2,209 research outputs found

    A gestão do conhecimento como fator competitivo na inovação

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    Mestrado em Engenharia e Gestão IndustrialNa situação atual em que se encontra o país e o mundo, é cada vez mais importante ser diferente, fazer diferente, para que seja possível nos destacarmos. No que toca a inovação o bem mais precioso de uma empresa é o conhecimento. Comparativamente a outros bens da empresa, este é bem mais difícil de organizar. O propósito da gestão de conhecimento é fomentar a criação de conhecimento de uma maneira sistemática numa organização. A gestão de conhecimento é fundamental para aumentar o valor de uma organização, que tem como ponto de partida a experiência humana. A gestão de conhecimento acaba por colocar as pessoas no centro do processo de inovação. Este trabalho descreve um projeto de gestão de conhecimento desenvolvido na Oliveira & Irmão, empresa dedicada a conceção, industrialização, produção e comercialização de autoclismos e mecanismos para a indústria cerâmica. Para a Oliveira & Irmão tornou-se crucial ser capaz de gerir um aumento de conhecimento, de forma torna-lo acessível e poder criar valor. Este projeto focou-se na identificação, sistematização e estruturação do conhecimento produzido na empresa, mas também no conhecimento com origem noutras fontes, sejam elas nas interfaces macro e micro, relativas a empresa. São descritos dois grandes resultados relativos ao projeto desenvolvido: o desenvolvimento de um sistema de gestão de ideias, que visa aproveitar e dar relevância às ideias dos seus colaboradores, e uma metodologia para monitorizar todo o processo de armazenamento e partilha de conhecimento da organização Os resultados do projeto estão contextualizados com um enquadramento conceptual, que identifica os conceitos chave para a gestão do Conhecimento e da Inovação.In the current situation of the country and the world, it is increasingly important to be different, do different, so you can stand-out. When it comes to innovation the most valuable asset of a company is knowledge. When compared to other company assets this is the most difficult to organize. The purpose of knowledge management is to foster an organizations’ ability for creating knowledge in a systematic manner. Knowledge management is fundamental for increasing the value of an organization, and is a process which has as a starting point the human experience. Knowledge management therefore puts people in the core of the innovation process. This work describes a knowledge management project developed at Oliveira & Irmão, a leading company in the business of design, manufacturing, production and marketing of cisterns and mechanisms for the ceramic industry. For Oliveira & Irmão it became crucial to be able to manage an increasing volume of knowledge, in order to make it accessible and valuable. The project was devoted to identifying, systematizing and structuring knowledge generated in the company, as well as the knowledge originated in other sources. Notably, the work addressed knowledge collected through the interfaces of the company with its micro and macro enveloping. Two main results of the project are described: the development of an idea management system, which aimed to leverage ideas generated by employees, is presented; and a methodology for monitoring the process of storing and sharing company knowledge. The project results are contextualized with an adequate conceptual framework, which identifies key concepts for Knowledge Management and Innovation


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    Poly PVC (chloride and vinyl) is a material widely used in the manufacture of various packaging and frames, in the pharmaceutical industry PVC and PVC / PVDC Poli (chloride and vinyl) give life to the blister packaging that protects the tablet in several ways , its barrier inhibits the contact of the tablet with air, bacteria, moisture etc. With the industrial advance, the blister has occupied a larger segment among the types of pharmaceutical packaging. Some materials, such as PVC, are widely used in the manufacture of blisters, having low cost and good thermoformability. The pharmaceutical industry seeks to qualify third-party suppliers to meet GMP requirements and good manufacturing practices, and ensures that that material will meet all the needs of protection required by ANVISAO PVC Poli(cloreto e vinila) é um material bastante utilizado na confecção de diversas embalagens e molduras, na indústria farmacêutica o PVC e o PVC/PVDC Poli(cloreto e vinila) dão a vida ao blister embalagem que protege o comprimido de diversas maneiras, sua barreira inibi o contato do comprimido com ar, bactérias, umidades etc. Com o avanço industrial, o blister tem ocupado um maior segmento entre os tipos de embalagens farmacêuticas. Alguns materiais como o PVC, são bastante utilizados na fabricação do blister, possuindo baixo custo e boa termoformabilidade a indústria farmacêutica busca qualificar fornecedores terceiros para atender os requisitos de BPF boas práticas de fabricação, e sê assegura que aquele material irar atender as necessidades de proteção exigida pela ANVISA &nbsp

