8 research outputs found

    Modulatoren präfrontaler Furchtnetzwerkfunktion: Ein integrativer Ansatz

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    Regulating our immediate feelings, needs, and urges is a task that we are faced with every day in our lives. The effective regulation of our emotions enables us to adapt to society, to deal with our environment, and to achieve long‐term goals. Deficient emotion regulation, in contrast, is a common characteristic of many psychiatric and neurological conditions. Particularly anxiety disorders and subclinical states of increased anxiety are characterized by a range of behavioral, autonomic, and neural alterations impeding the efficient down‐regulation of acute fear. Established fear network models propose a downstream prefrontal‐amygdala circuit for the control of fear reactions but recent research has shown that there are a range of factors acting on this network. The specific prefrontal cortical networks involved in effective regulation and potential mediators and modulators are still a subject of ongoing research in both the animal and human model. The present research focused on the particular role of different prefrontal cortical regions during the processing of fear‐relevant stimuli in healthy subjects. It is based on four studies, three of them investigating a different potential modulator of prefrontal top‐down function and one directly challenging prefrontal regulatory processes. Summarizing the results of all four studies, it was shown that prefrontal functioning is linked to individual differences in state anxiety, autonomic flexibility, and genetic predisposition. The T risk allele of the neuropeptide S receptor gene, a recently suggested candidate gene for pathologically elevated anxiety, for instance, was associated with decreased prefrontal cortex activation to particularly fear‐relevant stimuli. Furthermore, the way of processing has been found to crucially determine if regulatory processes are engaged at all and it was shown that anxious individuals display generally reduced prefrontal activation but may engage in regulatory processes earlier than non‐anxious subjects. However, active manipulation of prefrontal functioning in healthy subjects did not lead to the typical behavioral and neural patterns observed in anxiety disorder patients suggesting that other subcortical or prefrontal structures can compensate for an activation loss in one specific region. Taken together, the current studies support prevailing theories of the central role of the prefrontal cortex for regulatory processes in response to fear‐eliciting stimuli but point out that there are a range of both individual differences and peculiarities in experimental design that impact on or may even mask potential effects in neuroimaging research on fear regulation.Tagtäglich sind wir gefordert, die Kontrolle über unsere unmittelbaren Gefühle und Bedürfnisse zu bewahren und diese zu regulieren. Die effektive Kontrolle unserer Emotionen ermöglicht es uns, uns unserer Umgebung und Gesellschaft anzupassen und langfristige Ziele zu erreichen. Defizitäre Emotionsregulation, im Gegensatz, charakterisiert eine Reihe von psychiatrischen und neurologischen Erkrankungen. Vor allem Angststörungen und subklinisch erhöhte Ängstlichkeit zeichnen sich durch eine Reihe von behavioralen, vegetativen und neuronalen Abweichungen aus, welche sich störend auf die effiziente Furchtregulation auswirken. Gängige Modelle des Furchtnetzwerks gehen davon aus, dass Furchtreaktionen durch eine top‐down Verschaltung von Präfrontalkortex und Amygdala reguliert werden. Neure Studien jedoch haben gezeigt, dass dieses Netzwerk durch eine Reihe von Faktoren beeinflusst wird. Die spezifischen präfrontalen kortikalen Netzwerke, die an einer effektiven Regulation beteiligt sind und deren potentielle Mediatoren und Modulatoren sind jedoch noch immer Gegenstand heutiger Forschung, sowohl im Tier‐, als auch im Menschenmodell. Der Fokus der vorliegenden Arbeit richtete sich speziell auf die Rolle verschiedener Regionen des Präfrontalkortex während der Verarbeitung furchtrelevanter Reize bei gesunden Probanden. Die Arbeit basiert auf vier Studien, von denen drei jeweils einen potentiellen Modulator präfrontaler top-down Funktion näher untersuchten, während jene regulatorischen Prozesse in einer weiteren Studie gezielt manipuliert wurden. Zusammenfassend konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Präfrontalfunktion mit individuellen Unterschieden in Ängstlichkeit, vegetativer Flexibilität und genetischer Prädisposition assoziiert ist. So wurde beispielsweise das T Risikoallel des Neuropeptid S Rezeptor Gens, ein erst kürzlich entdecktes Kandidatengen für pathologisch erhöhte Ängstlichkeit, speziell während der Darbietung furchtrelevanter Reize mit geringerer Präfrontalkortex Aktivierung in Verbindung gebracht. Des Weiteren konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Art der Verarbeitung im Wesentlichen bestimmt, ob überhaupt regulatorische Vorgänge in Gang gesetzt werden und dass insbesondere ängstliche Probanden eine allgemein verminderte präfrontale Aktivierung zeigen. Die Ergebnisse deuten jedoch auch darauf hin, dass diese regulatorischen Prozesse bei Ängstlichen möglicherweise früher aktiviert werden als bei weniger Ängstlichen. Das aktive Eingreifen in die Präfrontalfunktion bei Gesunden führte jedoch nicht zu den typischen neuronalen und Verhaltensmustern, wie sie bei Patienten mit Angststörungen beobachtet werden, was wiederum die Annahme nahe legt, dass andere subkortikale oder präfrontale Strukturen für eine Aktivitätsverringerung in einer bestimmten Region kompensieren können. Zusammenfassend kann gesagt werden, dass die vorliegenden Ergebnisse aktuelle Theorien einer zentralen Rolle des Präfrontalkortex in Bezug auf regulatorische Prozesse während der Konfrontation mit furchtrelevanten Reizen untermauern, jedoch auch zeigen, dass es eine Reihe an individuellen Charakteristika und Feinheiten im jeweiligen experimentellen Design gibt, die potentielle Effekte in Bildgebungsstudien zur Furchtregulation beeinflussen oder sogar maskieren können

