124 research outputs found

    Tongue Image Analysis for Diabetes Mellitus Diagnosis Based on SOM Kohonen

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    Tongue diagnosis is an important diagnostic method for evaluating the condition of internal organ by looking at the image of tongue . However, due to its qualitative, subjective and experience-based nature, traditional tongue diagnosis has a very limited application in clinical medicine. Moreover, traditional tongue diagnosis is always concerned with the identification of syndromes rather than with the connection between tongue abnormal appearances and diseases. This is not well understood in Western medicine, thus greatly obstruct its wider use in the world. In this paper, we present a novel computerized tongue inspection method aiming to address these problems. First, two kinds of quantitative features, chromatic and textural measures, are extracted from tongue images by using popular digital image processing techniques. Then, SOM Kohonen are employed to model the relationship between these quantitative features and diseases. The effectiveness of the method is tested on 35 patients affected by Diabetes Mellitus as well as other 30 healthy volunteers, and the diagnostic results predicted by the previously trained SOM Kohonen classifiers are compared with the HOMA-B


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    Introduction: VAP is life-threatening complications for each patient treated in the ICU, especially those using tracheal tube and/or ventilator. The purpose of this literature review is to determine the effect of VAP Bundle (oral hygiene) in the prevention of VAP in patients with mechanical ventilation. Method: The search strategy in English and Indonesian studies relevant to the topic predetermined, performed by accessing the database, ProQuest Research Library and Google scholar with the keywords of VAP Bundle, Oral Hygiene, accured Ventilator Pneumonia. Result: After a simple analysis of the titles and abstracts of only five articles that fit inclusion criteria. VAP Bundle Care particular oral hygiene continue improving through the latest facts regarding appropriate interventions in preventing VAP. Various nursing interventions can be done in particular to prevent the occurrence of VAP, and based on an article that explored that with antiseptic oral hygiene is the most effective intervention for the prevention of VAP. Discussion: This research is expected to increase awareness of nurses as care providers in preventing the occurrence of VAP in patients on mechanical ventilation. Key words: Ventilator Acquired Pneumonia (VAP), VAP bundle, oral hygiene, patient on mechanical ventilatio

    Color Clustering in the Metal Inscription Images Using ANFIS Filter

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    Ancient inscriptions are historical records of the past age made on stone or metal media. Currently many ancient inscriptions were damaged because it is too long buried in the ground. This research is the first step to repairing the damaged inscription using Image processing. Efforts to restorations using color clustering with ANFIS method are an early stage to perform letters segmentation in the ancient inscription. The Results of ANFIS clustering method are compared to the spatial fuzzy clustering method (SFCM). The clustering performance measurement is done by measuring root mean square error (RMSE). From RMSE measurements, the average values obtained with ANFIS clustering method is smaller 21.80% than with SFCM. This means there is an increase in clustering performance with ANFIS method compared to SFCM.

    Aplikasi Telekardiologi untuk Mobile Android Dilengkapi Sensor ECG

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    Jantung berfungsi memompa darah ke seluruh bagian tubuh. Kelainan pada kesehatan jantung memliki akibat fatal bahkan kematian. Kematian karena penyakit jantung menyumbang jumlah kasus kematian terbanyak di dunia. Kita dapat memonitoring kesehatan detak jantung untuk mendeteksi penyakit jantung sejak dini. Pada Tugas Akhir ini kami mengimplementasikan sistem telekardiologi. Telekardiologi yang kami terapkan adalah membuat aplikasi android untuk mengambil data sinyal ECG dari sebuah alat dengan arduino yang dilengkapi Bluetooth HC-05 dan AD8232. Dengan menggunakan sensor AD8232, arduino dapat memproses sinyal ECG yang kemudian akan dikirim secara serial menggunakan modul bluetooth HC-05 menuju aplikasi android. Aplikasi berfungsi mengirimkan sinyal ECG kepada dokter spesialis jantung sehingga dokter dapat mendiagnosa sinyal ECG pasien tanpa harus mengecek pasien dengan bertemu secara langsung. Aplikasi dilengkapi fitur chat dengan dokter agar pasien dapat berkonsultasi jarak jauh


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    Tujuan dari pembuatan Desain Sistem Pengisian Daya pada Baterai Portabel Berbasis Panel Surya adalah untuk mengoptimalkan potensi energi matahari menjadi potensi sumber energi listrik dan untuk mengurangi penggunaan energi listrik yang bersumber dari PLN. Sistem ini menggunakan Panel Surya sebesar 20Wp, dengan menggunakan konverter Buck step down, dan konverter Buck CC/CV. Waktu pengujian dilakukan dari pukul 08.00 — 14.00 WIB dengan rata-rata waktu pengambilan data sekitar 30 — 40 menit. dengan kondisi cuaca cerah dan berawan. Dari hasil pengujian, diperoleh waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk mengisi perangkat baterai portabel adalah 5 jam 15 menit dan dapat mengisi perangkat handphone sebesar 91% dari kapasitas total 1960 mAh selama 2 jam 20 menit

    The Development of Smart Hospital Masterplan for Teaching Hospital

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    In the digital and intelligent era, all organization including hospital should transform their bussiness process from manual and paper-based activities to automatic and paperless one to become a so-called Smart Hospital. However, the development of IT services in hospital are considered not optimal due to the absence of guidelines and a foundation in its implementation. This guideline of Smart Hospital Master Plan will be the basis for implementing the concept of smart hospitals, which in practice will manage health services based on Information Technology. Furthermore, this Smart Hospital Master Plan approach applies the COBIT 5 framework to obtain guaranteed value and benefits of smart hospital implementation at the hospital. Three main activities in COBIT 5 that will use in assessing IT support for improving the quality of health services in this teaching hospital, namely evaluation, direction, and supervision

    MPR selection to the OLSR quality of service in MANET using minmax algorithm

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    Optimized link state routing (OLSR) is a routing protocol that has a small delay, low traffic control, support the application of denser networks, and adopts the concept of multipoint relays (MPR). The problem of OLSR is routing table updating which continually causes excessive packet delivery, and energy consumption becomes increased. This article proposes the improvement of OLSR performance using the min-max algorithm based on the quality of service (QoS) with considering the density of the node. The Min-max algorithm works in selecting MPR nodes based on the largest signal range. The QoS parameters analyzed with a different number of nodes are packet delivery ratio (PDR), throughput, delay, energy consumption, and topology control (TC). Simulation result of network simulator version 2 (NS-2) shows that OLSR performance using the min-max algorithm can increase PDR of 91.17%, packet loss of 60.77% and reduce topology control packet of 8.07%, energy consumption of 16.82% compared with standard OLSR
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