5 research outputs found

    Geochemical evidence for the link between sulfate reduction, sulfide oxidation and phosphate accumulation in a late cretaceous upwelling system

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    Background: On Late Cretaceous Tethyan upwelling sediments from the Mishash/Ghareb Formation (Negev, Israel),bulk geochemical and biomarker analyses were performed to explain the high proportion of phosphates in thelower part and of organic matter (OM) preserved in upper parts of the studied section. The profile is composed ofthree facies types; the underlying Phosphate Member (PM), the Oil Shale Member (OSM) and the overlying MarlMember (MM). Results: Total organic carbon (TOC) contents are highly variable over the whole profile reaching from 0.6% in theMM, to 24.5% in the OSM. Total iron (TFe) varies from 0.1% in the PM to 3.3% in the OSM. Total sulfur (TS) rangesbetween 0.1% in the MM and 3.4% in the OSM, resulting in a high C/S ratio of 6.5 in the OSM section. A meanproportion of 11.5% total phosphorus (TP) in the PM changed abruptly with the facies to a mean value of only 0.9% in the OSM and the MM. The TOC/TOCOR_{OR} ratios argue for a high bacterial sulfate reduction activity and in addition, results from fatty acidanalyses indicate that the activity of sulfide-oxidizing activity of bacteria was high during deposition of the PM,while decreasing during the deposition of the OSM. Conclusions: The upwelling conditions effected a high primary productivity and consequently the presence of abundant OM. This, in combination with high sulfate availability in the sediments of the PM resulted in a higher sulfide production due to the activity of sulfate-reducing bacteria. Iron availability was a limiting factor during the deposition of the whole section, affecting the incorporation of S into OM. This resulted in the preservation of a substantial part of OM against microbial degradation due to naturally-occurring sulfurization processes expressed by the high C/S ratio of 6.5 in the OSM. Further, the abundant sulfide in the pore water supported the growth of sulfide-oxidizing bacteria promoting the deposition of P, which amounted to as much as 15% in the PM. These conditions changed drastically from the PM to the OSM, resulting in a significant reduction of the apatite precipitation and a high concentration of reactive S species reacting with the OM

    Excited singlet states of "hairpin" polyenes

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    The synthesis and UV-visible, polarized-fluorescence and MCD spectra of 6 U-shaped hairpin polyenes (e.g., I) are reported. Qual. arguments and results of p-electron calcns. permit the identification of 4 excited singlet states and their assignment to mixts. of singly and doubly excited configurations. The hairpin polyenes represent a link between the all-trans-polyenes on the 1 hand and the annulenes and acenes on the other; they have the topol. of the former and a geometry near that of the latter

    Evidence for specific adaptations of fossil benthic foraminifera to anoxic-dysoxic environments

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    It has generally been argued that the majority 8 of fossil benthic foraminifera, the most common proxy for paleo bottom oceanic conditions, could not tolerate anoxia. Here we present evidence that fossil foraminifera were able to successfully colonize anoxic–dysoxic bottom waters, by using adaptations similar to those found in living species. Our study is based on a multi-proxy micropaleontological and geochemical investigation of the Upper Cretaceous sediments from the Levant upwelling regime. A shift from buliminid to diverse trochospiral dominated assemblages was recorded in an interval with a distinct anoxic geochemical signature coinciding with a regional change in lithology. This change was triggered by an alteration in the type of primary producers from diatoms to calcareous nannoplankton, possibly causing modifications in benthic foraminiferal morphological and physiological adaptations to life in the absence of oxygen. Our data show that massive blooms of triserial (buliminid) benthic foraminifera with distinct apertural and test morphologies during the Campanian were enabled by their ability to sequester diatom chloroplasts and associate with bacteria, in a similar manner as their modern analogs. Diverse trochospiral forms existed during the Maastrichtian by using nitrate instead of oxygen for their respiratory pathways in a denitrifying environment. Species belonging to the Stilostomellidae and Nodosariidae families might have been affected by the change in food type arriving to the seafloor after the phytoplankton turnover at the Campanian/Maastrichtian boundary, in a similar manner as their mid-Pleistocene descendants prior to their extinction. This study promotes the need for a re-evaluation of the current models used for interpreting paleoceanographic data and demonstrates that the identification of adaptations and mechanisms involved in promoting sustained life under anoxic-dysoxic conditions should become a standard in faunal paleoceanographic studies.status: publishe

    Chronostratigraphy of the Upper Cretaceous high productivity sequence of the southern Tethys, Israel

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    The Levantine high productivity sequence is a product of an extensive upwelling system that operated in the Late Cretaceous along the SE Tethyan margin. This system resulted in the deposition of a unique sequence of carbonate, chert, porcellanite, phosphorite and organic-rich (oil shale) sediments in a series of basins located proximally and marginally to the upwelling center. This study presents a detailed and updated chronostratigraphic framework for the high productivity sequence in Israel based on eight sections covering a NeS cross section of w90 km. The Shefela Basin (central Israel) represents the thickest and the most complete penetrated stratigraphic interval of the oil shale deposits in Israel. The newly drilled Aderet borehole in the Shefela Basin provided a continuous core record coupled with high quality geophysical well logs and was used in this study as a ‘type-section’ for the detailed chronostratigraphic scheme of the high productivity sequence. A total of 23 datum levels were recognized using planktic and benthic foraminiferal biostratigraphy, lithostratigraphy and gamma ray well log markers. The varying lithostratigraphic units (containing chert, phosphate, porcellanite and organic-rich carbonates) of the more proximal basins of southern Israel (Negev) were individually correlated to specific horizons within the monotonous organic-rich carbonates of the distal setting of the Shefela Basin. The first occurrence of the Late Cretaceous organic-rich carbonates in Israel is documented in the Negev during the late Coniacian, within the upper Dicarinella concavata Zone, and corresponds chronologically to the upper part of the lower Menuha Formation. The regional unconformity around the Santonian/Campanian boundary was found to be less substantial at the distal localities in comparison to the proximal ones. The distinct appearance of the ‘Mishash Tongue’ chert in the Shefela was correlated to the massive Chert Member (Mishash Formation) in the Negev, and assigned to the middle Campanian. Deposition of the overlying phosphate series spans from the lower Contusotruncana plummerae to the base of the Pseudoguembelina palpebra Zones (78.3e71.7 Ma) and co-occurs in both proximal and deeper distal areas, although in a much lesser magnitude in the latter. The top of the phosphatic unit is marked by a regional unconformity. The oil shale deposits in southern Israel coincide with the 100 m richest TOC interval (average of 15.2 wt.% TOC) in the Shefela. The diminishing phase of organic-rich deposition occurred in a diachronous step-wise manner across Israel, from the top of the P. palpebra Zone to the upper part of the Abathomphalus mayaroensis Zone in southern and central Israel, respectively. This indicates that the full duration of the high productivity sequence in Israel spans approximately 19 myr.publisher: Elsevier articletitle: Chronostratigraphy of the Upper Cretaceous high productivity sequence of the southern Tethys, Israel journaltitle: Cretaceous Research articlelink: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cretres.2014.04.006 content_type: article copyright: Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.status: publishe

    Life cycle assessment: Blazing a trail for bioresources management

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