141 research outputs found

    Asymmetric Conjugate Addition of Ketones to Maleimides Organocatalyzed by a Chiral Primary Amine-Salicylamide

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    Enantioenriched substituted succinimides are interesting compounds, and their asymmetric organocatalytic synthesis by the conjugated addition of ketones to maleimides has been scarcely explored. This study shows the enantioselective conjugate addition of ketones to maleimides organocatalyzed by a simple primary amine-salicylamide derived from a chiral trans-cyclohexane-1,2-diamine, which provides the desired succinimides in good to excellent yields (up to 98%) and with moderate to excellent enantioselectivities (up to 99%).This research was funded by the Spanish Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad grant number PGC2018-096616-B-I00, the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (CTQ201788171-P) and the University of Alicante (VIGROB-173)

    ¿Qué hacen y qué entienden los estudiantes y profesores de física cuando usan expresiones diferenciales?

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    En un trabajo previo realizamos una clarifi cación del uso del cálculo diferencial y determinamos un conjunto de indicadores de lo que sería una adecuada comprensión del concepto de diferencial en la física. Guiados por las conclusiones de ese trabajo, presentamos ahora el análisis que hemos realizado de la enseñanza habitual, más concretamente sobre lo que hacen y entienden los estudiantes y profesores cuando usan el cálculo diferencial en las aplicaciones físicas. Después de enunciar y fundamentar la hipótesis de partida, y de presentar el diseño experimental elaborado para someterla a prueba, se muestran y discuten los resultados más importantes que hemos obtenido al aplicar ese diseño con una amplia muestra de profesores de bachillerato y estudiantes de bachillerato y universidad. Esos resultados confirman la ausencia de todos los indicadores de comprensión de la diferencial, poniendo de manifiesto el uso meramente algorítmico del cálculo y las consecuencias negativas que ello tiene para el aprendizaje de la física.One of our previous works explained the use of differential calculus and determined a series of indicators of what could be considered as the appropriate understanding of the concept of differential in physics. Following the conclusions reached in the aforesaid work, this article now analyses common teaching, and more precisely what teachers and students do and understand when applying differential calculus in physics. The present work exposes and justifi es our first hypothesis and presents the experimental design elaborated to test it, and then puts forward the most relevant results registered when applying that design on a large sample of secondary school teachers and secondary school and university students. Attained results prove the absence of all understanding indicators of the differential and highlight the merely logarithmical use made of calculus, as well as the negative impact it has on learning physics

    La diferencial no es un incremento infinitesimal : evolución del concepto de diferencial y su clarificación en la enseñanza de la física

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    El uso de la diferencial en la enseñanza de la física en el último año de bachillerato y cursos universitarios es tan frecuente como poco comprendido. Para identificar el origen de esa situación y diseñar propuestas para superarla, se ha realizado un estudio histórico y epistemológico destinado a clarificar el significado y el papel que juega la diferencial de la física. Como resultado, se describen las aportaciones e insuficiencias de dos concepciones históricas (Leibniz y Cauchy), y se presenta con detalle una propuesta alternativa basada en la concepción del matemático francés Fréchet, formulada a principios del siglo XX. Como conclusión de este estudio, se enumeran un conjunto de indicadores de lo que sería una adecuada comprensión del concepto de diferencial en las clases de física.Despite its frequent use, there is little understanding of the concept of differential among upper high school and undergraduate students of Physics. As a first step to identify the origin of this situation and to design proposals to revert it, we have done a historic and epistemologic study aimed at clarifying the role and the meaning of the differential in Physics. We describe the contributions of Leibniz and Cauchy, and stress their shortcomings, which are overcome by the alternative definition proposed by the French mathematician Fréchet, dating from early XX century. As a result of this study, we conclude by outlining a set of indicators of what would be a proper understanding of the concept of differential in Physics education

    Percepción del e-commerce en el sector textil español

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    Este trabajo de fin de grado tratará sobre el e-commerce en el sector textil español, se estudiará ligeramente su origen y evolución, sus aspectos clave y las preocupaciones de los consumidores para así poder entender las claves por las cuales se ha extendido tan rápidamente en nuestra sociedad, veremos cómo ha cambiado el comportamiento del consumidor y veremos ligeramente que tendencias podría seguir el e-commerce. Comprobaremos también como las redes sociales son a día de hoy muy importantes para el crecimiento del comercio electrónico y observaremos porque las empresas deben tener un hueco en estas redes sociales. En base a datos cualitativos y cuantitativos recogidos, que principalmente consisten en los análisis realizados sobre los cuestionarios enviados a consumidores para obtener información sobre la demanda y entrevistas en profundidad realizadas a empresas para obtener información sobre la oferta, se observará y se tratará de explicar los diversos motivos por los cuales el e-commerce tiene tanta importancia a día de hoy y para terminar se expondrán ciertas conclusiones obtenidas con el estudio de este tema en cuestión como por ejemplo que cierta parte de los consumidores no sienten seguridad al poner sus datos en la red, que las empresas pueden empezar a actuar con muy poco capital debido a la globalización que ofrece el comercio electrónico y la posibilidad de operar sin una tienda física tradicional y que las redes sociales son sumamente importantes para generar una buena imagen y confianza, y generar una interacción directa con el cliente

