174 research outputs found

    La Universidad y su crítica. Movimiento estudiantil, reforma universitaria y mercado de trabajo (1975-2003)

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    La universidad ha sido siempre objeto de la crítica social. El propósito de este artículo es ofrecer un breve repaso histórico a las distintos discursos críticos con la institución universitaria en su relación con las funciones sociales de la educación superios y su capacidad para animar el movimiento estudiantil.The University has been one of the historicals objects of social critique. The pourpuse of this article is to offer a historical brief of critical rethoriques of the universitary institution relay on its social functions and his hability to promote student movement

    Das spanische Modell

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    Prior to the debacle of 2008,Spain’s economy was an object of particular admiration for Western commentators. In thecontext of the global crisis, however, Spain has been hovering on the brink of classification asa case for Eurozone bail-out, following Greece, Ireland and Portugal. We borrow from RobertBrenner’s concept of ‘asset-price Keynesianism’ in order to analyse the recent crash of theSpanish economy as well as its social and political consequences. The bursting of the Spanishbubble has torn the veil from a highly polarized social order, with a large proportion of thepopulation deep in debt, many out of work and dependent on public services doubly hit byspending cuts and privatization.Prior to the debacle of 2008,Spain’s economy was an object of particular admiration for Western commentators. In thecontext of the global crisis, however, Spain has been hovering on the brink of classification asa case for Eurozone bail-out, following Greece, Ireland and Portugal. We borrow from RobertBrenner’s concept of ‘asset-price Keynesianism’ in order to analyse the recent crash of theSpanish economy as well as its social and political consequences. The bursting of the Spanishbubble has torn the veil from a highly polarized social order, with a large proportion of thepopulation deep in debt, many out of work and dependent on public services doubly hit byspending cuts and privatization

    Economic spill and conflicts in the guilds of Indians in the Province of Tlaxcala, XVII and XVIII Centuries

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    Las cofradías de naturales en la provincia de Tlaxcala, durante la colonia, fueron un espacio de maniobra colectiva de la población indígena frente al sistema español, cuyo análisis permite apreciar conflictos y tensiones así como la capacidad negociadora de los indios frente a ese sistema. Su relevancia fue acorde a su solvencia económica, y la administración de sus recursos estuvo marcada por los embates de intereses españoles, la intervención de la autoridad eclesiástica y los conflictos en su interior. No obstante, la capacidad negociadora de esta corporación indígena fue lo suficientemente fuerte para mantener cierto grado de autonomía frente a la secularización de las parroquias y el reformismo borbónico-episcopal.The native brotherhoods in the province of Tlaxcala, during the colonial period, were a space of collective maneuver of the indigenous population facing the Spanish system, and its review allows to appreciate conflicts and tensions, as well as the negotiating capacity of the native people relating that system. Its relevance was in line with its economic solvency, and the administration of its resources was marked by Spanish interests, the intervention of ecclesiastical authority and internal conflicts. However, the negotiating capacity of this indigenous corporations was strong enough to maintain certain degree of autonomy versus the secularization of the parishes and the Bourbon-Episcopal reformism

    Disrupted functional connectivity in adolescent obesity

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    Background/objective: Obesity has been associated with brain alterations characterised by poorer interaction between a hypersensitive reward system and a comparatively weaker prefrontal-cognitive control system. These alterations may occur as early as in adolescence, but this notion remains unclear, as no studies so far have examined global functional connectivity in adolescents with excess weight. Subjects/methods: We investigated functional connectivity in a sample of 60 adolescents with excess weight and 55 normal weight controls. We first identified parts of the brain displaying between-group global connectivity differences and then characterised the extent of the differences in functional network integrity and their association with reward sensitivity. Results: Adolescent obesity was linked to neuroadaptations in functional connectivity within brain hubs linked to interoception (insula), emotionalmemory (middle temporal gyrus) and cognitive control (dorsolateral prefrontal cortex) (pFWE < 0.05). The connectivity between the insula and the anterior cingulate cortex was reduced in comparison to controls, as was the connectivity between the middle temporal gyrus and the posterior cingulate cortex and cuneus/precuneus (pFWE < 0.05). Conversely, the middle temporal gyrus displayed increased connectivity with the orbitofrontal cortex (pFWE < 0.05). Critically, these networks were correlated with sensitivity to reward (p < 0.05). Conclusions: These findings suggest that adolescent obesity is linked to disrupted functional connectivity in brain networks relevant to maintaining balance between reward, emotional memories and cognitive control. Our findings may contribute to reconceptualization of obesity as a multi-layered brain disorder leading to compromised motivation and control, and provide a biological account to target prevention strategies for adolescent obesity

    Translation and Test-Retest of the Spanish Podiatry Health Questionnaire (PHQ-S)

