491 research outputs found

    Epps16 ⇓ first nuclear pdfs to include lhc data

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    We present results of our recent EPPS16 global analysis of NLO nuclear parton distribution functions (nPDFs). For the first time, dijet and heavy gauge boson production data from LHC proton–lead collisions have been included in a global fit. Especially, the CMS dijets play an important role in constraining the nuclear effects in gluon distributions. With the inclusion of also neutrino–nucleus deeply-inelastic scattering and pion–nucleus Drell–Yan data and a proper treatment of isospin-corrected data, we were able to free the flavor dependence of the valence and sea quark nuclear modifications for the first time. This gives us less biased, yet larger, flavor by flavor uncertainty estimates. The EPPS16 analysis indicates no tension between the data sets used, which supports the validity of collinear factorization and universal nPDFs for nuclear hard-collision processes in the kinematical range studied. © Copyright owned by the author(s).Peer reviewe

    Funções cognitivas, autoestima e autoconceito de crianças com transtorno de déficit de atenção e hiperatividade

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    The study aimed to compare the performance of children with ADHD and children without learning and/or attention difficulties in tasks of visual attention, executive functions, self-esteem and self--concept. Participants were34 children, 17 with ADHD and 17in the control group, with a mean age of 9.92 years. For the evaluation, the following tests were used: Cancellation Test, Trail Making Test, Stroop Color Word Test, Tower of London, Children's Depression Inventory, Self-Esteem Multidimensional Scale, and Children's Self-Concept Scale. The results indicated that children with ADHD showed worse out comes in attention and executive functions evaluations, in the belief of doing things the wrong way, in feelings of guilt and in low self-esteem, both in the general result as well as in self-perception.The study aimed to compare the performance of children with ADHD and children without learning and/or attention difficulties in tasks of visual attention, executive functions, self-esteem and self--concept. Participants were34 children, 17 with ADHD and 1272331340sem informaçãosem informaçãoAlbert, J., López-Martín, S., Fernández-Jaén, A., Carretié, L., Alteraciones emocionales en el trastorno por déficit de atención/hiperactividad: datos existentes y cuestiones abiertas (2008) Revista de Neurología, 47, pp. 39-45(2002) Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (DSM-IV-TR), , American Psychiatric Association (4th ed.) Washington, DC: AuthorBarkley, R.A., (2008) Transtorno de déficit de atenção/ hiperatividade: Manual para diagnóstico e tratamento, , (Ed.) (3. ed.). Porto Alegre, RS: ArtmedBerwid, O.G., Kera, E.A.C., Marks, D.J., Santra, A., Bender, H.A., Halperin, J.M., Sustained attention and response inhibitionin young children at risk for attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (2005) Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 46 (11), pp. 1219-1229Biederman, J., Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: A selective overview (2005) Biological Psychiatry, 57, pp. 1215-1220Biederman, J., Faraone, S.V., Milberger, S., Curtis, S., Chen, L., Marrs, A., Spencer, T., Predictors of persistence and remission of ADHD: Results from a four-year prospective follow-up study of ADHD children (1996) Journal of American Academic Child Adolescent Psychiatry, 38, pp. 966-975Biederman, J., Mick, E., Faraone, S.V., Braaten, E., Doyle, A., Spencer, T., Johnson, M.A., Influence of gender on attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children referred to a psychiatric clinic (2002) American Journal Psychiatry, 159, pp. 36-42Cardo, E., Nevot, A., Redondo, M., Melero, A., Azua, B., Banda, G.G., Servera, M., Trastorno por déficit de atención/ hiperactividad: ?un patrón evolutivo? (2010) Revista de Neurología, 50 (SUPL. 3), pp. S143-S147Castellanos, F.X., Proal, E., Large-scale brain systems in ADHD: Beyond the prefrontal-striatal model (2012) Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 16 (1), pp. 17-26Chan, E., Mattingley, J.B., Huang-Pollock, C., English, T., Hester, R., Vance, A., Bellgrove, M.A., Abnormal spatial asymmetry of selective attention in ADHD (2009) Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 50 (9), pp. 1064-1072Ciasca, S.M., Rodrigues, S.D., Salgado, C.A., (2010) TDAH: Transtorno do Déficit de Atenção e Hiperatividade, pp. 23-36. , (Eds.) Rio de Janeiro, RJ: RevinterDuPaul, G.J., Stoner, G., (2007) TDAH nas escolas: Estratégias de avaliação e intervenção, , São Paulo, SP: M. BooksDupuy, F.E., Barry, R.J., Clarke, A.R., McCarthy, R., Selikowitz, M., Sex differences between the combined and inattentive types of attention-defi cit/hyperactivity disorder: An EEG perspective (2013) International Journal of Psychophysiology, 89 (3), pp. 320-327Eiraldi, R., Power, T., Karustis, J., Goldstein, S., Assessing