1,295 research outputs found

    A kompetencia-alapú oktatás egy pedagógusszemélyiség vizsgálat tükrében

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    A tanulmány olyan pedagógusokkal végzett személyiségkutatás néhány részeredményét mutatja be, amelyben összehasonlítottuk a hagyományos oktatásban és a kompetencia-alapú oktatásban részt vevő pedagógusok mentális állapotára vonatkozó adatokat

    Charles de Gaulle à la Grande guerre

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    Surprising lack of liposome-induced complement activation by artificial 1,3-diamidophospholipids in vitro

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    Cardio-vascular diseases are the main cause of death, emphasizing the need to improve patient treatment and survival. One therapeutic approach is a liposome-based drug carrier system specifically targeting constricted arteries. The recently discovered mechano-sensitive liposomes use hemodynamic shear-stress differences between healthy and constricted blood vessels as trigger for drug release. Liposomes are promising delivery containers but are being recognized as foreign by the immune system. Complement activation as essential factor of the recognition leads to adverse effects. Here, we tested complement activation by liposomes formulated from the artificial phospholipid Pad-PC-Pad in vitro. Surprisingly no complement activation was detected in human sera and porcine plasma. In in vivo experiments with three pigs, neither anaphylactic reactions nor other significant hemodynamic changes were observed even at comparably high liposome doses. The pilot study holds promise for an absence of complement-mediated adverse effects of Pad-PC-Pad liposomes in human

    Kádár Bécsben...

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    A hátsó gyöki gangliosejteken lokalizált ionotrop receptorok modulációjának vizsgálata = Investigation of the modulation of ionotropic receptors located on dorsal root ganglia cells

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    Kutatásaink céljaként a hátsó gyöki ganglionsejteken található ionotrop purinoceptorok és kolokalizált egyéb receptorok vizsgálatát jelöltük meg. Whole-cell patch-clamp techikával végzett in vitro kísérleteinkben kimutattuk, hogy az endogén extracelluláris nukleotidok az eddig ismert funkciójuk mellett (az ATP nagy adagjai a P2X3 receptort izgatva beindíthatják a nociceptív mechanizmusokat), az ATP igen kis, nanomoláris koncentrációi szerepet játszanak a P2X3 receptor funkció érzékenységének finom hangolásában, ami fontos szerepet tölthet be a nocicepciót beindító események szabályozásában. A hatás azáltal jön létre, hogy a nukleotidok a receptor extracelluláris hurkát foszforilálva fokozzák a hátsó gyöki ganglionsejteken lokalizált P2X3 receptor-csatorna konduktanciáját. Az opioid és a cannabinoid rendszereket és interakcióikat in vivo vizsgálva kimutattuk, hogy a CB1 receptorok hiánya szignifikáns mértékben emeli a fájdalomküszöböt és/vagy a morfin iránti érzékenységet egéren. Eredményeink támogatják azt a hipotézist, hogy a cannabinoid és az opioid rendszerek interakcióba lépnek a fájdalomcsillapítás tekintetében, a fájdalom transzmisszió mind perifériás, mind centrális helyein. Reményeink szerint eredményeink tudományos alapot teremtenek új, hatékony fájdalomcsillapítók kifejlesztéséhez. | The aim of our project was the investigation of ionotropic purinoceptors and other receptors located in the dorsal root ganglia cells. We carried out in vitro experiments, by means of whole-cell patch-clamp technique. We demonstrated that besides the well known function of the endogenous extracellular nucleotides (ATP in high concentration excites P2X3 receptors and initiates nociception) ATP in low nanomolar concentration plays an important role in fine tuning of the sensitivity of the P2X3 receptors. It may play an important role in the regulation of events initiating nociception. The effect is the result of phosphorylation on the extracellular loop of the receptor, thereby increasing the conductance of the P2X3 receptor channel located on dorsal root ganglia. We also investigated the opioid and the cannabinoid systems and their interactions by means of in vivo methods. We demonstrated that the lack of the CB1 receptors incresases the pain threshold and/or the sensitivity to morphine in mice. Our results support the hypothesis that the cannabinoid and the opioid systems interact at both peripheral and central sites of the pain transmission. We hope that our results contribute to the development of new and effective analgesics

    "Authentically" Maintaining Populism in Hungary : Visual Analysis of Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s Instagram

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    The Prime Minister of Hungary, Viktor Orban, is considered to be one example of the rise of populism during the 2010s in Europe. During the decade that he has been in government, Hungary has been a forerunner in terms of democratic decline. In parallel, throughout this period, political communication has increasingly shifted online, and politicians are now actively using social media to gain political capital. Despite the growing literature on online political communication, visual political communication remains underrepresented. Orban's case offers a unique opportunity to examine what authoritarian populism and maintenance of illiberalism look like when a regime has been in power for more than 10 years. Using visual discourse analysis, we analyzed 131 visuals of Viktor Orban's Instagram from 2019. We argue that by using the symbols of nationalism and masculinity, Orban attempts to embody the features of an "ordinary man" and also simultaneously conveys statesmanship through outlining "us" in ethno-nationalistic terms, in an effort to strengthen his party's message, renew its hegemonic position, and to remain in power. This is in stark contrast to the communication of the Hungarian government, which relies heavily on "othering" and the construction of "them" in legacy and social media.Peer reviewe

    Gene Expression Analyses of Neurons, Astrocytes, and Oligodendrocytes Isolated by Laser Capture Microdissection From Human Brain: Detrimental Effects of Laboratory Humidity

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    Laser capture microdissection (LCM) is a versatile computer-assisted dissection method that permits collection of tissue samples with a remarkable level of anatomical resolution. LCM\u27s application to the study of human brain pathology is growing, although it is still relatively underutilized, compared with other areas of research. The present study examined factors that affect the utility of LCM, as performed with an Arcturus Veritas, in the study of gene expression in the human brain using frozen tissue sections. LCM performance was ascertained by determining cell capture efficiency and the quality of RNA extracted from human brain tissue under varying conditions. Among these, the relative humidity of the laboratory where tissue sections are stained, handled, and submitted to LCM had a profound effect on the performance of the instrument and on the quality of RNA extracted from tissue sections. Low relative humidity in the laboratory, i.e., 6-23%, was conducive to little or no degradation of RNA extracted from tissue following staining and fixation and to high capture efficiency by the LCM instrument. LCM settings were optimized as described herein to permit the selective capture of astrocytes, oligodendrocytes, and noradrenergic neurons from tissue sections containing the human locus coeruleus, as determined by the gene expression of cell-specific markers. With due regard for specific limitations, LCM can be used to evaluate the molecular pathology of individual cell types in post-mortem human brain