166 research outputs found

    Evaluación de las condiciones poscosecha de la quinua (Chenopodium Quinoa Willd) en dos cultivos de Cundinamarca como alternativa de mejora en la producción primaria

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    La Quinua es un alimento de gran importancia para el ser humano, por su alto potencial nutricional y beneficios para la salud. En este proyecto se realizó un diagnóstico sobre las condiciones de poscosecha de la Quinua (Chenopodium Quinoa Willd) en dos fincas de Cundinamarca como alternativa de mejora en la producción. La metodología empleada fue una planificación estratégica buscando identificar las debilidades, oportunidades, fortalezas y amenazas para el proceso poscosecha, identificando las estrategias mediante un análisis de involucrados en la cadena y un marco lógico. Los resultados mostraron que en las tecnologías de cosecha algunas etapas son mecanizadas como la trilla, sin embargo, no todas las trilladoras son específicas para la quinua y requiere mayor proceso de limpieza, resaltando que algunas etapas aún siguen siendo manuales y otras deben ser implementadas como la limpieza y la desaponificación para garantizar la calidad del grano. Finalmente, mediante este proyecto se visualizó las necesidades de los productores como un primer diagnóstico y se realizaron las capacitaciones pertinentes sobre las mejoras a realizar en la poscosecha y se transfirió dicho conocimiento a las dos asociaciones.Quinoa is a food of great importance for the human being, due to its high nutritional potential and health benefits. In this project, a diagnosis was made of the post-harvest conditions of Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd) in two farms in Cundinamarca as an alternative to improve production. The methodology used was a strategic planning to identify the weaknesses, opportunities, strengths and threats to the post-harvest process, identifying the strategies through an analysis of stakeholders in the chain and a logical framework. The results showed that in harvesting technologies some stages are mechanized as threshing, however, not all threshers are specific to quinoa and requires a greater cleaning process, highlighting that some stages are still manual and others must be implemented as the cleaning and the desaponificación to guarantee the quality of the grain. Finally, through this project the needs of the producers were visualized as a first diagnosis and the pertinent training was carried out on the improvements to be made in the post-harvest and that knowledge was transferred to the two associations

    Effects of herbal-based toothpastes on cell viability

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    Purpose: To evaluate the effects of herbal-based toothpastes with different contents on the viability of L929 cells.Methods: Herbal-based toothpastes {Aloe vera - propolis herbal toothpaste, Group 1; Parodontax, Group 2; Toothpaste with miswak, propolis and tea tree extract, Group 3, Dent natural protective toothpaste with clay, Group 4; Gano fresh, Group 5} were diluted (1:1, 1:2, 1:4, 1:8, 1:16, and 1:32) in Dulbecco’s modified Eagle’s medium. L929 fibroblast cells were treated with the medium containing the herbal toothpastes for 2 min. Cell viability was assessed using methyl tetrazolium test. The viability of the negative control group was set at 100 %, and the percentage viability of all groups was determined accordingly.Results: Cell viability was significantly reduced at all dilutions in Group 5 (p = 0.00). This trend was also observed in Group 4. All dilutions except 1:32 significantly affected cell viability (p = 0.00). In Group 2, only the 1:1 dilution showed a toxic effect (p = 0.00). The samples in Groups 1 and 3 did not show statistically significant cytotoxicity to L929 cells (p > 0.05).Conclusion: Herbal toothpastes containing substances such as sodium lauryl sulfate (Group 5) and sodium benzoate (Groups 2 and 4) are cytotoxic towards L929 cells. Groups 1 and 3 did not contain detergents but contain potassium sorbate as a preservative; hence, they are not toxic

    Design of an economic, financial and legal strategy for the production and expansion of the market of organic amaranth microgreens in Subachoque Cundinamarca

