1,076 research outputs found

    MORFOLOGIA DE FRUTOS E SEMENTES E GERMINAÇÃO DE Poincianella pyramidalis (Tul.) L. P. Queiroz, comb. Nov

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    The objective of this study was to describe the morphological characters of fruits, seeds and seedlings, characterize the germination process and verify that the seed position in the fruit interferes with the seed germination of Poincianella pyramidalis. The fruits were collected from five trees in the Castro Alves, Bahia – Brazil in the area near the remnants of Caatinga sensu stricto and Deciduous Forest. The fruit of Poincianella pyramidalis is a type of legume, polyspermic, dehiscent, measuring on average 9.4 ± 0.08 cm in length and can contain up to 8 seeds per fruit, being the average number of seeds, apparently viable fruits per 100 ± 280 29.8. The seed is ellipsoid, yellowish brown color and smooth, polished and hard, being provided testa and internal tegument, with a length of 1.25 ± 0.004 cm. The embryo is axis, invaginated and straight and there was no presence of endosperm. The weight of 1000 seeds was 106.8 ± 12.4 g. Germination is phanecotylar-epigious began the third day after sowing and the complete formation of the seedling was observed on the ninth day. Seed production of Poincianella pyramidalis in the proximal position is lower compared to other positions. Seed germination is influenced by seed position in the fruit, seeds present in the distal lower seed germination of other positions.O objetivo deste trabalho foi descrever os caracteres morfológicos dos frutos, sementes e plântulas, caracterizar o processo de germinação e verificar se a posição da semente no fruto interfere na germinação de sementes de Poincianella pyramidalis. Os frutos foram coletados de cinco árvores-matrizes em propriedade rural situada no município de Castro Alves - BA - Brasil em área próxima a remanescentes de Caatinga sensu stricto e Floresta Estacional. O fruto de Poincianella pyramidalis é do tipo legume, polispérmico, deiscente, medindo, em média, 9,4±0,08 cm de comprimento, podendo conter até 8 sementes por fruto, sendo o número médio de sementes, aparentemente viáveis, por 100 frutos de 280±29,8. A semente é elipsoide de cor castanho-amarelada e superfície lisa, polida e dura, sendo provida de testa e tegma, com comprimento de 1,25 ± 0,004 cm. O embrião é axial, invaginado e reto e não foi verificada presença de endosperma. O peso de 1000 sementes foi de 106,8 ± 12,4 g. A germinação é epígea fanerocotiledonar, teve início no terceiro dia após a semeadura e a formação completa da plântula foi verificada no nono dia. A produção de sementes de Poincianella pyramidalis na posição proximal é inferior em relação às demais posições. O percentual de germinação é influenciado pela posição da semente no fruto, sementes na posição distal apresentam germinação inferior às sementes das demais posições

    Effects of Propranolol on Growth, Lipids and Energy Metabolism and Oxidative Stress Response of Phaeodactylum tricornutum

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    Present demographic trends suggest a rise in the contributions of human pharmaceuticals into coastal ecosystems, underpinning an increasing demand to evaluate the ecotoxicological effects and implications of drug residues in marine risk assessments. Propranolol, a non-selective β-adrenoceptor blocker, is used worldwide to treat high blood pressure conditions and other related cardiovascular conditions. Although diatoms lack β-adrenoceptors, this microalgal group presents receptor-like kinases and proteins with a functional analogy to the animal receptors and that can be targeted by propranolol. In the present work, the authors evaluated the effect of this non-selective β-adrenoceptor blocker in diatom cells using P. tricornutum as a model organism, to evaluate the potential effect of this compound in cell physiology (growth, lipids and energy metabolism and oxidative stress) and its potential relevance for marine ecosystems. Propranolol exposure leads to a significant reduction in diatom cell growth, more evident in the highest concentrations tested. This is likely due to the observed impairment of the main primary photochemistry processes and the enhancement of the mitochondrial respiratory activity. More specifically, propranolol decreased the energy transduction from photosystem II (PSII) to the electron transport chain, leading to an increase in oxidative stress levels. Cells exposed to propranolol also exhibited high-dissipated energy flux, indicating that this excessive energy is efficiently diverted, to some extent, from the photosystems, acting to prevent irreversible photoinhibition. As energy production is impaired at the PSII donor side, preventing energy production through the electron transport chain, diatoms appear to be consuming storage lipids as an energy backup system, to maintain essential cellular functions. This consumption will be attained by an increase in respiratory activity. Considering the primary oxygen production and consumption pathways, propranolol showed a significant reduction of the autotrophic O2 production and an increase in the heterotrophic mitochondrial respiration. Both mechanisms can have negative effects on marine trophic webs, due to a decrease in the energetic input from marine primary producers and a simultaneous oxygen production decrease for heterotrophic species. In ecotoxicological terms, bio-optical and fatty acid data appear as highly efficient tools for ecotoxicity assessment, with an overall high degree of classification when these traits are used to build a toxicological profile, instead of individually assessed.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Serotonergic signalling suppresses ataxin 3 aggregation and neurotoxicity in animal models of Machado-Joseph disease