    Medial prefrontal cortex stimulation modulates the processing of conditioned fear

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    The extinction of conditioned fear depends on an efficient interplay between the amygdala and the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC). In rats, high-frequency electrical mPFC stimulation has been shown to improve extinction by means of a reduction of amygdala activity. However, so far it is unclear whether stimulation of homologues regions in humans might have similar beneficial effects. Healthy volunteers received one session of either active or sham repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) covering the mPFC while undergoing a 2-day fear conditioning and extinction paradigm. Repetitive TMS was applied offline after fear acquisition in which one of two faces (CS+ but not CS−) was associated with an aversive scream (UCS). Immediate extinction learning (day 1) and extinction recall (day 2) were conducted without UCS delivery. Conditioned responses (CR) were assessed in a multimodal approach using fear-potentiated startle (FPS), skin conductance responses (SCR), functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS), and self-report scales. Consistent with the hypothesis of a modulated processing of conditioned fear after high-frequency rTMS, the active group showed a reduced CS+/CS− discrimination during extinction learning as evident in FPS as well as in SCR and arousal ratings. FPS responses to CS+ further showed a linear decrement throughout both extinction sessions. This study describes the first experimental approach of influencing conditioned fear by using rTMS and can thus be a basis for future studies investigating a complementation of mPFC stimulation to cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)

    Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy to Probe State- and Trait-Like Conditions in Chronic Tinnitus: A Proof-of-Principle Study

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    Objective. Several neuroscience tools showed the involvement of auditory cortex in chronic tinnitus. In this proof-of-principle study we probed the capability of functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) for the measurement of brain oxygenation in auditory cortex in dependence from chronic tinnitus and from intervention with transcranial magnetic stimulation. Methods. Twenty-three patients received continuous theta burst stimulation over the left primary auditory cortex in a randomized sham-controlled neuronavigated trial (verum = 12; placebo = 11). Before and after treatment, sound-evoked brain oxygenation in temporal areas was measured with fNIRS. Brain oxygenation was measured once in healthy controls (n = 12). Results. Sound-evoked activity in right temporal areas was increased in the patients in contrast to healthy controls. Left-sided temporal activity under the stimulated area changed over the course of the trial; high baseline oxygenation was reduced and vice versa. Conclusions. By demonstrating that rTMS interacts with auditory evoked brain activity, our results confirm earlier electrophysiological findings and indicate the sensitivity of fNIRS for detecting rTMS induced changes in brain activity. Moreover, our findings of trait-and state-related oxygenation changes indicate the potential of fNIRS for the investigation of tinnitus pathophysiology and treatment response

