899 research outputs found


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    Poster, leaflets and photosLiterally a rheme (project title) defines a clause that gives information about the theme, but does not follow from the theme: e.g. it provides new information. In this project, we have let a selection of emoticons from Isak Wisløff’s project DOPAMINING (on KHiODA) several such clauses, or rhemes. A total selection of 18 from 1565 paintings commissioned from China in that project. They were displayed in the Vitrine gallery in KHiO’s reception, 1 for each day of the week. By multiplying the rhemes, in this way, we created a lineup. A lineup is a concept used both in fashion and in crime investigations. In this project it is a contribution to investigative aesthetics. RHEME is a project seeking criticality, that is to hatch ways of well founded political action in a situation in which the school becomes part of the precariat. Definition: « Precariat is a word for a social class formed by people suffering from precarity, which means existing without predictability or security, affecting material or psychological welfare. The term is a portmanteau merging precarious with proletariat.» In the week of the display (week 44, 2022) the lineup was integrated into a learning theatre: learning in performance and in full public view. The attached leaflets documents the learning theatre. The first leaflet was circulated during week 44. The last leaflet—with recommendations to the school—was circulated the week after. The RHEME project is an experimental attempt at implementing what the law of universities and colleges in Norway, is enjoining us to do (our transl.): « The purpose of universities and colleges is to […] disseminate knowledge about its activities and contribute to the common understanding of the principle of professional freedom and the application of scientific and artistic methods and results, both in the teaching of students, in the school’s activity and otherwise in public administration, the cultural and corporate sectors. » See Lovdata § 1-1: https://lovdata.no/dokument/NL/lov/2005-04-01-15 _____ Theodor Barth’s contributions to the collaborative project is from his research at the National Library and his involvement there in the Norwegian Oil Adventure


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    Dopamining is a title constructed by combining two words. A noun and a verb. Dopamine and mining. Roughly thirty different raw materials make up a total of 149 grams, which is the weight of an iPhone 6. The materials are extracted from several countries with a huge geographical spread, questionable working conditions, political situations and environmental policies. A device, more or less a part of ourselves, both physically and emotionally, is really just a composite of dredged up soil that carries countless of stories. This still ongoing artistic research project attempts to reflect upon the social and material footprints that the Iphone leaves behind. At the core of this project is the method deciphering. Contents: Dopamining intro: Introduction to research project and progress report. Encyclopedia of Emotions: On how to make an assembly line of all the emotional pictograms iOS has to offer. Making the digital analogue then making them digital again. 1565 hand painted emojis, oil on 40x40 synthetic canvas. www.FieldNotes: Field notes from the process, a collection of visual material and text snatched from the www. An ever-growing document. Wojak: A portrait of a meme. The Wojak. Made in ceramics (clay), the source material for out hand-held devices. The Wojak often used when expressing sympathy for a fellow 4chan troll. Aka the Feel you bro meme. My Trip to Vesta: Documentation of my trip to the asteroid 4-vesta to harvest rare earth materials. Being a crew member for the artist Tom Sachs and a part of his space program. Voodoo Material Studies: Implementing the deciphering method in my education and pedagogy. Students testing the method in IM221 Material Studies

    Exercise training and losartan improve endothelial function in heart failure rats by different mechanisms

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    Objectives. To investigate the mechanisms of losartan- and exercise training-induced improvements on endothelial dysfunction in heart failure. Design. Sprague-Dawley rats subjected to left coronary artery ligation inducing myocardial infarction and heart failure were randomized to losartan treatment, high-intensity exercise training, or both. Results. Losartan, but not exercise training, reduced the heart failure-associated elevation in left ventricular end-diastolic pressure (26 ± 2 mmHg vs. 19 ± 1 mmHg after losartan). In contrast, both exercise training and losartan improved exercise capacity, by 40% and 20%, respectively; no additional effects were observed when exercise training and losartan were combined. Aortic segments were mounted on a force transducer to determine vasorelaxation. Heart failure impaired endothelium-dependent vasorelaxation, observed as a 1.9-fold reduced response to acetylcholine (EC50). Exercise and losartan improved acetylcholine-mediated vasorelaxation to the same extent, but by different mechanisms. Exercise training upregulated the nitric oxide pathway, whereas losartan upregulated a non-nitric oxide or -prostacyclin pathway; possibly involving the endothelium-dependent hyperpolarizing factor. Conclusions. Both losartan and exercise training reversed endothelial dysfunction in heart failure; exercise training via nitric oxide-dependent vasorelaxation, and losartan via an unknown mechanism that may involve endothelium-dependent hyperpolarizing factor. Thus, the combined treatment activated an additional nitric oxide- independent mechanism that contributed to reduce endothelial dysfunction

