99 research outputs found

    Estimating the Undercoverage of a Sampling Frame due to Reporting Delays

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    One of the imperfections of a sampling frame is miscoverage caused by delays in recording real- life events that change the eligibility of population units. For example, new units generally appear on the frame some time after they came into existence and units that have ceased to exist are not removed from the frame immediately. We provide methodology for predicting the undercoverage due to delays in reporting new units. The approach presented here is novel in a business survey context, and is equally applicable to overcoverage due to delays in reporting the closure of units. As a special case, we also predict the number of new-born units per month. The methodology is applied to the principal business register in the UK, maintained by the Office for National Statistics. <br/

    A Search for Distant Galactic Cepheids Toward l=60

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    We present results of a survey of a 6-square-degree region near l=60, b=0 to search for distant Milky Way Cepheids. Few MW Cepheids are known at distances >~ R_0, limiting large-scale MW disk models derived from Cepheid kinematics; this work was designed to find a sample of distant Cepheids for use in such models. The survey was conducted in the V and I bands over 8 epochs, to a limiting I~=18, with a total of ~ 5 million photometric observations of ~ 1 million stars. We present a catalog of 578 high-amplitude variables discovered in this field. Cepheid candidates were selected from this catalog on the basis of variability and color change, and observed again the following season. We confirm 10 of these candidates as Cepheids with periods from 4 to 8 days, most at distances > 3 kpc. Many of the Cepheids are heavily reddened by intervening dust, some with implied extinction A_V > 10 mag. With a future addition of infrared photometry and radial velocities, these stars alone can provide a constraint on R_0 to 8%, and in conjunction with other known Cepheids should provide good estimates of the global disk potential ellipticity.Comment: 18 pages, 4 tables, 13 figures (LaTeX / AASTeX

    Weakly- and Semi-Supervised Panoptic Segmentation

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    We present a weakly supervised model that jointly performs both semantic- and instance-segmentation -- a particularly relevant problem given the substantial cost of obtaining pixel-perfect annotation for these tasks. In contrast to many popular instance segmentation approaches based on object detectors, our method does not predict any overlapping instances. Moreover, we are able to segment both "thing" and "stuff" classes, and thus explain all the pixels in the image. "Thing" classes are weakly-supervised with bounding boxes, and "stuff" with image-level tags. We obtain state-of-the-art results on Pascal VOC, for both full and weak supervision (which achieves about 95% of fully-supervised performance). Furthermore, we present the first weakly-supervised results on Cityscapes for both semantic- and instance-segmentation. Finally, we use our weakly supervised framework to analyse the relationship between annotation quality and predictive performance, which is of interest to dataset creators.Comment: ECCV 2018. The first two authors contributed equall

    Prozone Masks Elevated Sars-Cov-2 Antibody Level Measurements

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    We report a prozone effect in measurement of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein antibody levels from an antibody surveillance program. Briefly, the prozone effect occurs in immunoassays when excessively high antibody concentration disrupts the immune complex formation, resulting in a spuriously low reported result. Following participant inquiries, we observed anomalously low measurement of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein antibody levels using the Roche Elecsys® Anti-SARS-CoV-2 S immunoassay from participants in the Texas Coronavirus Antibody Research survey (Texas CARES), an ongoing prospective, longitudinal antibody surveillance program. In July, 2022, samples were collected from ten participants with anomalously low results for serial dilution studies, and a prozone effect was confirmed. From October, 2022 to March, 2023, serial dilution of samples detected 74 additional cases of prozone out of 1,720 participants\u27 samples. Prozone effect may affect clinical management of at-risk populations repeatedly exposed to SARS-CoV-2 spike protein through multiple immunizations or serial infections, making awareness and mitigation of this issue paramount

    The Shape and Scale of Galactic Rotation from Cepheid Kinematics

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    A catalog of Cepheid variables is used to probe the kinematics of the Galactic disk. Radial velocities are measured for eight distant Cepheids toward l = 300; these new Cepheids provide a particularly good constraint on the distance to the Galactic center, R_0. We model the disk with both an axisymmetric rotation curve and one with a weak elliptical component, and find evidence for an ellipticity of 0.043 +/- 0.016 near the Sun. Using these models, we derive R_0 = 7.66 +/- 0.32 kpc and v_circ = 237 +/- 12 km/s. The distance to the Galactic center agrees well with recent determinations from the distribution of RR Lyrae variables, and disfavors most models with large ellipticities at the solar orbit.Comment: 36 pages, LaTeX, 10 figure

    The Monitor project: JW 380 -- a 0.26, 0.15 Msol pre main sequence eclipsing binary in the Orion Nebula Cluster

