492 research outputs found

    Critical Insights: The Hobbit (2016) edited by Stephen W. Potts

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    Book review by Martin Simonson of Critical Insights: The Hobbit (2016), edited by Stephen W. Pott

    Flora of Middle-earth (2017) by Walter S. Judd and Graham A. Judd

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    Book review by Martin Simonson of Flora of Middle-earth (2017) by Walter S. Judd and Graham A. Jud

    Flora of Middle-earth (2017) by Walter S. Judd and Graham A. Judd

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    Book review by Martin Simonson of Flora of Middle-earth (2017) by Walter S. Judd and Graham A. Jud

    Engagiert bis ins hohe Alter? Organisationsgebundenes ehrenamtliches Engagement in der zweiten LebenshÀlfte

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    Der Anteil von Personen, die ein ehrenamtliches Engagement ausĂŒben, hat sich unter den 40- bis 85-JĂ€hrigen zwischen den Jahren 1996 und 2014 verdoppelt. Im Jahr 2014 zeigen sich deutliche Unterschiede im ehrenamtlichen Engagement nach Geschlecht, Bildung, Landesteil und Erwerbsstatus. Im Jahr 2014 ist jede vierte ehrenamtlich engagierte Person im Alter von 50 bis 85 Jahren in einer Seniorengruppe aktiv. Ein Drittel der im Jahr 2014 ehrenamtlich Engagierten hat in den letzten sechs Jahren ein neues Engagement aufgenommen und zwei Drittel ĂŒben ihr Engagement schon lĂ€nger als sechs Jahre aus

    Aktive MobilitĂ€t und Gesundheit : Hintergrundbericht fĂŒr den nationalen Gesundheitsbericht 2015

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    Zu Fuss gehen und Velofahren tragen viel zu einer gesundheitsfördernden Bewegung bei. Die vielfĂ€ltigen positiven Gesundheitseffekte regelmĂ€ssiger Bewegung sind heute umfassend belegt. Ob in der Freizeit oder im Alltag, zu Fuss gehen und Velofahren - so genannte aktive MobilitĂ€t - können viel zu einer gesundheitsfördernden Bewegung beitragen. Zahlreiche Faktoren beeinflussen indessen die Neigung, zu Fuss zu gehen oder mit dem Velo zu fahren, darunter Wegeigenschaften, Alter, Fitness, aber auch Verkehrssicherheit und ganz allgemein die Merkmale von Quartieren und StĂ€dten. Die verĂ€nderbaren strukturellen Faktoren, insbesondere die Verkehrsinfrastruktur und -Sicherheit stehen im Zentrum zeitgemĂ€sser Förderung der aktiven MobilitĂ€t. Aus Sicht der Gesundheitspolitik ist eine intersektorielle Zusammenarbeit zwischen Gesundheitssektor und Verkehrs- und StĂ€dteplanung erstrebenswert. Bei den Überlegungen werden dadurch auch Gesundheitsfolgen fokussiert

    Arboreal Tradition and Subversion: An Ecocritical Reading of Shakespeare’s Portrayal of Trees, Woods and Forests

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    This paper analyses from an ecocritical standpoint the role of trees, woods and forests and their symbolism in William Shakespeare’s Hamlet, Macbeth, The Merchant of Venice, The Merry Wives of Windsor, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Richard II and The Tempest. The analysis begins with an outline of the representation of trees on stage to continue with a ‘close reading’ of the mentioned plays, clearly distinguishing individual trees from woods and forests. Individual types of trees may represent death, sadness, sorcery and premonitions, or serve as meeting places, while forests and woods are frequently portrayed as settings which create an atmosphere of confusion, false appearances, danger and magic. This reflects a long-standing historical connection between trees and forests and the supernatural in literature and culture. However, while individual trees largely reflect traditional symbology, conventional interpretations are often subverted in Shakespeare’s treatment of forests and woods. From all this we may infer that Shakespeare was not only familiar with the traditions associated to individual tree species and forests in general, but also that he made conscious and active use of these in order to enhance the meaning of an action, reinforce character traits, further the plot and create a specific atmosphere. More subtly, the collective arboreal environments can also be interpreted as spaces in which superstitions and older societal models are questioned in favour of a more rational and reasonable understanding of the world

    Improved remote sensing methods to detect northern wild rice (Zizania palustris L.)

