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    AYU RAHAYU, The Correlation Between Type A Personality With Employee Job Satisfaction at PT. Rajawali Citra Televisi Indonesia (RCTI). Thesis, Jakarta. Studies Program Commerce Education, Department of Economics and Administration, Faculty of Economics, State University of Jakarta, June 2013. This study aims to determine the relationship between type A personality and job satisfaction in employees of PT. RCTI. The research was conducted at PT. Rajawali Televisi Citra Indonesia (RCTI), for four months from March 2013 to June 2013. The research method used was a survey method with the correlational approach. Population in this research is the production employees of PT. RCTI which personality type A. The sampling technique used was simple random technique as many as 44 people. The resulting regression equation is Y = 69.52 + 0.330 X. Test requirements analysis is the normality test on the estimated error of regression Y on X with Liliefors test result Lhitung = 0.071, while Ltabel for n = 44 at significance level of 0.05 is 0.133. Because Lhitung F, ie 10.99> 4.07, meaning that the regression equation significantly. Correlation coefficient of Pearson Product Moment generating rxy = 0.455, later tested the significance of the correlation coefficient using the t test and the resulting t = 3.32 and t table = 1,68. It can be concluded that the correlation coefficient rxy = 0.455 is significant. The coefficient of determination obtained for 20.75% 20.75% which indicates that job satisfaction is determined by personality type A

    Pengembangan Subject Specific Pedagogy (SSP) Berbasis Model learning Cycle untuk Meningkatkan Keterampilan Proses dan Pemahaman Konsep Fisika Materi Alat Optik Bagi Peserta Didik Kelas X SMA

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    pembelajaran learning cycle yang dikembangkan untuk meningkatkan keterampilan proses dan pemahaman konsep fisika peserta didik, (2) kelayakan SSP berbasis model pembelajaran learning cycle yang dikembangkan, (3) mengetahui pengaruh SSP berbasis berbasis model pembelajaran learning cycle terhadap keterampilan proses sains peserta didik, serta (4) mengetahui pengaruh SSP berbasis berbasis model pembelajaran learning cycle terhadap pemahaman konsep fisika peserta didik. Metode penelitian yang digunakan merupakan modifikasi dari model R&D Borg and Gall dan model 4D Thiagarajan dan terdiri dari tahapan: (1) pendefinisian, (2) perencanaan, (3) pengembangan, dan (4) diseminasi terbatas. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di SMA Kolombo Yogyakarta dengan subjek pada uji coba terbatas sebanyak 20 orang dan pada uji coba lebih luas sebanyak 35 orang. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan pedoman wawancara, lembar validasi untuk ahli, lembar keterlaksanaan pembelajaran, lembar tes, dan lembar angket untuk peserta didik. Masukan terhadap SSP dan temuan di lapangan juga digunakan sebagai dasar perbaikan SSP pada tahap berikutnya. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan yaitu statistik deskriptif dengan rata-rata skor dan persentase serta uji beda dengan uji Mann Whitney. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan sebagai berikut. (1) SSP berbasis model learning cycle dikembangkan berdasarkan fase-fase elicit, engagement, exploration, explanation, elaboration, evaluation, dan extend. (2) SSP berbasis model learning cycle yang dikembangkan layak digunakan dalam pembelajaran Fisika SMA. (3) SSP berbasis model learning cycle dapat meningkatkan keterampilan proses sains peserta didik. (4) SSP berbasis model learning cycle yang dapat meningkatkan pemahaman konsep fisika peserta didik


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    In today's era, the use of English is needed to communicate with people at home and abroad. That way learning English is very important for us, because it makes it easier for us to communicate with people in the world. English as a foreign language has four skills. They speak, listen, write and read. This means that listening, speaking, reading and writing require mastery of a broad vocabulary. Vocabulary mastery is an important part of learning a foreign language. Communication will be successful or not depending on the accurate understanding of vocabulary. Where in learning English students cannot listen, speak, read and write well if they do not know vocabulary and one word correctl

    Pengembangan Ssp Berbasis Model Learning Cycle untuk Meningkatkan Keterampilan Proses dan Pemahaman Konsep Fisika

