1,881 research outputs found

    On the Cartan Model of the Canonical Vector Bundles over Grassmannians

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    We give a representation of canonical vector bundles over Grassmannian manifolds as non-compact affine symmetric spaces as well as their Cartan model in the group of the Euclidean motions.Comment: 6 page

    Educational cluster - priority development project GBPOU SO «Sukholozhsky multi-technical»

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    The article considers the forms of cooperation between the Sukholozhskiy multidisciplinary technical school and employers, analyzes questions of the interaction of an educational organization with consumers of human resources in the framework of an educational clusterВ статье рассмотрены формы сотрудничества Сухоложского многопрофильного техникума с работодателями, проанализированы вопросы взаимодействия образовательной организации с потребителями кадровых ресурсов в рамках образовательного кластер

    Sources of Arterial Vascularization of the Polar Owl’s Kidneys

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    The sources of vascularization of the kidneys of five polar owl carcasses were studied by filling the vessels with self-hardening plastic Belokril through the femoral artery. High-grade oil paints were added to the monomer to give the vessels the desired color. After the injection, the carcasses were placed in a high concentration caustic soda solution for three days. The resulting corrosion impression was washed under warm water and dried. It was identified that in the lumbar trunk, the main vessel was the descending aorta, from which extra- and intraorganic arteries departed for vascularizing the kidneys. Extraorganic arteries included external and internal iliac, sciatic and middle sacral arteries. Intraorganic arteries included cranial, middle, and caudal renal arteries. Inside the parenchyma of each lobe of the kidney, intraorganic arteries branched in the main type of caudomedial, dorsomedial and lateromedial directions and were subdivided into segmental, interlobular and perilobular arteries and intralobular capillaries. An asymmetry in the branching of the renal arteries was observed. During histological examination, we noted that the renal arteries were lined with endothelium on the inner side and the intima contained endotheliocytes with oval nuclei. Under the endothelial layer were loose collagen fibers running along the middle shell. There was no loose connective tissue between the inner and middle shells, so the subendothelial layer was very weak and there was no internal elastic membrane. The muscle membrane was well developed, with collagen and elastic fibers located between the muscle fibers. The outer shell was represented by loose connective tissue with the presence of arterial and venous vessels. The collagen fibers had a slightly convoluted course. Keywords: birds, polar owl, arteries, kidneys, parenchyma, capillaries, endotheliocytes, intim