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    Polyglutamine diseases are a class of dominantly inherited neurodegenerative disorders for which there is no effective treatment. Here we provide evidence that activation of serotonergic signalling is beneficial in animal models of Machado-Joseph disease. We identified citalopram, a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor, in a small molecule screen of FDA-approved drugs that rescued neuronal dysfunction and reduced aggregation using a Caenorhabditis elegans model of mutant ataxin 3-induced neurotoxicity. MOD-5, the C. elegans orthologue of the serotonin transporter and cellular target of citalopram, and the serotonin receptors SER-1 and SER-4 were strong genetic modifiers of ataxin 3 neurotoxicity and necessary for therapeutic efficacy. Moreover, chronic treatment of CMVMJD135 mice with citalopram significantly reduced ataxin 3 neuronal inclusions and astrogliosis, rescued diminished body weight and strikingly ameliorated motor symptoms. These results suggest that small molecule modulation of serotonergic signalling represents a promising therapeutic target for Machado-Joseph disease.This work was supported by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT) and COMPETE through the projects ‘[PTDC/SAU-GMG/112617/2009] (to P.M.) and [EXPL/ BIM-MEC/0239/2012] (to A.T.C.)’, by National Ataxia foundation (to P.M.), by Ataxia UK (to P.M.), by National Institutes of Health (NIH) ‘[GM038109, GM081192, AG026647, and NS047331] (to R.I.M.)’, by The Chicago Biomedical Consortium (to R.I.M.) and by the Ellison Medical Foundation (to R.I.M.). A.T.C., A.J., S.E., L.S.S., C.B., S.D.S., A.S.F. and A.N.C. were supported by the FCT individual fellowships SFRH/BPD/79469/2011, SFRH/BD/76613/2011, SFRH/BD/78554/2011, SFRH/BD/ 84650/2012, SFRH/BPD/74452/2010, SFRH/BD/78388/ 2011, SFRH/BPD/91562/2012 and SFRH/BD/51059/2010, respectively. FCT fellowships are co-financed by POPH, QREN, Governo da República Portuguesa and EU/FSE.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Utilização do resíduo de mármore na produção de argamassa/Use of marble residue in the production of mortar

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    A argamassa é um material de construção constituído por uma mistura homogênea de um ou mais aglomerantes (cimento ou cal), agregado miúdo inorgânicos (areia) e água. Podem conter alguns produtos especiais, como aditivos, com a finalidade de melhorar ou conferir determinadas propriedades aderência e endurecimento. Diante dos rejeitos de marmoraria, quando observadas as suas origens, independentes de serem rochas ígneas, sedimentares ou metamórficas, todas elas são comumente utilizadas na ornamentação. Um dos conceitos para rochas ornamentais é que seu valor está agregado a sua aparência estética. Na antiguidade foram bastante usados como elemento de vedação e construção, porém com o surgimento tanto do aço quanto do concreto, elas perderam essa funcionalidade.  Assim, esta pesquisa tem como objetivo principal analisar a utilização de resíduos de mármore para produção de argamassas. Foi definido o traço para moldagem dos corpos de prova de 1:2:9 (Cimento: Cal: Areia) com fator a/c 2,1, foram moldados corpos de prova nas dimensões de 5 cm x 10 cm para a argamassa de referência e para a argamassa incorporada com resíduo de mármore nos teores de 10% e 20% e avaliou-se a resistência a compressão simples e a absorção para a idade de 28 dias de cura. Observou-se que a incorporação do resíduo de mármore a argamassa proporcionou um leve aumento da absorção e redução da resistência, no entanto, os resultados obtidos satisfazem os parâmetros normativos. Desta forma é possível utilizar o resíduo de mármore para produção de argamassas reduzindo o custo do produto final, agregando valor ao resíduo e mitigando o impacto ambiental causado pelo seu descarte no meio ambiente