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan: (1) bentuk SSP berbasis model learning cycle yang dikembangkan untuk meningkatkan keterampilan proses dan pemahaman konsep, (2) kelayakan SSP,(3) pengaruh SSP terhadap keterampilan proses, serta (4) pengaruh SSP terhadap pemahaman konsep.Metode penelitian yang digunakan merupakan modifikasi model R&D dan 4D serta terdiri dari tahapan: pendefinisian, perencanaan, pengembangan, dan diseminasi terbatas. Penelitian dilaksanakandi SMA Kolombo Yogyakarta dengan subjek uji coba terbatas 20 orang dan uji coba lapangan 35 orang. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan pedoman wawancara, lembar validasi, lembar keterlaksanaan pembelajaran, lembar tes, dan lembar angket. Teknik analisis data menggunakan statistik deskriptif dengan rata-rata skor dan persentase serta statistic uji beda mann whitney. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: (1) SSP berbasis model learning cycle dikembangkan berdasarkan fase-faseelicit, engagement, exploration, explanation, elaboration, evaluation, dan extend. (2) SSP layak digunakan dalam pembelajaran. (3) SSP dapat meningkatkan keterampilan proses. (4) SSP dapat meningkatkan pemahaman konsep peserta didik


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    Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah biaya iklan dan biaya promosi berpengaruh positif terhadap volume penjualan mobil avanza pada PT. Hadji Kalla cab. Alauddin dan untuk menentukan variabel apakah yang paling berpengaruh terhadap volume penjualan mobil Toyota pada PT. Hadji Kalla cab. Alauddin di Kota Makassar. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis data Sekunder yaitu data berbentuk catatan atau dokumentasi perusahaan berupa data biaya iklan, biaya promosi dan data penjualan mobil avanza tahun 20122016 (Data Bulanan ). Populasi penelitian ini adalah seluruh data laporan biaya iklan, biaya promosi dan penjualan mobil avanza selama 5 tahun terakhir (2012-2016) pada PT. Hadji Kalla cab. Alauddin di Kota Makassar. Adapun variabel penelitiannya adalah biaya iklan, biaya promosi dan volume penjualan mobil avanza yang dimiliki oleh PT. Hadji Kalla cab. Alauddin di Kota Makassar, data yang diperoleh kemudian di olah dengan analisis regresi linear bergandadengan menggunakan Statistical Product and Standar Solution (SPSS) v21. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa variabel biaya promosi menjadi pertimbangan utama terhadap volume penjualan mobil avanza pada PT. Hadji Kalla cabang Alauddin di Kota Makassar. Kata Kunci : Biaya Iklan, Biaya Promosi, Volume Penjuala

    The Use of Pictures Series as Teaching Media to Improve Student’s Writing Ability. Ayu Sri Rahayu 117010041

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    The title of this research is “The Use of Picture Series as Teaching Media to Improve Student’s writing Ability. It is written to be submitted to The English Department of Pasundan University. The participants of the study are students class XI IPA 2 of SMA Khadimul Ummah Parongpong. Academic year 2015/2016. The objective of this study is to investigate the use of picture series in teaching writing narrative text in class XI IPA 2 of SMA Khadimul Ummah Parongpong. The writer uses the class action research to observe the teaching learning process. During the study, the writer divided the test in three times, which are pre-test, summative test and post test. All test is done in pre action and two cycles. The writer observed the teacher who implemented the picture series as teaching media during teaching learning process. The findings in the study has given improvement to the student’s writing ability. It can be seen from the score of pre-test which is 58, 47 and the score of post test which is 79, 93. Based on the recapitulation of pre- test and post test, the gain of pre-test to post test is 21, 47. This score has indicated an improvement. The result also shows that the student’s average score in post test has achieved of KKM or Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimum that specified by an English Teacher in SMA Khadimul Ummah. The KKM is 73 and student’s score average in post test is 79, 93. Media is one of the important things which supports the teaching learning process. Hence, the use of Picture series become an alternative media in improving student’s writing ability. Hopefully this improvement can increase student capacity in writing, because writing is one of skills that should be mastered by the student. Key Words: Picture series, Narrative text, student’s writing ability

    Aplikasi Biomolekuler di Dunia Perunggasan Khususnya Itik