    O fenômeno do "Enteo" na vida sócio-política contemporânea da Rússia

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    Relevance of the theme on study of the missionary work and its consequences is based on the fact that success in it is important both for the church itself and for the Russian Federation, because it is through traditional religions they plan to fulfill the task of forming traditional values among the population of the Russian Federation in order to counter extremist and terrorist ideology. The disintegration of the USSR and the transition of Russian society from informational to post- informational put the Russian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate in new conditions, forcing to reconsider its view on missionary work. The question arose before it about the need to develop and implement a new concept of missionary work as a response to modern challenges. However, despite the attempts made to accomplish this task, it has failed. Realizing the lack of church forces on the field of missionary work, the Orthodox community began to make independent attempts for proclamation of the Gospel. As a result, there have been occurred such phenomena as "God's Will", the movement "Sorok Sorokov" (“A large number”), etc., which began to form independently new methods of missionary work unknown to the church before. The paper reveals the main prerequisites, reasons for the emergence and development of the "God's Will" movement. The influence of this movement on the public life of the Russian Federation as it was developing is examined, and the level of interaction between the Russian state and the Russian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate is revealed. The topic is chosen for a reason. This movement has a special impact on the consciousness of the youth in the Russian Federation and is a fundamentally new association in the country. Despite a large number of Internet sources, this topic remains still in embryo in scientific terms and requires scientific understanding.La relevancia del tema sobre el estudio de la obra misionera y sus consecuencias se basa en el hecho de que el éxito en ella es importante tanto para la propia iglesia como para la Federación de Rusia, porque es a través de las religiones tradicionales que planean cumplir la tarea de formar valores entre la población de la Federación de Rusia para contrarrestar la ideología extremista y terrorista. La desintegración de la URSS y la transición de la sociedad rusa de informacional a posinformacional pusieron a la Iglesia Ortodoxa Rusa del Patriarcado de Moscú en nuevas condiciones, forzando a reconsiderar su punto de vista sobre el trabajo misionero. Surgió la pregunta sobre la necesidad de desarrollar e implementar un nuevo concepto de trabajo misionero como respuesta a los desafíos modernos. Sin embargo, a pesar de los intentos realizados para lograr esta tarea, ha fallado. Al darse cuenta de la falta de fuerzas de la iglesia en el campo del trabajo misionero, la comunidad ortodoxa comenzó a hacer intentos independientes para la proclamación del Evangelio. Como resultado, se han producido fenómenos tales como "La Voluntad de Dios", el movimiento "Sorok Sorokov" ("Un gran número"), etc., que comenzó a formar independientemente nuevos métodos de trabajo misionero desconocidos para la iglesia anteriormente. El documento revela los principales requisitos previos, razones para el surgimiento y desarrollo del movimiento "Voluntad de Dios". Se examina la influencia de este movimiento en la vida pública de la Federación Rusa mientras se desarrollaba, y se revela el nivel de interacción entre el Estado ruso y la Iglesia Ortodoxa Rusa del Patriarcado de Moscú. El tema es elegido por una razón. Este movimiento tiene un impacto especial en la conciencia de los jóvenes en la Federación Rusa y es una asociación fundamentalmente nueva en el país. A pesar de la gran cantidad de fuentes de Internet, este tema aún está en embrión en términos científicos y requiere una comprensión científica.  A relevância do tema no estudo do trabalho missionário e suas conseqüências é baseada no fato de que o sucesso é importante tanto para a própria igreja quanto para a Federação Russa, porque é através das religiões tradicionais que planejam cumprir a tarefa de formar tradições tradicionais. valores entre a população da Federação Russa, a fim de combater a ideologia extremista e terrorista. A desintegração da URSS e a transição da sociedade russa de informacional para pós-informacional colocaram a Igreja Ortodoxa Russa do Patriarcado de Moscou em novas condições, forçando a reconsiderar sua visão sobre o trabalho missionário. A questão surgiu antes sobre a necessidade de desenvolver e implementar um novo conceito de trabalho missionário como uma resposta aos desafios modernos. No entanto, apesar das tentativas feitas para realizar essa tarefa, ela falhou. Percebendo a falta de forças da igreja no campo do trabalho missionário, a comunidade ortodoxa começou a fazer tentativas independentes para proclamar o Evangelho. Como resultado, ocorreram fenómenos como "Vontade de Deus", o movimento "Sorok Sorokov" ("Um grande número"), etc., que começou a formar, independentemente, novos métodos de trabalho missionário desconhecidos pela igreja anterior. O artigo revela os principais pré-requisitos, razões para o surgimento e desenvolvimento do movimento "Vontade de Deus". A influência deste movimento na vida pública da Federação Russa, como estava em desenvolvimento, é examinada, e o nível de interação entre o Estado russo e a Igreja Ortodoxa Russa do Patriarcado de Moscou é revelado. O tópico é escolhido por um motivo. Este movimento tem um impacto especial na consciência da juventude na Federação Russa e é uma associação fundamentalmente nova no país. Apesar de um grande número de fontes da Internet, este tópico permanece ainda em fase embrionária em termos científicos e requer compreensão científica

    Further explorations of Skyrme-Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov mass formulas. III: Role of particle-number projection

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    Starting from HFB-6, we have constructed a new mass table, referred to as HFB-8, including all the 9200 nuclei lying between the two drip lines over the range of Z and N > 6 and Z < 122. It differs from HFB-6 in that the wave function is projected on the exact particle number. Like HFB-6, the isoscalar effective mass is constrained to the value 0.80 M and the pairing is density independent. The rms errors of the mass-data fit is 0.635 MeV, i.e. better than almost all our previous HFB mass formulas. The extrapolations of this new mass formula out to the drip lines do not differ significantly from the previous HFB-6 mass formula.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.


