89 research outputs found

    Coarse graining equations for flow in porous media: a HaarWavelets and renormalization approach

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    Coarse graining of equations for flow in porous media is an important aspect in modelling permeable subsurface geological systems. In the study of hydrocarbon reservoirs as well as in hydrology, there is a need for reducing the size of the numerical models to make them computationally efficient, while preserving all the relevant information which is given at different scales. In the first part, a new renormalization method for upscaling permeability in Darcy’s equation based on Haar wavelets is presented, which differs from other wavelet based methods. The pressure field is expressed as a set of averages and differences, using a one level Haar wavelet transform matrix. Applying this transform to the finite difference discretized form of Darcy’s law, one can deduce which permeability values on the coarse scale would give rise to the average pressure field. Numerical simulations were performed to test this technique on homogeneous and heterogeneous systems. A generalization of the above method was developed designing a hierarchical transform matrix inspired by a full Haar wavelet transform, which allows us to describe pressure as an average and a set of progressively smaller scale differences. Using this transform the pressure solution can be performed at the required level of detail, allowing for different resolutions to be kept in different parts of the system. A natural extension of the methods is the application to two-phase flow. Upscaling mobility allows the saturation profile to be calculated on the fine or coarse scale while based on coarse pressure values. To conclude, an alternative approach to upscaling in multi-phase flow is to upscale the saturation equation itself. Taking its Laplace transform, this equation can be reduced to a simple eigenvalue problem. The wavelet upscaling method can now be applied to calculate the upscaled saturation profile, starting with fine scale velocity data

    Chromatin network markers of leukemia

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    Motivation The structure of chromatin impacts gene expression. Its alteration has been shown to coincide with the occurrence of cancer. A key challenge is in understanding the role of chromatin structure (CS) in cellular processes and its implications in diseases. Results We propose a comparative pipeline to analyze CSs and apply it to study chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL). We model the chromatin of the affected and control cells as networks and analyze the network topology by state-of-the-art methods. Our results show that CSs are a rich source of new biological and functional information about DNA elements and cells that can complement protein–protein and co-expression data. Importantly, we show the existence of structural markers of cancer-related DNA elements in the chromatin. Surprisingly, CLL driver genes are characterized by specific local wiring patterns not only in the CS network of CLL cells, but also of healthy cells. This allows us to successfully predict new CLL-related DNA elements. Importantly, this shows that we can identify cancer-related DNA elements in other cancer types by investigating the CS network of the healthy cell of origin, a key new insight paving the road to new therapeutic strategies. This gives us an opportunity to exploit chromosome conformation data in healthy cells to predict new drivers. Availability and implementation Our predicted CLL genes and RNAs are provided as a free resource to the community at https://life.bsc.es/iconbi/chromatin/index.html. Supplementary information Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online.This work was supported by the European Research Council (ERC) Consolidator Grant 770827, the Serbian Ministry of Education and Science Project III44006, the Slovenian Research Agency project J1-8155, The Prostate Project, and the Foundation Toulouse Cancer Santé and Pierre Fabre Research Institute as part of the Chair of Bio-Informatics in Oncology of the CRCT.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    A Boolean Gene Regulatory Model of heterosis and speciation

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    Modelling genetic phenomena affecting biological traits is important for the development of agriculture as it allows breeders to predict the potential of breeding for certain traits. One such phenomenon is heterosis or hybrid vigor: crossing individuals from genetically distinct populations often results in improvements in quantitative traits, such as growth rate, biomass production and stress resistance. Heterosis has become a very useful tool in global agriculture, but its genetic basis remains controversial and its effects hard to predict. We have taken a computational approach to studying heterosis, developing a simulation of evolution, independent reassortment of alleles and hybridization of Gene Regulatory Networks (GRNs) in a Boolean framework. Fitness is measured as the ability of a network to respond to external inputs in a pre-defined way. Our model reproduced common experimental observations on heterosis using only biologically justified parameters. Hybrid vigor was observed and its extent was seen to increase as parental populations diverged, up until a point of sudden collapse of hybrid fitness. We also reproduce, for the first time in a model, the fact that hybrid vigor cannot easily be fixed by within a breeding line, currently an important limitation of the use of hybrid crops. The simulation allowed us to study the effects of three standard models for the genetic basis of heterosis and the level of detail in our model allows us to suggest possible warning signs of the impending collapse of hybrid vigor in breeding. In addition, the simulation provides a framework that can be extended to study other aspects of heterosis and alternative evolutionary scenarios.Comment: See online version for supplementary materia

    Epigenome-wide analysis of T-cell large granular lymphocytic leukemia identifies BCL11B as a potential biomarker