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    Background: The Podiatric Health Questionnaire (PHQ) is a health-related questionnaire consisting of six questions designed for measuring foot health status. To date, the PHQ has only been validated in the English-language version. Thus, this study aimed to perform the Spanish translation and test-retest procedures of the PHQ (PHQ-S). Method: The forward/backward translation and test-retest reliability methods were applied from English to Spanish languages. Regarding the total score for each domain, internal consistency and reliability were determined by the Cronbach α and intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) with a confidence interval (CI) of 95%. Results: High internal consistency was shown for the six domains: (1) walking with a Cronbach α of 0.97; (2) hygiene and nail care with 0.93 and 093, respectively; (3) foot pain with 0.91; (4) worry and concern domain with 0.904; (5) quality of life with 0.87; and (6) the self-perception of how their feet are feeling measured by a visual analogic scale with 0.92. Excellent test-retest reliability (ICC = 0.99 (95% CI = 0.96-0.98)) was shown for the total score. Conclusions: The PHQ-S was shown to be a valid and reliable tool for an acceptable use in the Spanish population

    Fibularis tertius muscle in women & men: A surface anatomy cross-sectional study across countries

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    [Abstract] The fibularis tertius muscle (FTM) is a rare anatomic variation. The prevalence of this exclusively human structure, which is found in the anterior compartment of the leg, is often underestimated, and it is believed that foot and ankle conditions are more difficult to manage in patients with an FTM. The aim of this study was to assess the presence of the FTM palpation and determine whether its presence is associated with an individual’s sex, because the exact prevalence in males and females is unclear. An observational cross-sectional study was carried out. The study included 481 people (23.49% men and 76.51% women) with a mean age of 23.51±5.369 years, who were recruited from a Podiatric Medicine and Surgery Clinic (Spain). Data on routine demographic and clinical factors were recorded, and the presence or absence of the FTM was determined based on surface visual or palpated localization of the tendon (using a consistent protocol). The FTM was present in 38.25% (184/481) of the participants. Furthermore, FTM were present in 38.6% (142/481) of females and 37.2% (42/481) of males. The study revealed that the presence of the FTM varies between individuals and does not depend on an individual’s sex. Significant differences in the prevalence of the FTM between countries should be carefully evaluated rather than generalizing the results of this Spanish study to other non-Spanish populations. Larger numbers of participants should be enrolled in future studies in order to meet the statistical criteria

    Comparison of Lateral Abdominal Musculature Activation During Expiration With an Expiratory Flow Control Device Versus the Abdominal Drawing-in Maneuver in Healthy Women : A Cross-Sectional Observational Pilot Study

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    The purpose of the present study was to quantify and compare lateral abdominal musculature thickness, including the transverse abdominis (TrA), internal oblique (IO), and external oblique (EO) muscles, via rehabilitative ultrasound imaging (RUSI) during the use of the expiratory flow control device (EFCD) versus the classic abdominal drawing-in maneuver (ADIM). Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional observational pilot study. Twenty-one women were recruited and assessed the thickness of each muscle (TrA, IO, and EO) by ultrasound imaging at rest, during the ADIM, and during expiration with the EFCD. Waist circumference was also measured under the same circumstances. Results: Statistically significant differences were observed between ADIM, EFCD, and at rest condition for the thickness of the TrA (p = 0.001) and IO (p = 0.039). Moreover, statistically significant differences for TrAb at rest compared with the ADIM (p = 0.001, Cohen's d = 2.183) and at rest and with the EFCD (p = 0.001, Cohen's d = 2.843). In addition, between ADIM and EFCD were not statistically significant, although a moderate effect size was found (p = 0.055, Cohen's d = 0.694). For the IO muscle thickness, significant differences were reported between the EFCD and at rest (p = 0.038), Cohen's d = 0.081). Conclusions: Significant differences in the increase of the thickness of the TrA and IO muscles during the use of the EFCD and the ADIM with respect to rest. In addition, for the TrA, statistically significant differences were found during expiration with the EFCD with respect to the ADIM. Expiration with EFCD can be a useful method for the activation of the TrA

    Current understanding of the diagnosis and management of the tendinopathy: An update from the lab to the clinical practice

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    [Abstract] Tendinopathy is labeled by many authors as a troublesome, common pathology, present in up to 30% medical care con- sultations involving musculoskeletal conditions. Despite the lasting interest for addressing tendon pathology, current re- searchers agree that even the exact definition of the term tendinopathy is unclear. Tendinopathy is currently diagnosed as a clinical hypothesis based on the patient symptoms and physical context. One of the main goals of current clinical management is to personalize treatment approaches to adapt them to the many different needs of the population. Tendons are complex structures that unite muscles and bones with two main objectives: to transmit forces and stor- age and release energy. Regarding the tensile properties of the tendons, several authors argued that tendons have higher tensile strength compared with muscles, however, are con- sidered less flexible. Tendinopathy is an accepted term which is used to indicated a variety of tissue conditions that appear in injured tendons and describes a non-rupture damage in the tendon or para- tendon, which is intensified with mechanical loading Even when the pathoetiology of tendinopathy is unclear, there is a wide array of treatments available to treat and manage tendinopathy. Although tendinitis usually debuts with an in- flammatory response, the majority of chronic tendinopathies do not present inflammation and so the choosing of treat- ment should vary depending on severity, compliance, pain and duration of symptoms. The purpose of this article is to review and provide an overview about the currently research of the tendon diagno- sis, management and etiology