477 research outputs found

    KATANA - a charge-sensitive triggering system for the Sπ\piRIT experiment

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    KATANA - the Krakow Array for Triggering with Amplitude discrimiNAtion - has been built and used as a trigger and veto detector for the Sπ\piRIT TPC at RIKEN. Its construction allows operating in magnetic field and providing fast response for ionizing particles, giving the approximate forward multiplicity and charge information. Depending on this information, trigger and veto signals are generated. The article presents performance of the detector and details of its construction. A simple phenomenological parametrization of the number of emitted scintillation photons in plastic scintillator is proposed. The effect of the light output deterioration in the plastic scintillator due to the in-beam irradiation is discussed.Comment: 14 pages, 11 figure

    Quantitative reduction of RyR1 protein caused by a single-allele frameshift mutation in RYR1 ex36 impairs the strength of adult skeletal muscle fibres

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    Here we characterized a mouse model knocked-in for a frameshift mutation in RYR1 exon 36 (p.Gln1970fsX16) that is isogenic to that identified in one parent of a severely affected patient with recessively inherited multiminicore disease. This individual carrying the RYR1 frameshifting mutation complained of mild muscle weakness and fatigability. Analysis of the RyR1 protein content in a muscle biopsy from this individual showed a content of only 20% of that present in a control individual. The biochemical and physiological characteristics of skeletal muscles from RyR1Q1970fsX16 heterozygous mice recapitulates that of the heterozygous parent. RyR1 protein content in the muscles of mutant mice reached 38% and 58% of that present in total muscle homogenates of fast and slow muscles from wild-type (WT) littermates. The decrease of RyR1 protein content in total homogenates is not accompanied by a decrease of Cav1.1 content, whereby the Cav1.1/RyR1 stoichiometry ratio in skeletal muscles from RyR1Q1970fsX16 heterozygous mice is lower compared to that from WT mice. Electron microscopy (EM) revealed a 36% reduction in the number/area of calcium release units accompanied by a 2.5-fold increase of dyads (triads that have lost one junctional sarcoplasmic reticulum element); both results suggest a reduction of the RyR1 arrays. Compared to WT, muscle strength and depolarization-induced calcium transients in RyR1Q1970fsX16 heterozygous mice muscles were decreased by 20% and 15%, respectively. The RyR1Q1970fsX16 mouse model provides mechanistic insight concerning the phenotype of the parent carrying the RYR1 ex36 mutation and suggests that in skeletal muscle fibres there is a functional reserve of RyR1

    A novel experimental setup for rare events selection and its potential application to super-heavy elements search

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    The paper presents a novel instrumentation for rare events selection which was tested in our research of short-lived super-heavy elements production and detection. The instrumentation includes an active catcher multi-elements system and dedicated electronics. The active catcher located in the forward hemisphere is composed of 63 scintillator detection modules. Reaction products of damped collisions between heavy-ion projectiles and heavy-target nuclei are implanted in the fast plastic scintillators of the active catcher modules. The acquisition system trigger delivered by logical branch of the electronics allows to record the reaction products which decay via the alpha-particle emissions or spontaneous fission which take place between beam bursts. One microsecond wave form signal from FADCs contains information on heavy implanted nucleus as well as its decays

    The first search for bosonic super-WIMPs with masses up to 1 MeV/c2^2 with GERDA

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    We present the first search for bosonic super-WIMPs as keV-scale dark matter candidates performed with the GERDA experiment. GERDA is a neutrinoless double-beta decay experiment which operates high-purity germanium detectors enriched in 76^{76}Ge in an ultra-low background environment at the Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso (LNGS) of INFN in Italy. Searches were performed for pseudoscalar and vector particles in the mass region from 60 keV/c2^2 to 1 MeV/c2^2. No evidence for a dark matter signal was observed, and the most stringent constraints on the couplings of super-WIMPs with masses above 120 keV/c2^2 have been set. As an example, at a mass of 150 keV/c2^2 the most stringent direct limits on the dimensionless couplings of axion-like particles and dark photons to electrons of gae<31012g_{ae} < 3 \cdot 10^{-12} and α/α<6.51024{\alpha'}/{\alpha} < 6.5 \cdot 10^{-24} at 90% credible interval, respectively, were obtained.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Physical Review Letters, added list of authors, updated ref. [21

