1,286 research outputs found

    Fin de las diplomaturas de magisterio: Motivaciones, dificultad y satisfacción con la formación de sus últimos alumnos

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    Este artículo presenta un estudio realizado en dos universidades españolas poco antes de la implantación de los grados de magisterio adaptados al Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES). Se han analizado las opiniones de los alumnos de cinco especialidades con el objetivo de conocer sus opiniones sobre sus motivaciones para matricularse en una determinada especialidad, la dificultad de la titulación y el grado de satisfacción con la formación recibida. Además de los resultados y conclusiones obtenidas, esta investigación pretende servir de referencia para aquellos investigadores que, en un futuro, analicen qué ha supuesto la desaparición de la mayor parte de las especialidades de magisterio y la adaptación al marco fijado por el EEE

    Self-similar breakup of polymeric threads as described by the Oldroyd-B model

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    When a drop of fluid containing long, flexible polymers breaks up, it forms threads of almost constant thickness, whose size decreases exponentially in time. Using an Oldroyd-B fluid as a model, we show that the thread profile, rescaled by the thread thickness, converges to a similarity solution. Using the correspondence between viscoelastic fluids and non-linear elasticity, we derive similarity equations for the full three-dimensional axisymmetric flow field in the limit that the viscosity of the solvent fluid can be neglected. A conservation law balancing pressure and elastic energy permits to calculate the thread thickness exactly. The explicit form of the velocity and stress fields can be deduced from a solution of the similarity equations. Results are validated by detailed comparison with numerical simulations

    Estudio sobre la formación de futuros docentes en estrategias de comprensión lectora y expresión escrita

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    For the construction of knowledge in the university environment, reading comprehension and written expression are essential competences, and also constitute the necessary base to carry out activities such as processing information. As many students of universities of Education will be teachers, we wonder if these students will really acquire adequate skills in reading comprehension and written expression to successfully carry out their professional work. This study is presented in two research designs. The first one takes into account the formative moment as a variable; it analyzes the competences in written comprehension and expression of the students accessing the Bachelor’s Degree in Primary Education, and also of those who, after its completion, have accessed to the University Degree in Psychopedagogy. Thus, we consider the group of students of the Bachelor’s Degree in Primary Education as the Pre-test measure; the formative process before becoming students of the University Degree in Psychopedagogy as the treatment or test; and these actual students as the Post-test measure. The second one considers the growing influence of ICTs on learning environments, so it analyzes whether there are remarkable differences according to the stimulus variable presented - printed texts and hypertexts - when applying the abovementioned skills to summarize as an academic task. Despite of the fact that the students of the University Degree in Psychopedagogy have received three years of academic training as future Primary Education teachers, the results showed the same lack of reading comprehension and written expression skills as those at the beginning step of the Bachelor’s Degree in Primary Education.La comprensión lectora y la expresión escrita son competencias fundamentales para la construcción de conocimiento en el ámbito universitario, ya que constituyen la base necesaria para realizar actividades como la síntesis de información. Dado que muchos estudiantes de las facultades de Educación serán futuros docentes, nos planteamos si realmente dichos estudiantes adquirirán competencias de comprensión lectora y expresión escrita adecuadas para desempeñar con éxito dicha labor profesional. Este estudio, presentado en dos diseños de investigación, analiza en primer lugar, y considerando como variable el momento formativo, las competencias en comprensión y expresión escrita del alumnado que accede al grado de Maestro; y de quienes lo han concluido y estudian posteriormente la licenciatura en Psicopedagogía. Para ello, consideramos al grupo de estudiantes del grado de Maestro como medida Pre-test, consideramos el proceso formativo por el que habían pasado los alumnos de la licenciatura de Psicopedagogía como tratamiento o test, y establecimos a estos últimos alumnos como medida Pos-test. En segundo lugar, y considerando que los entornos de aprendizaje reciben la creciente influencia de las TIC, se analiza si existen posibles diferencias atendiendo a la variable estímulo presentado -textos impresos e hipertextos- al aplicar las habilidades mencionadas en una tarea académica de resumen. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que los alumnos de la Licenciatura de Psicopedagogía, pese a haber recibido durante tres años formación académica en los estudios de Maestro, mostraban las mismas carencias de habilidades de comprensión lectora y expresión escrita que los alumnos que comenzaban el grado de Maestro

    Luces de Bohemia: el esperpento de Ramón del Valle-Inclán.

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    Este trabajo está basado en la obra del escritor Ramón del Valle-Inclán titulada Luces de Bohemia. Tras una breve introducción, que permitirá al lector situar la obra en el contexto vital y en la época en la que se escribió, me centraré en tres aspectos fundamentales. El primero de ellos tratará de la representación teatral de Luces de Bohemia, en la que haré un seguimiento de las distintas representaciones teatrales que ha tenido desde su publicación hasta nuestros días, centrándome en una representación de nuestro tiempo llevada a cabo por el Teatro del Temple. En segundo lugar trataré otra adaptación, aunque esta vez dentro del plano cinematográfico: la película que dirigió Miguel Ángel Díez en la década de los ochenta del siglo XX, donde trataré de relacionar obra escrita y obra cinematográfica a través de la crítica y veremos sus aspectos comunes y no comunes, entre otras muchas cosas. En tercer y último lugar, expondré la relación existente entre el personaje protagonista de la obra, Max Estrella, y el viejo escritor Alejandro Sawa, en el cual parece haberse inspirado Valle-Inclán para crear su personaje. This work is based on the work of writer Ramón del Valle-Inclán entitled Bohemian Lights. After a brief introduction on the autor’s life and the historical context in which the work was produced, I will focus mainly on three fundamental points. The first one will deal with the theatrical representation of Bohemian Lights since its publication to the present time, focusing on a representation of our times conducted by the Temple Theatre. Secondly, I will study the movie directed by Miguel Ángel Díez in the eighties of the twentieth century; there I will connect written work and film through criticism, attending to their common traits and their divergences. Finally, I will discuss the relationship between the main character of the work, Max Estrella, and the old writer Alejandro Sawa, which seems to have inspired Valle-Inclán’s character