    Rural electrification in the brazilian Amazon- scenario of non-interconnected system

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    This article presents an overview of electrification in Brazil, especially the Amazon region, showing the challenges encountered in this part of the country, which for the most part remain with cities as isolated systems because it is not connected to the national interconnected electrical grid. The article contextualizes the entire joint effort between the government and the private sector, as well as presenting the actions that are currently being adopted to promote rural electrification in the region

    Drying kinetics of pumpkin seeds

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    The study of drying kinetics is of fundamental importance for mathematical modeling, which has been widely used in the design and analysis of heat and mass transfer processes during drying. The objective of the experiment was to adjust mathematical models to the process drying pumpkin seeds (Cucurbita moschata) genotype Access 53 and cultivating Goianinha under different temperature conditions, determining the mathematical model that can better predict this event, the liquid diffusion and their respective activation energies. The experiment was developed at the Fitotechnics Laboratory of the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Goiás - Campus Iporá. Eleven mathematical models were used, adjusted by means of non-linear regression analysis by the Gauss-Newton method and for the degree of adjustment, the magnitude of the determination coefficient (R2), the chi-square test (χ2), relative mean error (MRE) and estimated standard deviation (SDE). He found that during the drying of pumpkin seeds the effective diffusion coefficient increases with the increase in temperature in both varieties. The Page model was the one that best described the drying phenomenon of pumpkin seeds genotype Acesso 53 and cv. Goianinha finding activation energy of 39,340 kJ mol-1 for genotype 53 and 43,239 kJ mol-1 for cv. Goianinha

    Enzyme activities and pectin breakdown of sapodilla submitted to 1-methylcyclopropene

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar a influência do 1-metilciclopropeno (1-MCP) nas atividades das enzimas hidrolíticas da parede celular e nas mudanças na degradação da pectina durante o amadurecimento de sapoti (Manilkara zapota cv. Itapirema 31). Frutos de sapotizeiro foram tratados com o inibidor da ação do etileno, 1-MCP, na concentração de 300 nL L-1, por 12 horas e armazenados sob atmosfera modificada, à temperatura de 25±2ºC, por 23 dias. A firmeza, conteúdo de pectina total e solúvel e enzimas da parede celular foram avaliados durante todo o período de armazenamento. O 1-MCP a 300 nL L-1 por 12 horas retardou significativamente o amolecimento de sapoti por 11 dias a 25ºC. O tratamento com 1-MCP afetou a atividade das enzimas pectinametilesterase e poligalacturonase e inibiu o aumento da atividade beta-galactosidase por 8 dias, e, conseqüentemente, resultou em menor solubilização das substâncias pécticas. A beta-galactosidase parece ser relevante no amolecimento de sapoti e responsável pela modificação das pectinas e das xiloglucanas ligadas as microfibrilas de celulose.The objective of this work was to investigate the influence of 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP) at 300 nL L-1 on activities of cell wall hidrolytic enzymes and pectin breakdown changes which Sapodilla (Manilkara zapota cv. Itapirema 31) cell wall undergoes during ripening. Sapodilla were treated with ethylene antagonist 1-MCP at 300 nL L-1 for 12 hours and then, stored under a modified atmosphere at 25ºC for 23 days. Firmness, total and soluble pectin and cell wall enzymes were monitored during storage. 1-MCP at 300 nL L-1 for 12 hours delayed significantly softening of sapodilla for 11 days at 25ºC. 1-MCP postharvest treatment affected the activities of cell wall degrading enzymes pectinmethylesterase and polygalacturonase and completely suppressed increases in beta-galactosidase for 8 days, resulting in less pectin solubilization. Beta-galactosidase seems relevant to softening of sapodilla and is probably responsible for modification of both pectin and xyloglucan-cellulose microfibril network

    Accuracy of transient elastography-FibroScan®, acoustic radiation force impulse (ARFI) imaging, the enhanced liver fibrosis (ELF) test, APRI, and the FIB-4 index compared with liver biopsy in patients with chronic hepatitis C

