Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya

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    9716 research outputs found

    The Effect of Honey Administration on The Histopathology of The Duodenum of Wistar Rats as a Inhibition of The Toxic Effects of Borax (Sodium tetraborate)

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    Background: Borax can result in oxidative stress and cause the onset of gastrointestinal ulcerations that will dampen the duodenal villi to become shorter and can even disappear. Cell damage due to oxidative stress can be prevented by administering antioxidants. Antioxidants will inhibit the onset of chain reactions in the formation of free radicals by complementing the existing electron deficiency. Honey is one of the natural ingredients that is rich in antioxidants and part of thibbun Nabawi as one of the inhibitors of the toxic effects of borax. Objective : The purpose of this study is to to analyze the effect of honey administration on the histopathological description of submucosa and epithelial mucosa of duodenal wistar rats as an inhibitor of the toxic effects of borax (Sodium tetraborate). Methods: This study used the true experimental method with Post Test Only Control Group Design using 25 mice which will be divided into five groups, namely K (negative control), P (positive control), M1 (borax and honey dose 1), M2 (borax and honey dose 2), M3 (borax and honey dose 3). This study was conducted for 22 days then. Took the duodenal organ on all samples and then made histological preparations with HE staining. Observations were made with an Olympus microscope to see submucosal edema and damage to the epithelium of the duodenal mucosa. Results: The results of the study found that borax 26 mg / head / day had an influence on the histopathological picture of duodenal borax. In addition, the administration of honey dose 75 mg / Kg BB provides a toxic inhibitory effect of borax in the duodenum best among other treatment groups. However, statistically there was no effect of honey administration on the histopathological picture of the duodenum of wistar rats as an inhibitor of the toxic effect of borax (Sodium Tetraborate) with p˃0.05. Conclusion: Statistically it can be concluded that there is no effect of the administration of honey on the histopathology picture of the duodenum of wistar rats as an inhibitor of the toxic effects of borax (Sodium tetraborate)


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    Masa Nifas adalah masa keluarnya plasenta sampai alat reproduksi kembali pulih seperti sebelum hamil, namun masih ditemukan proses involusi tidak berjalan dengan normal, involusi uterus dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor antara lain IMD. Inisiasi Menyusus Dini (IMD) merupakan salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi Involusi uterus karena pada saat bayi menyusu terjadi rangsangan yang mengeluarkan hormon oksitosin yang berfungsi mempercepat proses pengecilan uterus. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk “Mengetahui Hubungan Antara IMD Inisiai Menyusu Dini (IMD) Dengan Involusi Uteri. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu Analitik Kuantitatif dengan pendekatan cross sectional dengan variabel Independent yaitu IMD dan variabel dependent Involusi Uteri. Populasi nya yaitu ibu nifas hari ke 3 dengan jumlah sampel sebesar 30 responden. Teknik yang digunakan Probability sampling dengan tipe Simple Random sampling, diolah dengan menggunakan Editing, Coding, Processing, Cleanning, Tabulating dan di Uji Statistik menggunakan Uji Chi_Square. Hasil penelitian didapatkan hampir seluruhnya ibu nifas (83,33) berhasil dilakukan IMD dan hampir seluruhnya (76,66%) involusi normal. Berdasarkan SPSS Uji Chi_Squere menunjukkan hasil p=0,004 tingkat sig α=0,005 maka H0 di tolak yang berarti terdapat hubungan antara IMD dengan involusi uteri. Simpulan dari penelitian ini bahwa terdapat hubungan antra Inisiasi Menyusu Dini (IMD) dengan Involusi Uteri pada Ibu post partum hari ke 3 di PMB Sudiarti Sidoarjo. Dirapkan agar Bidan sudiarti tetap memberikan pendidikan tentang IMD pada ibu mulai masa kehamilan sampai masa nifas

    Nonpharmacological Pain Management (Audiovisual Media) Reduces Pain Scale In Toddlers With Applying Infusion

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    Studies have continued to highlight that in hospitalized children inadequate pain management is a frequent occurrence. Applying infusion being in hospital can be a painful and frightening experience for children and their parents. Pain that is not treated has a physical and psychological impact on the child. Action is needed to reduce pain, both pharmacological and non-pharmacological actions. One of the non-pharmacological actions that can be done easily in toddlers is the distraction technique with audiovisual media. This study aims to determine the effect of distraction techniques with audiovisual media on the pain scale in a toddler when infusion in Surabaya Hospital. The study design was a quasi-experimental post-test only design with a sample of 36 toddlers who were treated in the emergency room at the Hospital in Surabaya with systematic random sampling. The independent variable in this study is the distraction technique with audiovisual media and the dependent variable is the pain scale at the time of infusion. Data were analyzed using the Mann-Whitney test of significance α=0.05. The results of the study showed that of 36 toddlers, namely 18 children in the experimental group and 18 children in the control group. Pain during infusion in children is measured directly using the VAS scale from Wong-Baker and the FLACC scale. Mann Whitney test results with significance level α=0.05 obtained the value of P=0.016 using the VAS scale and the value of P=0.029 using the FLACC scale which means that there is an influence of distraction techniques with audiovisual media on the pain scale in a toddler when Applying infusion. The technique of distraction with audiovisual media during infusion has significantly affected the scale of pain, Toddler who are infusion given distraction techniques have a lower pain scale when compared who are not treated