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    Artikel Aplikasi Biomolekuler di Dunia Perunggasan Khususnya Itik bertujuan untuk melakukan pendekatan biomolekuler melalui deteksi berdasarkan polimorfisme DNA. Peternak dapat menghasilkan bibit itik dengan genetik yang unggul sehingga produktivitas itik akan semakin tinggi dibanding sebelumnya. Metode yang digunakan adalah deskriptif berdasarkan referensi pustaka dari beberapa literatur yang telah dipelajari terkait aplikasi biomolekuler di dunia Perunggasan khususnya itik. Kemampuan produksi itik dipengaruhi oleh kemampuan genetik yang dimilikinya, semakin tinggi kemampuan genetik yang dimiliki semakin tinggi pula kemampuan produksi yang dihasilkan apabila didukung oleh faktor lingkungan yang optimal (sesuai dengan kebutuhan). Pendekatan biomolekuler melalui deteksi berdasarkan polimorfisme DNA memungkinkan untuk memilih itik dengan genetik unggul, karena setiap individu memiliki susunan genetik yang berbeda-beda. Metode analisis untuk mengindentifikasi keragaman genetik secara molekuler pada beberapa jenis spesies unggas dapat dilakukan dengan Randomly Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD), Polymerase Chain Reaction-Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (PCR-RFLP), analisis sidik jari (finger printing), minisatelit (VNTR atau Variable Number Tandem Repeat), mikrosatelit (STR atau Short Tandem Repeat) dan Analisis DNA mitokondria. Kesimpulan dari artikel ini adalah biomolekuler mempermudah peternak dalam pemeliharaan unggas khususnya itik dan efisiensi biaya dalam pemeliharaan


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    KEMAL’S INFIDELITY AND ITS INFLUENTIAL FACTOR IN ORHAN PAMUK’S THE MUSEUM OF INNOCENCE Ayu Setya Rahayu English Department, Language and Arts Faculty, State University of Surabaya [email protected]     Drs. Much. Khoiri M.Si. English Department, Language and Arts Faculty, State University of Surabaya [email protected]     Abstract  Infidelity is defined as unfaithfulness of being unreliable or being attracted to someone other than one relationship partner. There are two types of infidelity, emotional and sexual infidelity. What constitutes an act of infidelity varies within cultures and depends on the type of relationship that exists between people.This study is aimed to present infidelity as experinced by Kemal  as the main character in Orhan Pamuk’s The Museum of Innocence, and to reveal the most influential factor of his infidelity.The study uses descriptive qualitative research with psychoanalitic approach. The object of the study is The Museum of Innocence by Orhan Pamuk, published in New York by vintage books in 2009. The data are in the form of quotation, fragments, and dialogues or monologues that indicated the thoughts and action concerning form of infidelity, and also its most influential factor. The data is analyzed by applying the theory of infidelity by Dirgosta and Barta, and also the most influential factor of it. This study also uses the theory of love and will by Rollo May to reveal his influential factor that lead to his infidelity based on the concept above and the quotation depicted in the novel.The result of this study shows thatKemal, the main character of this novel, commits both sexual and emotional infidelity. Initially, he becomes emotionally connected with someone outside of his relationship named Fusun. One way of looking at emotional infidelity is, that it is very dangerous, because it is not only takes away time and energy from his relationship, but it  lead him to sexual infidelity and to the end of his engagement. Andthe main factors of Kemal’s infidelity represented from this novel is he falls in love with someone else named Fusun. Actually, this novel is story of love of Kemal and Fusun, then his feeling of love that prompted him to take an action in certain direction which can realize his purpose of love. Because in love, there is definitely a will to unite with beloved people, then it gives rise a boost in his heart to betray his fiancee.   Keywords: Infdelity, love, will, novel Abstrak Perselingkuhan didefinisikan sebagai ketidaksetiaan, diandalkan atau tertarik pada orang lain di luar dari pasangannya . Ada dua jenis perselingkuhan , perselingkuhan emosional dan seksual . Yang merupakan suatu tindakan perselingkuhan bervariasi dalam budaya dan tergantung pada jenis hubungan yang ada antara manusia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyajikan perselingkuhan yang di alami oleh Kemal sebagai sebagai tokoh utama dalam novel berjudul The Museum of Innocence karya Orhan Pamuk, dan untuk mengungkap faktor yang paling berpengaruh dalam perselingkuhannya.Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dengan pendekatan psikoanalisis . Objek penelitiaan ini adalah novel The Museum of Innocence karya Orhan Pamuk , yang diterbitkan di New York oleh vintage books tahun 2009 . Data tersebutdi peroleh dalam bentuk kutipan , fragmen , dan dialog atau monolog yang menunjukkan pemikiran dan tindakan mengenai bentuk perselingkuhan Kemal dan juga faktor yang paling berpengaruh. Data dianalisis dengan menerapkan teori perselingkuhan oleh Dirgosta dan Barta untuk mengungkapkan refleksi penggambaran perselingkuhan Kemal dan juga faktor yang paling berpengaruh. Penelitian ini juga menggunakan teori cinta dan keinginan oleh Rollo May untuk mengungkapkan faktor paling berpengaruh yang mengarah pada perselingkuhan yang didasarkan pada konsep di atas dan kutipan yang digambarkan dalam novel. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Kemal , tokoh utama dalam novel ini , melakukan perselingkuhan baik seksual mapun emosional . Awalnya , ia menjadi terhubung  secara dengan seseorang di luar hubungannya,  bernama Fusun . Salah satu cara untuk melihat perselingkuhan emosional adalah , bahwa sangat berbahaya , karena tidak hanya menghilangkan waktu dan energi dari hubungannya sebelumnya , namun  membawanya ke perselingkuhan seksual, hingga merusak pertunangannya  dengan Sibel. Dan faktor utama perselingkuhan oleh Kemal yang tergambar dalam novel ini adalah ia jatuh cinta dengan orang lain bernama Fusun . Sebenarnya , novel ini adalah kisah cinta Kemal dan Fusun , maka perasaannya cinta yang mendorongnya untuk mengambil tindakan dalam arah tertentu yang dapat mewujudkan tujuan cintanya . Karena di dalam cinta , pasti ada keinginan untuk bersatu dengan orang-orang yang di cintainya, kemudian memberikan dorongan  dalam hatinya untuk mengkhianati tunangannya . Kata kunci: Infidelity, love, will, novel     Introduction Within the context of intimate relationships, infidelity has been defined as a partner’s violation of norms pertaining to the level of emotional or physical intimacy in which people engaged in outside the relationship (Drigotas & Barta, 2001:45). In the currentera,many strange phenomena appear and done by society. One of the interesting behavior in humansare donetoday is infidelity and that is very oftenaround environment. Not only household commit infidelity, but also in interpersonal relationship. The phenomenon of infidelity is dominant on the socioeconomic statu sof middle to top, especially in big cities. Moreover, the problem of infidelity is often atrigger forvarious cases of divorce or even murder. There are two kinds of infidelity that occurs in today's modern society, the emotional and sexual infidelity.Emotional infidelity in channeling emotional feeling for someone outside the relationship or marriage, whilesexual infidelity isi having sexual intercourse outside of relationship or marriage.The case of emotional infidelity begin when two beings of different sex, begin exchange of information, and the feelings that it was actually supposed to be feel just exclusive for partner. And started to be worse when there is no excitement and keep the distance with ypartner and  began to yearn to talk to someone else, rather than the one romantic partners. The climax it will past the limit and begin to emerge  the real problem in the relationship that shouldn’t happen, that’s secrets and lies. And when the lie begins,it will difficult to stop. Then, sexual infidelity is just waiting for the right moment. Talking about infidelity, nobody can remove it from the word "love", because if the lovethat isbuilt with the previous couple is strong and sturdy, then the affair could have been avoided. Love is a natural thingin human life. Love is a basic human emotion, but understanding how and why it happens is not necessarily easy. In fact, for a long time, many people suggested that love was simply something that they couldn't understand. Accoding to Erich Fromm, to love somebody is not just a strong feeling, but it is a decision, it is a judgement, and it is a promise,if love were only a feeling there would be no basis for the promise to love each other forever (McGee G. Mark, 1980:208).It means that if the love is just relying on feeling, without the underlying on bond and the sacred promise, as well as the commitment to be together forever, then that love won’tlast long. Psychologist Rollo May proposed that romantic love is made up of four elements: sex, eros, philia, and agape.In conclusion, adult personal relationships containing four forms of love, this relationship based on the sexual satisfaction, a desire for eternal unification and non egoistic concern for the welfare of others. But unfortunately, this kind of authentic love quite difficult to accomplish. At the same time, love  hint of tenderness, passion, commitment, and devote themselves to the beloved personal interests, from there, love gives rise to will, the will is an impulse that comes from love, where lover have a will to unite with people they love (May, 1969: 146). In this case, if the love for partneris not strong enough to keep the relationship in order to survive and also the lack of commitment and promise, then sometime there will arise a feeling of love to others, and if the love is greater than the old partner, then the infidelity could happen. In literature like novel, many of whichraised issue of infidelity, where in novel, is related to the human's emotion and expression of feeling, Including ideas, motivation, and describe it by using language. Novel also has people or characters with their own personalities that can represent and act to carry issues that occur in the society. Morover, the dispositive of characters is described in outline only and the events described, contains a mental conflict, which resulted in a change of fortunes.   