24 research outputs found

    Economic-environmental assessment of silvo-pastoral systems in Colombia: An ecosystem service perspective

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    Cattle production in Colombia has an important social and economic role but causes considerable environmental impacts, such as deforestation and greenhouse gas emissions by ruminants, particularly methane. Thus, technological innovations aimed at reducing these impacts must focus on both economic and environmental sustainability. Silvo-pastoral systems (SPS) offer productivity increases while generating environmental benefits and ecosystem services and are therefore at the center of debate around sustainable production alternatives. The objective of this article is to evaluate the economic-environmental performance of two proposed SPS for a cattle fattening system for the Colombian context: (i) Urochloa brizantha cv. Toledo and (ii) Urochloa hybrid cv. Cayman, both in association with Leucaena leucocephala trees for browsing and shade provision. They are compared with the respective base scenarios of only using the grasses in monocultures. The study consists of a financial analysis, which estimates potential profitability increases in beef production in the SPS, and an environmental evaluation, which estimates the monetary values of microclimatic regulation and reduction of methane emissions. The value of methane emission reductions is then integrated into a combined economic-environmental evaluation. Results show that both SPS improve the profitability indicators of the production system and reduce the probability of economic loss. Likewise, the reduction of methane emissions in the SPS is estimated at US6.12percattle,andtheeconomicvalueofmicroclimaticregulationatUS6.12 per cattle, and the economic value of microclimatic regulation at US2,026 per hectare

    Usefulness and applicability of the revised dengue case classification by disease: multi-centre study in 18 countries

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    Background In view of the long term discussion on the appropriateness of the dengue classification into dengue fever (DF), dengue haemorrhagic fever (DHF) and dengue shock syndrome (DSS), the World Health Organization (WHO) has outlined in its new global dengue guidelines a revised classification into levels of severity: dengue fever with an intermediary group of "dengue fever with warning sings", and severe dengue. The objective of this paper was to compare the two classification systems regarding applicability in clinical practice and surveillance, as well as user-friendliness and acceptance by health staff. Methods A mix of quantitative (prospective and retrospective review of medical charts by expert reviewers, formal staff interviews), semi-quantitative (open questions in staff interviews) and qualitative methods (focus group discussions) were used in 18 countries. Quality control of data collected was undertaken by external monitors. Results The applicability of the DF/DHF/DSS classification was limited, even when strict DHF criteria were not applied (13.7% of dengue cases could not be classified using the DF/DHF/DSS classification by experienced reviewers, compared to only 1.6% with the revised classification). The fact that some severe dengue cases could not be classified in the DF/DHF/DSS system was of particular concern. Both acceptance and perceived user-friendliness of the revised system were high, particularly in relation to triage and case management. The applicability of the revised classification to retrospective data sets (of importance for dengue surveillance) was also favourable. However, the need for training, dissemination and further research on the warning signs was highlighted. Conclusions The revised dengue classification has a high potential for facilitating dengue case management and surveillance

    Las ciencias sociales en el noreste de México.

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    Texto colectivo que incluye seis ensayos donde se reflexiona sobre el estado que guardan las ciencias sociales en el noreste de México: antropología, comunicación, economía, geografía, historia y sociología.Redactado por miembros del Grupo Gente (Grupo de Estudios sobre el Noreste de México y Texas) bajo la coordinación de César Morado y Lucila Hinojosa

    Duox, Flotillin-2, and Src42A Are Required to Activate or Delimit the Spread of the Transcriptional Response to Epidermal Wounds in Drosophila

