135 research outputs found

    Tid brukt til beiting hos STN ammeku, på kultur- og utmarksbeite

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    Beiteadferden på fjellbeite og innmarksbeite i lavlandet hos kyr av rasen Sidet trønder- og Nordlansfe (STN) med diekalver blei studert i tre perioder av beitesesongen. I de to første periodene, juni og juli, brukte dyra i fjellet mer tid på å gå enn de på innmarka. For de andre aktivitetene var det små forskjeller. Det var likevel en tendens til at dyra i fjellet brukte mindre tid på å beite og til å stå enn de som gikk på innmarksbeite

    Performance and meat quality of suckling calves grazing cultivated pasture or free range in mountain.

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    The purpose of this study was to compare the effect of grazing on mountain (M) versus cultivated lowland pasture (C) on the performance and meat quality of suckling calves (Experiment 1 and 2). In addition, the effect of finishing on C after M on growth and meat quality was assessed (Experiment 2). Animals on C and M had on average similar live weight gain and carcass weight in the first experiment. However, the performance depended on year as gain and carcass weight was higher on C than on M in the first year and vice versa in the second year. In the second experiment the calves on M had lower gain and carcass weight than on C. Three week finishing on C after M compensated to some extent for the lower growth rate on M. Overall, the results indicate that mountain grazing may yield similar growth rates and slaughter weights as improved lowland pasture depending on year. There were only small effects of pasture type on carcass and meat quality traits like conformation, fatness, intramuscular fat and protein content, and fatty acid (FA) composition. The variation in FA composition could to a large extent be explained by difference in fatness with increase in monounsaturated and decrease in polyunsaturated FA with increasing intramuscular fat content, in turn varying between pasture type, experiment and year. There was a tendency that M led to higher proportion of C18:1n-9 and lower proportion of C18:1n-7 than C, which may be due to difference in milk and forage intake. Both pasture types resulted in meat with intramuscular fat with high nutritional value since the n-6/n-3 ratio was lo

    Straff som virkemiddel for gjennomføring av arbeidsmiljølovens regler om helse, miljø og sikkerhet

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    Tema er hvordan straff kan fungere som virkemiddel for å sikre etterlevelse av arbeidsmiljølovens regler om helse, miljø og sikkerhet. Avhandlingen tar sikte på å gi en fremstilling av straffeansvaret i lovens kapittel 19 med hovedvekt på straffeansvar for arbeidsgiver og arbeidstaker

    Pasture Utilization at Islands in Northern Norway

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    The Norwegian sheep industry is based on utilization of “free” rangeland pasture resources. Use of mountain pastures is dominating, with about two million sheep grazing these pastures during summer. Regional challenges related to e.g., loss of sheep to large carnivores make farmers think differently. The Norwegian coastline is among the longest globally and is scattered with islets and islands. Alone along the coast of Nordland county, it is estimated more than 14,000 islands. Use of islands for summer pasture is an alternative but there is a limited knowledge about such a management system. In this study, we examined lambs’ average daily gain on island pastures at the coast of Norway. In total 230 lambs on three islands (Sandvær, Sjonøya, and Buøya), with varying pasture quality and stocking rate, for 3 years (2012, 2013, and 2014). At Sandvær as much as 92% of the island was characterized as high nutritional value while at Sjonøya and Buøya only 15%, was characterized high nutritional value. We found an average daily lamb growth rate of 0.320 kg d−1. Lambs on Sandvær had a higher daily gain (P \u3c 0.05) than those on Sjonøya and Buøya, and lambs’ average daily gain was significantly lower (P \u3c 0.05) in 2013 compared to 2012 and 2014. We conclude that with a dynamic and adaptive management strategy there is a potential to utilize islands for sheep grazing during summer

    Effect of "owners" selection strategies on autumn weight in reindeer (Rangifer t. tarandus) calves

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    Many northern indigenous peoples, including the Sami are dependent on reindeer herding for their livelihood. In view of the socio-cultural and economical importance of reindeer herding, emphasis should be put on appropriate herd structure and selection strategies that maximise marketable products, such as meat (the primary marketable product nowadays). Empirical observations reveal that within a herd, some owners seem to have better productivity in term of carcass autumn weight of calves, than others. We hypothesized that there may be an "owner" effect in reindeer herding, i.e. some owners may be applying particular selection strategies that might be beneficial. We investigated this in three reindeer grazing districts in South Norway, using mixed linear models. We found that autumn carcass weight of calves varied significantly with year and "owner" within herd in all three districts. Consistently some particular owners within a herd had higher average autumn carcass weight of their calves than others. We attributed this difference to "individual selection strategies", meaning that some owners may follow more accurately the sex, age and weight-based recommended strategy and in addition, they may make superior choices when selecting animals for slaughtering. We conclude that individual owners have the capability, through appropriate selection decisions to improve the average annual autumn weight of their reindeer calves. This might be an important aspect of "Traditional Ecological Knowledge", in addition to the recommended modern sex, age and weight-based selection criteria


