75 research outputs found

    Magento verkkokauppa ja ajanvarauskalenteri : Onnistamo Oy

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    TĂ€mĂ€n opinnĂ€ytetyön aiheena oli suunnitella ja toteuttaa Onnistamo Oy:n palveluille verkkokauppa, johon lisĂ€ttiin ajanvarausjĂ€rjestelmĂ€. Verkkokauppa on jaettu yllĂ€pito- ja asiakasosioihin. Työ ja mÀÀrittely toteutettiin yrityksen toimitusjohtajan kanssa. Verkkokaupan alustana kĂ€ytettiin Magento -verkkokauppaa. Ohjelmointi toteutettiin pÀÀosin PHP-, JavaScript- ja jQuery-tekniikoilla. Asiakasosion avaintoimintona voidaan pitÀÀ palveluiden selaamista ja tilaamista. Tilattu palvelu tal-lentuu tietokantaan ja se nĂ€kyy hallintapaneelissa. Asiakasosiossa asiakas voi varata ajan tilatulle palvelulle. YllĂ€pito-osion ominaisuuksiin kuuluu uusien palveluiden ja asiakkaiden lisÀÀminen, poistaminen ja seuranta sekĂ€ tilauksien vastaanottaminen ja seuranta. YllĂ€pito-osio sisĂ€ltÀÀ myös hallintapaneelin ajanvarauskalenterille. Lopputuloksena saatiin toimiva verkkokauppa ja ajanvarausjĂ€rjestelmĂ€.The aim of this final project was to design and produce an e-commerce for Onnistamo Ltd’s ser-vices, in which also an appointment system was added. The store is divided into maintenance and client partitions. The work and functionalities were done with the company’s CEO. Magento e-commerce platform was used as the online store platform. The programming was carried out by using mainly PHP, JavaScript and jQuery techniques. The browsing and ordering of services can be considered as the key function of the client partition. The ordered service is stored in the database, and it is shown in the Dashboard. In the client parti-tion the customer can make an appointment for the ordered service. The maintenance section features include adding, deleting and following-up new services and new customers as well as receiving and tracking the orders. The maintenance section also contains the control panel of the appointment system. The end result of this project was a functioning e-commerce and appointment system

    Behandling av rökolÀgenheter vid smÄskalig vedeldning : Anvisning till myndigheter

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    Behandling av rökolÀgenheter vid smÄskalig vedeldning : Anvisning till myndigheterDenna anvisning riktar sig speciellt till hÀlso- och miljöskyddsmyndigheterna i kommunerna. Syftet med anvisningen Àr att klarlÀgga behovet av samarbete mellan myndigheter, arbetsfördelningen och förfaranden i situationer med rökolÀgenheter. I anvisningen presenteras betydelsen av rökolÀgenheter orsakade av smÄskalig eldning och klarlÀggs begreppet rökolÀgenhet. I anvisningen presenteras dessutom de vanligaste apparattyperna och sÀrdrag vid anvÀndning av dem. Det finns inga tillförlitliga mÀtmetoder för att mÀta rökolÀgenheter, och upplevelsen av olÀgenheter Àr individuell. DÀrför Àr det svÄrt att faststÀlla graden av olÀgenhet. I anvisningen presenteras olika aspekter med hjÀlp av vilka rökolÀgenheten emellertid kan bedömas utgÄende frÄn upprepad förekomst, varaktighet och hur kraftig den Àr. Bedömningen skapar en grund för proportionella myndighetsÄtgÀrder. Fall som gÀller rökolÀgenheter inleds ofta pÄ initiativ av dem som orsakats olÀgenhet. Myndigheten ska sÀtta sig in i situationen och Àven kontakta den part som eventuellt orsakar rök, ge anvisningar och försöka hitta en gemensamt godtagbar lösning i situationen. Om man inte lyckas, ska myndigheten fatta ett överklagbart beslut i Àrendet. Det finns fÄ fall som gÀller rökolÀgenhet som gÄtt Ànda till högsta förvaltningsdomstolen. I denna anvisning har man ocksÄ granskat förvaltningsdomstolarnas beslut om rökolÀgenheter och i dem försökt hitta riktlinjer för att behandla fall som gÀller rökolÀgenheter hos myndigheten. I anvisningen presenteras ocksÄ möjligheten att utnyttja medling vid behandling av fall av rökolÀgenhet