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    El consumo de alimentos orgánicos está asociado con la percepción de consumir alimentos saludables y libres de agroquímicos, dado que existe el temor de los múltiples problemas que causan los pesticidas. Al respecto, varios estudios demuestran que los consumidores están dispuestos a pagar un valor mayor por alimentos que estén libres de residuos de pesticidas. En lo que respecta al consumo de microhortalizas, este mercado se ha dado a conocer especialmente en restaurantes de alto gourmet, ya que la utilizan en la preparación de algunos platos. El hecho de que las microhortalizas incluyan un sello orgánico podría garantizar el crecimiento del mercado y podría impulsar a nuevos microempresarios que quieran innovar con estos productos. La presente investigación brinda herramientas tanto económicas, financieras y jurídicas a la empresa Hortalitas para incursionar por medio de una alianza con la finca Chamomille en la incorporación en el mercado de microhortalizas de amaranto 100% orgánicas. Este estudio se desarrolla en tres fases: (a) Identificación de los costos actuales de la empresa Hortalitas y construcción de una herramienta económica que permita identificar los costos para incursionar en mercados orgánicos. (b) Evaluación de la viabilidad financiera y jurídica de la alianza entre Hortalitas y Chamomille. (c) Entrega de resultados a Hortalitas de la viabilidad de incursionar en microhortalizas de amaranto orgánico.The consumption of organic food is associated with the perception of consuming healthy food free of agrochemicals, since there is fear of the multiple problems caused by pesticides. In this regard, several studies show that consumers are willing to pay a higher value for food that is free of pesticide residues. With regard to the consumption of micro-vegetables, this market has become known especially in high-end gourmet restaurants, since they use it in the preparation of some dishes. The fact that micro-vegetables include an organic label could guarantee market growth and could encourage new micro-entrepreneurs who want to innovate with these products. This research provides both economic, financial and legal tools to the Hortalitas Company to venture through an alliance with the Chamomille farm in the incorporation into the market of 100% organic amaranth micro-vegetables. This study is developed in three phases: (a) Identification of the current costs of the Hortalitas Company and construction of an economic tool that allows identifying the costs to enter organic markets. (b) Evaluation of the financial and legal viability of the alliance between Hortalitas and Chamomille. (c) Delivery of results to Hortalitas of the viability of venturing into organic amaranth micro-vegetables.Magíster en Proyectos de Desarrollo SostenibleMaestrí

    Evaluación y caracterización de Matricaria chamomilla “Manzanilla” y su potencial aplicación antimicrobiana en el manejo multidisciplinario de Caries Temprana de la Infancia.

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    TÍTULO: Evaluación y caracterización de Matricaria chamomilla “Manzanilla” y su potencial aplicación antimicrobiana en el manejo multidisciplinario de Caries Temprana de la Infancia. INTRODUCCIÓN: La caries dental está definida como una enfermedad infecciosa multifactorial causada por bacterias de la placa dental. Se ha documentado el efecto antimicrobiano de diferentes extractos de plantas, sin embargo, existen pocas investigaciones acerca de su uso en la odontología. OBJETIVO: Evaluar el efecto antimicrobiano de Matricaria chamomilla “manzanilla” como probable alternativa de tratamiento de Caries Temprana de la Infancia. METODOLOGÍA: Se realizó en múltiples pasos, primero Selección y preparación del