    Activity alterations in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis and amygdala during threat anticipation in generalized anxiety disorder

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    Sustained anticipatory anxiety is central to Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD). During anticipatory anxiety, phasic threat responding appears to be mediated by the amygdala, while sustained threat responding seems related to the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST). Although sustained anticipatory anxiety in GAD patients was proposed to be associated with BNST activity alterations, firm evidence is lacking. We aimed to explore temporal characteristics of BNST and amygdala activity during threat anticipation in GAD patients. Nineteen GAD patients and nineteen healthy controls (HC) underwent functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) during a temporally unpredictable threat anticipation paradigm. We defined phasic and a systematic variation of sustained response models for blood oxygen level-dependent responses during threat anticipation, to disentangle temporally dissociable involvement of the BNST and the amygdala. GAD patients relative to HC responded with increased phasic amygdala activity to onset of threat anticipation and with elevated sustained BNST activity that was delayed relative to the onset of threat anticipation. Both the amygdala and the BNST displayed altered responses during threat anticipation in GAD patients, albeit with different time courses. The results for the BNST activation hint towards its role in sustained threat responding, and contribute to a deeper understanding of pathological sustained anticipatory anxiety in GAD

    Neuronavigated left temporal continuous theta burst stimulation in chronic tinnitus

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    Purpose: Clinical effects of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) in chronic tinnitus are moderate. More precise coil localisation strategies, innovative stimulation protocols, and identification of predictors for treatment response were proposed as promising attempts to enhance treatment efficacy. In this pilot study we investigated neuronavigated continuous theta burst TMS (cTBS). Methods: Twenty-three patients received neuronavigated cTBS over the left primary auditory cortex in a randomized sham-controlled trial (verum = 12; sham = 11). Treatment response was evaluated with tinnitus questionnaires and numeric rating scales. Immediate change in numeric rating scales during the first session was used as predictor for treatment response. Results: Tinnitus was significantly reduced after treatment, but there were no superior effects between verum vs. sham treatment. Immediate change in the first treatment session predicted the response to treatment only in the verum group. Conclusions: In our study, verum cTBS was not superior to sham which highlights the persistent need for improving non-invasive brain stimulation techniques for the treatment of tinnitus. Future research should focus on the transfer of positive single session effects to daily treatment trials

    Activity alterations in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis and amygdala during threat anticipation in generalized anxiety disorder

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    Sustained anticipatory anxiety is central to Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD). During anticipatory anxiety, phasic threat responding appears to be mediated by the amygdala, while sustained threat responding seems related to the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST). Although sustained anticipatory anxiety in GAD patients was proposed to be associated with BNST activity alterations, firm evidence is lacking. We aimed to explore temporal characteristics of BNST and amygdala activity during threat anticipation in GAD patients. Nineteen GAD patients and nineteen healthy controls (HC) underwent functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) during a temporally unpredictable threat anticipation paradigm. We defined phasic and a systematic variation of sustained response models for blood oxygen level-dependent responses during threat anticipation, to disentangle temporally dissociable involvement of the BNST and the amygdala. GAD patients relative to HC responded with increased phasic amygdala activity to onset of threat anticipation and with elevated sustained BNST activity that was delayed relative to the onset of threat anticipation. Both the amygdala and the BNST displayed altered responses during threat anticipation in GAD patients, albeit with different time courses. The results for the BNST activation hint towards its role in sustained threat responding, and contribute to a deeper understanding of pathological sustained anticipatory anxiety in GAD

    Revise the revised? New dimensions of the neuroanatomical hypothesis of panic disorder

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