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    The article examines the doctrine of the «Russian World» in the context of postcolonial studies. This direction of scientific thought sets itself the task of overcoming the consequences of the colonial dependence of the countries of the «East» from the «Western» metropolises. Postcolonial theory uses an original methodology based on the study of the liberation of colonial discourse from the narratives imposed by the metropolis. The application of this theory to the context of Eastern Europe is controversial, but considering the facts of Russia's political, cultural and ideological hegemony in the specified region with a certain degree of reservations it is deemed appropriate. Being a postmodern construct, the «Russian World» doctrine absorbs two key components of the previous ideological systems – religious and linguistic identity. Relying on these components, it forms a new type of colonial dependence, in which Russia acts as a cultural and political metropolis. Changes in the sociopolitical context in the post-Soviet space which occurred after the Ukrainian Revolution of Dignity demonstrate the ineffectiveness of the doctrine of the «Russian World» as a colonial ideology. Key words: Russian world, postcolonial theory, ideology, narratives, discourse, Russia, Ukraine, Orthodoxy. Фоменко А. В. Доктрина «російського світу» в контексті постколоніальних досліджень / Національний  педагогічний університет імені М. П. Драгоманова, Україна, Київ У статті розглянуто доктрину «Російського світу» в контексті постколоніальних досліджень. Зазначений напрямок наукової думки ставить перед собою завдання подолати наслідки колоніальної залежності країн «Сходу» від «Західних» метрополій. Постколоніалізм використовує оригінальну методологію, засновану на дослідженні процесу звільнення колоніального дискурсу від нав'язаних метрополією наративів. Застосування зазначеної теорії по відношенню до контексту Східної Європи є спірним, однак, з огляду на факти політичної, культурної та ідеологічної гегемонії Росії у вказаному регіоні, з певними обмовками визнається доречним. Будучи постмодерністським конструктом, доктрина «Російського світу» вбирає в себе два ключові компоненти попередніх ідеологічних систем – релігійну і мовну ідентичності. Спираючись на зазначені компоненти, вона формує новий тип колоніальної залежності, в якому Росія виступає в ролі культурної та політичної митрополії. Зміни соціально-політичного контексту на пострадянському просторі, що стали наслідком української Революції Гідності, демонструють неефективність доктрини «Російського світу» як колоніальної ідеології.Ключові слова: Російський світ, постколоніальна теорія, ідеологія, наративи, дискурс, Росія, Україна, православ’я

    Cash flow management at the insurance company aimed at provision of financial stability

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    The insurance market of the Russian Federation is currently demonstrating the trend of slower growth rate of insurance premiums and problems, rising in certain sectors. The loss ratio of insurance operations is increasing along with reducing profitability of internal funds and assets, operational costs are growing. All these factors affect the financial stability of insurance companies and reduce the profitability of insurance business. There is no doubt that maintaining financial stability of insurance companies in the Russian insurance market under current conditions is an extremely important issue since this sector maintains stability of economic subjects in the most difficult economic situation, ensures the continuity of social reproduction and acts as the main provider of long-term investments to the country’s financial market. To keep their position on the market, the insurance companies should pay special attention to maintaining stable positive cash flow and reducing the cash outflow. The approach to cash flow management in the insurance company proposed in the article accounts for existing challenges and opportunities can maintain the financial equilibrium of the company and can improve the efficiency of performance as well as reduce the need for debt capital and the insolvency risk of the insurer. The purpose of work is to identify the problems of financial stability and cash flow management in the insurance company and to develop practical recommendations aimed at addressing these problems based on generalization of the theoretical aspects and analysis of financial indicators. The scientific novelty of the research is in developing theoretical and methodological provisions and elaborating practical recommendations in the field of the insurance company’s cash management in order to ensure financial stability. © 2016 Elena Knyazeva, Larisa Yuzvovich, Elena Smorodina, Valeria Fomenko and Vadim Katochikov

    Plasticizer Effect on Dielectric and Relaxation Parameters of Xanthan

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    The dielectric and relaxation properties of pure and plasticized (with water, glycerol and PPG-200) xanthan were studied by  broadband dielectric relaxation spectroscopy. Within frequency range 10–107 Hz, a solid xanthan and its gels demonstrated two relaxation processes: the β-relaxation and relaxation of gel fragments formed due to xanthan/plasticizer interaction. The relaxation time decreased in the raw of plasticizers: PPG-200 &gt; water &gt; glycerol; the segmental dynamics of xanthan respectively grow. The ionic conductivity of gel samples increased in the following sequence:  water &lt; PPG-200 &lt; glycerol

    The dynamical inverse problem for a Lame type system (the ВС method)

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    In the paper, for a Lamé type system the inverse problem of recovering the fast and slow wave velocities from the boundary dynamical data (the response operator) is solved. The velocities are determined in a near-boundary domain, the depth of determination being proportional to the observation time. The BC-method, which is an approach to inverse problems based on their connections with boundary control theory, is used