain Online Game Clash of Clans di Surabaya. Descriptive Norms terbukti berpengaruh terhadap Perceived Playfulness pemain Online Game Clash of Clans di Surabaya. Online Game Addiction juga terbukti berpengaruh terhadap Loyalty pemain Online Game Clash of Clans di Surabaya. Sedangkan, pengaruh Satisfaction terhadap Loyalty pemain Online Game Clash of Clans di Surabaya tidak terbukti berpengaruh. Online Game Addiction yang memoderasi (melemahkan) hubungan Satisfaction-Loyalty pada pemain Online Game Clash of Clans di Surabaya tidak terbukti berpengaruh

    Measuring social dynamics in a massive multiplayer online game

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    Quantification of human group-behavior has so far defied an empirical, falsifiable approach. This is due to tremendous difficulties in data acquisition of social systems. Massive multiplayer online games (MMOG) provide a fascinating new way of observing hundreds of thousands of simultaneously socially interacting individuals engaged in virtual economic activities. We have compiled a data set consisting of practically all actions of all players over a period of three years from a MMOG played by 300,000 people. This large-scale data set of a socio-economic unit contains all social and economic data from a single and coherent source. Players have to generate a virtual income through economic activities to `survive' and are typically engaged in a multitude of social activities offered within the game. Our analysis of high-frequency log files focuses on three types of social networks, and tests a series of social-dynamics hypotheses. In particular we study the structure and dynamics of friend-, enemy- and communication networks. We find striking differences in topological structure between positive (friend) and negative (enemy) tie networks. All networks confirm the recently observed phenomenon of network densification. We propose two approximate social laws in communication networks, the first expressing betweenness centrality as the inverse square of the overlap, the second relating communication strength to the cube of the overlap. These empirical laws provide strong quantitative evidence for the Weak ties hypothesis of Granovetter. Further, the analysis of triad significance profiles validates well-established assertions from social balance theory. We find overrepresentation (underrepresentation) of complete (incomplete) triads in networks of positive ties, and vice versa for networks of negative ties...Comment: 23 pages 19 figure

    Hubungan antara Durasi Bermain Online Game dan Jenis Game dengan Tingkat Depresi pada Pengunjung Dewasa Muda Game Centre Kingdom Kota Surakarta

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    Pieter Reinaldo, G0011158, 2015. Hubungan antara Durasi Bermain Online Game dan Jenis Game dengan Tingkat Depresi pada Pengunjung Dewasa Muda Game Centre Kingdom Kota Surakarta. Skripsi. Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta. Latar Belakang: Online game cukup populer menjadi sumber hiburan di seluruh dunia, termasuk di Indonesia. Online game memiliki daya tarik yang membuat orang semakin ingin memainkannya, seperti grafis tiga dimensi (3D), aspek sosial dan kompetitif, serta permainan yang berjalan secara real-time. Beberapa penelitian mengungkapkan bahwa bermain online game secara berlebihan memiliki dampak yang buruk untuk kesehatan jiwa dari pemain. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah ada hubungan antara durasi bermain online game dan jenis game dengan tingkat depresi pada pengunjung dewasa muda Game Centre Kingdom Kota Surakarta. Metode Penelitian: Jenis penelitian ini adalah observasional analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Populasi adalah pengunjung dewasa muda game centre Kingdom Kota Surakarta. Selama Maret 2015 dengan teknik fixed exposure sampling diambil sampel sebanyak 56 responden yang memenuhi kriteria. Durasi bermain dan jenis online game diukur dengan kuesioner, tingkat depresi diukur dengan skala Beck Depression Inventory (BDI). Data dianalisis dengan teknik regresi linier ganda. Hasil Penelitian: Durasi bermain online game berhubungan signifikan sebanding dengan tingkat depresi pemain (p = 0,018). Jenis game berhubungan signifikan dengan tingkat depresi pemain (p = 0,049), di mana pemain game jenis MMORPG memiliki skor depresi lebih tinggi dibandingkan pemain game jenis MMORTS atau MMOFPS. Dengan keeratan hubungan antara ketiga variabel termasuk sedang (0,508). Ketepatan model regresi sebesar 0,215 menunjukkan 21,5% depresi pada sampel disebabkan karena durasi dan jenis game. Simpulan Penelitian: Semakin lama durasi bermain online game maka semakin berat depresi pemain. Pemain MMORPG akan memiliki tingkat depresi lebih berat dibandingkan jenis game yang lain. Kata Kunci: Durasi Bermain Online Game, Jenis Online Game, Tingkat Depres

