31 research outputs found

    How life changes itself: The Read–Write (RW) genome

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    VISIT - a Visualization Interface Toolkit, Version 1.0

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    With the increasing capabilities of both supercomputers and graphical workstations new modes of operation become feasible for numerical simulations that are traditionally performed in batch processing. Connecting a workstation to a compute-server allows for interactive monitoring (online-visualization) and control (computational steering, interactive simulation) of such simulations. Typical issues are the extracting of data and status information from a running simulation, the dynamically changing of parameters, the dynamically attaching to and detaching of the visualization from the simulation and the recording and replaying of simulation results.VISIT is a library that supports the development of interactive simulations. It provides functions for establishing a connection between a simulation and a visualization, exchanging data and eventually shutting down the connection again. VISIT is developed in the Central Institute for Applied Mathematics at the Research Centre Juelich.VISIT uses a simple client-server approach. That means that no central server or data manager is involved. Data is exchanged directly between a simulation (the client) and a visualization (the server). The only third party that comes into play is a directory server that is used for exchanging contact information.VISIT provides support for AVS/Express and Perl/Tk visualization systems and C, Fortran, and Perl language bindings

    Towards sustainable HPC at the Jülich Supercomputing Centre

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    With the increasing energy demand of high-end HPC systems, their efficient operation becomes ever more important both from an economic and ecologic perspective. JSC follows a holistic approach, ranging from the selection of HPC technology to the reuse of waste heat. The presentation gives an overview of its activities in this respect

    IBM SP2 als interaktiver Unix-Rechner und Batch-Server

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    Der Rechner IBM RS/6000 SP (SP2) wird sowohl als Parallelrechner als auch als general-purpose Rechner vermarktet. In der KFA wird ein solches System als zentraler Unix-Server für interaktive Arbeiten und für Batchanwendungen eingesetzt. Insbesondere die interaktive Nutzung verlangt eine hohe Verfügbarkeit und gutes Antwortverhalten auch unter Last. Dieser Artikel beschreibt die Hard- und Software-Konfiguration der SP2 und die Entwicklungen in der KFA, mit denen die genannten Ziele erreicht werden konnten

    An Update on Extreme Scale Demonstrators

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    The European Technology Platform for High-Performance Computing (ETP4HPC) is an industry-ledgroup of public and private HPC stakeholders. Its main mission is to give advice to the European Commission concerning research priorities in the area of HPC in the form of a regularly updatedStrategic Research Agenda (SRA). The presentation will provide an update on the ETP's activities andin particular on the Extreme Scale Demonstrators (EsD), which have been introduced in the latest SRA.Their concept, to integrate results from recent European R&I actions into usable HPC systems, hasrecently been adopted by the EC

    Jülich Supercomputing Centre – Exascale Site Update

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    The presentation provides an update on JSC's actions towards sustainable HPC. This ranges from the system level, including the dynamic modular architecture, over the data centre level, mainly though direct warm-water cooling to the campus level, with reuse of waste heat. An outlook to a planned modular data centre for the Exascale supercomputer JUPITER is given

    HPCs and Large Scale Scientific Instruments - FZ Juelich's View

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    The presentation reports on Jülich Supercomputing Centre's (JSC) architecture strategy towards Exascale,discusses opportunities and challenges related to using HPC to meet the computing demands of large scale scientific instruments and presents successfuls use-cases at JSC

    PRACE: The European HPC Research Infrastructure

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    PRACE - the Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe is the European HPC Research Infrastructure. Since its creation in 2010, PRACE has grown to currently 24 member states. It provides access to a set of high-end Tier-0 HPC systems in Europe for the European research communities a offers supporting services such as application enabling and training. The presentation will give an overview of mission, status and achievements as well as future plans of PRACE

    A Modular Data-Center for JUPITER - The Arrival of Exascale in Europe

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    Following a brief overview of the planned EuroHPC Exascale Supercomputer JUPITER to be hosted by the JSC, its requirements for the data centre infrastructre are discussed and the plan for a modular data centre is outlined with a focus on measures to optimise energy usage

    Application Steering in a Collaborative Environment

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    In this showcase we will present live running simulations which are integrated into the Access Grid in a variety of different ways. An example of this is the use of vncto distribute a desktop on which the simulation is being displayed. Another example is the redirection of the visualization into vic to make 3D animations available over the Access Grid. Other examples that will be explored are the use of SGI’s OpenGL VizServer to direct the output of a graphics supercomputer located on the Grid to the AG locations. We will also utilize the ability of the next generation AG software to directly link with visualization toolkits such as vtk, AVS/Express, or COVISE as an integrated part of the Virtual Venue as this functionality has developed by the time of the SC2003 demonstrations. We also demonstrate steering in a collaborative setting using a steering service which is fully compliant with OGSI and with the proposed OGSA architecture. This can be integrated with current Grid middleware (e.g. GT2 and UNICORE) using a specially developed Perl hosting environment, OGSI:Lite