    Living experiences of people living with HIV-AIDS from the client’s perspective in nurseclient interaction in Indonesia: A qualitative study

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    Background Nurse–client interaction when providing nursing services is limited to optimizing treatment and self-care, with limited focus on the psychological problems of people living with HIV-AIDS. However, psychological problems manifest more often than the health risks of the disease itself. This study aimed to determine the emotional response of people living with HIV-AIDS who received limited attention from nurses from the perspective of nurse–client relationship. Patients and methods A phenomenological qualitative design was used through in-depth face-to-face interviews in a semi-structured manner, in an effort to obtain complete data. This research used purposive sampling with Participatory Interpretative Phenomenology analysis, involving 22 participants (14 males and 8 females). Results This research produces several themes, with six subcategories: 1) Difficulty of social access, 2) Forcing to accept their situation and suppressing their will, 3) Wanting to be recognized like other people in general, 4) Social stigma and self-stigmatization affecting surroundings, 5) Lacking enthusiasm for life expectancy, 6) Always lingering under the shadow "when death picks up." Conclusion The results showed that mental stress was experienced more than physical problems by people living with HIV-AIDS, thus prompting new changes to nursing services for HIV-AIDS patients that emphasize psychosocial aspects, in addition to clinical features, facilitated by satisfying relationships between nurses and clients to provide quality services

    Profile of Stroke Patients with COVID-19 at Rumah Sakit Islam Surabaya Jemursari, Indonesia

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    Background: Stroke is the number one cause of death in Indonesia, in America stroke is also the number one cause of disability. In COVID-19, most patients experience mild to moderate respiratory symptoms, and need no specific treatment. However, in some patients with comorbidities such as cardiovascular, diabetes mellitus, chronic respiratory disease, and malignancy, it often gives serious manifestation. Objective: This study aimed to profile of stroke patients with COVID-19 at Rumah Sakit Islam Surabaya Jemursari, Indonesia. Method: The type of this research was observational retrospective research. We used all the stroke patient hospitalized at Rumah Sakit Islam Surabaya Jemursari from April to December 2020 that confirmed the diagnosis of COVID-19. We used the general data, data of clinical symptoms, blood pressure, head CT-scan findings, and laboratory findings the data of participants was collected. The data showed as number (frequency) and percentage. Results: The patient’s average age of 57 years, male was common; patients with hypertension were often seen in the comorbidities; ischemic strokes were by far the most prevalent form; subcortical regions were the most frequent location of stroke based on the CT scan. The results of head CT showed that 91.7% of patients had an ischemic stroke and 8.3% of patients had a hemorrhagic stroke. Conclusions: The stroke patients with COVID-19 and hospitalized at Rumah Sakit Islam Surabaya Jemursari, Indonesia have an average age of 57 year, and most of the patient was male. Comorbid hypertension was commonly observed in this study. Based on the type of stroke, ischemic was the most common manifestation and subcortical regions were the most frequent location


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    Saat ini BEM FEBTD UNUSA belum mempunyai sistem informasi berbasis web, dan hanya mengandalkan penyampaian informasi dan dokumentasi melalui media sosial yaitu instagram. Adapun kekurangannya yaitu pengurus tidak bisa memanajemen jadwal hingga informasi progres setiap program kerja. Hal ini menyebabkan terbatasnya informasi yang dapat diketahui oleh civitas akademik tentang program kerja dari tahun ke tahun. Oleh karena itu, dibutuhkan media yang dapat mengelola program kerja BEM FEBTD UNUSA. Adapun tahapan metodologi yang digunakan yaitu, identifikasi masalah, analisis kebutuhan website, desain website, pembuatan website, pengujian website, dan analisa pengujian website. Hasil dari penelitian ini yakni terbentuknya website BEM FEBTD UNUSA dan pengurus dapat memanajemen jadwal program kerja dengan baik, memberikan informasi kegiatan, profil organisasi, memfasilitasi berbagai keperluan penelusuran berita, pengumuman info penting, dan galeri dokumentasi kegiatan. Pengujian dilakukan dengan Black Box Testing dan Usability Testing. Persentase kesuksesan Black Box Testing dengan 117 Test Case adalah 100%. Sedangkan hasil pengujian dari Usability Testing menunjukkan bahwa menurut admin dan pembina sangat setuju jika website mudah digunakan, cepat, dapat diingat, tidak ditemukan error, dan puas ketika digunakan. Sedangkan menurut pengurus dan pengunjung setuju jika jika website mudah digunakan, cepat, dapat diingat, tidak ditemukan error, dan puas ketika digunakan

    Femoral Cartilage Thickness in Knee Osteoarthritis Patients and Healthy Adults: An Ultrasound Measurement Comparison