A novel TheMuseum of Innocence by Orhan Pamuk has many sources in culture, love, social, combined into a variety of events and actions. The Museum of Innocence by Orhan Pamuk also depicts infidelity between a rich man and a poor shop girl, in the background of the Turkish city which at that time was experiencing modernization. These issues of infidelity in the background of love willbe discussed in more interesting and more complex from a variety of perspectives in one character. Orhan Pamuk was born in Istanbul in 1952 and grew up in a large family similar to those which he describes in his novels Cevdet Bey and His Sons and The Black Book, in the wealthy westernised district of Nisantasi. As he writes in his autobiographical book Istanbul, from his childhood until the age of 22 he devoted himself largely to painting and dreamed of becoming an artist. After graduating from the secular American Robert College in Istanbul, he studied architecture at Istanbul Technical University for three years, but abandoned the course when he gave up his ambition to become an architect and artist. He went on to graduate in journalism from Istanbul University, but never worked as a journalist. At the age of 23 Pamuk decided to become a novelist, and giving up everythingnelsenretreatednintonhisnflatnandnbeganntonwrite.                  His first novel Cevdet Bey and His Sons was published seven years later in 1982. The novel is the story of three generations of a wealthy Istanbul family living in Nisantasi, Pamuk's own home district. The novel was awarded both the Orhan Kemal and Milliyet literary prizes. The following year Pamuk published his novel The Silent House, which in French translation won the 1991 Prix de la dĂ©couverte europĂ©ene. The White Castle(1985) about the frictions and friendship between a Venetian slave and an Ottoman scholar was published in English and many other languages from 1990 onwards, bringing Pamuk his first international fame. The same year Pamuk went to America, where he was a visiting scholar at Columbia University in New York from 1985 to 1988. It was there that he wrote most of his novel The Black Book, in which the streets, past, chemistry and texture of Istanbul are described through the story of a lawyer seeking his missing wife. This novel was published in Turkey in 1990, and the French translation won the Prix France Culture. The Black Book enlarged Pamuk's fame both in Turkey and internationally as an author at once popular and experimental, and able to write about past and present with the same intensity. In 1991 Pamuk's daughter RĂĽya was born. That year saw the production of a film Hidden Face, whose script by Pamuk was based on a one-page story in The Black Book.       His novel The New Life, about young university students influenced by a mysterious book, was published in Turkey in 1994 and became one of the most widely read books in Turkish literature. My Name Is Red, about Ottoman and Persian artists and their ways of seeing and portraying the non-western world, told through a love story and family story, was published in 1998. This novel won the French Prix du meilleur livre Ă©tranger, the Italian Grinzane Cavour (2002) and the International IMPAC Dublin literary award (2003). From the mid-1990s Pamuk took a critical stance towards the Turkish state in articles about human rights and freedom of thought, although he took little interest in politics. Snow, which he describes as “my first and last political novel” was published in 2002. In this book set in the small city of Kars in northeastern Turkey he experimented with a new type of “political novel”, telling the story of violence and tension between political Islamists, soldiers, secularists, and Kurdish and Turkish nationalists. Snow was selected as one of the best 100 books of 2004 by The New York Times. In 1999 a selection of his articles on literature and culture written for newspapers and magazines in Turkey and abroad, together with a selection of writings from his private notebooks, was published under the title Other Colours. Pamuk's most recent book, Istanbul, is a poetical work that is hard to classify, combining the author's early memoirs up to the age of 22, and an essay about the city of Istanbul, illustrated with photographs from his own album, and pictures by western painters and Turkish photographers.   