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    Background The molecular pathogenesis of T-cell large granular lymphocytic leukemia (T-LGLL), a mature T-cell leukemia arising commonly from T-cell receptor αβ-positive CD8+ memory cytotoxic T cells, is only partly understood. The role of deregulated methylation in T-LGLL is not well known. We analyzed the epigenetic profile of T-LGLL cells of 11 patients compared to their normal counterparts by array-based DNA methylation profiling. For identification of molecular events driving the pathogenesis of T-LGLL, we compared the differentially methylated loci between the T-LGLL cases and normal T cells with chromatin segmentation data of benign T cells from the BLUEPRINT project. Moreover, we analyzed gene expression data of T-LGLL and benign T cells and validated the results by pyrosequencing in an extended cohort of 17 patients, including five patients with sequential samples. Results We identified dysregulation of DNA methylation associated with altered gene expression in T-LGLL. Since T-LGLL is a rare disease, the samples size is low. But as confirmed for each sample, hypermethylation of T-LGLL cells at various CpG sites located at enhancer regions is a hallmark of this disease. The interaction of BLC11B and C14orf64 as suggested by in silico data analysis could provide a novel pathogenetic mechanism that needs further experimental investigation. Conclusions DNA methylation is altered in T-LGLL cells compared to benign T cells. In particular, BCL11B is highly significant differentially methylated in T-LGLL cells. Although our results have to be validated in a larger patient cohort, BCL11B could be considered as a potential biomarker for this leukemia. In addition, altered gene expression and hypermethylation of enhancer regions could serve as potential mechanisms for treatment of this disease. Gene interactions of dysregulated genes, like BLC11B and C14orf64, may play an important role in pathogenic mechanisms and should be further analyzed.Open Access funding enabled and organized by Projekt DEAL. PJ was funded by IFORES and the Dr. Werner Jackstädt Stiftung. TL and ECdSP received funding from the Spanish Ministry of Science (Plan Nacional I + D+i PID2019-110183RB-C21); RK was supported by the DFG (KU1315/9-2).Peer Reviewed"Article signat per 17 autors/es:Patricia Johansson, Teresa Laguna, Julio Ossowski, Vera Pancaldi, Martina Brauser, Ulrich Dührsen, Lara Keuneke, Ana Queiros, Julia Richter, José I. Martín-Subero, Reiner Siebert, Brigitte Schlegelberger, Ralf Küppers, Jan Dürig, Eva M. Murga Penas, Enrique Carillo-de Santa Pau & Anke K. Bergmann"Postprint (published version

    Predicting the Fission Yeast Protein Interaction Network

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    A systems-level understanding of biological processes and information flow requires the mapping of cellular component interactions, among which protein–protein interactions are particularly important. Fission yeast (Schizosaccharomyces pombe) is a valuable model organism for which no systematic protein-interaction data are available. We exploited gene and protein properties, global genome regulation datasets, and conservation of interactions between budding and fission yeast to predict fission yeast protein interactions in silico. We have extensively tested our method in three ways: first, by predicting with 70–80% accuracy a selected high-confidence test set; second, by recapitulating interactions between members of the well-characterized SAGA co-activator complex; and third, by verifying predicted interactions of the Cbf11 transcription factor using mass spectrometry of TAP-purified protein complexes. Given the importance of the pathway in cell physiology and human disease, we explore the predicted sub-networks centered on the Tor1/2 kinases. Moreover, we predict the histidine kinases Mak1/2/3 to be vital hubs in the fission yeast stress response network, and we suggest interactors of argonaute 1, the principal component of the siRNA-mediated gene silencing pathway, lost in budding yeast but preserved in S. pombe. Of the new high-quality interactions that were discovered after we started this work, 73% were found in our predictions. Even though any predicted interactome is imperfect, the protein network presented here can provide a valuable basis to explore biological processes and to guide wet-lab experiments in fission yeast and beyond. Our predicted protein interactions are freely available through PInt, an online resource on our website (www.bahlerlab.info/PInt)

    Molecular Inverse Comorbidity between Alzheimer’s Disease and Lung Cancer: New Insights from Matrix Factorization

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    International audienceMatrix factorization (MF) is an established paradigm for large-scale biological data analysis with tremendous potential in computational biology. Here, we challenge MF in depicting the molecular bases of epidemiologically described disease-disease (DD) relationships. As a use case, we focus on the inverse comorbidity association between Alzheimer's disease (AD) and lung cancer (LC), described as a lower than expected probability of developing LC in AD patients. To this day, the molecular mechanisms underlying DD relationships remain poorly explained and their better characterization might offer unprecedented clinical opportunities. To this goal, we extend our previously designed MF-based framework for the molecular characterization of DD relationships. Considering AD-LC inverse comorbidity as a case study, we highlight multiple molecular mechanisms, among which we confirm the involvement of processes related to the immune system and mitochondrial metabolism. We then distinguish mechanisms specific to LC from those shared with other cancers through a pan-cancer analysis. Additionally, new candidate molecular players, such as estrogen receptor (ER), cadherin 1 (CDH1) and histone deacetylase (HDAC), are pinpointed as factors that might underlie the inverse relationship, opening the way to new investigations. Finally, some lung cancer subtype-specific factors are also detected, also suggesting the existence of heterogeneity across patients in the context of inverse comorbidity