ADHD and comorbid disorders in children: The Child Behavior Checklist and the Devereux Scales of Mental Disorders (2000) Journal of Clinical Child Psychology, 29 (1), pp. 3-16. , (March)Fernandez-Mayoralas, D.M., Fernandez-Jaen, A., Garcia-Segura, J.M., Quinones-Tapia, D., Neuroimagen en el transtorno por defi cit de atencion/hiperactividad (2010) Revista de Neurología, 50 (SUPL. 3), pp. S125-S133Glass, K., Flory, K., Martin, A., Hankin, B., ADHD and comorbid conduct problems among adolescents: Associations with self-esteem and substance use (2011) Attention Defi cit Hyperactivity Disorder, 3, pp. 29-39Gobbita, M., (2003) Escala multidimensional de auto-estima (EMAE): Construção e validação com crianças e adolescentes brasileiro, , (Tese de doutorado, Centro de Ciências da Vida, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Campinas, Campinas, SP, Brasil)Gobitta, M., Guzzo, R.S.L., Estudo inicial do Inventário de Auto-Estima (SEI) - Forma A (2002) Psicologia: Reflexão e Crítica, 15 (1), pp. 143-150Gouveia, V.V., Barbosa, G.A., Almeida, H.J.F., Gaião, A.A., Inventário de Depressão Infantil - CDI: Estudo de adaptação com escolares de João Pessoa (1995) Jornal Brasileiro de Psiquiatria, 44, pp. 345-349Kovacs, M., (1992) Children Depression Inventory CDI: Manual, , New York: Multi-Health SystemsKrauel, K., Duzel, E., Hinrichs, H., Rellum, T., Santel, S., Baving, L., Emotional memory in ADHD patients with and without comorbid ADD/CD (2009) Journal Neural Transmission, 116, pp. 117-120Lima, R.F., Azoni, C.A.S., Ciasca, S.M., Attentional performance and executive functions in children with learning difficulties (2011) Psicologia: Reflexão e Crítica, 24 (4), pp. 685-691Lima, R.F., Travaini, P.P., Ciasca, S.M., Amostra de desempenho de estudantes do ensino fundamental em testes de atenção e funções executivas (2009) Psicopedagogia, 26 (80), pp. 188-199López-Villalobos, J.A., Serrano-Pintado, I., Andrés-De Llano, J.M., Delgado Sánchez-Mateos, J., Alberola-López, S., Sánchez-Azón, M.I., Utilidad del test de Stroop en el trastorno por déficit de atención/hiperactividad (2010) Revista de Neurología, 50, pp. 333-340López-Villalobos, J.A., Serrano-Pintado, I., Delgado Sánchez--Mateos, J., Ruiz Sanz, F., Sánchez-Azón, M.I., Sacristán Martín, M.A., Transtorno por déficit de atención/ hiperactividad: perfi l intelectual y factor de independencia a la distracción (2007) Revista de Neurología, 44 (10), pp. 589-595Mattos, P., Serra-Pinheiro, M.A., Rohde, L.A., Pinto, D., Apresentação de uma versão em português para uso no Brasil do instrumento MTA-SNAP-IV de avaliação de sintomas de transtorno do déficit de atenção/hiperatividade e sintomas de transtorno desafi ador e de oposição (2006) Revista de Psiquiatria, 28 (3), pp. 290-297Miranda-Casas, A., Presentación-Herrero, M.J., Colomer-Diago, C., Roselló, B., Satisfacción con la vida de niños con trastorno por déficit de atención/hiperactividad: estudio de posibles factores de riesgo y de protección (2011) Revista de Neurología, 52 (SUPL. 1), pp. S119-S126Simão, A.N.P., (2004) Avaliação neuropsicológica em crianças com transtorno e déficit de atenção e hiperatividade, , (Dissertação de mestrado, Faculdade de Ciências Médicas, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Campinas, SP, Brasil)Simão, A.N.P., (2008) Treino em solução de problemas com crianças que apresentam transtorno de déficit de atenção e hiperatividade, , (Tese de doutorado, Faculdade de Ciências Médicas, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Campinas, SP, Brasil)Simão, A.N.P., Toledo, M.M., Ciasca, S.M., Transtornos de déficit de atenção e hiperatividade. (2010) TDAH: Transtorno do déficit de atenção e hiperatividade, pp. 23-36. , S. M. Ciasca, S. D. Rodrigues, & C. A. Salgado (Eds.), Rio de Janeiro, RJ: RevinterSisto, F.F., Martinelli, S.C., (2004) Escala de Autoconceito Infanto - Juvenil (EAC-IJ), , São Paulo, SP: VetorSpreen, O., Strauss, E., (1998) A compendium of neuropsychological tests- administration, norms and commentary, , New York: Oxford University PressTaanila, A.M., Hurtig, T.M., Miettunen, J., Ebeling, H.E., Moilanen, I.K., Association between ADHD symptoms and adolescents' psychosocial well-being: A study of the northern Finland Birth cohort 1986 (2009) International Journal of Circumpolar Health, 68 (2), pp. 133-144Toledo, M.M., (2006) Comparação do diagnóstico e resposta a um treino de atenção em crianças com os subtipos de transtorno e déficit de atenção/hiperatividade, , (Tese de doutorado, Faculdade de Ciências Médicas, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Campinas, SP, Brasil)Tunstall, J.R., (1999) Improving the utility of Tower of London: A neuropsychological test of planning, , (Master's thesis of Philosophy, School of Applied Psychology, Faculty of Healthy Sciences, Griffith University, Queensland, Australia)Comparar o desempenho de crianças com TDAH e crianças sem queixas de aprendizagem e/ou atenção em tarefas de atenção visual, funções executivas, autoestima e autoconceito. Fizeram parte do estudo 34 crianças, sendo 17 com TDAH e 17 do grupo controle, co

