151 research outputs found

    Ética e integridad policial

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    [ES] Partiendo de un estudio sobre la confianza que la sociedad tiene en la Policía, tanto en sus agentes como en la institución, se muestra que dicha confianza se basa en la percepción de la integridad de sus agentes. Así, y tras reflexionar acerca del concepto de integridad y la posibilidad de su medición, se traslada esta cuestión al contexto profesional de la Policía.[EU] Gizarteak poliziari buruz (bai agente bai erakunde) duen konfidantzari buruzko ikaslan bat oinarritzat hartuz, konfidantza hori, bere agenteen osotasunaren somaketan oinarritzen dela frogatzen da. Horrela, osotasuna eta hau neurtzeko posibilitatea aztertu ondoren, gai hau Polizi frofesional testuingurura eramaten da.[FR] En partant d’un étude sur la confiance que la société a dans la Police, dans ses agents autant que dans l’institution, on montre que cette confiance se base sur la perception de l’intégrité de ses agents. Ainsi, et après une réflexion sur le concept d’intégrité et la possibilité de sa mesure, on mène cette question au contexte professionnel de la Police.[EN] Starting from a study about the confidence that society has in Police, in the agents as well as in the institution, the data show that this confidence is based on the perception of the agents’ integrity. In this way, and after a reflection about the integrity concept and the possibility of its measuring, this question is applyed to the police professional context

    Ética e integridad policial

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    [ES] Partiendo de un estudio sobre la confianza que la sociedad tiene en la Policía, tanto en sus agentes como en la institución, se muestra que dicha confianza se basa en la percepción de la integridad de sus agentes. Así, y tras reflexionar acerca del concepto de integridad y la posibilidad de su medición, se traslada esta cuestión al contexto profesional de la Policía.[EU] Gizarteak poliziari buruz (bai agente bai erakunde) duen konfidantzari buruzko ikaslan bat oinarritzat hartuz, konfidantza hori, bere agenteen osotasunaren somaketan oinarritzen dela frogatzen da. Horrela, osotasuna eta hau neurtzeko posibilitatea aztertu ondoren, gai hau Polizi frofesional testuingurura eramaten da.[FR] En partant d’un étude sur la confiance que la société a dans la Police, dans ses agents autant que dans l’institution, on montre que cette confiance se base sur la perception de l’intégrité de ses agents. Ainsi, et après une réflexion sur le concept d’intégrité et la possibilité de sa mesure, on mène cette question au contexte professionnel de la Police.[EN] Starting from a study about the confidence that society has in Police, in the agents as well as in the institution, the data show that this confidence is based on the perception of the agents’ integrity. In this way, and after a reflection about the integrity concept and the possibility of its measuring, this question is applyed to the police professional context

    Tuning oxo formation energies using spectator ligands in the MIL-100 metal organic framework

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    An uncommon case of Marine-Lenhart syndrome

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    The term Marine-Lenhart syndrome describes the association between Graves' disease and autonomously functioning thyroid nodules (AFTN), such as toxic adenoma or toxic multinodular goiter. The two diseases may coexist or may be present at different moments in the same patient. In the literature, there are many reports on the development of Graves' disease after radioiodine treatment for AFTN, but very little information may be found on the occurrence of AFTN after radioiodine therapy for Graves' disease. We describe here the case of a female patient with Graves' disease who was successfully treated with radioiodine for Graves' disease, returning to normal thyroid function. Three years later, biochemical analysis and ultrasound examination identified a thyroid nodule that progressively increased in size. The 99mTc-pertechnetate scintigraphy showed avid uptake in the right lobule, which corresponded to a nodular lesion consistent with AFTN

    Implantation of a Small Aperture Intraocular Lens in Eyes with Irregular Corneas and Higher Order Aberrations

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    Purpose: Corneal irregularities can lead to high order aberrations (HOAs) and may influence the outcomes in terms of intraocular lens (IOL) selection and visual acuity assessment. The aim of this study was to evaluate the visual acuity and satisfaction after IC-8 implants in patients characterized by corneal irregularities and HOAs who could not undergo refractive surgery due to the poor residual thickness of the cornea or other conditions such as astigmatism secondary to previous radial keratotomy. Methods: This descriptive, retrospective cohort study was conducted on nine eyes in six patients affected by corneal irregularities and HOAs who had undergone IC-8 IOL implantation. The primary endpoint was the best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA), the subjective visual function, and the visual field. Results: Nine eyes of six patients (three bilateral implantation) were enrolled. For each patient, BCVA, vision, and lifestyle quality were evaluated. In all patients, we noticed an improvement in all parameters without visual field defects. Conclusion: Our work encourages the use of the IC8 lens to improve visual acuity in patients with irregular corneas and HOAs who cannot be treated with customized refractive surgery. Patients experience a subjective improvement of their quality of vision and also more self-confidence in their daily life. IC-8 lenses do not interfere with the visualization of retinal fundus and there is no impairment of the visual field detected by patients