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    Skripsi ini berjudul “Peranan Pelukis Ade Moelyana Dalam Mengembangkan Seni Lukis Pelepah Pisang di Cimahi Kajian Historis Tahun 1969-2010”. Permasalahan pokok yang dikaji dalam skripsi ini adalah bagaimana perkembangan seni lukis dari limbah pelepah pisang di Cimahi dari tahun 1969-2010 dan keterkaitannya dengan potensi ekonomi dari seni lukis pelepah pisang yang terabaikan. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode historis yang melalui empat tahap yaitu pengumpulan sumber lisan maupun sumber tertulis, kritik, interpretasi, dan historiografi. Untuk memperdalam analisis, penulis menggunakan pendekatan interdisipliner melalui kajian ilmu sosial dan ilmu ekonomi dengan memakai konsep-konsep seperti interaksi sosial, distribusi, ekonomi kreatif, kewirausahaan, dll. Teknik penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan menggunakan teknik wawancara. Hal ini dilakukan karena terbatasnya sumber tertulis yang mengkaji secara langsung mengenai permasalahan di atas. Berdasarkan hasil temuan di lapangan, seni lukis dari limbah pelepah pisang ini telah ada sejak tahun 1969. Seni lukis ini merupakan seni lukis yang unik karena menggunakan limbah dari pelepah pisang. Pada awal perkembangannya seni lukis ini tidak serta merta dapat diterima oleh masyarakat sekitar, dan barulah pada tahun 2002 seni lukis dari limbah pelepah pisang ini mengalami puncak perkembangan. Pasalnya seni lukis ini tidak hanya dipasarkan di Cimahi saja, melainkan sampai ke mancanegara. Seni lukis dari limbah pelepah pisang ini dapat dijadikan sebagai sektor ekonomi kreatif dan dapat dijadikan sebagai lahan lapangan pekerjaan. Banyak upaya yang dilakukan oleh pelukis untuk mengembangkan seni lukis dari limbah pelepah pisang, selain itu pula pemerintah turut serta dalam mengembangkan seni lukis pelepah pisang. Kata kunci : Seni Lukis Pelepah Pisang, Ekonomi Kreatif, Pemasaran This skripsi titled Ade Moelyama role in developing the art painting of wasted banana leaves in Cimahi of historical studies from 1969 to 2010. The main issue studied in this skripsi was “How Development Art Painting of Wasted Banana Leaves in Cimahi from 1969 to 2010 and linkages with economic potential of art painting of banana leaves neglected. The method used is the historical method through four phases of heuristics, criticism, interpretation and historiography. To deepen the analysis, the author use the approach interdisciplinary through the study of social and economic by using concepts such as social interaction, distribution, creative economy, entrepreneurship, and other. A research technique used in this research is to use interview techniques. This is done because of the limited resources that examines written directly on the above problems. Based on the research results, the art painting of wasted banana leaves has existed since 1969. This painting is a painting that is unique because it uses waste form banan leaves. In the early development of art is not necessarily acceptable to the local community, and then in 2002 the art painting of wasted banana leaves is experiencing the peak development. This is because not only do marketing painting around Cimahi but abroad as well. Painting of wasted banana stalks can be used as a creative economic sector and creates jobs. Lack of awareness of the various parties to make this painting became dormant. Many attempts were made by the painter to develop the art of waste banana leaves, in addition the goverment also participated in the development the art of painting banana leaves. Keywords : Art Painting of Banana Leaves, Creative Economy, Marketin

    Effects of insulin sensitizing drug metformin on clinical features, endocrine and metabolic profiles in obese women with polycystic ovary syndrome

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    Metformineinnahme scheint reproduktive und metabolische Funktionen bei Frauen mit PCOS zu verbessern. Die zwiespältige aktuelle Studienlage kann bisher keine konkrete Aussage liefern, ob Metformin eine erfolgreiche therapeutische Möglichkeit des Syndroms darstellt. Ziel der vorliegenden randomisierten, placebo-kontrollierten Studie war es, die Auswirkung des antihyperglykämischen Medikaments Metformin in Kombination mit Ernährungsberatung und Sport auf übergewichtige Frauen mit PCOS zu ermitteln. Besondere Aufmerksamkeit galt der Wirkung des Medikaments hinsichtlich Insulin und Glukose-Stoffwechsel, endokrinologischen und biochemischen Parametern, sowie dem Menstruationszyklus. 46 adipöse Frauen mit PCOS im Alter von 22 bis 39 Jahren und mit einem mittleren BMI von 38,1 nahmen an der Studie teil. Die verabreichte Dosis von Metformin betrug 1,5 g (3x500 mg) täglich über einen Zeitraum von 16 Wochen. Gemessen wurden Veränderungen von FSH, LH, Oestradiol, Testosteron, DHEA-S, SHBG, Cholesterol, Triglyzeriden, Insulin, Glukose, HbA1c, Leptin und IGF-I im Serum. Monatlich wurde eine Ernährungsberatung angeboten. Jede Teilnehmerin erhielt darüber hinaus individuelle dietätische Beratung. Signifikante Gewichtsreduktion (PUse of metformin seems to improve reproductive and metabolic abnormalities in women with PCOS. However, the disparity of results in clinical studies cannot give us a conclusive answer if metformin is a new line therapy of the syndrome. The present randomised, placebo-controlled study was designed to compare the antihyperglycemic drug metformin vs. placebo combined with lifestyle modification in the treatment of polycystic ovary syndrome in obese women. Special attention was paid to the effects of this medication on insulin and glucose metabolism, endocrine and biochemical parameters, and menstrual function. Forty six obese women with PCOS, aged between 22-39 years and mean BMI 38.1 were randomized to receive either metformin (500 mg three times a day for 16 weeks) or placebo. The metformin and placebo groups were matched for age, endocrinological and metabolic parameters. Changes in FSH, LH, estradiol, testosterone, DHEA-S and SHBG, total cholesterol, triglycerides, insulin, glucose, HbA1c, leptin and IGF-I were assessed. Group therapy with aspects in nutrition and physical activity was conducted monthly. Each woman received individual counselling by a dietician. Significant (