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    The epidermis is the largest organ of the body for most animals, and the first line of defense against invading pathogens. A breach in the epidermal cell layer triggers a variety of localized responses that in favorable circumstances result in the repair of the wound. Many cellular and genetic responses must be limited to epidermal cells that are close to wounds, but how this is regulated is still poorly understood. The order and hierarchy of epidermal wound signaling factors are also still obscure. The Drosophila embryonic epidermis provides an excellent system to study genes that regulate wound healing processes. We have developed a variety of fluorescent reporters that provide a visible readout of wound-dependent transcriptional activation near epidermal wound sites. A large screen for mutants that alter the activity of these wound reporters has identified seven new genes required to activate or delimit wound-induced transcriptional responses to a narrow zone of cells surrounding wound sites. Among the genes required to delimit the spread of wound responses are Drosophila Flotillin-2 and Src42A, both of which are transcriptionally activated around wound sites. Flotillin-2 and constitutively active Src42A are also sufficient, when overexpressed at high levels, to inhibit wound-induced transcription in epidermal cells. One gene required to activate epidermal wound reporters encodes Dual oxidase, an enzyme that produces hydrogen peroxide. We also find that four biochemical treatments (a serine protease, a Src kinase inhibitor, methyl-ß-cyclodextrin, and hydrogen peroxide) are sufficient to globally activate epidermal wound response genes in Drosophila embryos. We explore the epistatic relationships among the factors that induce or delimit the spread of epidermal wound signals. Our results define new genetic functions that interact to instruct only a limited number of cells around puncture wounds to mount a transcriptional response, mediating local repair and regeneration

    Exome-wide association study to identify rare variants influencing COVID-19 outcomes: Results from the Host Genetics Initiative

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    Exome-wide association study to identify rare variants influencing COVID-19 outcomes : Results from the Host Genetics Initiative

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    Publisher Copyright: Copyright: © 2022 Butler-Laporte et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.Host genetics is a key determinant of COVID-19 outcomes. Previously, the COVID-19 Host Genetics Initiative genome-wide association study used common variants to identify multiple loci associated with COVID-19 outcomes. However, variants with the largest impact on COVID-19 outcomes are expected to be rare in the population. Hence, studying rare variants may provide additional insights into disease susceptibility and pathogenesis, thereby informing therapeutics development. Here, we combined whole-exome and whole-genome sequencing from 21 cohorts across 12 countries and performed rare variant exome-wide burden analyses for COVID-19 outcomes. In an analysis of 5,085 severe disease cases and 571,737 controls, we observed that carrying a rare deleterious variant in the SARS-CoV-2 sensor toll-like receptor TLR7 (on chromosome X) was associated with a 5.3-fold increase in severe disease (95% CI: 2.75–10.05, p = 5.41x10-7). This association was consistent across sexes. These results further support TLR7 as a genetic determinant of severe disease and suggest that larger studies on rare variants influencing COVID-19 outcomes could provide additional insights.Peer reviewe

    La fripe du Nord au Sud: Production globale, commerce transfrontalier et marchés informels de vêtements usagés

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    Que deviennent nos vêtements usagés après avoir été donnés à une organisation caritative ?C’est en partant de cette interrogation que cet ouvrage propose de retracer et d’analyser les multiples parcours de la fripe dans les méandres de notre économie mondialisée. Ce faisant, La Fripe du Nord au Sud vise à déconstruire à la fois les processus globalisés de production, de circulation et de consommation des vêtements de seconde main.La Fripe du Nord au Sud est le premier recueil de textes en français exclusivement consacré aux vêtements de seconde main. Il rassemble à la fois la traduction d’articles pionniers ayant fait dates et la publication de recherches originales récentes. En regroupant des contributions portant aussi bien sur l’Afrique sub-saharienne que sur l’Amérique, l’Asie ou le Maghreb, émanant d’anthropologues, de sociologues et de géographe, cet ouvrage révèle ainsi le caractère global d’activités commerciales complexes s’insérant dans une série de dynamiques plus larges liées à l’écologie, au recyclage ainsi qu’aux formes d’organisation économiques et sociales relevant de la mondialisation.Ouvrage dirigé par Efrén Sandoval-Hernández (professeur au Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropología Social, Mexique), Martin Rosenfeld (chercheur au Fonds National de la Recherche Scientifique, Belgique) et Michel Peraldi (directeur de recherche émérite au Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, France).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    La fripe en perspective globale et locale