    Living City, A Collaborative Browser-Based Massively Multiplayer Online Game

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    This work presents the design and implementation of our Browser-based Massively Multiplayer Online Game, Living City, a simulation game fully developed at the University of Messina. Living City is a persistent and real-time digital world, running in the Web browser environment and accessible from users without any client-side installation. Today Massively Multiplayer Online Games attract the attention of Computer Scientists both for their architectural peculiarity and the close interconnection with the social network phenomenon. We will cover these two aspects paying particular attention to some aspects of the project: game balancing (e.g. algorithms behind time and money balancing); business logic (e.g., handling concurrency, cheating avoidance and availability) and, finally, social and psychological aspects involved in the collaboration of players, analyzing their activities and interconnections

    HUBUNGAN KECANDUAN ONLINE GAME DENGAN KONTROL DIRI REMAJA: Studi Deskriptif-Korelasional Peserta Didik yang Teridentifikasi Kecanduan Online Game di Kelas VIII SMP Negeri 27 Bandung Tahun Ajaran 2016-2017

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    Di tengah populernya online game di seluruh belahan dunia, menarik banyak kalangan untuk memainkannya. Di Indonesia sendiri, pemain online game sudah mencapai 6,5 juta pada tahun 2013. Hal ini menyebabkan kekhawatiran di berbagai pihak, karena kecenderungan seseorang dalam bermain online game jika dibiarkan terus menerus akan mengarah pada perilaku kecanduan. Rendahnya kontrol diri yang dimiliki menjadi salah satu faktor yang mengarahkan seseorang dalam perilaku tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap bagaimana hubungan antara kecanduan online game dengan kontrol diri pada peseta didik kelas VIII SMP Negeri 27 Bandung Tahun Ajaran 2016/2017, yang beberapa peserta didiknya teridentifikasi kecanduan bermain online game. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah kuantitatif, dengan metode deskriptif korelasional dengan sampling purposive sebanyak 98 peserta didik yang teridentifikasi kecanduan online game. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan bahwa secara umum, tingkat kecanduan online game berada pada kategori tinggi dengan persentase sebesar 80,61%, tingkat kontrol diri berada pada kategori sedang dengan persentase sebesar 49,0%, dan terdapat hubungan antara kedua variabel dengan nilai korelasi sebesar -0,739 dan signifikasi p < 0,05 dengan tingkat hubungan kuat. ---; The phenomenon of online game has widely spread over recent years and attracted all people in the world, especially for the teen age range. In 2013, data showed that there are 6.5 million people in Indonesia that spend hours playing these games. However, the popularity of the online games makes all people worry about the addictive trait that might be happened. Once of factors that explain why people are deeply involved in these games is the lack of their self-control. Based on that fact, this research aims to describe the relationship between online game addiction and students’ self-control in 8th grade students in SMP Negeri 27 Bandung. A correlational descriptive research was conducted, by involving 98 grade 8 students of JHS. The research data were taken from questionare. The research findings show that 80.61%, students were classified on the high online game addictive category and 49.0% students were classified on the medium self-control category. Besides that, the results indicated that self-control is negatively correlated with online game addiction (r = -0.739, p < 0.05), this means that the more self-control the subjects have, the less likely they will be addicted to online games

    Preview and Download of Multiplayer Games

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    Online game players routinely browse and obtain multiplayer games from online game stores. In addition to enabling game downloads, many online game stores offer a trial mode in which a user can preview and play the game without downloading the entire game to their device. This disclosure describes techniques for preview and download of online multiplayer games. Per techniques of this disclosure, an online game store enables users to preview an online game without a full download to their device. The user can also invite other users to simultaneously join the preview. During or subsequent to the preview, any of the participating users can request to download the game


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    Penelitian dilatarbelakangi oleh semakin maraknya kebiasaan bermain online game pada anak, dimana dalam waktu yang relatif lamacenderung memengaruhi keterampilan sosial.Kebiasaan bermain online gameadalah pengulangan kegiatan bermain online gameoleh seseorang secara terus-menerus dalam waktu yang relatif lama.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana hubungan antara kebiasaan bermain online game dengan keterampilan sosial anak di SD Percontohan UPI Cibiru. Penelitian dilakukan dengan pendekatan kuantitatif, metode deskriptif dan teknik korelasional. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: (1) tingkat kebiasaan bermain online game anak kelas 5 SD Percontohan UPI Cibiru berada pada kategori weak habit, (2) tingkat keterampilan sosial anak kelas 5 SD Percontohan UPI Cibiru berada pada kategori baik, (3) hubungan antara variabel kebiasaan bermain online game dengan keterampilan sosialtidak searah dan rendah, (4) kebiasaan bermain online game memberikan kontribusi rendah terhadap keterampilan sosial
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