    Nonlinear corrections to the DGLAP equations; looking for the saturation limits

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    The effects of the first nonlinear corrections to the DGLAP equations are studied in light of the HERA data. Saturation limits are determined in the DGLAP+GLRMQ approach for the free proton and for the Pb nucleus.The effects of the first nonlinear corrections to the DGLAP equations are studied in light of the HERA data. Saturation limits are determined in the DGLAP+GLRMQ approach for the free proton and for the Pb nucleus.The effects of the first nonlinear corrections to the DGLAP equations are studied in light of the HERA data. Saturation limits are determined in the DGLAP+GLRMQ approach for the free proton and for the Pb nucleus

    Heavy-to-light ratios as a test of medium-induced energy loss at RHIC and the LHC

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    The ratio of nuclear modification factors of high-pTp_T heavy-flavored mesons tolight-flavored hadrons (heavy-to-light ratio) is shown to be a sensitive tool to test medium-induced energy loss at RHIC and LHC energies. Heavy-to-light ratios of DD mesons at RHIC in the region 7<pT<127<p_T<12 GeV, and of DD and BB mesons at the LHC in the region 10<pT<2010<p_T<20 GeV, are proposed for such a test. Finally, the different contributions to the nuclear modification factor for electrons at RHIC are analyzed. Preliminary PHENIX and STAR data are compatible with radiative energy loss provided the contribution of electrons from beauty decays is small compared to that from charm.Comment: 5 pages, latex, 4 eps figs included using graphicx; to appear in the proceedings of 18th International Conference on Ultrarelativistic Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions: Quark Matter 2005 (QM 2005), Budapest, Hungary, 4-9 Aug 200