    Puun pienpolton savuhaittatapausten kÀsittely : Ohje viranomaisille

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    Puun pienpolton savuhaittatapausten kÀsittely : Ohje viranomaisilleTÀmÀ ohje on suunnattu erityisesti kuntien terveyden- ja ympÀristönsuojeluviranomaisille. Ohjeen tarkoitus on selkiyttÀÀ viranomaisten yhteistyön tarvetta, työnjakoa ja menettelyitÀ savuhaittatilanteissa. Ohjeessa tuodaan esiin pienpoltosta aiheutuvien savuhaittojen merkitystÀ ja selvennetÀÀn savuhaitan kÀsitettÀ. LisÀksi ohjeessa esitellÀÀn yleisimmÀt polttolaitetyypit ja niiden kÀytön erityispiirteet. Savuhaittojen mittaamiseen ei ole luotettavia mittausmenetelmiÀ, ja haittakokemukset ovat yksiöllisiÀ. TÀmÀn vuoksi haitan asteen mÀÀrittely on vaikeaa. Ohjeessa tuodaan esiin nÀkökohtia, joiden avulla savuhaittaa voidaan kuitenkin arvioida sen toistuvuuden, keston ja voimakkuuden perusteella. Arviointi luo pohjan viranomaisten toimien oikeasuhtaisuudelle. Savuhaittatapaukset tulevat usein vireille haittaa kÀrsivien aloitteesta. Viranomaisen tulee tutustua tilanteeseen ja olla yhteydessÀ myös savua mahdollisesti aiheuttavaan tahoon, ohjeistaa ja pyrkiÀ löytÀmÀÀn tilanteessa yhteisesti hyvÀksyttÀvÀ ratkaisu. Jos tÀssÀ ei onnistuta, viranomaisen on tehtÀvÀ asiasta valituskelpoinen pÀÀtös. Korkeimpaan hallinto-oikeuteen asti edenneitÀ savuhaittatapauksia on niukasti. TÀssÀ ohjeessa onkin tarkasteltu hallinto-oikeuksien savuhaittapÀÀtöksiÀ ja pyritty löytÀmÀÀn niistÀ suuntaviivoja savuhaittatapausten kÀsittelylle viranomaisessa. Ohjeessa tuodaan esiin myös sovittelumahdollisuuksien hyödyntÀminen savuhaittatapausten kÀsittelyssÀ

    Altistumisen arviointia

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    Near-term climate impacts of Finnish residential wood combustion

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    Residential wood combustion (RWC) is a major source of climate-impacting emissions, like short-lived climate forcers (SLCF) and biogenic CO2, in Finland. In this paper, we present projections for those emissions from 2015 to 2040. We calculated the climate impact of the emissions using regional temperature potential metrics presented in literature. In our results, the climate impacts are given as global and Arctic temperature responses caused by the studied emissions in a 25 year time span. The results show that SLCF emissions from RWC cause a significant warming impact. Using our selected metrics, SLCF emissions from RWC added to the warming impact of Finland's projected greenhouse gas emissions by 28% in global temperature response and by 170% in Arctic response. When compared with other common heating methods in Finnish detached houses, using a typical Finnish stove (masonry heater) was the least climate-friendly option. Taking biogenic CO2 emissions into account further highlighted this finding. Finally, we assessed the change in climate impact when implementing various emission reduction measures for RWC. With a time span of 25 years, early action was found to be even more crucial than the eventual reductions in annual emissions in 2040. Highlights ‱ RWC is the major source of BC and many other SLCFs in Finland. ‱ SLCF emissions from Finnish RWC have a relatively significant climate impact, compared with GHGs. ‱ Using a stove was found to be the least climate-friendly option to heat a house. ‱ Biogenic CO2 emissions need to be included in assessments. ‱ Early action is key in SLCF emission reduction measures

    Fine particle emissions from sauna stoves : effects of combustion appliance and fuel, and implications for the Finnish emission inventory

