2,364 research outputs found

    Non-adiabatic effects in the phonon dispersion of Mg 1--x Al x B 2

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    Superconducting MgB_2\_2 shows an E_2g\_{2g} zone center phonon, as measured by Raman spectroscopy, that is very broad in energy and temperature dependent. The Raman shift and lifetime show large differences with the values elsewhere in the Brillouin Zone measured by Inelastic X-ray Scattering (IXS), where its dispersion can be accounted for by standard harmonic phonon theory, adding only a moderate electron-phonon coupling. Here we show that the effects rapidly disappear when electron-phonon coupling is switched off by Al substitution on the Mg sites. Moreover, using IXS with very high wave-vector resolution in MgB_2\_2, we can follow the dispersion connecting the Raman and the IXS signal, in agreement with a theory using only electron-phonon coupling but without strong anharmonic terms. The observation is important in order to understand the effects of electron-phonon coupling on zone center phonons modes in MgB_2\_2, but also in all metals characterized by a small Fermi velocity in a particular direction, typical for layered compounds

    Low-cycle full-field residual strains in cortical bone and their influence on tissue fracture evaluated via in situ stepwise and continuous X-ray computed tomography

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    As a composite material, the mechanical properties of bone are highly dependent on its hierarchical organisation, thus, macroscopic mechanical properties are dictated by local phenomena, such as microdamage resulting from repetitive cyclic loading of daily activities. Such microdamage is associated with plastic deformation and appears as a gradual accumulation of residual strains. The aim of this study is to investigate local residual strains in cortical bone tissue following compressive cyclic loading, using in situ X-ray computed tomography (XCT) and digital volume correlation (DVC) to provide a deeper insight on the three-dimensional (3D) relationship between residual strain accumulation, cortical bone microstructure and failure patterns. Through a progressive in situ XCT loading–unloading scheme, localisation of local residual strains was observed in highly compressed regions. In addition, a multi-scale in situ XCT cyclic test highlighted the differences on residual strain distribution at the microscale and tissue level, where high strains were observed in regions with the thinnest vascular canals and predicted the failure location following overloading. Finally, through a continuous in situ XCT compression test of cycled specimens, the full-field strain evolution and failure pattern indicated the reduced ability of bone to plastically deform after damage accumulation due to high number of cyclic loads. Altogether, the novel experimental methods employed in this study, combining high-resolution in situ XCT mechanics and DVC, showed a great potential to investigate 3D full-field residual strain development under repetitive loading and its complex interaction with bone microstructure, microdamage and fracture

    An ecologic study

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    Background: Vancomycin-resistant enterococci (VRE) are among the most common antimicrobial-resistant pathogens causing nosocomial infections. Although antibiotic use has been identified as a risk factor for VRE, it remains unclear which antimicrobial agents particularly facilitate VRE selection. Here, we assessed whether use of specific antimicrobial agents is independently associated with healthcare-associated (HA) VRE rates in a university hospital setting in Berlin, Germany . Methods: We conducted the study between January 2014 and December 2015 at the Charité-university hospital of Berlin, Germany. From the hospital pharmacy, we extracted data for all antibacterials for systemic use (anatomical therapeutic chemical (ATC)-classification J01) and calculated ward specific antibiotic consumption in defined daily doses (DDDs) per 100 patient-days (PD). We used the microbiology laboratory database to identify all patients with isolation of invasive or non-invasive VRE and calculated HA-VRE incidence as nosocomial VRE-cases per 100 patients and HA-VRE incidence density as nosocomial VRE- cases per 1000 PD. We defined VRE isolates as hospital-acquired if they were identified three days or later after hospital admission and otherwise as community-acquired (CA-VRE). We performed univariable and multivariable regression analyses to estimate the association of the frequency of HA-VRE per month with antibiotic use and other parameters such as length of stay, type of ward or presence of at least one CA-VRE on ward. In a second analysis, we considered only patients with VRE infections. Results: We included data from 204,054 patients with 948,380 PD from 61 wards. Overall, 1430 VRE-cases were identified of which 409 (28.6%) were considered hospital-acquired (HA). We found that carbapenem use in the current month and prior-month use of glycopeptides increased the risk for HA-VRE by 1% per 1 DDD/100 PD and 3% per 1 DDD/100 PD, respectively. However, when only VRE from clinical samples were considered, only glycopeptide use showed a statistically significant association. In both models, detection of at least one patient with CA-VRE on a ward in the current month significantly increased the risk of HA-VRE, thereby indicating nosocomial spread of VRE. Conclusions: Our findings suggest that the risk of HA-VRE is associated with specific antimicrobial agents. Prudent use of these antimicrobial agents might reduce nosocomial VRE rates. That appearance of at least one CA-VRE case on the ward increased the risk of HA-VRE detection highlights the importance of strict hand hygiene practices to interrupt person-to-person transmission of VRE