    Obstacles to Mathematization in Physics: The Case of the Differential

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    The process of the mathematization of physical situations through differential calculus requires an understanding of the justification for and the meaning of the differential in the context of physics. In this work, four different conceptions about the differential in physics are identified and assessed according to their utility for the mathematization process. We also present an empirical study to probe the conceptions about the differential that are used by students in physics, as well students’ perceptions of how they are expected to use differential calculus in physics. The results support the claim that students have a quasi-exclusive conception of the differential as an infinitesimal increment and that they perceive that their teachers only expect them to use differential calculus in an algorithmic way, without a sound understanding of what are they doing and why. These results are related to the lack of attention paid by conventional physics teaching to the mathematization process. Finally, some proposals for action are put forward

    Amigos con beneficios y estilos de amor

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    Objectives: This study analyses the friendship with benefits and the different subtypes that compose it. It pretends to know the prevalence, the satisfaction, the future aspiration of the participants and the styles of love. Method: 400 people of Spanish nationality completed a questionnaire about relational links and love styles. Results: friendship with benefits is a common practice, although the romantic relationship is more prevalent and satisfactory. The styles of love are different depending on the gender and the relational link. Conclusion: this shows a changing relational universe, forms of polyamory that coexist with traditional relationships and gender roles that are transforming.Objetivos: Este estudio analiza las relaciones de amigos con beneficios y los diferentes subtipos que la componen. Pretende conocer el predominio, la satisfacción, la aspiración futura de los participantes y los estilos de amor. Método: 400 personas de nacionalidad española completaron un cuestionario sobre vínculos relacionales y estilos de amor. Resultados: los amigos con beneficios es una práctica común, aunque la relación romántica es más prevalente y satisfactoria. Los estilos de amor son diferentes según el género y el vínculo relacional. Conclusión: Se muestra un universo relacional cambiante, formas de poliamor que conviven con las relaciones tradicionales y roles de género que se están transformando

    Organocatalytic Enantioselective α-Nitrogenation of α,α-Disubstituted Aldehydes in the Absence of a Solvent

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    A highly efficient enantioselective α-nitrogenation method of α,α-disubstituted aldehydes with azodicarboxylates promoted by a chiral carbamate-monoprotected cyclohexa-1,2-diamine as organocatalyst has been developed. The process was carried out without any solvent, and the corresponding α,α-disubstituted α-nitrogenated aldehydes were obtained with excellent yields and enantioselectivities up to 99% ee. The sustainability of the procedure was established through the calculation of green metrics, such as EcoScale and E-factor. In addition, theoretical calculations have been used to justify the obtained enantioselectivity sense.This work was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness (PGC2018-096616-B-I00), the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (PID2019-110008GB-I00), and the University of Alicante (VIGROB-173). We also thank SGIker (UPV/EHU) for providing human and computational resources

    Visible light-promoted metal-free aerobic photooxidation of xanthenes, thioxanthenes and dihydroacridines in deep eutectic solvents

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    Benzylic systems such as 9H-xanthenes, 9H-thioxanthenes and 9,10-dihydroacridines can be easily oxidized to the corresponding xanthones, thioxanthones or acridones, respectively, in deep eutectic solvents by a visible blue light-promoted photooxidation procedure carried out using ambient air as oxidant in the presence of riboflavin tetraacetate as a metal-free photocatalyst. The obtained yields are high or almost quantitative, and the reaction media can be recovered and reused. The environmental friendliness of the protocol is demonstrated based on several green metrics.The authors acknowledge the financial support by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (PID2021-127332NB-I00), the Generalitat Valenciana (AICO 2021/013) and the University of Alicante (VIGROB-173 and UAUSTI 2022)

    A new three-step class of iterative methods for solving nonlinear systems

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    [EN] In this work, a new class of iterative methods for solving nonlinear equations is presented and also its extension for nonlinear systems of equations. This family is developed by using a scalar and matrix weight function procedure, respectively, getting sixth-order of convergence in both cases. Several numerical examples are given to illustrate the efficiency and performance of the proposed methods.This research has been partially supported by both Generalitat Valenciana and Ministerio de Ciencia, Investigacion y Universidades, under grants PROMETEO/2016/089 and PGC2018-095896-B-C22 (MCIU/AEI/FEDER, UE), respectively.Capdevila-Brown, RR.; Cordero Barbero, A.; Torregrosa Sánchez, JR. (2019). A new three-step class of iterative methods for solving nonlinear systems. Mathematics. 7(12):1-14. https://doi.org/10.3390/math712122111471