extracto natural, seguido de un test de difusión en agar para la verificación de la acción antimicrobiana de Matricaria chamomille “manzanilla” y té de manzanilla sobre cepas de Streptococcus mutans y Streptococcus sobrinus por último se obtuvieron muestras de saliva de tres grupos de pacientes, utilizando infusión de “manzanilla”, enjuague Colgate Plax y enjuague con agua. RESULTADOS: Como resultados de Streptococcus mutans contra Matricaria chamomille “manzanilla” en los halos de inhibición para la concentración de 1,000 se observa el valor más alto de 12 mm, y en la concentración de 500 halos de hasta 9 mm, el grupo de control positivo reporto como valor halo de 17mm en la concentración de 500. En cuanto a la comparación de grupos con los diferentes tipos de enjuague, se observó la reducción de UFC de Streptococcus mutans y Streptococcus sobrinus posterior al enjuague bucal con infusión de Matricaria chamomilla “manzanilla” respecto a los grupos que utilizaron enjugue Colgate Plax sin embargo esta diferencia no fue estadísticamente significativa. CONCLUSIONES: CONCLUSIÓN: Este estudio mostró que existe un efecto inhibitorio bacteriano positivo en las concentraciones 100% del extracto de Matricaria chamomille “manzanilla” en cultivos de flora mixta salival, así como una reducción de las UFC posterior al enjuague con manzanilla. Por lo tanto, se sugiere profundizar en su estudio en cuanto a la selectividad en contra de otras bacterias cariogénicas, efectividad y citotoxicidad, para considerarse de formas más segura como opción terapéutica preventiva contra la caries dental. ABSTRACT TITLE: Evaluation and characterization of Matricaria chamomilla "Chamomile" and its potential antimicrobial application in the multidisciplinary management of Early Childhood Caries. INTRODUCTION: Dental caries is defined as a multifactorial infectious disease caused by bacteria of dental plaque. The antimicrobial effect of different plant extracts has been documented, however, there is little research about its use in dentistry. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the antimicrobial effect of Matricaria chamomilla "chamomile" as a probable treatment alternative for Early Caries of Childhood. METHODOLOGY: It was carried out in multiple steps, first selection and preparation of the natural extract, followed by an agar diffusion test for the verification of the antimicrobial action of Matricaria chamomille "chamomile" and chamomile tea on strains of Streptococcus mutans and Streptococcus sobrinus by last, saliva samples were obtained from three groups of patients, using "chamomile" infusion, Colgate Plax rinse and rinsing with water. RESULTS: As results of Streptococcus mutans against Matricaria chamomille "chamomile" in the inhibition halos for the concentration of 1,000 the highest value of 12 mm is observed, and in the concentration of 500 halos of up to 9 mm, the positive control group I report as halo value of 17mm in the concentration of 500. Regarding the comparison of groups with the different types of rinse, we observed the reduction of CFU of Streptococcus mutans and Streptococcus sobrinus after mouthwash with infusion of Matricaria chamomilla "chamomile" Regarding the groups that used Colgate Plax washes, however, this difference was not statistically significant. CONCLUSIONS: It showed that there is a positive bacterial inhibitory effect at 100% concentrations of the essential oil of Matricaria chamomille "chamomile" "In cultures of mixed salivary flora, as well as a reduction of CFU after rinsing with chamomile. Therefore, it is suggested to deepen its study in terms of selectivity against other cariogenic bacteria, effectiveness and cytotoxicity, to be considered in safer ways as a preventive therapeutic option against dental caries