    Conservation Biogeography of the Sahara‐Sahel: additional protected areas are needed to secure unique biodiversity

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    Aim Identification of priority conservation areas and evaluation of coverage of the current protected areas are urgently needed to halt the biodiversity loss. Identifying regions combining similar environmental traits (climate regions) and species assemblages (biogroups) is needed for conserving the biodiversity patterns and processes. We identify climate regions and biogroups and map species diversity across the Sahara-Sahel, a large geographical area that exhibits wide environmental heterogeneity and multiple species groups with distinct biogeographical affinities, and evaluate the coverage level of current network of protected areas for biodiversity conservation. Location Sahara-Sahel, Africa. Methods We use spatially explicit climate data with the principal component analysis and model-based clustering techniques to identify climate regions. We use distributions of 1147 terrestrial vertebrates (and of 125 Sahara-Sahel endemics) and apply distance clustering methods to identify biogroups for both species groups. We apply reserve selection algorithms targeting 17% of species distribution, climate regions and biogroups to identify priority areas and gap analysis to assess their representation within the current protected areas. Results Seven climate regions were identified, mostly arranged as latitudinal belts. Concentrations of high species richness were found in the Sahel, but the central Sahara gathers most endemic and threatened species. Ten biogroups (five for endemics) were identified. A wide range of biogroups tend to overlap in specific climate regions. Identified priority areas are inadequately represented in protected areas, and six new top conservation areas are needed to achieve conservation targets. Main conclusions Biodiversity distribution in Sahara-Sahel is spatially structured and apparently related to environmental variation. Although the majority of priority conservation areas are located outside the areas of intense human activities, many cross multiple political borders and require internationally coordinated efforts for implementation and management. Optimized biodiversity conservation solutions at regional scale are needed. Our work contradicts the general idea that deserts are uniform areas and provide options for the conservation of endangered species.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A colecção de estirpes autóctones de Saccharomyces cerevisiae das principais regiões vitivinícolas portuguesas

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    Apresentação efectuada no "Simpósio de Vitivinicultura do Alentejo, 7, Évora, 2010"A levedura Saccharomyces cerevisiae é caracterizada por uma elevada variabilidade fenotípica, que está associada à ocorrência de estirpes em habitats naturais diversificados. Em trabalhos anteriores, demonstrámos a elevada diversidade de estirpes isoladas a partir de ambientes vitivinícolas na Região dos Vinhos Verdes, bem como a ocorrência de estirpes características para cada terroir. A recolha de estirpes autóctones foi alargada a outras regiões (Alentejo, Açores, Bairrada, Dão, Douro, Estremadura e Ribatejo), incluindo as castas mais representativas (Alvarinho, Aragonês, Arinto, Avesso, Baga, Bical, Castelão, Loureiro, Maria Gomes, Terrantez, Touriga Nacional e Verdelho). Pelo uso de diferentes marcadores moleculares foram identificadas 662 estirpes a partir dos 4470 isolados recolhidos. A colecção de S. cerevisiae de ambientes vitivinícolas é utilizada para a selecção de estirpes mais apropriadas para vinificação e que realçam as propriedades sensoriais características. Adicionalmente, constitui um recurso para a conservação da biodiversidade e partilha de dados genéticos.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) - Programa Operacional Ciência e Inovação POCI2010 , POCI/AGR/56102/2004), PTDC(AGR-ALI/103392/2008)Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT)Direcção Regional para a Ciência e Tecnologia (DRCT