    Morphology of the Leather Defect Light Flecks and Spots

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    The skin histology and the scanning electron microscope morphology of the hide defect light flecks and spots after tanning were studied in 11 steers infested with biting lice (Damalinia bovis). Nine steers from herds free of lice were used as controls. Skin biopsies from 6 of the animals in the lice infested group showed mild to moderate hyperkeratosis and moderate perivascular to diffuse dermatitis with infiltration of mainly mononuclear cells and some eosinophilic granulocytes. The steers were slaughtered at an age of 18 to 23 months. Light flecks and spots occurred on all examined hides from the infested group after tanning. No examined hides from the control group demonstrated similar damage. Both light microscopic examination of sections of tanned hide with light flecks and spots and scanning electron microscopy of the same defects showed superficial grain loss and craters with a irregular fibre base encircled by smooth and intact grain

    Ledere og sosiale medier

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    Bakgrunnen for denne oppgaven er interesse og nysgjerrighet rundt hvordan ledere bruker sosiale medier, hvorfor noen lykkes og andre ikke. Vi ønsker å avdekke hva ledere mener skal til for og lykkes i sin bruk av sosiale medier, og hvilken effekt denne bruken eventuelt har på kjøp og omdømme. For å undersøke dette har vi tatt utgangspunkt i problemstillingen: Hvordan oppfatter ledere sin bruk av sosiale medier, og hvordan har de lykkes? For å belyse dette har vi gjennomført 12 kvalitative dybdeintervjuer. Disse ble gjennomført med ledere som er kjente for sin bruk av sosiale medier, og andre som har god kunnskap om emnet. Intervjuguiden baserer seg på begrunnelse for, suksesskriterier, tabber og effekter ved bruk av sosiale medier. Analysen av intervjuene indikerer at lederne vi har snakket med vurderer bruken sin av sosiale medier som god. De mener sosiale medier er gode plattformer hvor de når ut til mange – men at det kan bli en tidstyv dersom en ikke prioriterer tiden sin riktig. Vi har også undersøkt en teori som sier at når en ikke har oversikt over publikum, skaper dette kontekstkollapser og skillet mellom privat og offentlig brytes ned. Funnene viser at lederne mener dette stemmer, de opplever ikke et skille mellom privat og offentlig bruk – men heller et skille mellom privat og personlig bruk. Videre i oppgaven har vi testet hypoteser om hvordan lederes bruk av sosiale medier påvirker kjennskap til virksomheten, kjøp og omdømme. For å se på sammenhengen mellom disse variablene rettet vi en spørreundersøkelse mot det vi anser som en del av Stormberg sin målgruppe. Resultatene antyder at lederes bruk av sosiale medier har en negativ effekt på kjøp og omdømme. Og at det heller ikke har noen effekt i form av økt kjennskap til virksomheten. Funnene fra undersøkelsene er analysert opp mot teorien, og dermed har vi kunnet trekke konklusjoner om hvordan ledere vurderer sin bruk av sosiale medier, og hvordan de mener de har lykkes med dette. Vi har også gjennom den kvantitative undersøkelsen kunne avkrefte og forkaste hypotesene i den kvantitative delen, og gjennom dette trukket konklusjoner om effekten lederes bruk av sosiale medier potensielt kan ha. Dette kan riktignok ikke generaliseres

    Brukerinvolvering i ERP-implementeringer : raskeste vei til effektiv bruk av ERP-systemet?