Orhan Pamuk’s books have been translated into 46 languages, including Georgian, Malayan, Czech, Danish, Japanese, Catalan, as well as English, German and French. Pamuk has been awarded The Peace Prize, considered the most prestigious award in Germany in the field of culture, in 2005. In the same year, Snowreceived the Le Prix MĂ©dicis Ă©tranger, the award for the best foreign novel in France. Again in 2005, Pamuk was honoured with the Richarda Huck Prize, awarded every three years since 1978 to personalities who “think independently and act bravely.” In the same year, he was named among world’s 100 intellectuals by Prospectmagazine. In 2006, TIME magazine chose him as one of the 100 most influential persons of the world. In September 2006, he won the Le Prix MĂ©diterranĂ©e Ă©tranger for his novel Snow. Pamuk is an honorary member of the American Academy of Arts and Letters, and holds an honorary doctorate from Tilburg University. He is an honorary member of the American Academy of Arts and Letters as well as the Chiese Academy for Social Sciences. Pamuk gives lectures once a year in Columbia University. Lastly, he received the 2006 Nobel Prize for Literature, becoming the second youngest person to receive the award in its history.   Apart from three years in New York, Orhan Pamuk has spent all his life in the same streets and district of Istanbul, and he now lives in the building where he was raised. Pamuk has been writing novels for 30 yearsnandnneverndonenanynothernjobnexceptnwriting.(http://www.orhanpamuk.net/biography.aspx)   The Museum of Innocence is the latest Orhan Pamuk’s novel, published on August, 2009.Pamuk has been working on the novel for many years and it has been hinted by himself in many interviews during this period. The story, which takes place in Istanbul between 1975 and today, is about obsessive love and the great questionof  what is love. This colorful and fabulous novel will not only challenge the reader’s thoughts about love, but also those about marriage, sex, passion, family, friendship, and happiness. The story begin with the apparent narrator named Kemal who is engaged to be married to Sibel. Kemal is a rich man when he by chance encounters a long-lost relation, Fusun, a young shopgirl whose beauty stirs all the passion denied him in a society where sex outside marriage is taboo.  But Kemal, a young man with high passion has several times having sex with Sibel, and of course it is also more likely to do so with Fusun. Kemalwho really falls in love with Fusun,goes ahead anyway with his long-planned engagement to perfect partner Sibel, then Fusun disappears. Kemal finally breaks off with Sibel, finds Fusun, waits eight years for her to dump her  husband (by going to her family’s home some four times a week).  In relationship, there will be many problems. The union of two different people, usually can cause contention and eventually lead to big problems. Feelings of love, affection, understanding, and accepting shortcomings of couple, is the very need in a relationship. Because according to psychologist Erich Fromm in his book The art of loving (2006:99) love is an essential of human need. That is, if theneed love is not fullfilled it will cause the problems.In this novel, Kemal who had been engaged to a woman with equal social class with him, women withwell education and from a wealthy family, it seems perfect to be his life partner. Kemal eventually leaveshis fiancĂ©e in order to pursue his dream to be unite with Fusun.The infidelity issues in the novel has the most significant cause,Kemal  lack of affection to his fiancee, so that makes him fall in love with another woman. This novel begin at Istanbul in 1975. Kemal is a rich and engaged man But when Kemal encounters FĂĽsun, a poor beautiful shopgirl and a distant relation, he becomes enthralled. And once they violate the code of virginity, when sex before married considerd as taboo at that time. The firsttime hemetwithFusunwaswhenhe boughtjennycolon bag tohis fiancee, sibel, an upper-class beautiful girl. The city of Intanbul is captured by pamuk with a romantic touch, sturdy apartments of the  rich man, once supported. The lovers met in Merhamet Apartments, in a flat abandoned by his mother. He dated his first secret meeting with Fusun to the spring of 1975. At that time, Pamuk initially planned Kemal to marry Sibel, a fashionable young woman with enlightened views of life, she goes without limits enlightened with Kemal. Love becomes the main motive, when someone can destroy virginity code. Fusun ends their relationship when she learns of Kemal’s engagement  with Sibel. But Kemal cannot forget her.  