    Evaluation of Wing Load Calibration and Sensing Methods Using Conventional Strain Gages and a Fiber Optic Sensing System Installed on a Straight Tapered Wing

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    This presentation presents the results from a wing load test in the FLL (Flight Loads Lab). Load calibration techniques for strain gages and fiber optics were compared and contrasted. This presentation has the potential to lead to more research testing at NASA Armstrong in the areas of load calibration technology

    Efecto del empleo de coeficientes de correlación de precios calculados con series de distinta longitud en los resultados económicos de un portfolio agrícola

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    p.53-63El objetivo del presente trabajo es evaluar el impacto de diferentes coeficientes de correlación de precios sobre la estimación del riesgo asociado a un portfolio agrícola. El estudio se efectuó sobre un portfolio de cultivos constituidos por trigo, girasol, maíz, soja de primera y soja de segunda en la zona oeste de la provincia de Buenos Aires. El análisis de riesgo se realizó mediante simulación Monte Carlo. Se consideraron como variables aleatorias los precios de los granos y los rindes de los cultivos. Para calcular distintas matrices de correlación se utilizarón cuatro series de precios (precios mensuales de los últimos 20 años, precios en el mes de cosecha de los últimos 20 años, precios mensuales de los últimos 5 años y precios en el mes de cosecha de los últimos 5 años). Se obtuvieron así cuatro modelos que sólo diferían en la matriz de correlación de precios. Se concluyó que el desvío estándar del resultado obtenido usando distintas matrices de correlación para las distribuciones de los precios de los granos difiere estadísticamente de un modelo a otro. Por lo tanto, en la evaluación del riesgo de un portfolio de actividades correlacionadas, debería prestarse especial atención en la elección de series de datos para la definición de los coeficientes de correlación a utilizar

    Reactivity of neodymium carriers in deep sea sediments: Implications for boundary exchange and paleoceanography

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    The dissolved neodymium (Nd) isotopic distribution in the deep oceans is determined by continental weathering inputs, water mass advection, and boundary exchange between particulate and dissolved fractions. Reconstructions of past Nd isotopic variability may therefore provide evidence on temporal changes in continental weathering inputs and/or ocean circulation patterns over a range of timescales. However, such an approach is limited by uncertainty in the mechanisms and importance of the boundary exchange process, and the challenge in reliably recovering past seawater Nd isotopic composition (εNd) from deep sea sediments. This study addresses these questions by investigating the processes involved in particulate–solution interactions and their impact on Nd isotopes. A better understanding of boundary exchange also has wider implications for the oceanic cycling and budgets of other particle-reactive elements. Sequential acid-reductive leaching experiments at pH ∼2–5 on deep sea sediments from the western Indian Ocean enable us to investigate natural boundary exchange processes over a timescale appropriate to laboratory experiments. We provide evidence that both the dissolution of solid phases and exchange processes influence the εNd of leachates, which suggests that both processes may contribute to boundary exchange. We use major element and rare earth element (REE) data to investigate the pools of Nd that are accessed and demonstrate that sediment leachate εNd values cannot always be explained by admixture between an authigenic component and the bulk detrital component. For example, in core WIND 24B, acid-reductive leaching generates εNd values between −11 and −6 as a function of solution/solid ratios and leaching times, whereas the authigenic components have εNd ≈ −11 and the bulk detrital component has εNd ≈ −15. We infer that leaching in the Mascarene Basin accesses authigenic components and a minor radiogenic volcanic component that is more reactive than Madagascan-derived clays. The preferential mobilisation of such a minor component demonstrates that the Nd released by boundary exchange could often have a significantly different εNd composition than the bulk detrital sediment. These experiments further demonstrate certain limitations on the use of acid-reductive leaching to extract the εNd composition of the authigenic fraction of bulk deep sea sediments. For example, the detrital component may contain a reactive fraction which is also acid-extractible, while the incongruent nature of this dissolution suggests that it is often inappropriate to use the bulk detrital sediment elemental chemistry and/or εNd composition when assessing possible detrital contamination of leachates. Based on the highly systematic controls observed, and evidence from REE patterns on the phases extracted, we suggest two approaches that lead to the most reliable extraction of the authigenic εNd component and good agreement with foraminiferal-based approaches; either (i) leaching of sediments without a prior decarbonation step, or (ii) the use of short leaching times and low solution/solid ratios throughout

    NASA Armstrong Flight Research Center (AFRC) Fiber Optic Sensing System (FOSS) Technology

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    Attached is a power point presentation created to assist the Tech Transfer Office and the FOSS project team members in responding to inquiries from the public about the capabilities of the Fiber Optic Sensing System