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    OBJECTIVES: Although liver biopsy is the gold standard for determining the degree of liver fibrosis, issues regarding its invasiveness and the small amount of liver tissue evaluated can limit its applicability and interpretation in clinical practice. Non-invasive evaluation methods for liver fibrosis can address some of these limitations. The aim of this study was to evaluate the accuracy of transient elastography-FibroScan®, acoustic radiation force impulse (ARFI), enhanced liver fibrosis (ELF), the aspartate aminotransferase-to-platelet ratio index (APRI), and the FIB-4 index compared with liver biopsy in hepatitis C. METHODS: We evaluated chronic hepatitis C patients who were followed at the Division of Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Hospital das Clínicas, Department of Gastroenterology of University of São Paulo School of Medicine, São Paulo, Brazil, and who underwent liver biopsy. The accuracy of each method was determined by a receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis, and fibrosis was classified as significant fibrosis (≥F2), advanced fibrosis (≥F3), or cirrhosis (F4). The Obuchowski method was also used to determine the diagnostic accuracy of each method at the various stages of fibrosis. In total, 107 FibroScan®, 51 ARFI, 68 ELF, 106 APRI, and 106 FIB-4 analyses were performed. RESULTS: A total of 107 patients were included in the study. The areas under the ROC curve (AUROCs) according to fibrosis degree were as follows: significant fibrosis (≥F2): FibroScan®: 0.83, FIB-4: 0.76, ELF: 0.70, APRI: 0.69, and ARFI: 0.67; advanced fibrosis (≥F3): FibroScan®: 0.85, ELF: 0.82, FIB-4: 0.77, ARFI: 0.74, and APRI: 0.71; and cirrhosis (F4): APRI: 1, FIB-4: 1, FibroScan®: 0.99, ARFI: 0.96, and ELF: 0.94. The accuracies of transient elastography, ARFI, ELF, APRI and FIB-4 determined by the Obuchowski method were F0-F1: 0.81, 0.78, 0.44, 0.72 and 0.67, respectively; F1-F2: 0.73, 0.53, 0.62, 0.60, and 0.68, respectively; F2-F3: 0.70, 0.64, 0.77, 0.60, and 0.67, respectively; and F3-F4: 0.98, 0.96, 0.82, 1, and 1, respectively. CONCLUSION: Transient elastography remained the most effective method for evaluating all degrees of fibrosis. The accuracy of all methodologies was best at F4

    Suicídio entre idosos no Brasil: uma revisão de literatura dos últimos 10 anos

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    O presente trabalho tem por objetivo explanar sobre o suicídio na velhice no Brasil por meio da revisão da literatura existente. Optou-se por empregar uma revisão exploratória da literatura, no respectivo banco de dados Scielo (Scientific Electronic Library Online), sendo utilizados, apenas, artigos publicados em língua portuguesa dos últimos 10 (dez) anos. Conclui-se com base nessa pesquisa, a partir de dados oficiais, que há evidências de casos suicidas entre idosos de ambos os gêneros em todas as regiões do país, sendo constatado que mover atenções a conjuntura sobre suicídio no Brasil é imprescindível. Quando relacionado ao público gerontológico revela a incidência do ato suicida como ação dolosa que perpassa a vida, não se restringindo a um público padrão e como caso de saúde pública que se desenvolve sob múltiplos fatores, os quais compreendê-los aumenta a eficácia de medidas de prevenção amenizando o impacto psicológico do ato suicida nas pessoas próximas

    Selection of reference genes for expression Study in pulp and seeds of Theobroma grandiflorum (Willd. ex Spreng.) Schum

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    Cupuassu (Theobroma grandiflorum [Willd. ex Spreng.] Schum) is a species of high economic importance in Brazil with great potential at international level due to the multiple uses of both its seeds and pulp in the industry of sweets and cosmetics. For this reason, the cupuassu breeding program focused on the selection of genotypes with high pulp and seed quality—selection associated with the understanding of the mechanisms involved in fruit formation. Gene expression is one of the most used approaches related to such understanding. In this sense, quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR) is a powerful tool, since it rapidly and reliably quantifies gene expression levels across different experimental conditions. The analysis by qPCR and the correct interpretation of data depend on signal normalization using reference genes, i.e. genes presenting a uniform pattern of expression in the analyzed samples. Here, we selected and analyzed the expression of five genes from cupuassu (ACP, ACT, GAPDH, MDH, TUB) to be used as candidates for reference genes on pulp and seed of young, maturing and mature cupuassu fruits. The evaluation of the gene expression stability was obtained using the NormFinder, geNorm and BestKeeper programs. In general, our results indicated that the GAPDH and MDH genes constituted the best combination as reference genes to analyze the expression of cupuassu samples. To our knowledge, this is the first report of reference gene definition in cupuassu, and these results will support subsequent analysis related to gene expression studies in cupuassu plants subjected to different biotic or abiotic conditions as well as serve as a tool for diversity analysis based on pulp and seed quality. (Résumé d'auteur