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    Determination of Use and Land Coverage Through Multiespectral Camera Images and Unmanned Air Vehicle

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    Los UAV´s permiten la utilización de las nuevas cámaras de tipo multiespectrales debido a su fácil incorporación el mismo, la última cámara adquirida por la Universidad Distrital es la cámara multiespectral RedEdge-MX se tomara en este proyecto de investigación para determinar los diferentes usos que se le pueden encargar en un futuro; por lo cual se hace necesaria la toma de datos, en este caso de imágenes, para determinar estos usos. Para este estudio en específico se ha escogido el uso y cobertura del suelo, y así poder investigar todas las características y potenciales que la cámara puede ofrecer a los potenciales usuarios.The UAVs allow the use of the new multispectral cameras due to their easy incorporation, the last camera acquired by the District University is the RedEdge-MX multispectral camera. It will be taken in this research project to determine the different uses that they may be commissioned in the future; therefore, it is necessary to collect data, in this case images, to determine these uses. For this specific study, the use and coverage of the land has been chosen, and thus be able to investigate all the characteristics and potentials that the camera can offer to potential user

    Interpretación de la relación presión-flujo en la hipertensión arterial pulmonar idiopática

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    Objetivo: Conocer más de la relación presión arterial pulmonar media/índice cardiaco y sus perfiles en enfermos con hipertensión arterial pulmonar idiopática. Métodos: La presión arterial pulmonar media/índice cardiaco y la presión extrapolada al eje de cero flujo se obtuvo en 40 enfermos respirando aire ambiente, oxígeno 99.5% e hidralazina. Se obtuvieron dos grupos de acuerdo a criterios de "respuesta vasodilatadora aguda", respondedores (n = 20) y no respondedores (n = 20). Se analizó este criterio versus el propuesto por la Task Force de la Sociedad Europea de Cardiología en la población respondedora. Resultados: La presión arterial pulmonar media/Índice cardiaco se ubicó de forma anormal en el diagrama de presión-flujo de la cohorte total, (p < 0.01). Sin alteraciones en el intercambio gaseoso o mecánica pulmonar. Para los enfermos respondedores versus no respondedores, la pendiente fue anormal 2.2 (95%IC:1.1-3.3) vs. 5.89 (95%IC:4.69-7.11) mm Hg/L min/m² e incremento de la presión extrapolada al eje de cero flujo (38.2 ± 7.5 a 66.3 ± 7.5 mm Hg, p < 0.01). Sin diferencias con oxígeno al 99.5%. Con vasodilatador, la presión arterial pulmonar media disminuyó (52.1 ± 9.5 a 40 ± 5.5 mm Hg, p < 0.01) vs. no se modificó (96.2 ± 8.5 vs. 90 ± 7.5 mmHg, p = 0.3), pendiente 1.15 (95%IC:0.68-1.62) vs. 1.28 (95%IC:0.78-1.78) mmHg/Lmin/m², la presión extrapolada al eje de cero flujo no cambió vs. incrementó (69.4 ± 7.8 a 85.1 ± 8.5 mm Hg, p < 0.01), en relación al control. En no respondedores con vasodilatador, la presión arterial pulmonar media/índice cardiaco (90 ± 7.5 mmHg, pendiente:1.28; 95%IC: 0.78 - 1.78 mm Hg/L min/m²) fue diferente al comparar respondedores con menor o mayor de 40 mm Hg de presión arterial pulmonar media. Presiones 34 ± 3 vs. 45 ± 4 mm Hg y pendientes 1.14 (95%IC: 0.67 -1.61 vs. 2.22 (95%IC: 1.35 - 3.09 mm Hg/L min/m²), respectivamente p < 0.01. Conclusiones: Las anormalidades de la relación presión arterial pulmonar media/Índice cardiaco reflejan el incremento de las resistencias vasculares pulmonares reales a nivel arteriolar pulmonar en enfermos con hipertensión arterial pulmonar idiopática. Ambos criterios de respuesta vasodilatadora aguda son de utilidad para identificar respondedores y no, en esta población de enfermos