    Background free search for neutrinoless double beta decay with GERDA Phase II

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    The Standard Model of particle physics cannot explain the dominance of matter over anti-matter in our Universe. In many model extensions this is a very natural consequence of neutrinos being their own anti-particles (Majorana particles) which implies that a lepton number violating radioactive decay named neutrinoless double beta (0νββ0\nu\beta\beta) decay should exist. The detection of this extremely rare hypothetical process requires utmost suppression of any kind of backgrounds. The GERDA collaboration searches for 0νββ0\nu\beta\beta decay of 76^{76}Ge (^{76}\rm{Ge} \rightarrow\,^{76}\rm{Se} + 2e^-) by operating bare detectors made from germanium with enriched 76^{76}Ge fraction in liquid argon. Here, we report on first data of GERDA Phase II. A background level of 103\approx10^{-3} cts/(keV\cdotkg\cdotyr) has been achieved which is the world-best if weighted by the narrow energy-signal region of germanium detectors. Combining Phase I and II data we find no signal and deduce a new lower limit for the half-life of 5.310255.3\cdot10^{25} yr at 90 % C.L. Our sensitivity of 4.010254.0\cdot10^{25} yr is competitive with the one of experiments with significantly larger isotope mass. GERDA is the first 0νββ0\nu\beta\beta experiment that will be background-free up to its design exposure. This progress relies on a novel active veto system, the superior germanium detector energy resolution and the improved background recognition of our new detectors. The unique discovery potential of an essentially background-free search for 0νββ0\nu\beta\beta decay motivates a larger germanium experiment with higher sensitivity.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figures, 1 table; ; data, figures and images available at http://www.mpi-hd.mpg/gerda/publi

    Results from the first use of low radioactivity argon in a dark matter search

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    Liquid argon is a bright scintillator with potent particle identification properties, making it an attractive target for direct-detection dark matter searches. The DarkSide-50 dark matter search here reports the first WIMP search results obtained using a target of low-radioactivity argon. DarkSide-50 is a dark matter detector, using two-phase liquid argon time projection chamber, located at the Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso. The underground argon is shown to contain Ar-39 at a level reduced by a factor (1.4 +- 0.2) x 10^3 relative to atmospheric argon. We report a background-free null result from (2616 +- 43) kg d of data, accumulated over 70.9 live-days. When combined with our previous search using an atmospheric argon, the 90 % C.L. upper limit on the WIMP-nucleon spin-independent cross section based on zero events found in the WIMP search regions, is 2.0 x 10^-44 cm^2 (8.6 x 10^-44 cm^2, 8.0 x 10^-43 cm^2) for a WIMP mass of 100 GeV/c^2 (1 TeV/c^2 , 10 TeV/c^2).Comment: Accepted by Phys. Rev.

    The Large Enriched Germanium Experiment for Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay (LEGEND)

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    The observation of neutrinoless double-beta decay (0νββ{\nu}{\beta}{\beta}) would show that lepton number is violated, reveal that neutrinos are Majorana particles, and provide information on neutrino mass. A discovery-capable experiment covering the inverted ordering region, with effective Majorana neutrino masses of 15 - 50 meV, will require a tonne-scale experiment with excellent energy resolution and extremely low backgrounds, at the level of \sim0.1 count /(FWHM\cdott\cdotyr) in the region of the signal. The current generation 76^{76}Ge experiments GERDA and the MAJORANA DEMONSTRATOR utilizing high purity Germanium detectors with an intrinsic energy resolution of 0.12%, have achieved the lowest backgrounds by over an order of magnitude in the 0νββ{\nu}{\beta}{\beta} signal region of all 0νββ{\nu}{\beta}{\beta} experiments. Building on this success, the LEGEND collaboration has been formed to pursue a tonne-scale 76^{76}Ge experiment. The collaboration aims to develop a phased 0νββ{\nu}{\beta}{\beta} experimental program with discovery potential at a half-life approaching or at 102810^{28} years, using existing resources as appropriate to expedite physics results.Comment: Proceedings of the MEDEX'17 meeting (Prague, May 29 - June 2, 2017