    Automatic identification of informative regions with epigenomic changes associated to hematopoiesis

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    Hematopoiesis is one of the best characterized biological systems but the connection between chromatin changes and lineage differentiation is not yet well understood. We have developed a bioinformatic workflow to generate a chromatin space that allows to classify 42 human healthy blood epigenomes from the BLUEPRINT, NIH ROADMAP and ENCODE consortia by their cell type. This approach let us to distinguish different cells types based on their epigenomic profiles, thus recapitulating important aspects of human hematopoiesis. The analysis of the orthogonal dimension of the chromatin space identify 32,662 chromatin determinant regions (CDRs), genomic regions with different epigenetic characteristics between the cell types. Functional analysis revealed that these regions are linked with cell identities. The inclusion of leukemia epigenomes in the healthy hematological chromatin sample space gives us insights on the healthy cell types that are more epigenetically similar to the disease samples. Further analysis of tumoral epigenetic alterations in hematopoietic CDRs points to sets of genes that are tightly regulated in leukemic transformations and commonly mutated in other tumors. Our method provides an analytical approach to study the relationship between epigenomic changes and cell lineage differentiation. Method availability: https://github.com/david-juan/ChromDet.European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme [FP7/2007–2013, 282510 (BLUEPRINT)]; Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness and European Regional Development Fund [Project Retos BFU2015–71241-R]. Funding for open access charge: Project Retos BFU2015–71241-R (to A.V.).Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    3D chromatin connectivity underlies replication origin efficiency in mouse embryonic stem cells

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    In mammalian cells, chromosomal replication starts at thousands of origins at which replisomes are assembled. Replicative stress triggers additional initiation events from 'dormant' origins whose genomic distribution and regulation are not well understood. In this study, we have analyzed origin activity in mouse embryonic stem cells in the absence or presence of mild replicative stress induced by aphidicolin, a DNA polymerase inhibitor, or by deregulation of origin licensing factor CDC6. In both cases, we observe that the majority of stress-responsive origins are also active in a small fraction of the cell population in a normal S phase, and stress increases their frequency of activation. In a search for the molecular determinants of origin efficiency, we compared the genetic and epigenetic features of origins displaying different levels of activation, and integrated their genomic positions in three-dimensional chromatin interaction networks derived from high-depth Hi-C and promoter-capture Hi-C data. We report that origin efficiency is directly proportional to the proximity to transcriptional start sites and to the number of contacts established between origin-containing chromatin fragments, supporting the organization of origins in higher-level DNA replication factories.MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 [BFU2016-80402-R and PID2019-106707RB-100 to JM; BFU2016-78849-P and PID2019-105949GB-I00 to MG]; ‘ERDF A way of making Europe’; ‘CNIO Friends’ postdoctoral fellowship (to V.P.); Fondation Toulouse Cancer Santé and the Pierre Fabre Research Institute as part of the Chair of Bioinformatics in Oncology of the CRCT; CNIO-La Caixa predoctoral fellowships (to K.J., M.R.); Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology [FCT-SFRH/BD/81027/2011 to R.A.]; Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation [BES-2014–070050 to J.M.F.-J.]; Foundation for Polish Science co-financed by the European Union ERFD funds [TEAM/2016–3/30 to K.J.]; Polish National Science Centre [2020/37/B/NZ2/03757 to K.J.). Funding for open access charge: Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (PID2019-106707RB-100)

    In silico characterization and prediction of global protein–mRNA interactions in yeast

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    Post-transcriptional gene regulation is mediated through complex networks of protein–RNA interactions. The targets of only a few RNA binding proteins (RBPs) are known, even in the well-characterized budding yeast. In silico prediction of protein–RNA interactions is therefore useful to guide experiments and to provide insight into regulatory networks. Computational approaches have identified RBP targets based on sequence binding preferences. We investigate here to what extent RBP–RNA interactions can be predicted based on RBP and mRNA features other than sequence motifs. We analyze global relationships between gene and protein properties in general and between selected RBPs and known mRNA targets in particular. Highly translated RBPs tend to bind to shorter transcripts, and transcripts bound by the same RBP show high expression correlation across different biological conditions. Surprisingly, a given RBP preferentially binds to mRNAs that encode interaction partners for this RBP, suggesting coordinated post-transcriptional auto-regulation of protein complexes. We apply a machine-learning approach to predict specific RBP targets in yeast. Although this approach performs well for RBPs with known targets, predictions for uncharacterized RBPs remain challenging due to limiting experimental data. We also predict targets of fission yeast RBPs, indicating that the suggested framework could be applied to other species once more experimental data are available