It will take Kemal almost a year to find her again, a year of driving through every neighbourhood of the enormous city, months of heavy drinking in which he loses all interest in Sibel, even after they move in together. Sibel hopes to save him from what seems an inexplicable sadness, and learning the truth enrages her. To her, FĂĽsun is just "a common shopgirl", a slut, even though they have each only slept with one man.   Both sexual and emotional infidelity bound this novel. How kemal lie and keep his secret relationship to sibel, while he loves someone else and having sexual intercourse with Fusun. Psychologist Rollo May defines love into various types, such as sex, eros, philia, and agape. Sex is defined in category where someone loves another person just because of an underlying sexual appetite. Eros is defined as a lover which includes not only sexual intimacy, but also the feeling of love, attention, care so as to make the relationship last. Philia is defined as a sincere friendship, while gape is defined as selfless feeling or don’t expecting reward (Jess Feist and Gregory J. Feist, 2009:58-59). In the case of Kemal in this novel, his love for Sibel  does not meet all of four elements above, thus making their relationship is not too strong to survive. Then he finds Fusun, and feel the perfect love.   In analyzing Kemal’s infidelity and the most influential factor, it is used some related concept and one theory. In this thesis, the problem statement is divided into two. The first problem statement deals with how Kemal’s infidelityreflected in this novel. While the second problem deals with the most influential factor of Kemal’s infidelity. Those problems can be analysed by using the psychological  approach as the base of the guide and theory.   The first statement is how Kemal’s infidelity reflected in The Museum of Innocence. This statement will use the concept of infidelity by American psycologyst, Dirgostra and Barta. This concept is united and merged with the bases of  marital or extramarital relationship. There are two kinds of infidelity in this concept. The writer will analyses which kind of infidelity that Kemal uses through the quotations and monologues.   Then the second statement is what is the most influential factor of Kemal’s infidelity. This statement will also apply the concept of infidelity factor. Actually, the are a lot of  infidelity factos, but the writer only use one factor that tha most represent based on quotation in this novel. The factor is love.So, ithe writer will use the theory of love and will that become the most influential factor of Kemal’s infidelity. This concept is developed by existential psychologyst, Rollo May. It is about the unity between love and will, this circles of love and will is however affected to his infidelity.   Methods   Research methodolgy that used in this analysis here must be qualified as an applying in literary appreciation. The thesis is regarded as a descriptive-qualitative study and uses a library research..The data obtained to answer research question study. This study uses novel of Orhan Pamuk entitled The Museum of Innocence that published in 2009 as the data source of this study. The datas are in the form of direct and indirect speech of the characters, dialogues, epilogues and quotations which indicate and represent aspect of infidelity and love and will which is experienced by the main char


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    Sefi Atta as one of Nigerian famous writers has made an honorable literary work entitled Everything Good Will Come. Atta was trying to portray the life of men and women under a patriarchal society. Women that are regarded as second class citizens are being oppressed by the superior class, in this case, men are taking the part as their oppressor. This study will focus on revealing how oppression is happened to female characters, done by male characters. Irish M. Young’s founding will be used to identify different types of oppression that are experienced by women. Young divides oppression into five structures; exploitation, marginalization, powerlessness, cultural imperialism, and violence. The analysis exposes that the events in the novel indicate the existence of oppression that comes across each female character in the novel, per character might face a different combination of oppression’s structures. Other than oppression, this study will also unveil women’s attempts to liberate themselves from oppression. Since Nigeria still strongly embraces patriarchal culture, a patriarchal theory will be applied, a theory coined by Sylvia Walby will come as an assist to reveal how women are living in a patriarchal society which can be the source of their repressions. Walby also points out her arguments about several egressions that women can do to free themselves from patriarchy. Some of Walby’s commentaries will be applied to this study as guidance to name the female characters’ struggles such as do the decision-making for their own lives, education, career improvisation, and divorcement to fight against male supremacy.   Keywords: Oppression, Patriarchy, Liberation, Radical Feminism. &nbsp