    Experiencia educativa con blogs en el aula de Educación Primaria

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    En el siguiente artículo se relata la experiencia educativa en una escuela de educación primaria llevada a cabo durante el primer y segundo trimestre del curso escolar 2009.2010 basándonos en la creación y uso pedagógico de los blogs en el aula. En concreto se han elaborado 3 blogs, uno para cada ciclo de la etapa. Para situarnos haremos una breveThe following article describes the educational experience in an elementary education school conducted during the first and second quarter of the 2009.2010 school year based on the creation and educational use of blogs in the classroom. More specifically, three blogs have been developed, one for each cycle of the stage. To place, we will make a brief introduction to explain what we understand as a blog in our center, the applications we believe the blogs should have and the situation of ICT in our facult

    Retrospective Higher-Order Markov Processes for User Trails

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    Users form information trails as they browse the web, checkin with a geolocation, rate items, or consume media. A common problem is to predict what a user might do next for the purposes of guidance, recommendation, or prefetching. First-order and higher-order Markov chains have been widely used methods to study such sequences of data. First-order Markov chains are easy to estimate, but lack accuracy when history matters. Higher-order Markov chains, in contrast, have too many parameters and suffer from overfitting the training data. Fitting these parameters with regularization and smoothing only offers mild improvements. In this paper we propose the retrospective higher-order Markov process (RHOMP) as a low-parameter model for such sequences. This model is a special case of a higher-order Markov chain where the transitions depend retrospectively on a single history state instead of an arbitrary combination of history states. There are two immediate computational advantages: the number of parameters is linear in the order of the Markov chain and the model can be fit to large state spaces. Furthermore, by providing a specific structure to the higher-order chain, RHOMPs improve the model accuracy by efficiently utilizing history states without risks of overfitting the data. We demonstrate how to estimate a RHOMP from data and we demonstrate the effectiveness of our method on various real application datasets spanning geolocation data, review sequences, and business locations. The RHOMP model uniformly outperforms higher-order Markov chains, Kneser-Ney regularization, and tensor factorizations in terms of prediction accuracy

    Student reviews of European Higher Education Area

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    Resumen basado en el de la publicaciónTítulo, resumen y palabras clave también en inglésSe realiza un estudio, justo antes la implantación del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES), con el propósito de analizar la opinión del alumnado de magisterio sobre este tema. Para ello, a través de un cuestionario anónimo y voluntario, se han recopilado las opiniones e inquietudes de un importante número de estudiantes de cinco de las especialidades de magisterio ofertadas en dos universidades españolas: la Universidad de Almería y la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha. En concreto, se analizan los conocimientos que los estudiantes dicen tener sobre el EEES, su posicionamiento ante dicha implantación, cómo creen que se verán afectados los nuevos grados de magisterio, la facilidad para conseguir el título de su especialidad en los nuevos planes de estudio y las oportunidades laborales de los futuros graduados. De los resultados obtenidos se desprende la existencia de un cierto grado de desconocimiento sobre el EEES, a la vez que un posicionamiento contrario a su implantación.ES

    Spatiotemporal instability of a confined capillary jet

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    Recent experimental studies on the instability appearance of capillary jets have revealed the capabilities of linear spatiotemporal instability analysis to predict the parametrical map where steady jetting or dripping takes place. In this work, we present an extensive analytical, numerical and experimental analysis of confined capillary jets extending previous studies. We propose an extended, accurate analytic model in the limit of low Reynolds flows, and introduce a numerical scheme to predict the system response when the liquid inertia is not negligible. Theoretical predictions show a remarkable accuracy with results from the extensive experimental exploration provided.Comment: Submitted to the Physical Review E (20-March-2008

    The concept of culture used by future teachers: an ethnographic analysis

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    The arrival of immigrant families to Spain from other countries has led a sharp increase in foreign students in Spanish schools, which have in turn become multicultural spaces. . The concept of culture could become the framework on which are based discriminations, prejudices and stereotypes towards groups and individuals. This paper describes the main results of an ethnographic study about the perceived concept of culture of students at a Spanish university. In particular this study was developed from data collected among students who, during academic year 2003/2004, attended to “Education and Socio-cultural Diversity”, subject included in this academic year for the first time in the Degree in Education at the University of Almería. This research not only seeks to give an insight into the concept of culture handle these students, but also to analyze the influence of the subject on the concept of culture used by students as well as the influence of the lecturer on their views and attitudes

    Breach and contract termination (with special reference to delay and cancellation clauses)

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    Producción CientíficaEl incumplimiento resolutorio constituye uno de los asuntos más estudiados en el Derecho de contratos. No obstante, las dificultades que el tema presenta en la práctica requieren que el estudio continúe, con el fin de esclarecer conceptos relevantes a nivel doctrinal y posibilidades de actuación en el marco de la autonomía de la voluntad. Este trabajo se enfoca principalmente en dos cuestiones: en la consideración del retraso como forma de incumplimiento resolutorio y en los alcances de la autonomía privada para otorgar trascendencia resolutoria a una determinada contravención contractual.The serious breach is one of the most studied issues in contract law. However the difficulties that it presents in practice require that the study continues, in order to clarify relevant concepts at a doctrinal level and possibilities of action within the framework of party autonomy. This paper focuses mainly on two issues: the consideration of delay as a form of serious breach and the scope of party autonomy to give seriousness to a certain breach of contract.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (Project DER2015-69718-R