    Hortibot: Feasibility study of a plant nursing robot performing weeding operations – part IV

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    Based on the development of a robotic tool carrier (Hortibot) equipped with weeding tools, a feasibility study was carried out to evaluate the viability of this innovative technology. The feasibility was demonstrated through a targeted evaluation adapted to the obtainable knowledge on the system performance in horticulture. A usage scenario was designed to set the implementation of the robotic system in a row crop of seeded bulb onions considering operational and functional constraints in organic crop, production. This usage scenario together with the technical specifications of the implemented system provided the basis for the feasibility analysis, including a comparison with a conventional weeding system. Preliminary results show that the automation of the weeding tasks within a row crop has the potential of significantly reducing the costs and still fulfill the operational requirements set forth. The potential benefits in terms of operational capabilities and economic viability have been quantified. Profitability gains ranging from 20 to 50% are achievable through targeted applications. In general, the analyses demonstrate the operational and economic feasibility of using small automated vehicles and targeted tools in specialized production settings

    Effect of camomile and nettle as phytogenic additives on the performance of broilers

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    Cilj ovog pokusa bio je utvrditi utjecaj koprive i kamilice na proizvodne i druge pokazatelje tovnih pilića. Pokus je proveden na 120 jednodnevnih tovnih pilića (Ross 308), koji su podijeljeni u četiri skupine (kontrolna – smjesa bez dodatka fitobiotika; pokusna I – smjesa + 2% koprive; pokusna II – smjesa + 2% kamilice; pokusna III – smjesa + kopriva 1% i kamilica 1%). Hranidbeni program uključivao je dvije smjese, starter (0 – 21 d) i finišer (22 – 42 d). Tijekom trajanja istraživanja mjereni su proizvodni pokazatelji, biokemijski parametri krvi, te klaonička i tehnološka svojstva mesa tovnih pilića. Rezultati su pokazali da je dodatak koprive u koncentraciji 2% u hranu imao pozitivan učinak na proizvodne (tjelesna masa, dnevni prirast, konzumacija) i biokemijske parametre (AST, ALT, proteini, kolesterol, trigliceridi), te klaonička svojstva (randman) i tehnološka svojstva mesa (pH2, boja kože b). Kamilica je u koncentraciji 2% pokazala blago depresivan učinak na proizvodne pokazatelje, ali i pozitivan učinak na biokemijske pokazatelje (AST, ALT, glukoza, proteini, albumini, kolesterol, trigliceridi) i klaonička svojstva (randman). Na temelju rezultata ovog pokusa i pregleda proučene literature može se zaključiti da je dodatak koprive u koncentraciji 2% u hranu pilića brojlera opravdan, dok se za dodatak kamilice u koncentraciji 2% u hranu, kao i kombinacija koprive i kamilice ne može u potpunosti opravdatiThe aim of this experiment was to determine the effect of nettle and chamomille on growth performance and other parameters of broilers. Experiment was conducted on 120 one – day old broilers (Ross 308), which were separated in four groups (control – basal diet, no additives; experimental I – basal diet + 2% nettle; experimental II – basal diet + 2% chamomille; experimental III – basal diet + nettle 1% + chamomille 1%). Broilers were fed with starter (0 – 21 d) and finisher diet (22 – 42 d). During the experiment growth parameters were measured, with biochemical analysis of blood, carcass traits and technological parameters of the meat of broilers. Results showed that addition of 2% chamomille in feed has positive effect on growth parameters (body weight, weight gain, feed intake), biochemical paramaters (AST, ALT, protein, cholesterol, triacylglycerols), carcass traits (carcass yield), and technological parameters (pH2, skin color b). Addition of 2% chamomille in feed had mildly depressive effect on growth parameters, but also positive effect on biochemical parameters (AST, ALT, glucose, protein, albumins, cholesterol, triacylglycerols) and carcass traits (carcass yield). Based on the results of this experiment and overview of literature conclusion is that addition of 2% nettle in broiler feed is justified, while addition od 2% chamomille and combination of nettle and chamomille isn't completely justified


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    Aims: The present study was undertaken to investigate the bacterial and fungal contamination of herbal teas in the Nigerian market with special reference to Benin City.Methodology And Results: Twenty-six (26) samples of five different types of herbal teas: antidiarrhoeal, antimalarial, antiobesity (slimming), antihypertensive and antidiabetic teas were analysed using standard microbiological procedures. All samples of the herbal teas were contaminated with both bacteria and fungi. The bacteria count ranged from 1.1x101 to 4.8x102cfu/g. The fungal count ranged from 1.1x102 to 4.5x105cfu/g. Bacterial isolates from herbal teas include: Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Bacillus subtilis, Pseudomanas flourecens, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Serratia marcenscens, Salmonella typhimurium, and Escherichia coli. Fungal isolates were Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus flavus, Penicillium expansum, Rhizopus stolonifer and Fusarium solanii. Of all the bacterial isolates, Bacillus subtilis had the highest occurrence (100%) and the least was Salmonella typhimurium (3%). Among the fungi, Aspergillus niger had the highest occurrence (100%) and the least was Rhizopus stolonifer (10%). The bacteria isolates showed multiple resistace pattern to the antibiotics with all gram-negative exhibiting resistance to ampicillin. Phytochemical screening of the herbal teas revealed the presence of flavonoids, alkaloids, phenols, tannin and saponins.Conclusion, Significance And Impact Of Study: The presence of secondary metabolites justify the use of herbal teas.Good manufacturing practice and proper quality control is however needed for the continued use of the products to curtail antibiotic resistance


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    A poster describing botanical, chemical, and pharmaceutical properties for the chamomile plant

    Effects of olive processing waste, chicken manure and Dazomet on weeds with or without soil solarisation

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    Three non-chemical weed control alternatives (chicken manure (10 t ha-1), olive processing waste (OPW) (30 t ha-1), and solarisation (6-7 weeks at > 40.9 - 47.1oC at a 15 cm soil) were applied to greenhouse grown tomatoes alone and in combination and were compared with a soil fumigant (dazomet) for the ability to control weeds. Both dazomet (485 kg a.i. ha-1) and solarisation provided excellent control of common purslane, slender amaranth and bristly foxtail. Excellent weed control was also achieved witha half dose of dazomet (242.5 kg a.i. ha-1) plus 21 days of solarisation. OPW provided moderate control of these weeds, but chicken manure did not. OPW and chicken manure applied with solarisation provided 100% control of common purslane, slender amaranth and bristly foxtail, but did notsignificantly improve control compared to solarisation alone. OPW plus a short-duration of solarisation may provide weed control that is comparable to dazomet in greenhouse grown tomatoes