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    Masteroppgaver i informasjonssystemer- Universitetet i Agder 2009Når en organisasjon går til det skrittet å implementere et så omfattende og komplekst system som det Enterprise Resource Planning‐systemer (ERP) er, så er det som alltid én gruppe av interessentene som sitter med minst makt. Denne gruppen er brukerne. Som bruker i en bedrift som implementerer ERP, opplever man mange omveltninger som ofte består i endrede arbeidsprosesser, nye rutiner i forhold til databruken, og svært mye nytt å lære seg for å være i stand til å utnytte det nye systemet så godt som det lar seg gjøre. Forskningen viser at dersom brukerne ikke lykkes i å henge med i denne prosessen, så vil det ha negative effekter på utfallet av implementeringen og medfølgende gevinstrealisering. Det er derfor blitt teoretisert mye rundt hvordan man best mulig kan legge til rette for at brukerne ikke faller av, hvordan de kan motiveres til å ønske å bruke systemet, og generelt gjøre overgangen smidig og effektiv for alle involverte parter. I denne oppgaven ser jeg nærmere på nettopp dette, og mer spesifikt tar for meg hvorvidt slik brukerinvolvering har noe for seg, hvordan det kan oppnås, og hvilke effekter det vil kunne medføre. Gjennom litteraturstudie og case‐studie har jeg forsøkt å avdekke hva både litteraturen finner om dette temaet, og hvordan dette forholder seg i det virkelige liv. Det nevnes til stadighet at ved endt implementering, er det brukerne selv som mislykkes med fullt ut å forstå og ta i bruk det nye systemet. Dette er tilsynelatende en stor hemmer for suksessen til systemet, og medfører ofte ytterlige kostnader i form av opplæring, motivasjon, samt unødig bruk av tid og ressurser på avvikling av eldre systemer. Ofte medfører dette dypp i produktiviteten og inntjeningen i organisasjonen, noe som kan ha svært negative effekter både på organisasjon og de ansatte i den. Det er naturlig å tro at det er en rekke årsaker til at dette problemet går igjen, og mitt ønske for denne oppgaven var derfor å identifisere på hvilken måte brukerinvolvering kan imøtekomme denne problemstillingen, og hvilke potensielle effekter dette vil ha. Med utgangspunkt i nevnte teori‐ og litteraturstudie, har jeg forsøkt å få et svar på min problemstilling ved å teste teorien opp mot virkeligheten. Teorien sier mye om både hva brukerinvolvering er, hvordan det oppnås, og hvilke effekter det har. Det store spørsmålet var derfor om dette ble tatt hensyn til i en svært ordinær SAPimplementering i en middels stor norsk bedrift. Dette ble langt på vei bekreftet, og problemstillingen min i stor grad besvart. Om ikke alle tiltakene utført i case‐studiet var like bevisste, var de like fullt virkningsfulle. Hvorvidt jeg kan trekke slutningen om at brukerinvolvering er den raskeste veien til effektiv bruk av ERP‐systemer er noe vanskelig å si, men det meste av funnene i denne studien indikerer at det er den mest effektive av de metodene som finnes i dag

    Are relative educational inequalities in multiple health behaviors widening? A longitudinal study of middle-aged adults in Northern Norway

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    Introduction: Educational inequality in multiple health behaviors is rarely monitored using data from the same individuals as they age. The aim of this study is to research changes in relative educational inequality in multiple variables related to health behavior (smoking, physical activity, alcohol intake, and body mass index), separately and collectively (healthy lifestyle), among middle-aged adults living in Northern Norway. Methods: Data from adult respondents aged 32–87 in 2008 with repeated measurements in 2016 (N = 8,906) were drawn from the sixth and seventh waves of the Tromsø Study. Logistic regression was used to assess the relative educational inequality in the variables related to health behavior. The analyses were performed for the total sample and separately for women and men at both baseline and follow-up. Results: Educational inequality was observed in all the variables related to health behavior at baseline and follow-up, in both men and women. Higher levels of educational attainment were associated with healthier categories (non-daily smoking, physical activity, normal body mass index, and a healthy lifestyle), but also with high alcohol intake. The prevalence of daily smoking and physical inactivity decreased during the surveyed period, while high alcohol intake, having a body mass index outside of the normal range and adhering to multiple health recommendations simultaneously increased. The magnitude of relative educational inequality measured at baseline increased at the follow-up in all the variables related to health behavior. Differences were larger among women when compared to men, except in physical inactivity. Conclusion: Persistent and increasing relative disparities in health behavior between the highest education level and lower education levels are found in countries with well-established and comprehensive welfare systems like Norway. Addressing these inequalities is essential for reducing both the chronic disease burden and educational disparities in health