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    Penelitian ini merupakan rancangan perangkat pembelajaran berupa Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP), bahan ajar, media pembelajaran dan instrumen penilaian berbasis metode role playing (bermain peran) bertujuan untuk meningkatkan keterampilan berbicara siswa kelas IV Sekolah Dasar. Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi oleh kurangnya keterampilan berbicara siswa, berdasarkan hasil observasi di Kelas IV dari salah satu sekolah dasar negeri di Kota Bandung. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian deskriptif dengan metode Delphi. Pengumpulan data menggunakan lembar kesepakatan yang memuat kriteria penilaian untuk rancangan perangkat pembelajaran. Selanjutnya, dilakukan validasi oleh ahli bidang pendidikan mengenai kesesuaian dan kelayakan rancangan perangkat pembelajaran ini untuk diimplementasikan di kelas IV Sekolah Dasar. Berdasarkan hasil temuan, kedua ahli sudah menyepakati bahan ajar, media pembelajaran dan instrumen pembelajaran. Namun, dalam RPP ada beberapa komponen yang kurang disepakati yaitu indikator, tujuan pembelajaran, langkah-langkah pembelajaran dan lembar evaluasi. Peneliti kemudian melakukan perbaikan dan melakukan validasi hingga dua kali. Hasil akhir rancangan perangkat pembelajaran berupa RPP, bahan ajar, media pembelajaran dan instrumen penilaian, menerangkan bahwa ahli menyepakati rancangan perangkat pembelajaran berbasis metode role playing dengan dua belas langkah yang dikembangkan peneliti; (1) Membagi kelompok (2) Memotivasi semangat kelompok (3) Mempersiapkan media untuk menunjang role playing (4) Mempersiapkan pengamat (siswa dan guru) (5) Membagi peran (6) Membaca naskah bermain peran didalam hati (7) Membaca naskah bermain peran dengan nyaring (8) Pemeranan (9) Mendiskusikan hasil pengamatan (10) Menyampaikan hasil pengamatan untuk menjadi bahan evaluasi (11) Mengkaji amanat role playing (12) Mengkaji kemanfaatannya dalam kehidupan nyata, untuk meningkatkan keterampilan berbicara sesuai dan layak dimplementasikan di Kelas IV sekolah dasar. Kata Kunci : perangkat pembelajaran, role playing, keterampilan berbicara. LESSON PLAN DESIGN BASED ON ROLE PLAYING METHOD TO IMPROVE SPEAKING SKILLS 4TH GRADE ELEMEMTARY SCHOOL STUDENTS (Descriptive Research On The 4TH Grade Of Elementary School) Oleh: Ayu Imas Rahayu 1605064 ABSTRACT This research is lesson plan design in the form of a lesson plan (RPP), teaching materials, learning media and assessment instruments based on the role playing method which aims to improve the speaking skills of 4th grade elementary school students. The background of the research is the students' poor speaking skill based on the observation result of 4th grade students in one of public elementary schools in Bandung. This research is a descriptive research using the Delphi method. Data collection uses an agreement sheet which contains the assessment criteria for the lesson plan design. Then, the validation is carried out by educational experts regarding the suitability and feasibility of the design of this lesson plan design to be implemented in 4th grade elementary schools. Based on the result form of two education experts’ validation, the two experts have agreed on teaching materials, learning media and learning instruments. However, in the lesson plan (RPP) there are several components that are less agreed upon,those are of indicators, learning objectives, learning steps and learning evaluation sheets. The researcher then make improvements to be validated a second time. The final result of this lesson plan design is the expert agree that the lesson plan design based on the role playing method with with twelve steps developed by the researcher; (1) dividing the group (2) motivating the spirit of the group (3) ) Preparing media to support role playing (4) Preparing observers (students and teachers) (5) Dividing roles (6) Reading role playing scripts in the heart (7) Reading role playing scripts aloud (8) Acting (9) Discussing the results of observations (10) Delivering observations to become material for evaluation (11) Assessing the mandate of role playing (12) Assessing its usefulness in real life, to improve speaking skills is appropriate and feasible to be implemented in 4th grade of elementary schools. Keywords : lesson plan design, role playing, speaking skills
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