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    Sauna Stoves (SS) are simple wood combustion appliances used mainly in Nordic countries. They generate emissions that have an impact on air quality and climate. In this study, a new measurement concept for comparing the operation, thermal efficiency, and real-life fine particle and gaseous emissions of SS was utilized. In addition, a novel, simple, and universal emission calculation procedure for the determination of nominal emission factors was developed for which the equations are presented for the first time. Fine particle and gaseous concentrations from 10 different types of SS were investigated. It was found that each SS model was an individual in relation to stove performance: stove heating time, air-to-fuel ratio, thermal efficiency, and emissions. Nine-fold differences in fine particle mass (PM1) concentrations, and about 90-fold differences in concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) were found between the SS, when dry (11% moisture content) birch wood was used. By using moist (18%) wood, particle number and carbon monoxide concentrations increased, but interestingly, PM1, PAH, and black carbon (BC) concentrations clearly decreased, when comparing to dry wood. E.g., PAH concentrations were 5.5–9.6 times higher with dry wood than with moist wood. Between wood species, 2–3-fold maximum differences in the emissions were found, whereas about 1.5-fold differences were observed between bark-containing and debarked wood logs. On average, the emissions measured in this study were considerably lower than in previous studies and emission inventories. This suggests that overall the designs of sauna stoves available on the market have improved during the 2010s. The findings of this study were used to update the calculation scheme behind the inventories, causing the estimates for total PM emissions from SS in Finland to decrease. However, wood-fired sauna stoves are still estimated to be the highest individual emission source of fine particles and black carbon in Finland

    Emissions from a modern log wood masonry heater and wood pellet boiler : Composition and biological impact on air-liquid interface exposed human lung cancer cells

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    The consumption of wood fuel is markedly increasing in developing and industrialized countries. Known side effects of wood smoke inhalation manifest in proinflammatory signaling, oxidative stress, DNA damage and hence increased cancer risk. In this study, the composition and acute biological impact of emissions of state-of-the-art wood combustion compliances: masonry heater (MH) and pellet boiler (PB) were investigated. Therefore A549 cells were exposed to emission aerosols in an automated air-liquid interface exposure station followed by cytotoxicity, transcriptome and proteome analyses. In parallel, aerosols were subjected to a chemical and physical haracterization. Compared to PB, the MH combustion at the same dilution ratio resulted in a 3-fold higher particle mass concentration (PM2.5) and deposited dose (PB: 27 ±\pm 2 ng/cm2, MH; 73 ±\pm 12 ng/cm2). Additionally, the MH aerosol displayed a substantially larger concentration of aldehydes, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) or oxidized PAH. Gene ontology analysis of transcriptome of A549 cells exposed to MH emissions revealed the activation of proinflammatory response and key signaling cascades MAP kinase and JAK-STAT. Furthermore, CYP1A1, an essential enzyme in PAH metabolism, was induced. PB combustion aerosol activated the proinflammatory marker IL6 and different transport processes. The proteomics data uncovered induction of DNA damage-associated proteins in response to PB and DNA doublestrand break processing proteins in response to MH emissions. Taking together, the MH produces emissions with a higher particle dose and more toxic compounds while causing only mild biological responses. This finding points to a significant mitigating effect of antioxidative compounds in MH wood smoke

    Fine Particle Emissions from Sauna Stoves: Effects of Combustion Appliance and Fuel, and Implications for the Finnish Emission Inventory

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    Sauna Stoves (SS) are simple wood combustion appliances used mainly in Nordic countries. They generate emissions that have an impact on air quality and climate. In this study, a new measurement concept for comparing the operation, thermal efficiency, and real-life fine particle and gaseous emissions of SS was utilized. In addition, a novel, simple, and universal emission calculation procedure for the determination of nominal emission factors was developed for which the equations are presented for the first time. Fine particle and gaseous concentrations from 10 different types of SS were investigated. It was found that each SS model was an individual in relation to stove performance: stove heating time, air-to-fuel ratio, thermal efficiency, and emissions. Nine-fold differences in fine particle mass (PM1) concentrations, and about 90-fold differences in concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) were found between the SS, when dry (11% moisture content) birch wood was used. By using moist (18%) wood, particle number and carbon monoxide concentrations increased, but interestingly, PM1, PAH, and black carbon (BC) concentrations clearly decreased, when comparing to dry wood. E.g., PAH concentrations were 5.5–9.6 times higher with dry wood than with moist wood. Between wood species, 2–3-fold maximum differences in the emissions were found, whereas about 1.5-fold differences were observed between bark-containing and debarked wood logs. On average, the emissions measured in this study were considerably lower than in previous studies and emission inventories. This suggests that overall the designs of sauna stoves available on the market have improved during the 2010s. The findings of this study were used to update the calculation scheme behind the inventories, causing the estimates for total PM emissions from SS in Finland to decrease. However, wood-fired sauna stoves are still estimated to be the highest individual emission source of fine particles and black carbon in Finland