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    We report the discovery of a low-mass (0.26 +/- 0.02, 0.15 +/- 0.01 Msol) pre-main-sequence eclipsing binary with a 5.3 day orbital period. JW 380 was detected as part of a high-cadence time-resolved photometric survey (the Monitor project) using the 2.5m Isaac Newton Telescope and Wide Field Camera for a survey of a single field in the Orion Nebula Cluster (ONC) region in V and i bands. The star is assigned a 99 per cent membership probability from proper motion measurements, and radial velocity observations indicate a systemic velocity within 1 sigma of that of the ONC. Modelling of the combined light and radial velocity curves of the system gave stellar radii of 1.19 +0.04 -0.18 Rsol and 0.90 +0.17 -0.03 Rsol for the primary and secondary, with a significant third light contribution which is also visible as a third peak in the cross-correlation functions used to derive radial velocities. The masses and radii appear to be consistent with stellar models for 2-3 Myr age from several authors, within the present observational errors. These observations probe an important region of mass-radius parameter space, where there are currently only a handful of known pre-main-sequence eclipsing binary systems with precise measurements available in the literature.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    In Situ Fe and S isotope analyses in pyrite from the 3.2 Ga Mendon Formation (Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa): Evidence for early microbial iron reduction

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    International audienceOn the basis of phylogenetic studies and laboratory cultures, it has been proposed that the ability of microbes to metabolize iron has emerged prior to the Archaea/ Bacteria split. However, no unambiguous geochemical data supporting this claim have been put forward in rocks older than 2.7-2.5 giga years (Gyr). In the present work, we report in situ Fe and S isotope composition of pyrite from 3.28-to 3.26-Gyr-old cherts from the upper Mendon Formation, South Africa. We identified three populations of microscopic pyrites showing a wide range of Fe isotope compositions, which cluster around two δ 56 Fe values of −1.8‰ and +1‰. These three pyrite groups can also be distinguished based on the pyrite crystallinity and the S isotope mass-independent signatures. One pyrite group displays poorly crystallized pyrite minerals with positive Δ 33 S values > +3‰, while the other groups display more variable and closer to 0‰ Δ 33 S values with recrystallized pyrite rims. It is worth to note that all the pyrite groups display positive Δ 33 S values in the pyrite core and similar trace element compositions

    A New Model for the Spiral Structure of the Galaxy. Superposition of 2+4-armed patterns

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    We investigate the possibility of describing the spiral pattern of the Milky Way in terms of a model of superposition 2- and 4-armed wave harmonics (the simplest description, besides pure modes). Two complementary methods are used: a study of stellar kinematics, and direct tracing of positions of spiral arms. In the first method, the parameters of the galactic rotation curve and the free parameters of the spiral density waves were obtained from Cepheid kinematics, under different assumptions. To turn visible the structure corresponding to these models, we computed the evolution of an ensemble of N-particles, simulating the ISM clouds, in the perturbed galactic gravitational field. In the second method, we present a new analysis of the longitude-velocity (l-v) diagram of the sample of galactic HII regions, converting positions of spiral arms in the galactic plane into locii of these arms in the l-v diagram. Both methods indicate that the ``self-sustained'' model, in which the 2-armed and 4-armed mode have different pitch angles (6 arcdeg and 12 arcdeg, respectively) is a good description of the disk structure. An important conclusion is that the Sun happens to be practically at the corotation circle. As an additional result of our study, we propose an independent test for localization of the corotation circle in a spiral galaxy: a gap in the radial distribution of interstellar gas has to be observed in the corotation region.Comment: 17 pages, 9 figures, Latex, uses aas2pp4.st

    Isolation Precautions for Visitors

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    Transmission of organisms within the hospital setting has become a topic of major concern not only for patients and healthcare facilities but also for government agencies and the general public. This increased awareness has occurred in part due to the spread of organisms that have limited treatment options, such as carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae (CRE), as well as the heightened recognition that many hospital-associated infections (HAIs) are preventable. A large body of literature shows that horizontal transmission of multidrug-resistant organisms involves the hands, and potentially the attire, of healthcare workers (HCWs). This evidence provides the rationale for the use of standard and contact isolation precautions among HCWs. However, the health risks to visitors and the role of visitors in the horizontal transmission of pathogens within acute care hospitals is not as clearly defined. Consequently, uncertainty remains regarding which precautions visitors should take when interacting with patients placed on isolation precautions. Frequent arguments against the use of isolation precautions among visitors include lack of visitor movement between patient rooms, the difficulty of educating visitors, and the difficulty of enforcing compliance with isolation practices