    Aspects of the unitarized soft multipomeron approach in DIS and diffraction

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    We studyin detail the main features of the unitarized Regge model (CFKS), recentlyprop osed to describe the small-Q2 domain. It takes into account a two-component description with two types of unitarized contributions: one is the multiple pomeron exchange contribution, interacting with the large dipole size configurations, and the other one consists of a unitarized dipole cross section, describing the interaction with the small size dipoles. We analyze the ratio between soft and hard pieces as a function of the virtuality, and also compare the resulting dipole cross section to that from the saturation model. Diffraction dissociation is also considered, showing the scaling violations in diffractive DIS and estimating the corresponding logarithmic slope

    Multiplicity and Transverse Energy Distributions Associated to Rare Events in Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions

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    We show that in high energy nucleus-nucleus collisions the transverse energy or multiplicity distribution P_C, associated to the production of a rare, unabsorbed event C, is universally related to the standard or minimum bias distribution P by the equation PC(ν)=νP(ν)P_C(\nu)={\nu\over}P(\nu), with P(ν)=1\sum P(\nu)=1 and νET\nu\equiv E_T or n. Deviations from this formula are discussed, in particular having in view the formation of the plasma of quarks and gluons. This possibility can be distinguished from absortion or interaction of comovers, looking at the curvature of the J/ΨJ/\Psi over Drell-Yan pairs as a function of E_T.Comment: 8 pages, 4 Postscript figure

    Nuclear Parton Distributions - a DGLAP Analysis

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    Nuclear parton distributions fA(x,Q2)f_A(x,Q^2) are studied within a framework of the DGLAP evolution. Measurements of F2A/F2DF_2^A/F_2^D in deep inelastic lAlA collisions, and Drell--Yan dilepton cross sections measured in pApA collisions are used as constraints. Also conservation of momentum and baryon number is required. It is shown that the calculated Q2Q^2 evolution of F2Sn/F2CF_2^{\rm Sn}/F_2^{\rm C} agrees very well with the recent NMC data, and that the ratios RfA=fA/fR_f^A=f_A/f are only moderately sensitive to the choice of a specific modern set of free parton distributions. For general use, we offer a numerical parametrization of RfA(x,Q2)R_f^A(x,Q^2) for all parton flavours ff in A>2A>2, and at 106x110^{-6}\le x \le 1 and 2.25GeV2Q2104GeV22.25 {\rm GeV}^2\le Q^2\le 10^4 {\rm GeV}^2.Comment: Talk in Quark Matter '99, 5 pages, includes 3 eps-figure

    Production Associated to Rare Events in High Energy Hadron-Hadron Collisions

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    At very high energy the same universal relation between the multiparticle or the transverse energy distribution associated to a rare event CC, PCP_C and the corresponding minimum bias distribution P, PC(ν)ν/P(ν)P_C(\nu)\equiv \nu/ P(\nu), νn\nu\equiv n or ETE_T works for nucleus-nucleus collisions as well as for hadron-hadron collisions. This suggests that asymptotically, all hadronic processes are similar.Comment: 9 pages, 4 Postscript figure

    Saturation and parton level Cronin effect: enhancement vs suppression of gluon production in p-A and A-A collisions

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    We note that the phenomenon of perturbative saturation leads to transverse momentum broadening in the spectrum of partons produced in hadronic collisions. This broadening has a simple interpretation as parton level Cronin effect for systems in which saturation is generated by the "tree level" Glauber-Mueller mechanism. For systems where the broadening results form the nonlinear QCD evolution to high energy, the presence or absence of Cronin effect depends crucially on the quantitative behavior of the gluon distribution functions at transverse momenta kt outside the so called scaling window. We discuss the relation of this phenomenon to the recent analysis by Kharzeev-Levin-McLerran of the momentum and centrality dependence of particle production in nucleus-nucleus collisions at RHIC.Comment: 22 pages LaTex, 7 eps-figures, discussion of evolved gluon distribution revised significantl

    Counting valence quarks at RHIC and LHC

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    We consider the Nuclear Modification Ratios in heavy ion collisions, R_CP and R_AA, in the region of intermediate transverse momentum, and study the dependency upon the constituent quark composition of the observed hadron. Adopting a two component recombination/fragmentation model, validated by experimental information from STAR and PHENIX, we show that a clear distinction is predicted for the f0(980) between the assumptions of ssˉs\bar s or diquark-antidiquark content.Comment: 14 pages, 11 eps figures, added figures and minor corrections, to appear in Phys. Lett.