1,373 research outputs found

    Forordet til Teologisk-politisk traktat

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    Forordet til Spinozas Teologisk-politisk traktat fra 1670, som her findes for første gang i dansk oversættelse, er en nøgletekst til at forstå bevæggrundene for Spinozas forsøg på at gentænke religionens samfundsmæssige rolle og Biblens fundamentale budskab. Det indeholder en skarp politisk analyse af samtidens religiøse magtmisbrug, men antyder ligeledes, hvorledes Spinoza senere i teksten udvikler forbindelserne mellem sine bibeleksegetiske principper og sit politiske standpunkt, men også sin metafysiske position, således som den udvikles mere præcist i hovedværket Etik, posthumt udgivet i 1677

    Emotion in the German Lutheran Baroque and the development of subjective time consciousness

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    This study examines some of the ways in which it was possible to understand emotion in Lutheran church music of the seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries. It suggests that emotion related to music more through association and contextual factors than through a fixed relationship, thus explaining the ways in which musical passages and techniques could be taken from a secular context to serve a sacred purpose. With these factors in mind, it is possible to suggest ways in which a listener's likely emotional association with music can be harnessed through particular compositional procedures. Schütz's setting of part of the Song of Songs may well engage with the listener's consciousness over time, stretching it and reinforcing the ‘useful’ emotional associations that the sacred context might bring. The opening aria of Bach's cantata ‘Liebster Jesu, mein Verlangen’ achieves something similar over a longer span and with greater emotional intensity. Here there is the added sense of the believer finding, losing and then rediscovering the object of spiritual adoration. The music thus implies the potential alienation of the listener, something both supported and overcome through the very structuring of the music. Its repetitive ritornello process is sometimes hidden but always latent, thus playing on the potential for subconscious recognition. Together, these two examples suggest that music can be used as a powerful demonstration of the historical development of modern forms of consciousness as related to emotional states over time

    Formal vs self-organised knowledge systems: a network approach

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    In this work we consider the topological analysis of symbolic formal systems in the framework of network theory. In particular we analyse the network extracted by Principia Mathematica of B. Russell and A.N. Whitehead, where the vertices are the statements and two statements are connected with a directed link if one statement is used to demonstrate the other one. We compare the obtained network with other directed acyclic graphs, such as a scientific citation network and a stochastic model. We also introduce a novel topological ordering for directed acyclic graphs and we discuss its properties in respect to the classical one. The main result is the observation that formal systems of knowledge topologically behave similarly to self-organised systems.Comment: research pape

    Ethica. Jidiši keeles

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    The \u3ci\u3eEthics\u3c/i\u3e of Benedict de Spinoza, translated by George Eliot

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    The Ethics of Benedict (or Baruch) Spinoza (1632-1677) was written in Latin 1664-65 and published posthumously the year of his death. Spinoza\u27s statement of moral philosophy, inspired by the rationalism of Descartes and the Enlightenment, was considered heretical at the time. He was excommunicated by Jewish religious authorities and his writings proscribed by the Catholic Church. His works, however, proved a hiden influence on the thought Locke, Hume, Liebnitz, and Kant, and became one of the foundations of the Western philosophical tradition, with profound influence on the works of Hegel, Goethe, Schopenhauer, and Nietzsche. George Eliot [Marian Evans] (1819-1880) prepared this earliest English translation of the Ethics in 1854-56, but it remained unpublished when she could not agree to terms with the publisher of Bohn\u27s Philosophical Library. The manuscript was acquired by the Beinecke Library at Yale University, where it was transcribed by Thomas Deegan (1939-2001) of St. Xavier College. This transcription was published in the Salzburg Studies in English Literature series, Universität Salzburg, Austria, in 1981