    Characterization of 30 76^{76}Ge enriched Broad Energy Ge detectors for GERDA Phase II

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    The GERmanium Detector Array (GERDA) is a low background experiment located at the Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso in Italy, which searches for neutrinoless double beta decay of 76^{76}Ge into 76^{76}Se+2e^-. GERDA has been conceived in two phases. Phase II, which started in December 2015, features several novelties including 30 new Ge detectors. These were manufactured according to the Broad Energy Germanium (BEGe) detector design that has a better background discrimination capability and energy resolution compared to formerly widely-used types. Prior to their installation, the new BEGe detectors were mounted in vacuum cryostats and characterized in detail in the HADES underground laboratory in Belgium. This paper describes the properties and the overall performance of these detectors during operation in vacuum. The characterization campaign provided not only direct input for GERDA Phase II data collection and analyses, but also allowed to study detector phenomena, detector correlations as well as to test the strength of pulse shape simulation codes.Comment: 29 pages, 18 figure

    Limits on uranium and thorium bulk content in GERDA Phase I detectors

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    Internal contaminations of 238^{238}U, 235^{235}U and 232^{232}Th in the bulk of high purity germanium detectors are potential backgrounds for experiments searching for neutrinoless double beta decay of 76^{76}Ge. The data from GERDA Phase~I have been analyzed for alpha events from the decay chain of these contaminations by looking for full decay chains and for time correlations between successive decays in the same detector. No candidate events for a full chain have been found. Upper limits on the activities in the range of a few nBq/kg for 226^{226}Ra, 227^{227}Ac and 228^{228}Th, the long-lived daughter nuclides of 238^{238}U, 235^{235}U and 232^{232}Th, respectively, have been derived. With these upper limits a background index in the energy region of interest from 226^{226}Ra and 228^{228}Th contamination is estimated which satisfies the prerequisites of a future ton scale germanium double beta decay experiment.Comment: 2 figures, 7 page

    The background in the neutrinoless double beta decay experiment GERDA

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    The GERmanium Detector Array (GERDA) experiment at the Gran Sasso underground laboratory (LNGS) of INFN is searching for neutrinoless double beta decay of 76Ge. The signature of the signal is a monoenergetic peak at 2039 keV, the Q-value of the decay, Q_bb. To avoid bias in the signal search, the present analysis does not consider all those events, that fall in a 40 keV wide region centered around Q_bb. The main parameters needed for the neutrinoless double beta decay analysis are described. A background model was developed to describe the observed energy spectrum. The model contains several contributions, that are expected on the basis of material screening or that are established by the observation of characteristic structures in the energy spectrum. The model predicts a flat energy spectrum for the blinding window around Q_bb with a background index ranging from 17.6 to 23.8*10^{-3} counts/(keV kg yr). A part of the data not considered before has been used to test if the predictions of the background model are consistent. The observed number of events in this energy region is consistent with the background model. The background at Q-bb is dominated by close sources, mainly due to 42K, 214Bi, 228Th, 60Co and alpha emitting isotopes from the 226Ra decay chain. The individual fractions depend on the assumed locations of the contaminants. It is shown, that after removal of the known gamma peaks, the energy spectrum can be fitted in an energy range of 200 kev around Q_bb with a constant background. This gives a background index consistent with the full model and uncertainties of the same size