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    Declining populations of Zizania palustris L. (northern wildrice, or wildrice) during the last century drives the demand for new and innovative techniques to support monitoring of this culturally and ecologically significant crop wild relative. We trained three wildrice detection models in R and Google Earth Engine using data from annual aquatic vegetation surveys in northern Minnesota. Three di erent training datasets, varying in the definition of wildrice presence, were combined with Landsat 8 Operational Land Imager (OLI) and Sentinel-1 C-band synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imagery to map wildrice in 2015 using random forests. Spectral predictors were derived from phenologically important time periods of emergence (June–July) and peak harvest (August–September). The range of the Vertical Vertical (VV) polarization between the two time periods was consistently the top predictor. Model outputs were evaluated using both point and area-based validation (polygon). While all models performed well in the point validation with percent correctly classified ranging from 83.8% to 91.1%, we found polygon validation necessary to comprehensively assess wildrice detection accuracy. Our practical approach highlights a variety of applications that can be applied to guide field excursions and estimate the extent of occurrence at landscape scales. Further testing and validation of the methods we present may support multiyear monitoring which is foundational for the preservation of wildrice for future generations

    The Milky Way in X-rays for an outside observer: Log(N)-Log(S) and Luminosity Function of X-ray binaries from RXTE/ASM data

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    We study the Log(N)-Log(S) and X-ray luminosity function in the 2-10 keV energy band, and the spatial (3-D) distribution of bright, log(L_X) > 34-35 erg/s, X-ray binaries in the Milky Way. In agreement with theoretical expectations and earlier results we found significant differences between the spatial distributions of low (LMXB) and high (HMXB) mass X-ray binaries. The volume density of LMXB sources peaks strongly at the Galactic Bulge. HMXBs tend to avoid the inner 3-4 kpc of the Galaxy, HMXBs are more concentrated towards the Galactic Plane and show clear signatures of the spiral structure in their spatial distribution. LMXB sources have a flatter Log(N)-Log(S) distribution and luminosity function than HMXBs. The integrated 2-10 keV luminosities of X-ray binaries, averaged over 1996--2000, are 2-3 * 10^39 (LMXB) and 2-3 * 10^38 (HMXB) erg/s. Normalised to the stellar mass and the star formation rate, respectively, these correspond to 5 * 10^28 erg/s/M_sol for LMXBs and 5 * 10^37 erg/s/(M_sol/yr) for HMXBs. Due to the shallow slopes of the luminosity functions the integrated emission of X-ray binaries is dominated by the 5-10 most luminous sources which determine the appearance of the Milky Way in the standard X-ray band for an outside observer. In particular variability of individual sources or an outburst of a bright transient source can increase the integrated luminosity of the Milky Way by as much as a factor of ~2. Although the average LMXB luminosity function shows a break near the Eddington luminosity for a 1.4 M_sol neutron star, at least 11 sources showed episodes of super-Eddington luminosity during ASM observations. We provide the maps of distribution of X-ray binaries in the Milky Way in various projections, which can be compared to images of nearby galaxies taken by CHANDRA and XMM-Newton.Comment: 23 pages, 19 figures, accepted by A&

    Comparative effectiveness of dipeptidyl peptidase-4 (DPP-4) inhibitors and human glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) analogue as add-on therapies to sulphonylurea among diabetes patients in the Asia-Pacific region: a systematic review

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    The prevalence of diabetes mellitus is rising globally, and it induces a substantial public health burden to the healthcare systems. Its optimal control is one of the most significant challenges faced by physicians and policy-makers. Whereas some of the established oral hypoglycaemic drug classes like biguanide, sulphonylureas, thiazolidinediones have been extensively used, the newer agents like dipeptidyl peptidase-4 (DPP-4) inhibitors and the human glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) analogues have recently emerged as suitable options due to their similar efficacy and favorable side effect profiles. These agents are widely recognized alternatives to the traditional oral hypoglycaemic agents or insulin, especially in conditions where they are contraindicated or unacceptable to patients. Many studies which evaluated their clinical effects, either alone or as add-on agents, were conducted in Western countries. There exist few reviews on their effectiveness in the Asia-Pacific region. The purpose of this systematic review is to address the comparative effectiveness of these new classes of medications as add-on therapies to sulphonylurea drugs among diabetic patients in the Asia-Pacific countries. We conducted a thorough literature search of the MEDLINE and EMBASE from the inception of these databases to August 2013, supplemented by an additional manual search using reference lists from research studies, meta-analyses and review articles as retrieved by the electronic databases. A total of nine randomized controlled trials were identified and described in this article. It was found that DPP-4 inhibitors and GLP-1 analogues were in general effective as add-on therapies to existing sulphonylurea therapies, achieving HbA1c reductions by a magnitude of 0.59–0.90% and 0.77–1.62%, respectively. Few adverse events including hypoglycaemic attacks were reported. Therefore, these two new drug classes represent novel therapies with great potential to be major therapeutic options. Future larger-scale research should be conducted among other Asia-Pacific region to evaluate their efficacy in other ethnic groups
