61 research outputs found

    Between islands of ethnicity and shared landscapes : rethinking settler society, cultural landscapes and the study of the Canadian west

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    Acknowledgements This article was written in connection with the project ‘European Migrant Landscapes and Intercultural Relations in Western Canada’ (Principal Investigator J. Oliver), based at the University of Aberdeen, Scotland. Help with sources was provided by individuals at a number instituions. In particular we would like to thank Marjory Harper at the University of Abedeen and Dr Birna Bjarndadottir and other staff at the Department of Icelandic Languages and Literature, University of Manitoba. Field work was carried out in both the Interlake region and southwestern Manitoba. Thanks go in particular to our hosts in Gimli, Elva Simundsson and Jerry Jonason for their excellent hospitality. Earlier incarnations of some of the ideas presented here have benefited from comments received from Audrey Horning, Jim Symonds and Kurt Jordon. We are particularly grateful to Gerald Friesen and Ana Jorge for extensive feedback on earlier drafts. Finally, we would like to thank our peer reviewers for their clear-eyed assessment and useful suggestions, which we hope have helped to sharpen the final product. All errors are our own. Funding The research for this article was funded by a Leverhulme Trust Project Grant (RPG-2012-653).Peer reviewedPostprin

    On decentring ethnicity in buildings research : The settler homestead as assemblage

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    Single Particle Tracking of Plasma Membrane Proteins.

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    Palmitoylation is important to the function and trafficking of many proteins. As the only reversible posttranslational lipid modification, it is thought to facilitate signaling by dynamically targeting proteins to the necessary membrane fractions. This has been shown for membrane-associated proteins, but the role of palmitoylation for transmembrane proteins is less clear. It has been proposed that palmitoylation targets transmembrane proteins to membrane subdomains often termed ‘lipid rafts’. In this work, we test the hypothesis that palmitoylation affects the diffusion dynamics of transmembrane proteins and propose that this could be a means to modulate protein function. Using single fluorescent particle tracking, this work quantifies diffusion and confinement parameters of a large panel of fluorescent fusion membrane proteins ranging in size, mode of membrane anchoring, and putative phase-association. These include palmitoylated and non-palmitoylated versions of three transmembrane proteins (truncated linker of activated T-cell, truncated hemagglutinin, and β2 adrenergic receptor) as well as three proteins anchored with lipid moieties (glycophosphatidylinositol (GPI), palmitoyl and myristoyl, or geranylgeranyl). We present a method of analysis that uses Brownian simulations to aid in identifying heterogeneity. Among our findings is that lateral diffusion in a photoprotective hypoxic imaging buffer is Brownian and vastly simplified in comparison to non-hypoxic imaging buffer, suggesting possible cytoskeletal remodeling under hypoxic conditions. In both hypoxic or normoxic imaging conditions, lateral diffusion is strongly size-dependent for smaller probes, consistent with findings in model membranes. Thus our results indicate that diffusion of small probes is particularly sensitive to dimerization when it occurs in either a biological context or due to labeling techniques. Differences in lateral diffusion were not significant at 37°C when comparing otherwise identical transmembrane proteins with and without palmitoylation sites, though the proteins differentiate themselves at lower temperatures. This suggests that palmitoylation does not modulate transmembrane protein function by altering lateral diffusion under physiological conditions.PHDChemical BiologyUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/107057/1/edwald_1.pd

    Supporting Healthcare Knowledge Transfer through a Web 2.0 Portal - Insights from Austria

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    The internet has become a source of huge amounts of information related to healthcare; some is useful while other information can be misleading and even dangerous. Since it is not easy to distinguish the quality of web contents, a portal hosted and maintained by medical experts can lead to more credibility. This article presents the results of a study conducted in Austria that investigates the patients’ need for a web 2.0 knowledge transfer portal hosted and maintained by hospital doctors to provide high-quality information to its patients. The doctors’ appraisals concerning their patients’ demands as well as their willingness to participate in a web 2.0 health online portal by publishing information, by answering questions and supervising user generated contents are investigated. The survey was conducted online using two questionnaires, one for potential patients and one for hospital doctors of an Austrian central hospital. The results show that there is definitely great potential for a hospital to successfully establish a web 2.0 knowledge portal since the current quality of existing online health portals is not sufficient to meet the demands of at least one third of the polled patients

    Desarrollo y desempeño en equipos de proyecto: validez incremental de la escala de desarrollo grupal