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    Background. Currently, conventional radiography is still widely used to diagnose knee osteoarthritis and assess the grade according to Kallgren and Lawrence’s criteria. Ultrasound is a simple, inexpensive, noninvasive, and dynamic modality for evaluating femoral cartilage (FC) thickness. This study aims to measure the FC thickness in knee osteoarthritis (OA) patients and compare it to healthy adults using ultrasound assessment. Methods. An observational study with a cross-sectional design was conducted at the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation of Hajj General Hospital, Surabaya, Indonesia, from May to July 2022. Participants radiologically diagnosed with OA were included in the study and assigned to the OA group. Meanwhile, healthy adults without knee symptoms were included in the control group. FC thickness was measured using ultrasound scans at three sites: medial condyle (MC), intercondylar (IC), and lateral condyle (LC) on both sides of the knee. Results. The mean age in the OA and control groups was 61.03 ± 8.6 and 33.93 ± 14.7 years, respectively. Most participants in both groups were female. The OA group exhibited a thinner FC (1.49–1.63 mm) than the control group (1.68–1.87 mm). There was a significant difference in the mean of the right and left MC in both groups () but no significant difference in the IC and LC. Conclusion. OA patients exhibited a thinner FC than healthy adults in the control group. There was a significant difference in the mean thickness of the MC between groups


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh hard skill, soft skill dan motivasi kerja terhadap kesiapan kerja mahasiswa program studi akuntansi Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya di era society 5.0. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data primer. Jenis penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif. Objek dalam penelitian merupakan mahasiswa program studi akuntansi Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya. Populasi penelitian ini 218 mahasiswa. Metode pengambilan sampel menggunakan purposive sampling dengan sampel yang terdiri dari 53 mahasiswa. Pengolahan data dalam penelitian ini mengunakan SPSS versi 25. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa variabel hard skill berpengaruh positif terhadap kesiapan kerja mahasiswa akuntansi, soft skill tidak berdampak terhadap kesiapan kerja mahasiswa akuntansi dan motivasi kerja tidak berdampak terhadap kesiapan kerja mahasiswa akuntansi

    Skin response to lipopolysaccharide-induced sepsis based on histology

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    Introduction: The skin is the largest organ of the human body. Sepsis is a serious disease and causes multi-organ damage, with a high cause of death. however, the mechanism by which sepsis can damage the skin structure is not clear. This study aimed to investigate skin damage in a lipopolysaccharide-induced endotoxemia (LPS) model widely used in mice. Methods: This study used an experimental design with a control group that was randomized solely for the post-test. White mice (Mus musculus), the study's population, made up this group. LPS injection for 4 hours (LPS+4h, n=4), LPS injection for 8 hours (LPS+8h, n=4), and control group (Ctrl group, n=4) were randomly assigned to mice. The SPSS ver. 25 statistical analysis program was used. One-Way ANOVA was used to compare more than three sets of data, and Tukey's multiple comparison test was used to assess the results. The p-value of 0.05 was used to determine if the difference was significant. Results: Based on this study, LPS injection increased the leukocyte concentration significantly (p-value<0.05) in the 4 h and 8 h vs control group. LPS-induced sepsis decreased body weight significantly (p-value<0.05). The morphology of skin thickness in the control group was normal, according to the results of the histopathologic study of the area stained with hematoxylin and eosin. However, the thickness was decreased in mice after 4 hours and 8 injections of LPS significantly (p-value<0.05). Conclusion: LPS-induced septic mice cause damage to the skin, and changes in skin thickness due to the inflammatory process due to sepsis


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    Nyeri yang dialami pasien post sectio caesarea akibat insisi atau robekan pada continuum abdomen anterior. Akibatnya banyak ibu post SC yang mengeluh nyeri pada bagian abdomen.Tujuan dari peneliti ini adalah memberikan asuhan keperawatan pada pasien post sectio caesarea dengan masalah keperawatan nyeri akut di RSIA Kirana Taman Sidoarjo. Desain penelitian ini digunakan untuk mengeksplorasikan studi kasus dengan teknik wawancara, observasi, pemeriksaan fisik, rencana tindakan pada kedua pasien menggunakan terapi relaksasi napas dalam, melakukan evaluasi dan pendokumentasian. Peneliti menggunakan 2 pasien post sectio caesarea. Hasil studi ini didapatkan bahwa setelah dilakukan tindakan asuhan keperawatan selama 3 hari di RSIA kirana Taman Sidoarjo dengan 2 pasien post sectio caesarea dengan masalah keperawatan nyeri akut, didapatkan hasil nyeri berkurang dengan menggunakan teknik relaksasi napas dalam dan pasien dapat menerapkan secara mandiri ketika nyeri tersebut hilang timbul. Asuhan keperawatan pada kedua pasien, masalah nyeri teratasi sebagian dan bisa teratasi dalam waktu yaitu 3 hari. Tindakan keperawatan bisa dilakukan dengan farmakologis dan nonfarmakologis untuk mencegah terjadinya nyeri akut, perawat diharapkan mampu memberikan asuhan keperawatan secara maksimal kepada pasien post sectio caesarea


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