549 research outputs found

    Seyresse – Piqueport, Tartas, Vieux-Bourg

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    Identifiant de l'opĂ©ration archĂ©ologique : 025074 Date de l'opĂ©ration : 2007 (EX) Dans le cadre d’un projet de lotissement, sis aux lieux-dits « Piqueport », « Tartas », « Vieux-Bourg », une opĂ©ration de diagnostic archĂ©ologique a portĂ© sur une superficie de 10,6 ha. Sur le plan archĂ©ologique, aucun site n’est localisĂ© dans l’emprise du projet immobilier. En revanche, la commune de Seyresse constitue, avec celles de Tercis-les-Bains et d’Oeyreluy un territoire d’implantation humaine dense et ..

    Saint-Astier – Le Roudier-Ouest

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    Identifiant de l'opĂ©ration archĂ©ologique : 025200 Date de l'opĂ©ration : 2007 (EX) Dans le cadre d’un projet de construction d’un bĂątiment industriel et ses amĂ©nagements annexes sis au lieu-dit Le Roudier-Ouest, (section AM, parcelles 242p, 541p, 81, 80, 243p, 456, 545, 543p, 455, 463.), une opĂ©ration de diagnostic archĂ©ologique a Ă©tĂ© effectuĂ©e les 26 et 27 janvier 2006. Le projet du futur bĂątiment prend place sur un terrain de 51 780 mÂČ. Le conducteur de ce projet est l’entreprise ISOA isolat..

    Flow of emotional messages in artificial social networks

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    Models of message flows in an artificial group of users communicating via the Internet are introduced and investigated using numerical simulations. We assumed that messages possess an emotional character with a positive valence and that the willingness to send the next affective message to a given person increases with the number of messages received from this person. As a result, the weights of links between group members evolve over time. Memory effects are introduced, taking into account that the preferential selection of message receivers depends on the communication intensity during the recent period only. We also model the phenomenon of secondary social sharing when the reception of an emotional e-mail triggers the distribution of several emotional e-mails to other people.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, submitted to International Journal of Modern Physics

    ConsequĂȘncias Psicossociais na Partilha de EmoçÔes em SituaçÔes Interpessoais e em Rituais Colectivos

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    A partir da teoria dos rituais colectivos (1912) de Émile Durkheim e baseando-se em exemplos prĂĄticos – os atentados do 11 de Março em Madrid, ou os rituais gacaca no Ruanda – Bernard RimĂ©, psicĂłlogo e investigador da Universidade de Lovaina, BĂ©lgica, analisa as consequĂȘncias psicossociais da partilha de emoçÔes em situaçÔes interpessoais e em rituais colectivos.Building upon Durkheim’s (1912) theory of collective rituals and upon practical exemples – gacaca rituals in Rwanda – Bernard RimĂ©, psychologist and researcher at the University of Louvain, Belgium, analises the psychosocial consequences of sharing emotions in interpersonal situations and collective rituals

    Transitional Justice Processes, Shared Narrative Memory about Past Collective Violence and Reconciliation

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    Perceptions of the “Truth and Reconciliation” and “Political Imprisonment and Torture” commissions and related beliefs, emotions and socio-emotional climate were analyzed in population affected and unaffected by past political violence in Chile (N=1278). Those with a positive evaluation of commissions’ goal of creation of an inclusive narrative, by comparison to people that disagree report higher negative emotions such as shame, as well as positive ones such as pride and hope by respect to collective past, agree more with social forgiveness, stress more learning of past collective misdeeds, perceives a more positive emotional climate, intergroup trust, confidence in institutions – however they did not share more universalistic values. A positive evaluation of the commissions’ goal of helps to prevent violence, supports justice and to know the truth about past collective violence, low exposure to past political violence, low negative emotions and high positive emotions predict positive socio-emotional climate in multiple regression analyses. Results suggest that commissions play a relatively successful role as transitional justice rituals, reinforcing reconciliation, but that the creation of an inclusive narrative or shared collective memory is less successful and less relevant that the preventive, helps to justice and to know the truth TC’ s functions

    Perceived Emotional Synchrony in Collective Gatherings: Validation of a Short Scale and Proposition of an Integrative Measure

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    Over the past decade, there has been an increasing interest in the relationship between participation in collective gatherings and rituals and different important psychosocial variables and processes, such as social sharing of emotions, group cohesion, identity fusion, prosocial tendencies and behaviors, and well-being (e.g.,Rime, 2009;Xygalatas et al., 2013;Khan et al., 2015;Paez et al., 2015). These studies, coming from different lines of research, have proposed diverse explanatory mechanisms to explain the positive social and psychological effects of collective gatherings. In the present article, we focus on one of these mechanisms, known as collective effervescence, emotional communion, emotional entrainment, or perceived emotional synchrony (PES). First, we briefly discuss current conceptions of the emotional states and experience during collective gatherings and what they bring to the definition of PES. We close this point by proposing an integrative definition of PES. Second, structural validity of the original PES scale is examined. Third, incremental validity of PES is examined in two longitudinal studies, particularly with respect to well-being. Finally, we propose an integrative short form of the PES Scale, which measures antecedents and behavioral effects of collective effervescence.This research was supported by the Spanish Ministry of the Economy and Competitiveness [under Grant PSI2017-84145-P], the Basque Government [under Grant IT-1187-19], Postdoctoral Research Grant ESPDOC18/33 granted to LZ, and FONDECYT Iniciacion 11190980 granted to AW