    Arterial tortuosity syndrome in two Italian paediatric patients

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Arterial tortuosity syndrome (ATS) (OMIM #208050) is a rare autosomal recessive connective tissue disorder characterized by tortuosity and elongation of the large and medium-sized arteries, propensity to aneurysms formation, vascular dissection, and pulmonary arteries stenosis. ATS is caused by mutations in <it>SLC2A10 </it>gene, encoding for the facilitative glucose transporter 10 (GLUT10). So far, 17 <it>SLC2A10 </it>mutations have been reported in 32 families, two of which were Italian with a total of five patients. Here we present the clinical and molecular characterization of two novel Italian paediatric ATS patients.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The exons and intronic flanking regions of <it>SLC2A10 </it>gene were amplified and direct sequencing was performed.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In both patients, the involvement of major- and medium-sized arteries was characteristic; the nonvascular connective tissue manifestations were mild and not pathognomic of the disorder. Both patients, born from non-consanguineous parents, were heterozygous for two different <it>SLC2A10 </it>mutations, three of which were recurrent and one was novel (p.Arg231Trp). This mutation is localized at the endofacial loop between the transmembrane domains 6 and 7 of GLUT10.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Two novel ATS patients were characterized at clinical and molecular level. Overall, four ATS unrelated families are known in Italy so far. Though ATS clinical delineation improved in the last years, further works in the comprehension of disease presentation and complications onset, particularly in paediatric age, and on ATS molecular basis are needed to add new insights for diagnosis and prevention strategies for related complications.</p

    Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, hypoparathyroidism and coeliac disease: lessons from a rare association

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    We present the case of a 36 years old woman, affected by euthyroid Hashimoto’s thyroiditis (HT) from the age of 20. She reported the following symptoms for three years: weight reduction, abdominal pain, alternate constipation and diarrhoea, tiredness, paresthesias and cramps. Biochemical evaluation revealed low iron levels (21 ug/dl, with microcytic anemia) and hypocalcemia (6.6 mg/dl), first attributed to coeliac disease (EMA IgG, AGA IgG-A and tTG IgA positivity; Marsh-Oberhuber 3a/3b type at duodenal biopsy). TSH, PTH and 25-OHD3 were in the normal range. Although the patient was on a gluten-free diet for the second year, cramps persisted and facial spasms and tetanic crises appeared. One year later she came to our attention with severe hypocalcemia (Ca 5.1 mg/dl, Ca++ 0.6 nmol/L) and low PTH (2.5 pg/ml). A diagnosis of primary hypoparathyroidism was made and conventional treatment was started. In the following months, symptomatic hypocalcemia persisted (6.7 mg/dl, Ca++ 0.7 nmol/L), despite the gradual increase of calcium and calcitriol supplements. Gastro-intestinal re-evaluation demonstrated gluten contamination, so as to hypothesize that the scarce dietary compliance had caused persistent malabsorption and had made the hypocalcemia difficult to manage. The observation of these three disorders coexisting in a single patient, never reported by the literature, warns us about the virtually unlimited possibilities of autoimmune disease clustering. Clinicians should be aware of the increased risk of developing additional AIDs in patients with one autoimmune disorder

    Local inhibition of ornithine decarboxylase reduces vascular stenosis in a murine model of carotid injury

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    Objectives: Polyamines are organic polycations playing an essential role in cell proliferation and differentiation, as well as in cell contractility, migration and apoptosis. These processes are known to contribute to restenosis, a pathophysiological process often occurring in patients submitted to revascularization procedures. We aimed to test the effect of alpha-difluoromethylornithine (DFMO), an inhibitor of ornithine decarboxylase, on vascular cell pathophysiology in vitro and in a rat model of carotid arteriotomy-induced (re) stenosis. Methods: The effect of DFMO on primary rat smooth muscle cells (SMCs) and mouse microvascular bEnd. 3 endothelial cells (ECs) was evaluated through the analysis of DNA synthesis, polyamine concentration, cell viability, cell cycle phase distribution and by RT-PCR targeting cyclins and genes belonging to the polyamine pathway. The effect of DFMO was then evaluated in arteriotomy-injured rat carotids through the analysis of cell proliferation and apoptosis, RT-PCR and immunohistochemical analysis of differential gene expression. Results: DFMO showed a differential effect on SMCs and on ECs, with a marked, sustained anti-proliferative effect of DFMO at 3 and 8 days of treatment on SMCs and a less pronounced, late effect on bEnd. 3 ECs at 8 days of DFMO treatment. DFMO applied perivascularly in pluronic gel at arteriotomy site reduced subsequent cell proliferation and preserved smooth muscle differentiation without affecting the endothelial coverage. Lumen area in DFMO-treated carotids was 49% greater than in control arteries 4 weeks after injury. Conclusions: Our data support the key role of polyamines in restenosis and suggest a novel therapeutic approach for this pathophysiological process. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved
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