    Interval training normalizes cCardiomyocyte function, diastolic Ca<sup>2+</sup> control, and SR Ca<sup>2+</sup> release synchronicity in a mouse model of diabetic cardiomyopathy

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    In the present study we explored the mechanisms behind excitation-contraction (EC)-coupling defects in cardiomyocytes from mice with type-2 diabetes (db/db), and determined whether 13-weeks of aerobic interval training could restore cardiomyocyte Ca2+ cycling and EC-coupling. Reduced contractility in cardiomyocytes isolated from sedentary db/db was associated with increased diastolic sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR)-Ca2+ leak, reduced synchrony of Ca2+ release, reduced transverse (T)-tubule density, and lower peak systolic and diastolic Ca2+ and caffeine-induced Ca2+ release. Additionally, the rate of SR Ca2+ ATPase (SERCA2a)-mediated Ca2+ uptake during diastole was reduced, whereas a faster recovery from caffeine-induced Ca2+ release indicated increased Na+/Ca2+- exchanger (NCX) activity. The increased SR-Ca2+ leak was attributed to increased Ca2+-calmodulindependent protein kinase (CaMKII&#948;) phosphorylation, supported by the normalization of SR-Ca2+ leak upon inhibition of CaMKII&#948; (AIP). Exercise training restored contractile function associated with restored SR Ca2+ release synchronicity, T-tubule density, twitch Ca2+ amplitude, SERCA2a and NCX activities, and SR-Ca2+ leak. The latter was associated with reduced phosphorylation of cytosolic CaMKII&#948;. Despite normal contractile function and Ca2+ handling after the training period, phospholamban was hyperphosphorylated at Serine-16. Protein kinase A (PKA) inhibition (H-89) in cardiomyocytes from the exercised db/db group abolished the differences in SR-Ca2+ load when compared with the sedentary db/db mice. EC-coupling changes were observed without changes in serum insulin or glucose levels, suggesting that the exercise training-induced effects are not via normalization of the diabetic condition. These data demonstrate that aerobic interval training almost completely restored the contractile function of the diabetic cardiomyocyte to levels close to sedentary wild type (WT)

    Intrinsic aerobic capacity sets a divide for aging and longevity

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    &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;Rationale:&lt;/b&gt; Low aerobic exercise capacity is a powerful predictor of premature morbidity and mortality for healthy adults as well as those with cardiovascular disease. For aged populations, poor performance on treadmill or extended walking tests indicates closer proximity to future health declines. Together, these findings suggest a fundamental connection between aerobic capacity and longevity.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;Objectives:&lt;/b&gt; Through artificial selective breeding, we developed an animal model system to prospectively test the association between aerobic exercise capacity and survivability (aerobic hypothesis).&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;Methods and Results:&lt;/b&gt; Laboratory rats of widely diverse genetic backgrounds (N:NIH stock) were selectively bred for low or high intrinsic (inborn) treadmill running capacity. Cohorts of male and female rats from generations 14, 15, and 17 of selection were followed for survivability and assessed for age-related declines in cardiovascular fitness including maximal oxygen uptake (VO&lt;sub&gt;2max&lt;/sub&gt;), myocardial function, endurance performance, and change in body mass. Median lifespan for low exercise capacity rats was 28% to 45% shorter than high capacity rats (hazard ratio, 0.06; P&#60;0.001). VO&lt;sub&gt;2max&lt;/sub&gt;, measured across adulthood was a reliable predictor of lifespan (P&#60;0.001). During progression from adult to old age, left ventricular myocardial and cardiomyocyte morphology, contractility, and intracellular Ca&lt;sup&gt;2+&lt;/sup&gt; handling in both systole and diastole, as well as mean blood pressure, were more compromised in rats bred for low aerobic capacity. Physical activity levels, energy expenditure (Vo&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt;), and lean body mass were all better sustained with age in rats bred for high aerobic capacity.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;Conclusions:&lt;/b&gt; These data obtained from a contrasting heterogeneous model system provide strong evidence that genetic segregation for aerobic exercise capacity can be linked with longevity and are useful for deeper mechanistic exploration of aging.&lt;/p&gt