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    Se presenta un estudio acerca de cómo el desarrollo alcanzado por un grupo es un determinante clave en el desempeño de equipos de proyecto. Se aplicó la Escala de Desarrollo del Grupo (EDG) y el Group Development Questionnaire (GDQ) a 30 equipos de proyecto y utilizando diferentes criterios subjetivos para evaluar el desempeño de los mismos (i. e. valoración de eficacia, satisfacción de necesidades, funcionamiento interno y mantenimiento). Mediante la realización de un estudio transversal, y controlando por el tamaño del grupo, el desarrollo grupal se mostró capaz de predecir algunos de estos criterios de desempeño, como la valoración de eficacia (23% de varianza explicada) y la satisfacción de necesidades (53% de varianza explicada). Igualmente, y respecto a una medida global de desempeño del equipo, el desarrollo grupal explicó el 40% de su varianza. Además, la EDG mostró validez incremental respecto al GDQ (F = 5,84, p < 0,01) para predecir el desempeño. Se discute también cómo contribuir al desarrollo grupal como vía para lograr equipos más efectivos

    Impacts of Dreissena polymorpha on vertical mobility of Campeloma decisum, and susceptibility on shell morphology

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    Natural History & EvolutionDreissena polymorpha, zebra mussel is an invasive species that alter aquatic ecosystem and can indirectly cause extinction in native invertebrate populations. As a result, they cause a lot of ecological and economic damage to the environment. The mussels recently appeared in Douglas Lake, MI. Campeloma decisum, a snail that is native to the lake, is getting colonized very rapidly. The purpose of this study was to figure out whether some snail characteristics make them susceptible to zebra mussels and to re-examine zebra mussel s influence over Campeloma mobility. Two random samples of Campeloma were collected on different days at the same site. The statistical analysis failed to yield the same result in two groups, and restriction on Campeloma movement by zebra mussels is clearly visualized; however it still remained unclear whether the shell morphology determines alteration of burrowing depth or the presence of zebra mussels do.http://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/57491/1/Lee_Bell_2007.pd

    Plan estratégico de la región San Martín

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    El presente trabajo consiste en la formulación del Planeamiento Estratégico de la Región San Martín al 2025, para lo cual se elaboraron una visión y misión sólidas y claras, con el propósito de mejorar el Índice de Desarrollo Humano y la Competitividad, buscando aumentar la agroexportación y turismo, así como mejorar sosteniblemente los servicios básicos, el empleo digno, detener y luego erradicar la deforestación indiscriminada, cuidando y preservando el medio ambiente, para mejorar la calidad de vida de sus habitantes y potenciar los negocios en la región para ser reconocida entre las cinco primeras regiones con el mejor clima de negocios y mayor afluencia turística del país. El plan estratégico se elaboró en función al Modelo Secuencial del Proceso Estratégico de Fernando D´Alessio, el cual incluye: (a) formulación, (b) implementación, y (c) evaluación y control, cuyas actividades se efectuarán de manera permanente durante todo el proceso para monitorear las etapas secuenciales. En el proceso de la planeación estratégica se identificaron como fortalezas el potencial de sus recursos naturales, y grandes extensiones de terrenos para uso agrícola. La ubicación estratégica con la salida al Océano Pacifico y Brasil, a través de la carretera IIRSA Norte y los altos índices de seguridad ciudadana, potencial para el desarrollo del turismo vivencial, paisajista y el ecoturismo en la región. Entre las debilidades de la región San Martín, destacaron la falta de infraestructura básica (escuelas, hospitales, carreteras, luz, agua, etc.), carencia de promoción del turismo para atraer nuevas inversiones privadas, el centralismo regional que genera una inadecuada distribución y cobertura de los servicios públicos, trabas burocráticas para crear nuevos emprendimientos, ausencia del desarrollo en innovación y tecnología, carencia de mano de obra calificada, altas tasas de informalidad en todos los sectores productivos, así como la tala indiscriminada de los recursos naturales y la falta de coordinación entre las organizaciones de la sociedad, no favorecen al desarrollo de la región San Martín.The present title consists in the Strategic Planning of the San Martin Region towards year 2025, for which a solid and clear vision & mission were developed, aiming to improve the Index of Human Development and Competitiveness; seeking to increase agricultural exports and tourism, to improve sustainably basic services and promote decent employment. Also stop and eradicate indiscriminate deforestation, preserving and taking care of the environment, improving inhabitants’ life quality and boost local business in order to recognized San Martin Region, among the top five regions, with the best business environment and Peru’s major tourist inflow. The present work was developed according to the Sequential Model of Strategic Process, by Fernando D'Alessio, which includes: (a) formulation, (b) implementation, and (c) evaluation and control, whose activities are carried out on an ongoing basis throughout the process for monitoring the sequential steps. Along the strategic planning process, strengths were identified, like the inherent potential of the region’s natural resources, or the large tracts of land for agricultural use. It’s strategic location with access to the Pacific Ocean and Brazil, through the “IIRSA Norte” highway, besides high levels of citizen security, are potential facts to strength region’s tourism development, as experiential, landscape and ecotourism. Among the San Martin Region’s weaknesses, highlighted are the lack of basic infrastructure (schools, hospitals, roads, electricity, water, etc.), lack of tourism promotion to attract new private investment, regional centralism that generates a misallocation and coverage of public services, bureaucratic barriers to create new enterprises, lack of innovation and technology development, lack of skilled labor, high rates of informality in all productive sectors, indiscriminate use of natural resources and lack of coordination between civil society organizations. Due the existence of these weaknesses, sustainable development of the San Martin Region is not possible.Tesi