    On some problems in reconstruction

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    A graph is {\it reconstructible} if it is determined by its {\it deck} of unlabeled subgraphs obtained by deleting one vertex; a {\it card} is one of these subgraphs. The {\it Reconstruction Conjecture} asserts that all graphs with at least three vertices are reconstructible. In Chapter 22 we consider kk-deck reconstruction of graphs. The {\it kk-deck} of a graph is its multiset of kk-vertex induced subgraphs. We prove a generalization of a result by Bollob\'as concerning the kk-deck reconstruction of almost all graphs, showing that when (1ϵ)n2\ell \le (1-\epsilon)\frac{n}{2}, the probability than an nn-vertex graph is reconstructible from some (+12)\binom{\ell+1}{2} of the graphs in the (n)(n-\ell)-deck tends to 11 as nn tends to \infty. We determine the smallest kk such that all graphs with maximum degree 22 are kk-deck reconstructible. We prove for n26n\ge 26 that whether a graph is connected is determined by its (n3)(n-3)-deck. We prove that if GG is a complete rr-partite graphs, then GG is (r+1)(r+1)-deck reconstructible (the same holds for G\overline{G}). In Chapter 33 we consider degree-associated reconstruction. An (n1)(n-1)-vertex induced subgraph accompanied with the degree of the missing vertex is called a {\it dacard}. The {\it degree-associated reconstruction number} of a graph GG is the fewest number of dacards needed to determine GG. We provide a tool for reconstructing some graphs from two dacards. We prove that certain families of trees and disconnected graphs can be reconstructed from two dacards. We also determine the degree-associated reconstruction number for complete multipartite graphs and their complements. For such graphs, we also determine the least ss such that {\it every} set of ss dacards determine the graph. In Chapter 44 we consider the reconstruction of matrices from principal submatrices. A (n)(n-\ell)-by-(n)(n-\ell) principal submatrix is a submatrix formed by deleting \ell rows and columns symmetrically. The {\it matrix reconstruction threshold} mrt()mrt(\ell) is the minimum integer n0n_0 such that for nn0n\ge n_0 all nn-by-nn matrices are reconstructible from their deck of (n)(n-\ell)-by-(n)(n-\ell) principal submatrices. We prove mrt()2ln22+3mrt(\ell) \leq \frac{2}{\ln 2}\ell^2+3\ell

    ¿Qué quieres que te lea?

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    Es un cuento infantil que trata sobre la gratitud y la magia de compartir la lectura; se cuenta cómo el sábado es el día favorito de Luis porque va de visita a casa de su primo Fabián, quien es un gran contador de historias. Un día, Fabián sufre un accidente, lo que lleva a Luis a intentar devolver un poco de lo que su primo le dio

    The \u3ci\u3eEthics\u3c/i\u3e of Benedict de Spinoza, translated by George Eliot

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    The Ethics of Benedict (or Baruch) Spinoza (1632-1677) was written in Latin 1664-65 and published posthumously the year of his death. Spinoza\u27s statement of moral philosophy, inspired by the rationalism of Descartes and the Enlightenment, was considered heretical at the time. He was excommunicated by Jewish religious authorities and his writings proscribed by the Catholic Church. His works, however, proved a hiden influence on the thought Locke, Hume, Liebnitz, and Kant, and became one of the foundations of the Western philosophical tradition, with profound influence on the works of Hegel, Goethe, Schopenhauer, and Nietzsche. George Eliot [Marian Evans] (1819-1880) prepared this earliest English translation of the Ethics in 1854-56, but it remained unpublished when she could not agree to terms with the publisher of Bohn\u27s Philosophical Library. The manuscript was acquired by the Beinecke Library at Yale University, where it was transcribed by Thomas Deegan (1939-2001) of St. Xavier College. This transcription was published in the Salzburg Studies in English Literature series, Universität Salzburg, Austria, in 1981

    Estudo da associação entre força muscular de membros inferiores, equilíbrio e quedas em mulheres idosas

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    Orientadora: Maressa Priscila KrauseMonografia (bacharelado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná. Setor de Ciências Biológicas. Curso de Graduação em Educação Físic

    L' Etica

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    L' Etica / B. Spinoza ; esposta e commentata da Piero Martinetti. - Torino : Paravia, 1928. - XII, 150 p. : ritr. ; 20 cm