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    A cultura da abóbora é de grande importância para alimentação. Nos moldes da agricultura atual, a precisão de equipamentos é essencial para o êxito das atividades de pós colheita. Objetivou-se definir a forma e tamanho de duas variedades de abóboras em diferentes teores de água durante a secagem. O experimento foi desenvolvido no Instituto Federal Goiano – Campus Iporá. As sementes foram submetidas à secagem em estufa com ventilação de ar forçado a 45 °C, até atingir o teor de água de 0,0731 para cv. Rajada e 0,0711 para o AC 53 (base seca, b.s.). Foram avaliados comprimento, largura, espessura, circularidade, esfericidade, volume, diâmetro geométrico, área superficial, área projetada, relação superfície-volume e índice de contração volumétrica. A redução do teor de água proporciona a redução dos eixos ortogonais, esfericidade, volume, diâmetro geométrico, área superficial, área projetada e índice de contração volumétrica, aumento relação superfície volume durante o processo de secagem em sementes de abóbora. Nenhuma equação adequou-se aos dados de circularidade, sendo o valor médio para o AC 53 de 53,72% e para rajada de 60,24%. A equação que melhor representa a contração volumétrica da cv. Rajada é a equação Polinomial e para o AC 53, a de Bala & Woods. Palavras-chave: Secagem; propriedades físicas; cv. Rajada; cv. AC 53.   Shape and size of seeds of two varieties of pumpkins during drying   ABSTRACT: The pumpkin culture is of great importance for food. In the mold of today's agriculture, the precision of equipment is essential for the success of post-harvest activities. The objective was to define the shape and size of two varieties of pumpkins in different water levels during drying. The experiment was developed at the Instituto Federal Goiano - Campus Iporá. The seeds were submitted to oven drying with forced air ventilation at 45 °C, until reaching a moisture content of 0.0731 for cv. Rajada and 0.0711 for AC 53 (db). Length, width, thickness, circularity, sphericity, volume, geometric diameter, surface area, projected area, surface-volume ratio and volumetric contraction index were evaluated. The reduction of the moisture content provides the reduction of the orthogonal axes, sphericity, volume, geometric diameter, surface area, projected area and volumetric contraction index, increase in the surface volume ratio during the drying process in pumpkin seeds. No equation fit the circularity data, with the mean value for AC 53 being 53.72% and for Rajada 60.24%. The equation that best represents the volumetric contraction of cv. Blast is the Polynomial equation and for AC 53, Bala & Woods.  Keywords: drying; physical properties; cv. Rajada; cv. AC 53

    Multifractal characterization as a function of timescale in the light curves with planetary signal observed by the Kepler mission: Caracterização multifractal como uma função da escala de tempo em curvas de luz com sinal planetário observada pela missão Kepler

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    We investigate the evolution of five multifractal indicators of the Kepler Mission light curves of the moderately young Sun-like Kepler-30 star accompanied by a three-planet system. We focus not only on the fact that the rotational modulation has multifractality properties but also on some studies on these properties based on scale. Then, we systematically investigate the dynamic behaviors of the small and large fluctuations in two types of light curves (PDC and SAP). Those fluctuations indicate that the properties of stellar noise and rotation modulation are highlighted when we apply the Multifractal Detrended Moving Average (MFDMA) algorithm. Our results also demonstrated that the multifractality of the light curve is due to both long-range correlation and broad probability density function, but the main source of multifractality is the long-range correlation. This new approach can be used to develop theoretical and computational models for various stellar magnetic activity-related phenomena and their interactions with the planets, and it can greatly simplify spot modeling from current TESS and future PLATO data