    Influência da reconstrução mamária imediata no prognóstico de pacientes com câncer de mama localmente avançado

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    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the influence of immediate breast reconstruction with transverse rectus abdominis myocutaneous (TRAM) flap in the prognosis of locally advanced breast cancer patients submitted to radical mastectomy. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Ninety patients were selected at the Breast Pathology Unit of the University of Campinas (CAISM - UNICAMP), from June 1982 to June 1989; 45 patients with immediate breast reconstruction with TRAM and the other 45 withoutbreast reconstruction (controls). We studied local and distant recurrence-free survival intervals and the overall survival. RESULTS: The local recurrence rate was low (6.6% for the experimental group and 4.4% for the control group). The distant recurrence rate was similar for both groups. There were no significant differences in the curves of local and distant recurrence-free survival between the two groups. We observed that recurrence was uniform during the first 5 years after mastectomy in both groups. The overall survival was approximately the same for both groups. The overall survival curve did not present significant differences between the experimental and control groups. CONCLUSION: We concluded that immediate breast reconstruction did not influence the parameters studied. OBJETIVO: O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a influência da reconstrução mamária imediata com a técnica de rotação de retalho miocutâneo pediculado do músculo reto abdominal, no prognóstico de pacientes portadoras de câncer de mama localmente avançado.PACIENTES E MÉTODOS: Foram selecionadas no ambulatório de patologia mamária do Centro de Atenção Integral à Saúde da Mulher da Universidade Estadual de Campinas, no período de junho de 1982 a junho de 1989, 45 pacientes com câncer de mama estádio IIIa submetidas à mastectomia radical com reconstrução imediata e comparadas com um grupo-controle de 45 pacientes com câncer de mama estádio IIIa submetidas apenas à mastectomia radical. Os parâmetros estudados foram: intervalo livre de doença local, intervalo livre de doença à distância e sobrevida total.RESULTADOS: A taxa de recidiva local foi baixa, sendo 6,6% no grupo de estudo e 4,4% no grupo-controle. Em relação à curva de sobrevida livre de doença local, não houve diferenças significativas entre o grupo tratado com MRRI e o grupo tratado com MR. Em relação à taxa de recidiva à distância os resultados foram semelhantes nos dois grupos. A curva de sobrevida livre de doença à distância não mostra diferenças significativas. Verificou-se que as recidivas ocorreram homogeneamente durante os primeiros 5 anos pós-mastectomia nos dois grupos. A sobrevida total foi praticamente a mesma nos dois grupos. A curva de sobrevida total não mostra diferenças significativas entre o grupo de casos e os controles.CONCLUSÃO: Concluiu-se que não houve interferência da reconstrução imediata nos parâmetros estudados.&nbsp

    Islands of change vs. islands of disaster: Managing pigs and birds in the Anthropocene of the North Atlantic

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    The offshore islands of the North Atlantic were among some of the last settled places on earth, with humans reaching the Faroes and Iceland in the late Iron Age and Viking period. While older accounts emphasizing deforestation and soil erosion have presented this story of island colonization as yet another social–ecological disaster, recent archaeological and paleoenvironmental research combined with environmental history, environmental humanities, and bioscience is providing a more complex understanding of long-term human ecodynamics in these northern islands. An ongoing interdisciplinary investigation of the management of domestic pigs and wild bird populations in Faroes and Iceland is presented as an example of sustained resource management using local and traditional knowledge to create structures for successful wild fowl management on the millennial scale

    Robots and manipulator systems, 2

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